Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 56

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Chapter 56
God of Music Chapter 56 . Causing an Incident at a Music Circle (3)

‘Team leader… . ’
Looking at KangYoon lowering his head, Christie An felt stifled . The KangYoon she knew of was always upright . Not to mention the picky JooAh, he apparently didn’t bat an eyelid against the scary directors and even the chairman . However, right now, the same person was lowering his head to the photographers and the other staff .
“It’s because she hasn’t warmed up yet . Here, why don’t you eat this and… . ”
Christie An was a little shocked by KangYoon’s unusual figure . And she knew that all of this was for her . She couldn’t bear to keep watching that and eventually headed outside .
When she went outside, the other staff were also moving around busily . There seemed to be a lot of photos to be taken today as they were carrying around various props and devices .
“Aaah… . So hard . ”
“What is?”
“Eek… . ”
She stood there absentmindedly, but suddenly someone called out to her from the side . It was manager Kim SeHui .
“Manager… . ”
“I did say call me oppa . ”
“But the age difference is… . ”
“In this industry, everyone’s an oppa . ”
“Wouldn’t uncle be better?”
“Forget it . ”
Since Christie was very true to herself, Manager Kim SeHui had nothing to say either . Even so, he did see that Christie’s state wasn’t so good and asked quietly .
“First time’s hard, eh?”
“It didn’t go as how I wished it would’ve . ”
“That’s obvious . Who would be able to do well from the beginning?”
“But because of me, the Team leader is… . ”
Christie An pointed towards KangYoon who could be seen between the gaps of the door . He was still going around to various staff and handing out health drinks and greeting them .
“Hm… . That’s actually supposed to be my job . ”
“But why is Team leader doing it?”
“Because of you . ”
A direct strike made Christie An lose her words .
“…You’re really direct . Well, I did make a lot of mistakes . Truth sure hurts… . ”
“So you know it . Since you are here, you’re supposed to be a pro . Originally, I was going to go around, but Team leader insisted on going . To give it more weight, he says . That people will be more concerned about you as this is your first stage . ”
“…… . ”
“This industry is like a jungle . One weak point and you’ll be eaten . But you girls seem to have it easy . Since Team leader is doing everything for you… . You girls, I think you will become really good . Go to the bathroom and get yourself together . We’ll start again soon . ”Advertisement
Manager Kim SeHui entered the studio . He had to see the current state of things in the studio after all . Of course, he also didn’t want to be called lazy just because KangYoon did everything . The highest person responsible being on the same scene was quite tiring in various ways .
‘…Let’s do it well this time . ’
Christie An resolved herself to do well this time . She didn’t want to see KangYoon lowering his head for her sake again after all .
“Yes! That’s it! Good! Those are the eyes I want! Just like that!”
Photographer Yoo HanSe kept shouting ‘good’ while pressing the shutter . The alternation of a bright smile and a cold expression gave a sort of a twist . The scenes that he could never shoot before the break started pouring out continuously and he pressed the shutter like mad .
The lights and the reflectors in the studio kept flashing while Christie An did her various expressions . With results piling up, the staff also became serious .
Meanwhile, KangYoon was watching the shoot . Around him were the managers and coordinators that were watching as well . These people would change Christie’s makeup once a round of photos was over, and contributed for better pictures .
“Fuah… . ”
However, thanks to the shoot running for quite a while, a few of the managers and coordinators went out to smoke . However, KangYoon kept his place . That was because he knew that Christie was conscious of him . He was also nervous about how things would turn out so he could not leave her Christie alone here . The cigarettes kept calling out to him but he held it in .
And finally .
“Thanks for your hard work!”
With Yoo HanSe’s declaration, the shoot was over . KangYoon immediately went over to him .
“How are the results?”
When he asked, Yoo HanSe put a thumbs up without any words .
“It’s the best . Hey, the start and finish is too different, isn’t it?”
“It’s just that… . ”
“Just what?”
“Sheesh, I don’t get why Christie keeps looking your way, Team leader . Hahaha . Anyway, today’s photos were great . Shall I show you?”
KangYoon could see the results through the laptop . Christie’s smiling face and cold, proud face gave a good contrast . Yoo HanSe judged that this was good enough for the clients and packed the equipment .
Having finished talking with the photographer, KangYoon headed to the waiting room . The managers and coordinators were looking after Christie .
