Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 205

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Chapter 205
“A… partner?”
– Carrie Cloudia is doing an American Tour from May to July . A notice recruiting a female dancer for the title song ‘Coming’, had just appeared .
“Wait, a dancer? And from May to July?”
JooAh’s voice became louder .
“Oppa, I have my own activities to do at that time . And also, a backup dancer? You know who I am, and you still say those words?”
– Well, you’re completely new to the American market . You can’t just kick it away because this is dancer recruitment . Also, don’t you think that kicking away this opportunity is not good just because of immediate profits?
He was completely right .
Being pointed out by KangYoon, JooAh became silent .
– JooAh . Even if you’re the best in Asia, here, you’re just…
“I know, I know, alright? You don’t have to tell me that . ”
JooAh grumbled at the phone since her pride had snapped .
The people in the lobby looked at her like looking at a strange person, but nothing entered her eyes .
“You can’t do this to me . ”
– I can’t? Hahaha . Sheesh, you’re one tough woman .
JooAh snapped, but KangYoon spoke calmly without minding that .
– Yeon JooAh, go back to your roots .
She had nothing to say .
She had constantly reminded herself that she was starting from the bottom, but it seemed that going back to her roots wasn’t that easy .
JooAh looked down powerlessly .
– Come home once you set your mind . okay?
“…Fine . ”
After the call, JooAh put her phone inside her pocket .
‘Tch . This is frustrating . He always pokes where it hurts . ’
Grumbling at KangYoon, who wasn’t even here, JooAh left the lobby with a frown .
The concert business was hot from December to February .
This was the period when most concerts took place .
As such, Elin Illumination, one of the best concert lighting companies in Korea, was having a very busy time .
“That day is Fallin’s concert, and the day after that is…”
At the President’s office .
The President, Kang InSoo, had a satisfied smile on his face while looking at the plans that were filled until March .
“Hahaha . It would be nice if this actually happened . ”
Since the business was going well, he was feeling good . It would be wonderful if every day was like this, but that was simply impossible .
Just as he was about to sign some documents, the telephone started ringing .
– President, there’s a guest .
Being guided by a secretary, the short-statured middle-aged man extended his hand to President Kang InSoo .
“Long time no see, President Kang . ”
“Welcome, Director Yoo . It’s been a long time . ”
The middle-aged man, Director Yoo GyungTae of MG Entertainment, received a cup of coffee from the secretary and crossed his short, thick legs .
“I should have visited more frequently, but lately, I had some things to do . Forgive me on that one . ”
“Not at all . I should have visited as well… . ”
“Nah . Rather than that, Secretary Yoon is as pretty as ever . Hahaha . ”
After complimenting the secretary’s looks, Director Yoo GyungTae started talking about his reason for visiting .
“We decided to hold an encore concert with ECTM this time at the central hall . President Kang, you are going to join us, aren’t you?”
“Hahaha . Is that so? I’ll definitely be joining since you’re inviting me . When is it/”
Although Director Yoo GyungTae’s words had a slightly imperative tone, President Kang InSoo’s eyes shone .
ECTM was currently the most well-off male idol group that MG had right now . Moreover, ‘central hall’ referred to the biggest concert venue in all of Korea, the multipurpose hall of the World Cup Stadium .
There was no reason for him to back out on this .
“It’s at the end of February . As for the date…”
But then, when Director Yoo GyungTae told him about the date, President Kang InSoo’s eyes turned strange .
“It just has to be on that day… . ”
“What is it? You can’t join me?”
“The thing is…”
Friday, Saturday, Sunday in the last week of February .
Kim JaeHoon’s concert just had to be on that day .
Director Yoo GyungTae, seemingly unaware of it, urged him to speak .
“You have plans already? Oh well, I can’t help it then . You can’t just break a contract . ”
“*Ehem*… it’s, not like that…”
Kim JaeHoon vs ECTM
World Entertainment vs MG Entertainment .
Comparing the size of the stage as well as the size of the audience, the more profitable one was clear in his eyes .
“Hey, this is unlike you . ”
“Ah, not at all . We, we can do it . Hahaha . ”
“Right? I knew it, President Kang! Actually, You would have put me in a difficult position if you rejected me . Hahahaha!”
Director Yoo GyungTae pat President Kang InSoo’s shoulders joyfully .
He promised him to treat him to dinner before leaving .
“I’ll send you the papers by today . ”
“Yes, Director . ”
After Director Yoo GyungTae left, President Kang InSoo sighed in his office .
“…Yeah . MG is better in many ways, I’m sure . ”
He was worried that a strange rumor would appear within the industry, and he also felt apologetic, but profit was more important .
He picked up his phone after resolving himself .
