Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 47. Reward

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封赏(fēngshǎng)-(of an emperor) award (title, property) to an official
I didn't deceive Wei Tan. My period really came. However, I admit that when he was impatient and anxious, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction after saying that sentence and seeing his expression change.
He seemed unwilling to accept it. He nibbled on my neck for quite a while. Finally, he said he would 'freshen up' and then left after getting dressed. When he returned, I had already put on the disheveled clothes and even draped a coat over myself.
Though there was a hint of disappointment on Wei Tan's face, there was no trace of resentment. When we went to bed, he didn't make any advances under the blanket.
But, it's not good for me now.
Perhaps it was because I caught a cold during the previous commotion. During the night, my lower abdomen began to swell and ache in waves. I was very uncomfortable and couldn't help but let out a moan.
"What's wrong?" In the darkness, I heard Wei Tan asking.
"......" I didn't know what to say. I felt weak and shaky, biting my lip without answering.
A hand reached over and gently touched my forehead. After a while, another hand emerged from under the blanket and held onto the hand I had placed on my abdomen.
"Why is it so cold?" Wei Tan asked. I could feel him sitting up, "Abdominal pain?"
"En..." I weakly hummed in response.
"Is it... your period?" His voice was low.
"En..." I replied even more softly.
Wei Tan sat up, "Do you want to call for a physician?"
In the middle of the night, causing a commotion and summoning a physician for such a trivial matter would become a laughingstock. I blushed and quickly reached out, grabbing the hem of his clothes, "No need… Fujun can inform Ah Yuan instead."
Wei Tan responded with a sound and got up, putting on his clothes.
Before long, I heard him calling for Ah Yuan, and a light lit up behind the folding screen. There were some murmurs from outside the wall, and not long after, Wei Tan returned.
"Feeling cold?" He asked me.
I huddled inside the blanket and nodded.
Wei Tan didn't say anything further. After a while, he took off his clothes and lay down again, holding me in the blanket.
"Rest for a while," he said.
The pain in my lower abdomen continued to torment me in waves. I had no strength left to say anything, so I buried my head in his embrace and closed my eyes.
Later, Ah Yuan brought a bowl of steaming hot rice wine and ginger soup.
Wei Tan helped me sit up and had me drink it. I did so in a daze, then laid back down feeling weak and soft.
Throughout that night, the pain in my abdomen persisted until I fell asleep.
However, from that point on, I slept peacefully, wrapped in warmth, not knowing whether it was from the rice wine and ginger soup or the person holding me.
In the following days, Wei Tan continued to leave early and return late, but he started coming back a little earlier than before. During the rest, he would hold me and cover us with the blanket before going to sleep. Playfully, he would ask if I could fall asleep and offer to tell me stories if I couldn't.
I smiled and said there was no need; Fujun must be tired too, so One should get some rest earlier.
In my heart, however, I thought, "Sure, tell me about Empress Xu."
The silk handkerchief inside that clothing chest did indeed spark some thoughts in my mind.
Ah Yuan told me that after that day, Wei Tan visited the side chamber but came out within a quarter of an hour.
I went to check, and when I found the silk handkerchief last time, I had inserted a strand of hair into the gap of the clothing chest. However, when I went there again, the strand of hair was gone.
Someone had tampered with the clothing chest, and without a doubt it was Wei Tan.
It seems he knows what was hidden in the winter robe. That silk handkerchief appears to be quite old, perhaps a gift from Empress Xu in the past? The clothing chest contains mostly old items, and Wei Tan's careful preservation of them shows his sentimentality and attachment to these possessions.
As I pondered all these thoughts, my mind couldn't help but sink deeper.
Wei Tan and I were like birds that coincidentally perched on the same tree, coming from different places, and becoming husband and wife through twists of fate. My relationship with Pei Qian had already ended during our time in Huainan, and Wei Tan was well aware of it. But as for his connection with Empress Xu, I had no idea. Their past, entanglements, and present thoughts were all things I could only speculate from snippets of conversation. If it weren't for that silk handkerchief embroidered with yumeiren (corn poppy/red poppy) flowers, I wouldn't even know what those yumeiren flowers in the courtyard were all about.
I pondered all these not out of jealousy but because I had already decided to stay in the Wei residence and spend my days there. Knowing a bit more about this husband, who is closely tied to my fate, can only be beneficial.
When Wei Jue returned to the capital, it was already snowing.
The weather was harsh, and the emperor sent the Minister of Ceremonies accompanied by a Yellow Gate attendant to the city gate to welcome Wei Jue on his behalf. After Wei Jue entered the city, he personally went to the palace to pay his respects to the emperor.
For unification of the north, substantial rewards and honors are indispensable.
The Emperor was very generous, promoting officials and elevating their titles. Many prestigious titles emerged among the military leaders. Countless wealth was seized from the Tan clan and used as military expenses and rewards.
