Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 105. Chance Encounter

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Chance Encounter

When Wei Tan returned, I was in the midst of giving Ah Mi a bath.
Ah Mi thoroughly enjoys the water, her head and back cradled by the wet nurse's hands, while her tiny limbs kick and paddle in the water. Her eyes, distinct in black and white, widen in excitement. Just over a hundred days old, her features and body have blossomed considerably. Porcelain skin, rosy lips, and chubby arms and cheeks that always tempt one to give them a gentle squeeze.
"Da Gongzi." Ah Yuan greeted Wei Tan with a swift bow as soon as she saw him.
While I was washing Ah Mi's little hands and feet, I turned to glance at Wei Tan. "Fujun is back."
"En." Wei Tan walked over, his eyes filled with a smile. He crouched down beside the wooden basin. "Have you been good today?"
"Wu wu..." Ah Mi tilted her head back, humming some baby words that one didn't understand.
Wei Tan smiled and reached out to gently touch her face.
"Look at Fuqin." He leaned in, hands covering his face, his voice growing deep and slow. "Ah Mi... Where is Fuqin?"
Ah Mi looked at him and let out two soft "wu wu" sounds, then she playfully splashed the water twice with her hands.
"Ah Mi, Ah Mi..." Wei Tan covered his face, swaying from side to side, resembling a shaman dressed as a wild beast in a ceremonial robe.
"Wu..." Ah Mi's attention was captured by his demeanor, her two little eyes fixed on him.
Suddenly, Wei Tan stretched his neck to get close to her, his hands suddenly spreading wide, his eyes wide open. He pushed his chin out to make a comical expression, exclaiming, "Oh!"
Ah Mi was momentarily stunned, then her mouth forming a wide "giggling" shape.
"Oh!" Wei Tan did it again, this time with a different comical expression.
"Ge ge..." Ah Mi couldn't stop laughing.
Wei Tan was still dressed in his neatly arranged court attire, paired with that playful, mischievous expression on his face. It was incredibly comical.
Ah Yuan and the wet nurse shared a secret laugh, and I couldn't help but stifle a chuckle myself. Ever since Ah Mi learned to laugh, Wei Tan made it a daily mission to find new ways to make her giggle when he returned.
After amusing her for a while, I mentioned that the water was getting cold. I asked the wet nurse to lift Ah Mi out of the water to dry and dress her. Once she was tidied up, Wei Tan carried Ah Mi to the bed to play. I was feeling tired, having worked up quite a sweat, so I instructed Ah Yuan to prepare some dry clothes and get ready for a bath.
The water was just right, neither too warm nor too cool. The tub in the bathing room was newly made. Wei Tan found the previous one too small, so he instructed the steward to find a craftsman to make a larger one, big enough for a person to half-lie down in.
I leaned against the side of the tub, slowly wiping myself with a towel, all the while thinking about Pei Qian's situation.
"...I would rather if you felt I owed you something," his words from that night still echoed clearly in my mind.
Whether in resignation or reminiscence, every time I thought of him, a sigh would escape from the depths of my heart. The love of our youth, once thought to be unchanging even if the oceans dried and the rocks crumbled, had indeed changed. I believed I hated him, for a long while even forcing myself not to think of his name. Yet when we met again, I discovered his presence was everywhere.
When was it that I truly let go of him and the past?
Is it after I decided to live with Wei Tan?
I don't really know. When it comes to Pei Qian, everything from before remains vivid and indelible. I'll reminisce, but there's no longer a heart full of resentment. He, like the past, embodies the most beautiful part of my life. I cherish him, just like I cherish my name and everything about Chang'an. I'll worry for him, silently concerned about his future, but I understand that the past is just that, the past. None of us can go back.
He thinks the same too, right?
So he has always chosen to stay in Jiangdong. Even if he were to leave now, he wouldn't come back…
I gazed at the faint mist above, letting out a gentle sigh.
Suddenly, there was the sound of the door being pushed open. I thought it was Ah Yuan, but the footsteps didn't match hers.
En? I snapped back to my senses and turned my head.
To find Wei Tan striding in.
"Why has Fujun come here?" I blushed and quickly sat up in the water, using a towel to cover my chest.
"En?" Wei Tan glanced at me, then calmly walked to the stool and began undressing. "Oh, Weifu is tired too, so has come for a bath."
I was left speechless.
Before I could gather my thoughts on what to say, Wei Tan swiftly and deftly undressed, taking only a few moments. With a long stride, he approached me. As he extended his legs, a rush of water spilled over the edge of the tub with a loud "splash," and he settled in.
The water was starting to get a bit warm. I stared at Wei Tan and couldn't help but turn around, making sure the door was securely closed.
Even though the tub was large and new, accommodating two people didn't leave much room to spare. My limbs were pressed against Wei Tan's, and I couldn't help but anxiously glance at the sides of the tub, half-expecting it to suddenly split open.
"Why not saying anything?" Wei Tan effortlessly picked me up and settled me onto his lap. His face was bathed in the flickering candlelight, a play of light and shadow. His eyes were deep and as dark as ink.
Rogue he may be, but when he's alluring, he does it quite well.
"Want me to say what?" I smiled too, speaking softly. I lifted my hand from the water and gently traced his lips.
A droplet trickled down from my fingertip, gliding over his chin and neck, trailing down his throat, before finally landing on his chest.
"Furen doesn't wish to bathe Weifu?" Wei Tan smiled, his voice slightly husky with restrained desire. He slowly pulled down the wet towel from my chest.