“World should be in a tight spot this time . ”
Leaving Elin Illumination, Director Yoo GyungTae smirked .
Actually, there was another lighting company that MG had subcontracted for ECTM’s concert . However, he went to Elin Illumination for the encore concert . There was the fact that Elin Illumination was one of the best in the industry, but there was also another purpose .
“If the contract goes down the drain, they’ll have to pick other companies, and it won’t be easy installing all those equipment . Moreover, Lee KangYoon isn’t the type of guy who would randomly pick his business partners… Lee HyunJi will be in a tight spot too then . Heheh, this seems fun . ”
Thinking that World Entertainment, a thorn in his eyes, will have a hard time this time, Director Yoo GyungTae felt refreshed .
(T/N: Never could he imagine KangYoon pulled JooAh out of her activities for two months, lol . Even more considering that’s the concert period, and there’s practice to do…)
The day of HeeYoon’s graduation .
Before they left the house, KangYoon smiled awkwardly while looking at the entrance ticket for the graduation ceremony .
“To think you’d need a ticket to go to a graduation ceremony… It feels kinda weird . ”
HeeYoon smiled as he tied KangYoon’s necktie .
“The graduation ceremony is separate for each department . They also collect the names of the attendants beforehand . I got two because both you and JooAh were coming . There, all done . ”
KangYoon was satisfied with his indigo-colored tie and put his coat on .
JooAh, who was putting make-up on in the living room, suddenly shouted .
“HeeYoooooon! Tint, do you have any tint?”
“Tint? I only have an orange one . ”
“That’s fine . Can I borrow it? I forgot that I ran out of it . ”
JooAh borrowed a tint from HeeYoon and put it on in a hurry .
After everyone was ready, KangYoon drove everyone to the college .
“Then see you later, oppa . ”
HeeYoon headed towards the second floor as they entered the hall .
KangYoon and JooAh entered the hall after handing in the tickets that HeeYoon gave them .
“…Oppa, is that an instrument?”
JooAh was taken aback by the grandeur of the pipe organ that was on the stage .
KangYoon exclaimed at the bright white light that the pipe organ was producing and nodded .
“It’s called a pipe organ, and it’s nicknamed the king of musical instruments . ”
“The king of musical instruments, huh? Well, it’s huge… and it’s cool too . I wanna dance to it . ”
“Pfft, nice idea . ”
The two-headed to some seats in the middle of the crowd where they could see the stage well .
‘Looks like she’s set her mind . ’
The dejected JooAh from a few days ago wasn’t here anymore .
She seemed unwavering as though she had come to a decision .
“What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?”
“No, it’s nothing . ”
“You’re no fun . ”
JooAh seemed mesmerized by the grandeur of the pipe organ as she closed her eyes and listened in .
Some time passed and the graduation ceremony began .
Amidst a serious atmosphere, the conferment ceremony for the master’s degree began .
Everyone passionately applauded when a physically impaired person received an honorary master’s degree .
After the master’s degree, the conferment of the bachelor’s degree began .
[Number XX-9283-585 HEEYOON LEE . ]
After her colleagues received theirs, HeeYoon received the degree from the dean .
Seeing HeeYoon having a light hug with the old dean after a handshake, KangYoon’s eyes reddened .
His sister was barely capable of everyday life before and now here she was, receiving a degree after a long period of studying overseas . And with music of all things .
He only wanted her to stay healthy…
“…Here . ”
“Ah… . ”
KangYoon wiped his tears with the tissue that JooAh offered him .
It seemed that he got emotional .
When HeeYoon turned around to greet everyone else, KangYoon couldn’t even look at her straight .
JooAh would usually tease him for such actions, but she only patted his back this time .
‘You’ve worked hard . ’
KangYoon smiled gently seeing JooAh act like this .
After the conferment ceremony, HeeYoon, wearing a gown, ran towards where JooAh and KangYoon were .
HeeYoon excitedly rushed into his arms .
“Whoa, there . ”
“Hahahaha . ”
HeeYoon seemed excited as though she was liberated .
Seeing a good scene, JooAh, took out her phone and opened the camera app .
“There, photos are for times like this . Stay there . ”
“Oppa, try this on . ”
HeeYoon put the academic cap on KangYoon’s head .
Wearing such a thing for the first time, KangYoon felt a little strange .
“There there, here it goes . ”
JooAh took photos of the two and received the academic cap from KangYoon .
Soon, HeeYoon’s friends came around and greeted KangYoon and JooAh, took photos, and left behind memories of graduation .
On the way to the cafeteria, prepared for the graduates, KangYoon asked HeeYoon as though he had remembered something .
“Isn’t Reina graduating this year as well?”
“She took a year off for her musical . She’ll graduate next year . She told me she couldn’t make it today . ”
After that, the three of them continued to immerse themselves in the joy of graduation .
