Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 110. Veiled Taunt (Part 1)

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Veiled Taunt (Part 1)

"Zhangsao." Wei Zhao's voice came, I looked up and saw him approaching, bowing to me.
"Er Shu." I returned the gesture.
Wei Zhao said, "Is Zhangsao returning to the mansion? Di can accompany Zhangsao back."
I shook my head and replied, "Thank you, Er Shu. Qie still needs to go to the temple to pray for blessings."
Wei Zhao looked slightly surprised, gazing at me for a moment before a faint smile appeared. "Praying for Xiongzhang?"
I replied, "Jiushi and the whole household are participating. Today is the fifteenth day, a fitting day to repay the gods."
Wei Zhao nodded, "So it is like that." With that, he bid me farewell and turned to leave.
I do indeed need to go to the temple to pray for blessings. Of course, that temple is Qiong Hua Temple. It's been a long time since I've seen Ruochan. She invited me a few times, but I declined because of various matters in the mansion.
Today, Wei Tan went out, and I happened to have some free time, so it would be a good opportunity to go and see her.
The weather is overcast, but it's not too humid up in the mountains. Ruochan didn't brew tea, but instead used the spring water from the mountains to cool the fruits and melons. When we sliced them open, the taste was truly delightful.
"This is Ah Mi?" Ruochan looked at Ah Mi in my arms, smiling, and gently touched her face.
"Mmm..." Ah Mi looked at her and hummed softly.
"Eat some sweet melon," Ruochan picked up a slice and handed it to her.
Ah Mi didn't hesitate to reach for it, but I stopped her.
"She can't eat it," I told Ruochan.
"Is that so?" Ruochan was a bit surprised. She sighed regretfully as she looked at Ah Mi. "What a pity. Your mother used to eat anything when she was a child."
I gave her a stern look.
"So many taboos for children?" Ruochan took back the sweet melon and asked.
"You'll know once you have one," I replied.
Ruochan smiled dismissively.
"What have you been busy with lately?" I asked.
"What else could it be?" Ruochan said, "I went to Chang'an to look for some estates."
I was surprised, "Estates?"
"Exactly," Ruochan said, "The capital will eventually be moved back to Chang'an. If we wait until then to acquire them, it will be too late."
I was even more puzzled, "How do you know?"
Ruochan smiled, "I have my own methods. Yongdu is too small. Once the court stabilizes, the capital will return back to Chang'an." After speaking, she glanced at me, "Da Gongzi hasn't mentioned this to you?"
I didn't respond, but my heart was filled with ripples.
"...Fujun will rebuild Chang'an?"
"...I will. Would Furen be willing to join me?"
The voices seemed distant yet near, as if they had never left my heart. I lowered my head and gently nuzzled Ah Mi's head, bringing my thoughts back from their wandering.
"Are you planning to expand the entertainment pavilion further?" I changed the subject. "What did Gongyang Gongzi say about it?"
"How's that related to him?" Ruochan glanced at me, her brows slightly furrowed.
"Is this all there is between you and him?" I probed, "Aren't you afraid that one day he might be taken away by someone else?"
"If he leaves, then so be it," Ruochan seemed entirely indifferent, a cold smile playing on her lips. "Who can't do without whom?"
I fell silent.
Ah Yuan mentioned that Ruochan has been avoiding meeting Gongyang Gui. Both of them are equally stubborn and neither is willing to yield. Honestly, I don't really want to get involved. However, Gongyang Gui has shown kindness to me, and from what I know of Ruochan, she isn't entirely indifferent to him either.
"I'm not like you," Ruochan seemed to have glimpsed my thoughts, and she smiled faintly. "I can't stay confined in the backyard, and Da Gongzi won't suddenly vanish from your life without a trace."
I extended my finger to let Ah Mi play with, and after a moment, I smiled and replied, "Is that so?"
The news from Wei Tan has finally arrived. Ten days later, a servant came to report that Wei Tan's large army was still on the way, but the vanguard had already reached Xin'an.
The messages brought by the messenger are handwritten letters from Wei Tan, arriving every three to five days. It seems he's sometimes busy, sometimes not, which reflects in the varying lengths of his letters. When they're longer, he writes like keeping a diary, detailing what he ate that day, what he did during the day, what he did at night, and how he misses both me and Ah Mi when he goes to bed. When they're shorter, he simply sends a few words, expressing well-wishes and the like.
Apart from that, there have been other pieces of news. After Ah Yuan visited Li Shang once, he came back to tell me that the situation on the frontline seems to be getting tense. Wei Tan has been conscripting men and collecting provisions around Taizhou, Renyang, and Runan near Xin'an. He's also relocating the people from several towns and cities in the name of stationing troops. This matter has caused quite a stir in the court.
I don't understand much about military and political matters, especially when it comes to someone as cunning as Wei Tan. He leads the army, and he must have his reasons for his actions.
The Eight Month arrived, and the weather became unpredictable, alternating between sunshine and rain.
