Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 37. Luoyang (Part 1)

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Luoyang (Part 1)

I am not very familiar with JiuFu, Qiao Yu. He was busy with his own affairs and rarely visits Chang'an. However, based on my impression, he is a kind person. In comparison, I am more acquainted with Jiumu, Ding Shi, and my Biaomei, Qiao Ti.
In the past, they would visit Chang'an almost every year and stay at my house.
Jiumu, Ding Shi, also comes from a prominent family and is very kind to me. Every time she visits Chang'an, she brings many gifts for me. I remember that my favorite silk doll when I was a child was the one she gave me
However, even so, I still didn't like my Biaomei, Qiao Ti.
She is two years younger than me, but perhaps due to the fact that my Jiujiu is tall and robust, she has always had a similar physique to mine. She likes beautiful things, especially those worn by others. When she first came to Chang'an at the age of eight, she would often show a charming and envious expression in front of her elders. She would say to my mother, "The necklace worn by Biaozi is so beautiful, I've never seen anything like it in Luoyang."
Mother always treated relatives kindly, so upon hearing those words, she would smile and say, "Since Ah Ti likes it, I'll give it to you." Over the years, Mother forcibly took away many things from me, such as accessories, toys, fragrances, and so on. There was one time when she even wanted the paper in my study. I really liked that paper, with its pristine white texture adorned with petals and orchid leaves, a gift from Pei Qian.
Upon hearing Qiao Ti's request, I glared at her fiercely and said, "No, I won't give it to you." At that moment, Mother laughed and called me stingy.
I'm not sure if it was because of that incident, but two days later, I unintentionally overheard Yuying and others discussing me and Pei Qian. Qiao Ti was also with them and said with a smile, "I also think Ah Jin Biaozi and Ji Yuan Gongzi are not a good match."
So, I have never been friendly to Qiao Ti ever since.
Time passed, and the thoughts of that young girl was like a long-forgotten book. When One happened to flip through its pages again, One way of thinking was already different.
"Greetings, Jiumu." At the front door, I bowed deeply to Jiumu.
"Ah Jin." Jiumu held me gently, her emotions a mixture of sadness and joy, her eyes filled with tears.
Qiao Ti looked at me, inheriting the refined features of Jiumu's eyebrows and eyes, her gaze filled with scrutiny and caution.
"Biaozi." She walked up to me and bowed with lowered eyes.
"Biaomei." I smiled and returned the gesture.
Jiumu held my hand and expressed her emotions once again. I invited the mother and daughter to sit in the main hall and asked Ah Yuan to serve tea.
Jiumu glanced at Ah Yuan and said to me, "This servant girl looks familiar, she resembles the daughter of Li Zhangshi, who used to serve by Ah Jin's side…"
"Exactly," I smiled, "When ShengNǚ arrived in the capital, it happened that the family of Li Zhangshi was also there, so we were able to reunite."
Ah Yuan hurried forward and bowed to Jiumu, saying, "Ah Yuan pays respects to Jiu Furen."
Jiumu helped Ah Yuan up and smiled at her, saying, "I knew you looked familiar. So, we are old acquaintances after all."
I told Jiumu about how Li Shang had managed to escape the danger back then and how he had left his hometown to return to the Capital Yongdu.
"Fortunately, on that day, when ShengNǚ went out to the streets, One happened to encounter Li Huan, the son of Li Zhangshi, and that's how One was able to reunite with Zhangshi's family," I explained.
Jiumu nodded, wiping her eyes, and said, "I am aware of Li Zhangshi's loyalty. In the face of natural disasters and human calamities, it is fortunate that One is able to be reunited. After all, Ah Jin is still a newlywed in the Wei family, surrounded by unfamiliar servants. It cannot compare to being among familiar faces. Now that you have Ah Yuan, I can rest assured."
I smiled and replied, "Jiumu is absolutely right."
Then, we started discussing some trivial matters. When Jiufuwas mentioned, everyone couldn't help but feel sorrowful, and Jiumu couldn't hold back her tears, quietly weeping.
