Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 60

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Chapter 60
God of Music Chapter 60 . The Thread Left by the College Pop Festival

Lee HyunAh relaxed and went up to the stage . However, after opening her eyes after grabbing the microphone, she could see the audience seats filled with people . She shrunk back after receiving the attention of so many .
‘It’s completely different from the rehearsal . ’
People cheering with glowing sticks, people shouting along with their children . The young people looked like they wanted to jump around already . Everything was happening around her . Everyone was looking at her, Lee HyunAh . She subconsciously gulped .
When she stiffened up in nervousness, the drum beats sounded from behind her . Along with that, the instruments began playing with a slide from the bass .
‘It’s too early . ’
KangYoon felt a sense of haste from the leader Min ChanMin . In his view, Lee HyunAh still wasn’t ready yet, but it seemed like Min ChanMin didn’t see Lee HyunAh properly . As he had feared, Lee HyunAh waved her hand towards the back and halted the music .
“Sorry . ”
Lee HyunAh apologized to the audience and the judges . Although it was alright to stop since she didn’t even start singing yet, the audience and the judges didn’t seem to like it . At the front, people were saying that the fun had left while people at the back were urging her to start . With similar gazes from everywhere, she felt like she was going crazy . Everyone was pressuring her .
But at that time, she saw KangYoon, who was sitting in the front seats . He was holding up a sketchbook from god-knows-where he got it . There were two words written on it .
[It’s fine]
But somehow, KangYoon’s words magically made her calm . It was the comfort of feeling that there was someone on her side within this crowd that pressured her . Lee HyunAh matched eyes with KangYoon and spoke comfortably .
“Ahh… . Sorry about that . Let’s start . ”
It was a short amount of time but was long to the audience that was waiting for it . Unlike the beginning, the atmosphere was already cooling down . However, she did not care about it . Her gaze was fixed on KangYoon alone .
When Lee HyunAh’s ready signal came, the drums started off with four beats and the bass slid . The clear sound of the guitar and the synthesizer hopped onto the heavy bass rhythm .
– I am by your side – like this – putting the sails of hope—
Lee HyunAh’s powerful voice was the icing on the cake . The disappointed crowd started raising their gears again . When the cheers got louder, her singing also became more powerful .
– The rough winds – make my tears flow—but stopped when I met you –
The distortion from the electric guitar and the low tone from the bass harmonized and decorated her singing even more magnificently . The sound of the guitar that lightly crumpled to bring out the mood was making her singing even more vivid . The drums that beat on the on-beat was fixing the beats on the spot .
‘The atmosphere is good . Too bad the lighting isn’t up to par . ’
Judged KangYoon as he watched the strong white light made from the musical notes . He knew that Lee HyunAh’s gaze was fixed on him so he was still holding up the sketchbook . Some people glanced at him, but he didn’t take it down for fear of affecting the stage .
– Like this—engrave in your heart – I love – you – and hope to my heart –
The song started nearing its climax . The guitar also turned to high pitch to excite the audience even further . The college students were already jumping around at the front, and the back-seat audience were also clapping . KangYoon was sure of the stage’s success after seeing the white light getting stronger .
– With hope – together –
Min ChanMin made a flashy drum improvisation, while the electric guitar went to the highest possible range of pitch and the people’s cheers neared the peak as well . Lee HyunAh’s voice ruled the stage . Seeing Recovery’s light seeping into the entire venue, KangYoon quietly clapped .
“Thank you!”
The beautiful music died down, and when Lee HyunAh’s goodbyes were over, the cheers from the audience saw them out . The cooled atmosphere from the beginning had completely disappeared without a trace .
The College Pop Festival ended .
The band with the most cheers was without a doubt, Recovery, but the initial preparation time became a problem and the Grand Prize was given to some other participants . There were some members of the audience that were confused, but the judges said that all evaluations were fair .
AdvertisementRecovery received bronze . However, the camera flashes were most concentrated on them . KangYoon thought about greeting and congratulating them, but turned around after seeing so many reporters gathered around them . He didn’t wish to be caught up with reporters in something other than work .
He was slowly walking out of the venue when someone grabbed him from the back . When he turned around in surprise, it was Lee HyunAh .
“HyunAh, you… What about the interview?”
“That’s not my type thing . So I ran away . ”
“…… . ”
KangYoon was flabbergasted . The College Pop Festival was a big competition, perhaps enough to change her life . She had just received the bronze prize but ran away from the interviews… . It seemed like this girl was not an ordinary one .
“Go back quickly . What are you doing… . ”
“Thank you . ”
Before KangYoon could say anything, she deeply bowed .