The fiefdom under Wei Tan's name expanded by two thousand households, while Wei Jue had already received all possible rewards. Apart from the gold and jade gifts bestowed according to regulations, The Emperor gave him a ceremonial sedan chair to be used within the imperial palace.
The most eye-catching figure, however, was Wei Zhao.
After Tan Xi's death, the Wei army advanced steadily. In Youzhou, Wei Zhao launched a surprise attack on Tan Meng, not only beheading him personally but also recovering the long-lost imperial jade seal from his possession.
The imperial jade seal is a crucial symbol of the country's authority. After the chaos in Chang'an, the jade seal went missing from the palace. And since the emperor established the capital in Yongzhou, the absence of the imperial jade seal had been a long-standing regret. Now, with the north pacified, the return of the imperial jade seal can be considered a double happiness coming to the court.
The Emperor lavishly rewarded Wei Zhao, elevating his title from the Marquis of Shanyang,with a fiefdom of five thousand households, to the Marquis of Xiangling, with a fiefdom of ten thousand two hundred households. This was a significant reward, as since the establishment of the capital in Yongzhou, The Emperor had only bestowed the title of Marquis with ten thousand households twice, the first being Wei Jue two years ago.
Wei Zhao stayed in Jizhou and would return only next month. Initially, Guo Furen was not particularly pleased, but upon hearing this news, her joy could not be concealed, even with layers of white powder on her face.
"Furen, I heard them say that Er Gongzi wants to outshine Da Gongzi," Ah Yuan whispered to me in private.
"Who is this 'they'?" I asked, looking into the mirror, carefully examining the rouge I had just applied to my lips.
"It's the servants in the mansion," Ah Yuan explained. "They say that now the main lady of the house is Guo Furen, and Er Gongzi is her biological son. During the campaign against Tan, ChengXiang always had Er Gongzi by his side, giving him opportunities to achieve merits. Who knows, ChengXiang might even pass on the family legacy to Er Gongzi in the future."
"It's all nonsense," I wiped the hand that got stained with rouge on the handkerchief and said firmly, "If they say such things again in the future, you should stay far away from it, do you understand?"
Ah Yuan responded with a nod and remained silent.
I looked at the reflection in the mirror. The person's face appeared composed, but there was a hint of restlessness in their eyes.
Despite giving Ah Yuan a lesson, I also had similar thoughts in my heart. During this battle, Wei Jue arranged for Wei Tan to do more things in the rear, and it was reasonable that he did not perform as well as Wei Zhao. Although I know the reason for this, I still can't help but wonder, is Wei Jue doing this on purpose?
I understood the delicate nature of this matter.
After receiving his rewards, Wei Tan didn't say much to me apart from mentioning the number of fiefdoms and the amount of gold and silver he received.
Whenever someone mentioned Wei Zhao in his presence, he remained composed as usual. Guo Furen, on the other hand, seemed happy but treated Wei Tan with the same calm demeanor as before, as if nothing had happened.
As for Wei Jue, I'm afraid only he knows what he's thinking.
With various thoughts swirling in my mind, I checked my attire and appearance once again. Satisfied with how I looked, I finally stood up from the mirror.
Today, The Emperor hosted a banquet in the palace, dining together with the meritorious officials to demonstrate harmony and joy. To show unity and happiness, both the rulers and the officials brought their families to dine together. So, Guo Fureb and I were also among those attending the banquet.
Although it might not require the formality of an official audience, being a banquet in the imperial palace, I, as Wei Tan's wife, couldn't afford to be careless about my attire. I inquired about Guo Furen's accessories and found that she wore gold and jade hairpins, complemented by tortoiseshell on the sides. After some consideration, I chose a set of pearl and jade hairpins that were elegant in style but wouldn't overshadow Guo Furen.
Wei Tan didn't pay much attention to these matters, but at my persuasion, he changed into a brocade robe, a golden crown, and a belt adorned with jade buckles. After he finished dressing up, he stood in front of the mirror, displaying a rare aristocratic demeanor.
"How is it?" He noticed me watching and turned to ask.
I smiled and replied, "Very good."
My efforts were not in vain. As we stepped out in front of the mansion to board the carriage, Wei Jue carefully assessed Wei Tan and me, revealing an appreciative smile. "Ah Jin is indeed worthy of being my son's wife."
I humbly bowed and said, "Jiushi has overpraised."
Guo Furen stood by, watching silently, with a faint smile on her face.
This time, The Emperor's banquet was arranged grandly. In addition to Wei Jue and his son, there were also military generals from the army and ministers from the court, totaling around one hundred people.
The Emperor and Empress were both dressed in splendid attire. I noticed that when Empress Xu entered the room, she glanced in this direction. The shimmering light of the candles reflected on her face, making her look graceful and dignified.
