Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 76. Joyous Occasion

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Joyous Occasion

I suspect that Wei Tan is a person who doesn't understand what 'depressed' means.
After returning from Wei Jue's place, he pondered alone for a long time. Based on my past experience of being scolded by Father, I thought that even though Wei Tan wouldn't shed tears at his age, it was inevitable that his mood would be off for at least two or three days. However, when I woke up in the middle of the night, the space beside me was empty, and Wei Tan had already disappeared without a trace.
Wang Hui said that Wei Tan ordered the soldiers to reinforce the rear army and build arrow towers around the vicinity.
I was very surprised and followed Wang Hui to take a look.
The scorching sun made me feel the burning rays even with my veil hat on. Dust was flying around the camp, and thousands of soldiers were busy, some carrying logs, others sawing and hammering. Wei Tan, wearing a short brown robe, and without a straw hat, stood on a hillside, directing a group of soldiers to assemble the new wooden tower.
I watched his figure walking back and forth, and suddenly I felt a somewhat inexplicable sense of peace.
"Shao Furen," at this moment, Wang Hui came over to report, saying, "Wang Zhangshi requests an audience."
Wang Ju? I nodded and said, "I'll go and inform Fujun, please have Wang Zhangshi wait in the tent."
"The one Wang Zhangshi wishes to see is Shao Furen." Wang Hui said.
I was surprised.
Wang Ju served as the Chief of Historian in Wei Jue's command and was highly regarded by Wei Jue. Among the three factions of advisors mentioned by Wei Ci, he was always the one who remained silent. However, I knew that he had a good relationship with Wei Tan, and when it came to the matter of succession, I never doubted that he was actually on Wei Tan's side.
Due to Father's connections, I can consider myself somewhat familiar with Wang Ju. However, I rarely converse with him, and this is only the second time he has sought a private audience with me.
"Greetings, Shao Furen." Inside the tent, Wang Ju greeted me as I entered, bowing respectfully.
"Wang Gong," I returned the gesture, smiling, "One hopes Wang Gong has been well."
"Shao Furen also looks well." Wang Ju said.
I looked at him and said, "Wang Gong's visit must have more than just a visit in mind."
Wang Ju smiled faintly, "Shao Furen has bright judgement." Then he composed himself a bit and said, "One wonders if Shao Furen is aware of the dispute between Da Gongzi and Chengxiang?"
Sure enough, it's indeed about that. I nodded, saying, "One heard a bit about it."
"One wonders, from Shao Furen's perspective, given the current situation, what do you think about Da Gongzi?"
One thing I dislike the most about scholars is that they always beat around the bush, trying to understand your intentions before they respond. I don't intend to play those games. I smiled, "If Wang Gong has something to say, please speak freely."
Wang Ju pondered and said, "Shao Furen, in Mou's opinion, Da Gongzi should retreat to Yongdu."
I was surprised, "What do you mean by that statement?"
Wang Ju explained, "Shao Furen, the last time Da Gongzi claimed illness, it was to avoid Chengxiang's scrutiny. The matter of the water fortress, Chengxiang has some resentment towards Da Gongzi. If Da Gongzi had remained patient yesterday and waited for some time, when the naval forces make their move, he could have caught any mistakes and used them to persuade Chengxiang. However, now that Chengxiang has been provoked, it's much more difficult to convince him."
After considering it for a moment, I said, "Even so, it shouldn't be necessary to retreat to Yongdu."
Wang Ju smiled wryly, glanced at the tent entrance, and whispered, "Does Shao Furen believe Chengxiang's campaign against the South this time will succeed or not?"
I was inwardly surprised and looked at him, asking, "Wang Gong meaning is…."
Wang Ju remained silent, only shaking his head.
"How do you come to that conclusion?" I asked.
"In previous campaigns, Chengxiang always deliberated extensively before taking action. Even in the seemingly perilous campaign against Tan last year, he understood the strengths and weaknesses, and his capable generals were adept at offense and defense. He leveraged our strengths to exploit their weaknesses, and the victory was already assured at the outset of the battle. However, the current situation is different. Chengxiang's campaign against the South, despite having a large number of troops and ample supplies, faces the challenge of lacking skilled naval forces. Moreover, venturing deep into enemy territory without sufficient reinforcements is a strategic blunder."