After the meal, JooAh went to the MG Entertainment’s American branch for practice, while HeeYoon headed home to pack her things .
“Oppa, don’t you have to help HeeYoon out?”
Seeing that KangYoon was accompanying her to the company, JooAh asked in surprise and KangYoon shook his hand saying that it was okay .
“Most of it is done . HeeYoon should be fine doing the rest . ”
“But even so, she should…”
“Don’t you need my help right now?”
JooAh was at a loss for words .
He was harsh at times, but at times like this, he was also…
“…JinSeo has it good . ”
“Nah, it’s nothing . Fine, I’ll treat you to dinner tonight . ”
“Ouch, it hurts . ”
JooAh put KangYoon into a headlock .
As soon as they arrived at the branch company of MG Entertainment, JooAh changed her clothes and did some light stretches .
KangYoon played the video of Carrie Cloudia’s ‘Coming’ .
JooAh lightly tapped with her foot along with the cheerful jazz music .
“So I have to dance like the woman next to her?”
JooAh pointed at the white woman who appeared in the chorus and danced next to Carrie Cloudia .
“Yes . ”
“But man, both of them are so tall . They look to be 170 at least?”
“I heard that Carrie was 172cm tall . ”
“…That’s huge . Won’t I end up looking like a cicada on an old tree?”
“Actually, you might complement each other . You can’t change your height, so don’t worry about that . ”
“Okay . ”
JooAh couldn’t take her eyes off the singer in the video, Carrie .
Carrie was very proficient with the dance that required moving elastically while in a horse-riding stance, but meanwhile, the other white woman couldn’t keep up easily . It was a small difference, but JooAh’s eyes were sharp .
“She’s a little awkward on this part, isn’t she? It’s not a big difference though…”
“Can you fill that gap?”
“With enough practice, sure . ”
KangYoon nodded his head seeing that JooAh was confident .
After the video ended, JooAh stood up and stood in front of the mirror .
“Then shall we start?”
JooAh made a wave with her body .
Seeing her so confident, KangYoon thought .
‘Gold, huh . It won’t be easy . ’
It wasn’t a problem with her .
KangYoon watched carefully as JooAh produced music notes with her steps .
‘It’s not about her foundations . The problem is how to create gold light . ’
KangYoon thought about how he could make a white light dance to silver, then to gold .
All dances had a highlight .
The highlight of “Coming’s” choreography came just after the horse-riding stance where the sexy legs were emphasized along with a seductive expression .
JooAh also seemed to have noticed the importance of that part as she repeated the same part and thought about how to make it better .
“It’s hard…”
She repeatedly went back to the horse-riding stance and continued until the wave part, but JooAh didn’t seem to like her moves .
‘White . ’
Even to KangYoon’s eyes, there were no signs of silver .
Forgetting to eat dinner, JooAh kept repeating the same moves, but she ended up collapsing on the floor without being satisfied with her moves .
“Urgh, so tiring…”
“Let’s rest a little then . ”
KangYoon also gave her some advice throughout, but it wasn’t easy creating a silver light .
She tried smiling, emphasizing her legs more, and tried many other things but nothing was satisfactory .
Just as JooAh was lying down on the floor after drinking some water, KangYoon played back the video .
‘How is JooAh different to Carrie?’
KangYoon contemplated on the differences between the two people as he kept watching the long legs that Carrie showed through her skirt . (T/N: lewd . )
‘JooAh is small . The women in the video all have tall heights and pretty legs . However, their legs aren’t extremely pretty according to the standards here . Aren’t we too focused on copying the video?’
After organizing his thoughts, KangYoon called out to JooAh .
“Can you try doing what I say?”
“Do what?”
KangYoon asked for a change in the choreography .
He left out the wave after the problematic horse-riding stance and switched it out to a move that emphasized her waist a little more .
JooAh was worried while changing the choreography .
“Is it okay to change the choreography like this?”
“It’ll be better than just wearing clothes that don’t fit you . ”
“Okay . ”
JooAh changed the choreography like what KangYoon said .
Moreover, KangYoon had her tie the bottom of her shirt to show off her bellybutton a little .
“…Pervert . ”
“I, I’m just trying things out!”
“Hahaha, it was a joke . Then here it goes . ”
When the music flowed out, JooAh did a light twist . When she did, her thin stomach was revealed and it emphasized her thin waistline and hips .
She gave KangYoon a slight wink as she did the dance .
That was the end of the changed choreography .
“Oppa, how was it?”
JooAh asked KangYoon who was standing there absent-mindedly, but he didn’t answer her as though he had come across something strange .
‘Yes, that’s it!’
Silver .
KangYoon clenched his fist while looking at the light created by JooAh .
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