“Thanks for your work . ”
“Thank you for your work, sir . ”
There weren’t many words . Was it hard? How was your first time shooting? – nothing like that . However, Christie felt an unspeakable gratefulness towards KangYoon . This was her first work and KangYoon kept the workplace up for her who was shaking on the inside . The figure that lowered his head for her sake and the weight that held the shooting venue in place was incomparable to anything . She finally knew why JooAh, a seonbae she admired, wanted to work with KangYoon so much .
When they packed their stuff and boarded the van, the sun was already setting . Christie was tired thanks to the day-long shoot and fell asleep with her head resting on the window .
“Looks like she was tired . ”
“Put this on her . ”
KangYoon gave manager Kim SeHui a small blanket . Christie felt something warm in her sleep and could sleep comfortably .
Chairman Won JinMoon was satisfied after receiving a report about Han JooYeon and Christie An from KangYoon .
“Thanks for your hard work . Looks like I’m becoming more and more biased towards you nowadays . ”
“Thank you . ”
KangYoon received a sign in the papers with ease as he always did and was about to leave . However, the chairman seemed to have a lot of things he wanted to ask about and held him back .
“Why don’t you join me for a cup of tea . ”
Soon, a beautiful secretary lady came in with tea . It wasn’t at the level of the Junshan Yinzhen that he had before, but this tea had great fragrance as well . Chairman Won JinMoon enjoyed the faint fragrance of the tea and started speaking comfortably .
“So, is Seo HanYu up next?”
“Yes, I’ll report to you soon . ”
“Okay . Actually, what I really want to hear from you is about the announcement of the girl group itself . Not only me, the investors are sensitive to this as well . I think you know this already . ”
“Of course . ”
“There are many people that are sensitive to the stock market . I don’t know why they are doing this even though we aren’t like speculative capital for them . Although you did well until now, you need to be very, very careful since you might be ditched to the bottom with one mistake . Especially things like scandals . The girls that have been exposed to the media will have to be careful in their actions . ”
Chairman Won JinMoon’s words carried weight . KangYoon also aware of that . As large as MG Entertainment was, there were many things at stake as well . The entertainment industry was a place where people could talk about someone easily and may drop to the bottom of the pits once negative words went around .
“I’ll keep that in mind . ”
“I believe in you, so please take it as an old man’s worries . Oh, look at the time . What’s your next schedule?”
“Once Jung MinAh is announced as well, it will become November . At that time, news that MG Entertainment is sending out a girl group will be spread around . I’m planning to host a showcase at that time, inviting the related companies and personnel . ”
“You’re considering quite a lot of things . So it isn’t like the budget is high for nothing . What happened to broadcasting the debut process?”
“I decided not to . From what we’ve seen, I came to a judgment that advertising through the internet had plenty of effects . I judged that there is no need to waste any more budget and decided to not do the broadcast . ”
“Isn’t that a waste? It will be quite good since this is something that didn’t exist until now . The PD there will be disappointed . ”
“I talked to them so they could understand . ”
Chairman Won JinMoon was first suspicious about KangYoon’s judgment but eventually accepted it . Right now, Han JooYeon and Christie An were doing very well, so he thought that KangYoon was right . These two had already given a strong impact to the public already .
“Got it, then . So, I just need to look forward to November?”
“Yes . You will be able to see the girl group’s name and everything else as well . ”
“So war will start then . ”
“Yes, all of this now is just a skirmish . The real deal will begin at that time . ”
“I sure look forward to it . If a skirmish is this strong, then how strong would be the actual thing?”
KangYoon could only smile since the chairman always pushed him on like a friendly neighborhood grandpa . However, he was aware that the backlash would be strong once he failed . That was why he was always careful with his actions .
Chairman Won JinMoon left the words that he will visit the girls to commend them later and sent KangYoon out .
When KangYoon left, he muttered while drinking the cooled tea .
“An amazing fellow . I became much more comfortable thank to him . Fufu . ”
He had it very comfortable because he could focus on operating the business now .
When KangYoon returned to his office, what greeted him was a pile of work . After working with Christie An and Han JooYeon, a lot of paperwork that required him to approve and sign had greeted him .
“…Yeah . My place is here, where else could it be?”
Opening the mountain of paperwork, KangYoon started working . Although the majority were from the PR team, there were some from the liaison team . The planning team was needless to say, always busy .