"Your Jiufu was a man of loyalty and righteousness, respecting the elderly and showing kindness to the young. When the Fu family faced difficulties, he, along with other ministers, submitted a joint memorial to seek justice for the Fu family, which angered Bian Hou. He even intended to personally go to Chang'an to save people, but halfway there, the XianDi had already taken action..." Jiumu choked up, "For this, your Jiufu suffered sleepless nights, unable to inform your Wai Zumu. Whenever your Wai Zumu asked about your MuQin, he had to put on a brave face and hide the truth. After you married and moved to Laiyang, he wanted to visit you there, but later, Luoyang became embroiled in war, and your Jiufu joined Dong Kuang's forces, only to... " She covered her face with a handkerchief and burst into tears.
"Muqin.." Qiao Ti also shed tears, looking at me, trying to comfort softly.
Feeling the sadness in my heart as well, I tried to comfort them with kind words. Once my aunt had calmed down a bit, I asked, "I wonder how BiaoXiong is doing? Is he safe and well?"
Jiumu wiped away her tears and replied, "Bo Gong is safe and sound. He is studying at home, focusing on his studies. TianZi is planning to reinstate the imperial examinations in the capital, and Bo Gong intends to participate in the examinations."
I agreed and said, "It is indeed a great virtue for BiaoXiong to have such aspirations."
JiuMu sighed and said, "The Qiao family is a prominent clan in Luoyang. Now that your JiuFu only has Bo Gong to carry on the family bloodline, he cannot afford to neglect his responsibilities. However, due to the chaos of war, many old acquaintances in the capital have been scattered, and with your JiuFu's absence, there is no one suitable to recommend him."
I understood JiuMu's implication. She had something to entrust me with.
BiaoXiong Qiao Ke, although I have only met him a few times, I remember him distinctly. Though we are not familiar, I recall that he had considerable talent and knowledge. There was one occasion when Father tested him, and he answered with great fluency, earning Father's admiration.
The original intention of the imperial examinations was to select capable individuals for government positions. However, over time, the system became increasingly corrupted, with influential families monopolizing the selection process. During the reign of the previous emperor, even those from noble backgrounds couldn't succeed without a powerful recommendation. In the past, this might not have been difficult, but now the Qiao family is in a vulnerable position, and JiuMu has had to seek help from me.
For the first time, I realized that in the eyes of others, the status of being a wife of the Wei family carried a certain degree of influence and power.
"JiuMu's request, ShengNǚ will fulfill it," I pondered for a moment and said to JiuMu, "However, there are some things that ShengNǚ must honestly inform you. ShengNǚ has been part of the Wei family for less than a year, and ShengNǚ have spent more time apart from One's husband than together. ShengNǚ have been confined to the household and have had no involvement in political matters. But when ShengNǚ meets One's husband, ShengNǚ will definitely express BiaoXiong's aspirations. ChengXiang has always valued talent, and if BiaoXiong has such ambitions, there should be no hindrance."
Upon hearing my words, JiuMu held my hand and said, "I am grateful for your help, Ah Jin."
I smiled and replied, "Of course, it is my duty."
JiuMu sighed and said, "If your JiuFu were aware of your intentions, he would be grateful as well, even in the depths of the afterlife." After speaking, she lowered her head once again to wipe away her tears.
We sat in the hall for a while, and JiuMu and I talked about many things that had happened since we last saw each other. Qiao Ti sat beside her, speaking very little. Besides comforting her mother and wiping away tears during the moments of sadness, she mostly maintained a calm demeanor and observed me with her gaze.
After having dinner together, JiuMu and Qiao Ti bid their farewells and left. I looked at the sky and felt that today had been quite a long day.
"Furen, Jiu Furen is still as eloquent as ever. When she speaks, no one can interrupt," Ah Yuan exclaimed in awe.