“Without you, I would not have participated in such a competition, not to mention receiving a prize . I’ll give the trophy to you, oppa . ”
She held out the trophy that had the words ‘Bronze prize of the 30th College Pop Festival’ . However, KangYoon shook his head .
“There’s no reason for me to receive this . ”
“You made me sing my song, and even relieved my nervousness today . Please receive it . ”
“It’s because you were good . ”
KangYoon kept refusing . He didn’t like receiving such a precious trophy like this . However, she kept urging, and in the end, resorted to tears . KangYoon had to accept the trophy .
“Don’t you need to give such a thing to your family?”
“I already took photos with them, so it’s fine . ”
His final defense line crumbled as well . In the end, KangYoon said something while receiving it .
“Come to me to get it back later . ”
“You should just receive it . Now you want me to get it back?”
“Ask me to give it to you when you think you became an upright person . I’ll give it back to you with interest . ”
“With interest? Wow . ”
She immediately accepted after hearing the word ‘interest’ .
KangYoon grumbled while putting the trophy into his bag .
“Then see you later . Congratulations on getting bronze . ”
“Thank you!”
Watching KangYoon going off as he waved his hand, she waved her hand until his figure completely disappeared .
The biggest event for examinees, the college scholastic ability test, was arriving when the weather became colder . The jumpers worn by the students became thicker and scarves started making their appearance .
However, the girls’ practice room was instead getting hotter . The heat from the girls was more eye-catching due to the cold practice room . Their figures in the mirrors were like half-burnt wood .
“Ah, it’s so hot . ”
Grumbled Jung MinAh with her cleavage wide open . She was covered in sweat due to the vicious movements .
“What the hell is up with your clothes?”
“It’s fine because I have the figure . You should wear it too . It’s much cooler . ”
“…… . ”
Jung MinAh replied with a faint disdain to Han JooYeon’s words . When Han JooYeon became dejected, Seo HanYu consoled her, but Jung MinAh gave a glance to her ‘that place’ . Han JooYeon’s head lowered even more .
The doors to the practice room suddenly opened when the girls were enjoying their brief rest . It was KangYoon with some papers .
However, his ears were terrorized as soon as he came in . When KangYoon saw, he saw Jung MinAh in a pink tank-top that showed her abdomen .
“What the hell?”
“So suddenly…! Get out!”
The clothes had a healthy beauty but KangYoon turned around to the other girls without paying much attention .
“Sheesh, I thought you were in underwear or something . Hey, hey, attention . Can you girls please sit for a moment?”
Everyone giggled after seeing Jung MinAh being ignored by KangYoon . Han JooYeon especially so . Jung MinAh, who was ignored outright put her clothes on in the corner while shaking and sat down .
“You have practiced a lot, haven’t you?”
“Yes . ”
“I came here today for an important announcement . There are two and the first is that your debut date is now official . ”
The usually energetic girls all became calmer . The word debut had that much power .
“You’ll debut in ‘Music Count’ in K Cable TV station . There will be two songs . You just need to practice the two you were doing until now . I’ll tell you the detailed schedule through the managers . ”
“Yes . ”
He could feel nervousness and excitement from the girls . This nervousness was different from the showcase . They were finally seeing the fruits of 1 year of preparation . Everyone’s hearts were thumping .
“And second, we’ll go on a trip . ”
“Huh? A trip?”
Jung MinAh asked as their representative to the sudden question .
“The place will be Log Angeles, United States . You can consider this as the last trip as trainees before your debut . There’s nothing you need to prepare especially . The company will take care of all the expenses . You just need to enjoy your time there . ”
A trip to a foreign country? It was amazing that they were becoming singers from trainees, but they were presented trips to America! All the girls cheered out . No one could believe that there was so much support for just trainees .
“The schedule will be… . ”
KangYoon handed out the papers in his hand . There were detailed schedules along with the mention that they would go 3 weeks before their debut for one week . Of course, this was possible only because all of them had passports .
Seeing the girls full of excitement at the sudden trip to America, KangYoon quietly left .
‘Although there was quite a big budget, this much should be fine . ’
Funds for a trip? It was really controversial when it was approved . However, he pushed it through, saying that they had to see many things now to put a foundation for the many areas they might work in in the future . Of course, one part of the reason was that KangYoon had already leaked that he would nitpick the directors’ large business trip budget .
When KangYoon went up to his office and sat in front of his desk, his phone rang . It was a message from Lee HyunAh .
– oppa, you busy? *^ . ^*
– yep
Replied KangYoon . However, he got a call instead .
– Oppa, it’s me . HyunAh .
“What’s up?”
– I called since I was nearby . Are you very busy?
“I do have a lot of work to do . ”
There were mountains of paperwork awaiting his approval on his desk .