The thing under the water was already hard and imposing. Wei Tan lifted my waist, the elevated part emerged above the water's surface, His breath and eyes did not hide the surging excitement.
The thing that he wanted to do, I also want to do.
After Ah Mi's Full Moon celebration, though we engaged in some marital activities, it was always me who "did it for him". Therefore, after Ah Mi turned three months old, Wei Tan was very eager and couldn't wait any longer.
But strangely, we didn't proceed smoothly. What used to come naturally became quite challenging. We attempted it twice, and both times were incredibly difficult. I felt an unbearable pain, much like the first time, and in the end, unable to endure it, I forcefully pushed Wei Tan away.
Wei Tan was very confused, and I was too. After that, we never attempted it again.
But now, I know, he's truly a resilient person.
Wei Tan called my name, lingering between my lips and neck, and buried his passionate kiss on my chest. He lifted my hips and entered slowly. Our breaths mingled, and I clung to his neck, following his rhythm.
The water was smooth and warm. It was still a bit difficult but not as painful as the previous one.
"How is it...?" he asked, looking up at me.
I was catching my breath, saying, "Just good…" After that, I lowered my head and blocked his lips forcefully…
The members of the Pei clan arrived in Yongdu early in the Sixth Month. I didn't go to see them, but I heard that the court reinstated Pei Taishi to his former position and granted them a residence on the west side of the city.
Pei Kuan once came to our residence to express his gratitude, and it was Wei Tan who went to the main hall to meet him at that time.
"Jiyuan has never come to Yongdu, he went on a wandering journey," Wei Tan returned and told me.
"So it's like that," I replied amiably.
In truth, I didn't expect Wei Tan to personally inform me about Pei Qian's matters. Although he mentioned it a bit late, I no longer held any illusions about it (his well being).
On the 6th day of the Sixth Month, it is the custom in Yongdu for parents to take their young children to the temple to seek blessings. Although neither Wei Tan nor I are natives of Yongdu, the weather was clear, and I had the idea of taking Ah Mi out for a walk. This way, I could also visit the Li residence.
So, on that day, I had the household prepare offerings and we went to the temple.
The temple was bustling with people, all seeking blessings for their young children. I even recognized some of the officials' families whom I had seen on ordinary days. With the crowd being overwhelming, I left the temple after offering my prayers and headed to Li Shang's house.
Li Shang was as meticulous as ever. He personally came to the door to greet me and bowed in welcome, accompanied by Li Huan. When he saw that I had brought Ah Mi with me, his face lit up with a smile, and his wrinkles seemed to deepen in delight.
"If Zhugong were still here, who knows how happy..." Li Shang sighed, and suddenly, his eyes welled up with tears.
I understand his temperament, so I tried to comfort him along with Ah Yuan.
Li Shang wiped his eyes with self-deprecation, and without saying more, he led us inside. But just as we reached the front hall, we suddenly heard hearty laughter coming from within.
I was surprised and looked at Li Shang.
Li Shang smiled and said, "There's a guest in the hall, and it's quite a coincidence. Furen is acquainted with them."
"Oh?" My heart skipped a beat. As I entered the hall, indeed, there were three individuals seated inside. It was Yang San and Deng Wu, along with another person. He had a sturdy build and a rugged face covered in a thick beard.
"This is Ma Gong," Li Shang introduced.
"What Ma Gong or Niu Gong! Li Xiong is teasing!" The man waved his hand, laughing as he approached, and gave me a bow. "Ma Kui from Runan, pays his respect to Furen!"
So it was Ma Kui.
I looked at Li Shang and smiled at Ma Kui, saying, "So it's Ma Jiangjun. Qie has long heard of you."
Ma Kui waved his hand. "We're just common folks, can't bear to be addressed as Jiangjun!"
I smiled pleasantly. "Throughout history, many heroes have risen from common ranks. What harm is there in addressing you as Jiangjun?"
Upon hearing this, Yang San clapped his hands and laughed heartily. "Furen speaks the truth! Da Ge has roamed far and wide, and so many who were called Jiangjun couldn't measure up to him. How can he claim it's too much?"
Ma Kui also laughed and gave me a bow. "Mou is ashamed."
After the pleasantries, everyone took their seats. Li Shang began to tell me about Ma Kui and the others. As expected, they were brought here by Gongyang Gui. They had sought refuge in Li Shang's home under the guise of being friends of Gongyang Gui.
"Mou's subordinate brothers may not have recognized Furen's grace, and have caused some offense in Jiangdong. One hopes Furen will not take offense," Ma Kui bowed to me and said.
I smiled and replied, "All of you brothers are heroic individuals. Qie and Si Shu were in Jiangdong, and without the protection of all of you, our lives would have been in danger. How can One be angry?"
Everyone smiled in response.
I asked again, "One wonders the purpose of Jiangjun and brothers' visit this time?"
Ma Kui explained, "To be honest, Furen, Da Sima entrusted us with the task of escorting the members of the Pei clan out. We took the opportunity to come to Yongdu along the way."
"Furen doesn't know!" Yang San laughed. "We reenacted the stunt of setting fire and breaking out of prison in the city of Yangzhou, and Wu Kun fell for it just as foolishly, letting us go without a hitch!"
"It's also Da Sima's brilliant strategy!" Deng Wu said with satisfaction. "If it weren't for the household letter being leaked to Wu Kun, we might have had to wait another month or two before taking action!"
Household letter? I heard this and my smile froze.
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