As Wang Ju spoke, he glanced at me and said, "Have Furen considered the potential pressure on our rear forces in the event of an unforeseen situation? If we were to retreat to Yongdu in advance, in case of any unexpected events, Da Gongzi not only could stay away from danger, but also defend Yongdu. Wouldn't that be a great advantage?"
My heart was pounding, I picked up the glass of water on the table and took a sip, but it still didn't ease the tension.
I may not understand all the intricacies of military strategy, but I could grasp the implication he was making. If Wei Jue were to lose this battle, being wounded or even losing his life was within the realm of possibility. In that case, if Wei Tan were to remain in control of Yongdu, there would be no more disputes over which son should inherit Wei Jue.
"Why didn't Wang Gong discuss this with Fujun directly?" After a moment of silence, I spoke again.
Wang Ju shook his head.
"Shao Furen," he let out a sigh and said with a bitter smile, "If Da Gongzi could be persuaded, he wouldn't have gone to reinforce the camp today. Now that Furen is here, One can only hope that Furen might influence his decision."
After Wang Ju left, I sat in the tent, still contemplating his words from a moment ago.
The assumption of Wei Jue's defeat was quite tempting to me.
But there's one thing I don't understand: if Wei Tan, like Wang Ju, agrees with the assessment of the situation, then his reluctance to retreat must be motivated by something other than strategic considerations.
I gazed at the tent entrance, taking a slow sip of tea.
Since leaving Chang'an, I've experienced turmoil, betrayal, suppression, and various conflicts – all the ugliness and helplessness. I've long ceased to be surprised by them. I no longer naively believe in concepts like integrity, nor do I care about pedigrees and social status. What matters most is being able to live well.
So, if Wei Tan could find a suitable excuse, like what Wang Ju suggested, to return to Yongdu, I'd be fully supportive. But Wei Tan isn't willing to do so.
Although we've never discussed this matter, after Wang Ju told me, I understood Wei Tan's determination. Wang Ju hopes I can persuade him, but that's an overestimation of my influence. Even if Wei Tan treats me well, could I really persuade him to abandon his father and seek personal gain?
"Shao Furen, it's almost noon. Would you like to have a meal first?" At that moment, Ah Yuan entered the tent.
I shook my head and yawned, "I think I'd like to rest for a while."
Ah Yuan looked surprised, "Shao Furen, it hasn't been an hour since you woke up, and you're already tired?"
I stretched lazily, "It's hot."
Ah Yuan nodded and went to lay out the bedding for me.
During lunch, Wei Tan returned. I had also just awakened from my short nap, and we had the meal together.
While on the march, meals aren't very elaborate. Today's dish was stewed meat, but the cook didn't do a good job; when it was brought out, one could tell from the smell that there was too much sauce.
I'm usually not particular about food, but this time, for some reason, as soon as I smelled that taste, a wave of nausea surged within me. I only managed to turn my head aside in time before I vomited.
"What's wrong?" Wei Tan was startled and rushed over to support me.
I felt both embarrassed and awkward, and I was about to push him away when that nauseating feeling surged once more, causing me to vomit again.
Wei Tan quickly had someone go and fetch Wei Jiao.
Wei Jiao, looking like he had just woken up, was brought over by Wang Hui. After he took my pulse, those two curved eyebrows twitched, and then he took my pulse again, his face breaking into a very satisfied smile.
"How is it?" Wei Tan asked.
"Congratulations, Da Gongzi," he bowed, "Shao Furen is pregnant."
Upon hearing this, both Wei Tan and I were momentarily stunned.
"Shao Furen is pregnant?!" It was Ah Yuan who reacted first, her eyes widening in excitement.
Wei Jiao nodded and calmly asked, "May this one inquire if Shao Furen's menstrual cycles were regular last month and this month?"
I shook my head, and the smile on my face couldn't be contained any longer. My menstrual cycle typically falls in the middle of the month. Last month, when Wei Tan went on this expedition, there were numerous household matters. I always felt a bit under the weather during my usual time. Since it didn't arrive, I thought it was due to the cold. As for this month, I've been on the road, traveling continuously, and considering the hardships of the journey, not having my period is actually a relief…
"Is it true? Not a misdiagnosis?!" Wei Tan grabbed Wei Jiao's arm, his dark eyes shining with delight, and his excited expression clearly read: 'If you dare to say it's a misdiagnosis, I'll kill you.'