– Oh, really? I gave you a call since it was lunchtime…
When KangYoon looked at the clock, it was indeed lunchtime .
“You want to have lunch together?”
– Yes . I’ll treat you .
He didn’t have a reason to refuse a free lunch . KangYoon took his wallet and stood up from his seat .
Lee HyunAh was at a gamja-tang restaurant near MG Entertainment .
“I’m here . ”
The gamja-tang started boiling when KangYoon sat down . It was her wits of having ordered beforehand . Since KangYoon was hungry, KangYoon started his meal and ate one portion in a flash .
After the meal, she calmly spoke up .
“Oppa, I left Recovery . ”
KangYoon was slightly surprised . They received a bronze and she quit? He was curious about the reason .
“I thought a lot about it . I thought that there would be a lot of things if I stayed… but those oppas and unnis are quite strict . They never listen to me either . ”
“Don’t you think you need to at least try convincing them first?”
“Well, I don’t have the ability to . ”
She drew the line there . KangYoon judged that he wasn’t someone that should interject here and kept listening to her words .
“I also consulted with the professor, and he told me that it should be fine for me to meet other music and musicians . He told me that I have a good voice and a good sense for composing, and staying in Recovery may instead be detrimental for me . ”
“That’s a difficult problem . ”
“Well, I did get to find out that my song actually works . So I thought I’d try some other place this time . ”
“Hongdae . ” (T/N: AKA Hongik university district)
KangYoon was surprised at her words . Hongdae was referred to as the holy place of indie bands, as well as a place where many manias gathered . There were a considerable number of singers that were scouted from there and were now on TV .
“It won’t be easy, you know?”
“I’m fine with it . I’m still young, am I not?”
“That’s true, I guess . ”
“I came here to hear you say ‘go for it’ before I do . ”
KangYoon understood what she was thinking . Although she sounded like she had decided already, she was still inwardly worried .
‘Can Lee HyunAh succeed in Hongdae?’
KangYoon pondered for a moment . Strictly speaking, the band, Recovery, could not be considered a good band . With that being the case, the good voice and the good music would be the reason for getting 3rd place in the College Pop Festival . Potential? She definitely had it .
Having organized his thoughts, KangYoon spoke calmly .
“You’ll do well . ”
She asked again . KangYoon didn’t hesitate and repeated himself .
“Of course . ”
Lee HyunAh smiled at KangYoon’s answer .
Getting off the van, the girls shouted as soon as they saw the airport . Numerous foreigners and people with huge carrier bags, as well as police with guns – everything was new to them .
“Everyone quiet . ”
The leader of the management team, Han TaeHyoung, cautioned them . He currently felt as if he had become a teacher at an all-girls high school . Behind him were managers Kim JiHyun and Kim SeHyui, and the rookie Im TaeGoon, who were following the girls with lots of luggage in their hands .
Although holiday season was past, the airport was filled with people in November . KangYoon had a busy time himself . KangYoon had to take care of the flight procedures for the girls while they were enjoying their time .
Then, everyone entered the duty-free shops .
“It’s a new world… . ”
Jung MinAh became absent-minded after seeing the numerous lines of shops . The endless chains of conveyor belts, as well as blond foreigners and the electronic violin at the entrance, was all new to her .
“Country girl, hurry up . ” (T/N: Spoken in English)
Christie An urged Jung MinAh on who was still absent-minded and was standing still . However, she was still frozen stiff . In the end, Seo HanYu dragged her on .
“It’s a new world… . A completely new world . ”
“Unni, get yourself together . ”
Seo HanYu was also curious about the new things around her, but she followed the managers . Even while the unnis were looking at bags and clothes, she didn’t get side-tracked .
KangYoon seemed to understand what they were thinking and spoke with a smile .
“There’s still 3 hours until the flight so let’s have some free time for 2 hours . We’ll meet up in front of gate 121 . ”
The girls split up into threes and started wandering around . Of course, he didn’t forget to tell the managers to quietly tail them . Since the members were revealed to the internet, he had to prepare for the what-if scenarios .
Everyone left and KangYoon was left alone . He took out a book he had brought . It was a book on harmonics .
‘So that’s how I solve it . ’
To create the miracle of turning tadpoles into musical notes, KangYoon did not let go of the book from his hand .
The two hours passed by quite quickly .
The girls gathered and the managers returned as well . The girls seemed to be satisfied with all the eye-shopping they did . Of course, they couldn’t actually buy anything . Branded products were still out of their reach .
– Flight XX to Log Angeles will begin . Customers at gate 121… .
The boarding announcement finally came . KangYoon and the others boarded the flight with their tickets .
Like that, everyone headed to America .
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