As the day of Ren Ji's delivery drew near, Guo Furen ordered a room in the side courtyard to be prepared as a delivery chamber. It was on the night when the experienced midwife and wet nurse had just been arranged that Ren Ji cried out in pain. In the early hours of the following day, she gave birth to a baby boy.
Wei Tan now has a new younger brother.
When I heard this news, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It reminded me of the anticipation everyone had when I was carrying Ah Mi. Wei Tan needed a boy so desperately, yet fate chose to grant a boy to the person who needed it least.
Even though Wei Jue was seriously ill and couldn't speak, when he heard that he had gained another son, his joy was unmistakable and unreserved.
Guo Furen wasn't as elated as she was when Xu Ji gave birth to Wei Zhi, but she was still bustling around, making sure everything was in order. After a few days, palace attendants came to invite the noblewomen, saying that the Empress wanted to bestow silk fabrics and had invited women of all ranks to the palace.
The bestowal of silk was a significant event in the inner palace, personally overseen by the Empress to demonstrate the royal care for noblewomen. During the reign of the late Emperor, this event took place annually. However, after He Kui's misrule and the subsequent hardship on the people, the bestowal of silk was discontinued. From last year to this year, the agricultural harvests have been favorable, and the granaries were well-stocked with surplus grain and silk. Therefore, it was only fitting for Empress Xu to reinstate the practice of bestowing silk.
Since (Wei Jue) falling ill, Guo Furen rarely attended social gatherings outside, but palace banquets were a different matter. In the Wei residence, apart from Guo Furen, myself, and Liang Hui, Zhou Shi, Mao Shi, and several other women from the clan who were considered noblewomen were invited. On the day of the silk bestowal, the carriages from the Wei household formed a long procession as they hurried into the palace.
I'm in good spirits. The reason being, before leaving, I received a letter from Wei Tan.
The letter arrived just in time. Just as I was about to board the carriage, the messenger arrived.
"Meng Jing's letter?" Guo Furen's eyesight was keen as she looked over.
"Indeed," I replied.
Guo Furen furrowed her brows slightly. "Meng Jing, burdened with the affairs of the state, sends a letter every three to five days. Such a display of filial piety is not characteristic of a Da Sima."
Listening to her words, though it irked me a bit, I understood her temperament. This matter couldn't be kept from her.
"Er Fu understands. One will surely convey Gushi's words to Fujun," I replied in a gentle tone.
Guo Furen glanced at me, said nothing more, and was helped onto the carriage by a maid.
As soon as I settled into the carriage, I couldn't wait to open the letter.
This letter was quite different. At first glance, it seemed chaotic, filled with doodles. I was puzzled for a moment when I opened it. However, upon closer inspection, I realized they were a series of small drawings, each featuring a little figure with a large head, two black dots for eyes, a small hole for a mouth, and limbs and torso that formed the shape of the character "大". In some scenes, this figure was riding an inexplicable creature that resembled a horse, as if in a gallop. In others, the figure held a sword, as if engaged in martial arts practice. And at times, it stood on a boat, with a few waves depicted below, as if on a river… The last one, it sat on the ground, one hand drawn disproportionately long, cradling two figures, one large and one small. The larger figure was unmistakably wearing a skirt(the long skirt in hanfu).
Childish, I silently mused, but I couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was like savoring the sweetest honey, so much so that even the tediousness of being in a carriage couldn't wipe the smile from my face as I journeyed along.
When noblewomen were invited to the palace, there were certain dress codes to follow. Today's attire didn't require much thought. However, among the group of impeccably dressed women, Liang Hui stood out. As a princess, she didn't have to adhere to the usual conventions and constraints that applied to ordinary women. She wore exquisite silk, adorned with a plethora of pearls and precious stones, giving her the air of a distinguished guest returning to her maternal home.
"She is an Imperial Princess after all," Mao Shi remarked in a low voice, watching Liang Hui receive the greetings from palace attendants with her head held high. Her tone carried a certain meaning.
I remained silent but glanced at Guo Furen. Liang Hui handled the greetings and inquiries about palace matters with an air of authority, almost like a master (of the family). While Guo Furen didn't say anything, there was a hint of displeasure in her gaze.
"Fu Furen," a eunuch approached and bowed to me. I nodded and inquired, "One wonders in which palace the bestowed silks are kept?"
"The bestowed silks are in the Sandalwood Palace. Please allow Xiaoren to escort the esteemed ladies there," the eunuch replied.
I agreed.
The Sandalwood Palace was one of the larger chambers within the Imperial Palace in Yongdu. It was adjacent to the Imperial Garden, and it was often used for banquets and gatherings attended by the Emperor, Empress, and court officials on ordinary days.
There were quite a number of noblewomen from both the court and the city, and although this silk bestowal was limited to those with a rank of six hundred or higher, the constant flow of esteemed guests was enough to fill the Sandalwood Palace to its capacity.