The Emperor had a faint smile on his face, and after everyone paid their respects, the musicians below the hall began to play melodious and gentle music.
After the palace attendants finished presenting the dishes, the Emperor raised his cup and said, "In this campaign, all qing have displayed great courage, shed blood to pacify the northern lands, bringing good fortune to the nation. Zhen is deeply pleased and offer the first toast to all of qing.'"
Everyone raised their cups, and after paying their respects, they all drank from their cups one after another.
The Emperor refilled his empty cup, turned to Wei Jue with a smile, and said, "If One was to speak of merits in this battle, ChengXiang's achievements are of the utmost greatness. For the second toast, it shall be in honor of ChengXiang."
Wei Jue raised his cup with both hands and bowed to the Emperor, saying, "Chen has received the Emperor's grace throughout One's life and has fought for the nation. Even if One dies, Chen shall not refuse." After speaking, he tilted his head back and drank all the wine in one go.
"Excellent!" Several loud cheers came from the guests below, disrupting the serene atmosphere of the banquet hall.
I looked over and saw a few generals dressed somewhat casually sitting at the end of the table. It was evident that they were military generals under Wei Jue's command. Among them, one had a particularly rugged appearance, and I had seen him before in Wu Zhi; his name was Meng Zhong. Another was tall and had a face resembling a jujube fruit; he was none other than Cen Han, the one who had slain Tan Yao. They were both prominent generals under Wei Tan's command, rising from humble origins. This time, they had achieved significant accomplishments and were promoted to marquises.
Wei Jue glanced in their direction and smiled. The Emperor's expression remained calm, as if he hadn't heard anything. However, I noticed several ministers and nobles showing obvious signs of discontent, and they looked disdainfully toward the end of the table. Some noble ladies whispered to each other with suppressed laughter.
"Er Gongzi has displayed remarkable achievements in this battle. Zhen heard he is still in Jizhou?" the Emperor asked Wei Jue.
"Indeed, there are still remnants of the Tan clan in Jizhou. One's son is leading a force of ten thousand soldiers to remain there and suppress the remaining resistance," Wei Jue replied.
The Emperor nodded and looked towards me and Wei Tan, saying, "Xin'an Hou (Marquis) has been stationed in Yongdu, and that too is a great accomplishment."
Wei Tan replied, "To protect Your Majesty, is a duty Chen cannot refuse."
The Emperor smiled gently and said, "Zhen has heard that when Huaiyang was in turmoil, the Xin'an Hou personally quelled the chaos to rescue Fu Furen. It has become a widely praised tale."
I was surprised that the Emperor would bring up this matter, and my heart skipped a beat. It made me feel somewhat self-conscious. In a quick glance, I noticed Empress Xu also looking in our direction, and her gaze seemed ambiguous and hard to read.
"BiXia's praise is undeserved," Wei Tan replied calmly. "When Jingzhou's Liang Chong's second son, Liang Heng, invaded Huaiyang, the situation was critical. Chen received a message while in Luoyang and immediately rushed to rescue the situation. It was purely coincidental that One's wife was at that time performing jizu in Huainan."
"Oh?" The Emperor still smiled, looking towards me.
"Liang Chong dares to gather forces in Jingzhou and take advantage of the situation to invade," I had not yet responded, but Wei Jue spoke from the head of the table, "Liang Heng led his army to Huaiyang. Before the battle even began, Chen's youngest son shot him dead with an arrow from the city walls." After saying this, he laughed with a powerful voice, "This is the fate of traitors, and so it shall be."
Upon hearing these words, the Emperor's facial expression slightly changed.
Liang Chong is a relative of the imperial family and holds a prominent position among the feudal lords. The call for "protecting the emperor and suppressing the traitors" is the loudest among them. The Emperor's desire to regain control of the world largely depends on this individual. With Wei Jue's words, it can be seen as provocation.
"ChengXiang's words are indeed true," at this moment, Empress Xu, who was beside the emperor, spoke with a gentle and faint smile. "His Majesty has always regarded Fu Furen as a younger sister, and with the care and protection from the Xin'an Hou, His Majesty's heart is at ease." As she said this, she refilled The Emperor's cup and gazed at him.
The Emperor's facial expression showed a slight change, but when he looked back, he had already regained his composure and appeared calm again.
"HuangHou's words are indeed true," he said slowly, looking towards Wei Tan. "This toast shall be in honor of the Xin'an Hou."
Wei Tan also raised his cup and said, "Thanking Your Majesty," before tilting his head back and drinking.
I watched them for a moment, then turned my gaze towards Empress Xu, only to find her staring at Wei Tan. After a while, her eyes shifted, and suddenly, they met mine.
Her gaze was serene, neither smiling nor frowning, as if she were scrutinizing something.
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