Wei Jiao, with a somewhat helpless look, pulled his arm back, and his face turned rather unsightly. "Da Gongzi's words are strange! Mou is a Bian Que; how could possibly misdiagnose such trivial matters…"
"Ah Jin, are you hungry? Is there something you'd like to eat?" Without waiting for him to finish, Wei Tan had already taken my hand, his tone carrying a hint of nervousness.
"Not hungry." I shook my head, looking at him, not sure if it was the sun or the excitement, but his face had a rosy tint. His gaze was intense.
The unexpected news caught me off guard, and I wasn't sure how to react initially. But in that instant, when I met Wei Tan's eyes, it felt like a warm current flowed through my heart, as if mixed with honey, a sweet sensation.
Compared to that, the worries from earlier seemed insignificant.
The tent that was gloomy and heavy due to Wei Jue's scolding of Wei Tan yesterday was now filled with joy because of the happy news in my womb.
The busiest one was Wei Tan. His face was full of joy, and he carried an air of being in charge. At times, he persuaded me firmly, stating that after vomiting so much, I must be hungry, and there was another mouth to feed in my belly. Then he imperiously instructed Ah Yuan to bring the medicinal herbs brought from Yongdu for Wei Jiao to prepare tonics. A while later, he seemed to be deep in thought, mentioning that staying here wasn't conducive to taking care of my health and suggesting that I be immediately sent back to Yongdu.
"Mou thinks it's not advisable," Wei Jiao said in a leisurely manner. "Shao Furen is only about two months pregnant, which is the most dangerous time. The travel strain from the journey is not conducive to maintaining the pregnancy."
Wei Tan immediately stopped his plans. Hearing this, I couldn't help but recall Wang Ju's visit and couldn't help but smile wryly. Now, let alone Wei Tan, for the sake of the child, even I didn't want to leave.
Wang Hui couldn't keep a secret, and soon enough, Wei Ci and Wei An heard the news and rushed over.
"Ah An! You are really going to be a little uncle!" Wei Ci teased Wei An, who was smiling widely.
"I already am," Wei An said, his eyes scanning me from head to toe, as if trying to figure out what exactly had changed about me, making them so excited.
"This is different, the firstborn of the main branch!" Wei Ci emphasized the last four words, giving a wink to Wei Tan.
Upon hearing this, Ah Yuan's eyes lit up, and she asked Wei Jiao, "One wonders, is the child in Shao Furen's womb a boy or a girl?"
Wei Jiao replied with a playful smile, "Rest assured, rest assured. It's either a young master(gongzi) or a young miss (nujun)."
"That's not really an answer," Ah Yuan was dissatisfied.
"Tsk, tsk, Furen is only two months pregnant, even if you ask my master (shifu) would yield the same response," Wei Jiao replied with a chuckle.
Amidst their noisy banter, I joined in the laughter for a while, but before long, I started feeling tired again.
Wei Tan noticed my fatigue, and with a sweeping gesture, he shooed everyone away, leaving only him and me in the tent before long.
I lay on the bed, and Wei Tan sat beside me. He held one of my hands while the other gently rested on my lower abdomen. The curve at the corner of his eyes gave his face a joyful glow.
"Will it move?" he asked softly.
"No, not yet," I chuckled. "Fujun didn't hear what Wei Bian Que said? It's not even two months."
Wei Tan nodded, and the two of us exchanged a silent glance, each unable to hide our smiles.
"What does Fujun wanna say?" I asked.
"En?" Wei Tan's lips curved gently, he touched my head, and sighed softly, "I just wanted to look at you a bit more. You're still a charming beauty, but it won't be long before you become round as a barrel."
I got annoyed and gave him a glare.
But Wei Tan just chuckled, leaned down, and embraced me. He was very cautious, careful not to press on my belly, he only buried his head in the crook of my neck, gently caressing.
The weather was hot, and there was a thin layer of sweat on my body, but strangely, I didn't mind the heat at all. I had my arms around Wei Tan's shoulders, gazing at the tent above us, feeling my eyes grow slightly watery at times.
I recalled this time last year, when I was carefully calculating my future, even after deciding to go with Wei Tan, I was cautious, watching his every word and gesture. I wondered, since when have I been able to talk to him so naturally and hug this person so intimately… my husband.
"Fujun," after a moment, I softly spoke.
"Once the baby is stable, Fujun and Qie, let's go back to Yongdu, alright?"
Wei Tan's caress halted, and he looked up.
I gazed into those dark eyes, so close, reflecting my face, filled with anticipation as I looked at him.
Wei Tan smiled, gently stroked my hair for a moment, but remained silent.
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