I used to not enjoy mingling too much with these noblewomen. I thought listening to their gossip was less enjoyable than discussing with Li Shang on how to make money. However, since that day when Wang Ju spoke with me, I've also reflected on my own behavior.
These women, their husbands are all court officials, and their maternal families, even if not prominent, are from noble lineages. Now that Wei Tan's position in the court is delicate, maintaining good relations with them is definitely a wise move.
Guo Furen excels at this. While she doesn't readily go out, she maintains close relationships with the wives of several court officials. For instance, there's the wife of Liang Rong the Minister of Rites (太常-taichang) Lu Shi, the wife of Wen Zhen the Chief Secretary (尚书令 -shàngshū lìng) Tong Shi, the wife of Gao Ying the Left Military Advisor (左军师 -zuǒ jūnshi) Tang Shi, and so on. Among them all, Dong Shi, the wife of Guo Cheng, is the most enthusiastic. When she sees Guo Furen, she warmly approaches, greeting her with both a bow and inquiries about her well-being.
During the greetings, they all show proper respect towards me. However, there's a noticeable distance in their demeanor. Their enthusiasm towards Liang Hui far surpasses their attitude towards me.
I'm not surprised by this. Their husbands are already supporters of Wei Zhao. Even if I were inclined to win them over, I wouldn't gain their favor in front of Guo Furen.
However, when I saw Wang Ju's wife, Du Shi, General Wen Fang's wife, Cao Shi, and Minister of Education Zhang Xian's wife, Lu Shi, among others, I also greeted them with a gentle smile.
I exchanged greetings with them. With Du Shi, I discussed the latest news about Wang Ju in Xin'an. I inquired about Cao Shi's newly born granddaughter and complimented Lu Shi on her newly adorned jade hairpin. When Yuying and her companions approached to greet me, the atmosphere became even livelier. The women gathered together, creating a distinct separation from Guo Furen's group.
Not long after, Empress Xu arrived. The women fell silent and resumed their positions, greeting her respectfully.
Empress Xu appeared in good spirits, wearing the fashionable "chuí shāo" hairstyle that was popular in Chang'an during the late reign of the late Emperor, with wide sleeves that fluttered gracefully. I noticed she was holding a little boy who was unsteady on his feet. He was Prince Li, the son left behind by the late Ji Guiren, who was sentenced to death (from the attempt to poison Wei Jue incident). He had been cared for by Empress Xu ever since.
Following them were two concubines. They were nieces of Wei Jue, sent into the palace last year and both granted the title of "Jieyu". Now, one of them is already with child and has been promoted to the rank of "gui ren".
Empress Xu sat at the uppermost seat with Prince Li, and the others took their respective places. The musicians played, and the eunuchs came forward one by one, carrying various colored silks. Despite being called a "bestowal of silks," with hundreds of people present, Empress Xu couldn't personally hand them out one by one. After personally bestowing some to the noblewomen from the families of high-ranking officials, she had the eunuchs distribute the rest.
Of course, even though I have a grudge in my heart, for the blessing of the Wei family, I still had to bow and accept the bestowed silks in front of Empress Xu.
The Wei family was one of the most prominent ministers in the court, holding titles equivalent to princes and dukes. The silks received by Guo Furen, myself, and Liang Hui were all of the most esteemed crimson shade in the kingdom.
"Furen, be in good health," Empress Xu said gently as she placed the silks in my hands. Her fingers lightly brushed against mine, slightly cool to the touch.
"Thank you, Your Majesty," I replied, bowing my head. Then, I lowered my gaze and stepped back.
Empress Xu also showed great courtesy to Wei Jue's two nieces, bestowing their mother with scarlet silk. The women of the Wei family were either in scarlet or yellow, making them unique among the crowd.
There were tables and seats arranged in the garden, already filled with small snacks and fruits. After the bestowal of silks, it was time for a leisurely stroll in the garden. The women naturally formed their own small groups, and both Guo Furen and I were surrounded by a good number of people.
"Ah Jin, on this rare visit to the palace, why didn't you bring Xiao Nǚjun along?" Yuying asked me with a smile.
I smiled and said, "Bring her for what? You have no idea how troublesome she can be when she starts crying and refuses to stop. She's so stubborn, even a deity would be driven to distraction."
The women all laughed. Once the topic of children was brought up, the conversation naturally expanded.
"Babies are bound to be a bit fussy," Cao Shi laughed. "Xiao Nǚjun is now at the age where she starts recognizing people and trying to talk. It's truly adorable."
"I heard Da Sima dotes on Xiao Nǚjun greatly," a young woman said. "He even went through numerous books just to choose a name for her."
It was I who went through numerous books. I thought to myself with a smile, "Who wouldn't adore a newborn baby?"
"Exactly," a voice chimed in from the side. It was Dong Shi, the wife of Guo Cheng(Guo Furen's relative). Guo Furen and the others had turned their attention to us at some point. I could see a subtle smile playing on Dong Shi's lips. "Da Gongzi had a daughter as his firstborn, he will surely pamper her."
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