When he was in the middle of work, KangYoon’s phone started ringing . It was Professor Choi ChangYang’s call . KangYoon accepted the call while wondering . He said that he called because he was worried that KangYoon hadn’t turned up to the lecture .
“Oh… . I’m sorry . My work became busy . ”
– I was worried . I wondered if anything happened to you .
“Not at all . Sorry for worrying you . ”
– If it’s alright with you, I’m currently nearby, so can I give you the lecture there?
KangYoon had no reason to refuse . Harmonics was the area he wanted to learn the most nowadays . Although he was doing some studies in his spare time, being taught was a hundred times better than teaching himself .
“Will that be okay with you?”
– This much isn’t even hard . You said you were working, so can I go to your company then?
“I appreciate it . ”
KangYoon asked Professor Choi to come to the nearby café . He could invite him to his office, but he thought that it would be rude to invite him to his messy workplace . Having made an appointment, KangYoon finished the call with him .
He quickly finished his work and headed to the café . When he arrived, Professor Choi was already waiting for him .
“It’s here . ”
“Oh, you’ve arrived early . I should have left earlier . ”
“Not at all, I wasn’t bored at all while waiting . ”
Professor Choi greeted KangYoon with his soft smile as always . He took out the books and talked about Choi YoonMi . (T/N: Who the heck is that, author? He might be talking about the band, ‘Recovery’, I’m not sure)
“It’s good to see that you’ve become closer to the students . It looks like the ones actually working in the field have good senses . ”
“It’s because they’re nice kids . I’m thankful instead . ”
“I did worry for a little… . But since you treat the students well and they like you, I’m completely good with it . Please take care of us in the future as well . ”
KangYoon smiled and opened the books
One month had passed since he started learning harmonics . Unlike when he began, he started becoming more friendly towards the tadpoles in the books . Harmony, tones, chords, etc – he was starting to get used to their concept and their uses . Of course, he still didn’t know theories about composing or how to use them in actual application, but he could now understand how things worked . Professor Choi explained things very clearly and KangYoon was eager to learn as well .
When the hot coffee was about to cool down, Professor Choi leaned back in the chair and spoke out in a tired voice .
“Shall we rest a little?”
“Shall we?”
That was two hours after they started . The two didn’t know how much time had passed as neither of them said that they should end it there . While Professor Choi went off to the toilet, KangYoon went over the pages to revise .
“Wait . It starts off with a D, and the next is an A or a C?”
It was easy when he was listening to the explanation but going over it by himself was quite hard . Tadpoles looking like musical notes was just a temporary thing . Tadpoles were still tadpoles .
“This is C# after A . ”
At that moment, a voice could be heard from behind him . When he turned around, it was Min JinSeo .
“Oh, is it… . ? Wait, JinSeo? What are you doing here?”
“I came here to drink some coffee but came here since I saw you . Pff, you’re learning such an elementary book?”
“Oh . I’m actually weak at music theory . So I decided that I should learn a little . ”
“Eeh? Really? That’s a shock . ”
Min JinSeo made a playful expression . KangYoon shrugged his shoulders and said that it was possible . Her face had very light makeup and a smile . She had a bright smile because she was happy to see KangYoon . Thanks to that, the employees at the café, started whispering to each other even though this café was close to MG Entertainment building .
“I’ll come back after ordering . ”
“Okay . ”
She seemed to be getting used to her fame and didn’t react much to the people that were whispering about her . KangYoon was proud to see her like this . Min JinSeo was becoming more like a start while he wasn’t aware of it .
When KangYoon turned his attention back to his books, Professor Choi came back .
“Did you revise a lot?”
“No, it sure is hard to do it by myself . Looks like there’s a time for everything . ”
“You’re doing quite well, you know? Oh, and at this part… . ”
While Professor Choi went over the things that KangYoon was unsure about, a presence could be felt behind him . It was Min JinSeo with a hot cup of coffee .
“Sir, can I sit next to you?”
“Hm? Uh, the thing is… . ”
“Mi… . . Min JinSeoooooooooooo?!”
However, Professor Choi’s eyes widened after seeing her . KangYoon was surprised to see him so restless, unlike his usual demeanor .
“ . . I… . I… . ”
Min JinSeo also titled her head in confusion when Professor Choi abruptly stood up from his seat .
“I… . I… am a fan!”
“…… . ”
KangYoon and Min JinSeo only smiled awkwardly after seeing Professor Choi lowering his head and holding his hands out .
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