I smiled, declining to comment.(idiom)
Mother had once described this JiuMu of mine as a shrewd person. In the past, I didn't pay much attention to such matters, but today, as we sat together, I began to understand it a bit more. Her visit today was probably more for the sake of my BiaoXiong. Nevertheless, even though the Qiao family is my mother's maternal family, these people are still my last remaining relatives. If I can lend a helping hand, I won't refuse.
Halfway through constructing Wei An's pushcart, things weren't going smoothly. He reluctantly admitted that some parts needed to be sturdy and precise, which exceeded his current level of woodworking skills.
"Then let's put it aside for now. When we return to the capital, I'll find two carpenters to assist Si Shu. There's nothing too difficult," I encouraged.
Wei An nodded and then turned to work on various small wooden pieces.
With not many people around in the mansion, the days felt quite dull. There were some old books in the house, but they were mostly official documents. I took one back with me, but after flipping through a couple of pages, I left it on the desk without giving it much thought. Xu Ji was also someone with little to do, so during this period, she often kept me company.
In our casual conversations, I learned that she was originally the daughter of a servant who was brought as part of Wu Furen's dowry (Wei Tan mother). She had grown up in this mansion since she was young. At the age of seventeen, Wei Zhao took her as a concubine from Lady Wu. Xu Ji didn't elaborate much when she mentioned these details, and I wasn't aware of the specifics at that time. However, from her manner of speaking, Xuhui showed knowledge and etiquette, without any hint of the subservience typically associated with a servant. Such a beautiful woman, though of humble origin, it was not surprising that Wei Zhao was fond of her.
To pass the time, upon hearing that Xu Ji knew how to weave, I even cleaned up the loom that was once used by Wei Tan's mother Wu Furen to attempt to learn weaving from Xu Ji, following the teachings of virtuous women as described in books.
As the weather grew colder, news of victories in the northern battles continued to arrive. After the death of Tan Xi, his military forces were divided among his four sons. Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the leaderless crowd, Wei Jue marched north, intending to defeat them one by one. Currently, Wei Jue has already destroyed Tan Xi's third son, Tan Kui, and is now engaged in a battle with Tan Xi's eldest son, Tan Meng, in Youzhou.
At this time, there was sudden movement in the south, specifically in Huaiyang. Wu Zhang, who was critically ill and had no sons, decided to pass on his legacy to his younger brother, Wu Kun.
When I heard this news, I couldn't help but feel unsettled.
Luoyang and Huaiyang are quite far apart, and the news I received was only fragmentary. However, I understood deeply that with the change of power, there would often be behind-the-scenes power struggles and conspiracies. When someone succeeded, others would inevitably suffer. I couldn't help but worry about Pei Qian. Was he safe and unharmed there?
"Furen seems a bit distracted lately," Xu Ji said after I accidentally snapped several warp and weft threads while weaving.
I realized that I had once again lost focus and apologized with a sheepish smile.
"Furen must be tired," Xu Ji looked at the sky outside the door and said, "It's getting late. Furen should rest now."
I nodded and said, "Very well, we will continue tomorrow."
Xu Ji bowed and took her leave.
Feeling tired myself, I washed up and laid down on the bed, letting out a gentle sigh.
At times, I feel like I have a worrisome fate.
People often talk about cutting off ties when they encounter difficulties, but it's easier said than done. How many people actually follow through with it? Just like me, when I think of Pei Qian's name, I can't help but worry about him. It's not that I still have lingering feelings for him, but I simply can't treat him as someone insignificant.
Perhaps I have something on my mind; I sleep lightly.
In the middle of the night, I sense some movements in a daze. The night breeze lightly brushes against my neck, as if a door or window is not tightly closed.
As a rough and firm touch grazed my cheek, I suddenly woke up.
The candlelight that appeared out of nowhere shone into my eyes, making it difficult to open them. When I struggled to recognize the person in front of me, I was startled.
"Awake?" Wei Tan seemed slightly surprised. After a moment, he smiled and said, "My apologies, Furen. It was not intentional."
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