Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 199

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Chapter 199
“Can I ask how we’re picking acting trainees?”
KangYoon had instructed him to think about how to operate the theatrics team during the M&A period .
Although it was a simple instruction, this was an important decision that would decide on the path of the department as a whole .
Hearing an important question, Kang GiJoon sat upright and replied calmly .
“Originally, I was planning to upload a notice to Yeonhwanet and do an audition, but I changed my mind after seeing how World operates . I’m planning to go to schools and streets and directly pick people out myself . ”
“So it’s a method frequently used in the past . ”
Perhaps KangYoon was implying that Kang GiJoon was being old fashioned here, but Kang GiJoon replied with a smile .
“Yes . Perhaps you think that there’s no need for me to go around myself since there are a lot of potential trainees . However, I believe that my effort will not betray me . I haven’t changed thinking like this whether in the past or now . ”
KangYoon looked at Kang GiJoon in the eyes .
Unlike their meeting at the restaurant, Kang GiJoon had confidence in his eyes .
Although it was hidden behind his chubby and naive appearance, KangYoon could see his determination .
“Okay then . In regards to actors and actresses, Mr . GiJoon – no, I shall call you Team Leader Kang from now on – you’re in charge of everything, Team Leader Kang . Tell me if you need anything . ”
“Thank you, President . ”
“In the future, I’ll only point the general direction . You can consider this your own business and achieve your goals . If we actually separate the different branches later, it may become a business bigger than the original Keyode . ”
“Hahaha . Thank you for those words . ”
Kang GiJoon was thankful that KangYoon had accepted him into the company, but now he felt even more humbled that KangYoon was supporting him .
He firmly shook hands with KangYoon and returned to his desk to clean up .
After the conversation, Lee HyunJi approached KangYoon .
“President, wait a moment . ”
“Did something happen?”
She gave a file to KangYoon . When he opened it, he found a copy of the lawsuit .
“There were photos that our managers took of the journalists trying to photograph our artists . They told me that they took photos because these journalists went to no end . Manager DaeHyun kept copies of it . ”
“That should be enough evidence, huh?”
“There was quite a lot of evidence . Though, the matter at hand is how much compensation we can receive since it’s not easy calculating losses”
Hearing that, KangYoon replied with a smile .
“As for calculating the losses, I think we can provide evidence from the fact that we had to cancel the next album and had to delay our progression to the overseas market . We can also use the fact that the ‘speculative article’ has given us tremendous losses in profits and the damage to JooYeon’s mental health . Oh, please tell this to President Choo ManJi as well . ”
“To President Choo as well?”
“Yes . Two is better than one, isn’t it?”
Lee HyunJi nodded her head in understanding .
“Hahaha . Okay, then . Where are the materials?”
“I’ll send you via email . ”
Lee HyunJi excitedly returned to her seat .
She felt excited to make them pay for their actions .
After talking with her, KangYoon headed to the studio to do the rearrangements .
In front of the computer in the studio, Park SoYoung was in a deep worry while clutching her head .
“This is really hard… . ”
She received the latter parts of Eddios’s new Christmas album .
Actually, it was the ‘latter parts’ on the surface, but it was actually everything other than the intro part .
“KangYoon-oppa’s rearrangements are good even though there is EDM and piano mixed in together, so why is my part like this?”
It felt like a weird thing to happen .
The mood of the song was rising, so she couldn’t just keep it there…
She could only sigh .
Just as she had her worries, the studio door opened and a lady entered .
“SoYoung . ”
“HyunAh-unni . ”
Lee HyunAh seemed to have come down after practice as she had her hair tied and was wearing training clothes .
Park SoYoung had called her for help since she was getting nowhere by herself .
“What’s the part you’re stuck at?”
“It’s this part here . ”
Park SoYoung moved the mouse cursor over to one part of the score .
“I’m not really good with digital stuff… I should listen to it first . ”
When Park So Young played it back, an EDM beat started flowing out along with a piano . The ups and downs made Lee HyunAh move her shoulders unintentionally .
Lee HyunAh played it back several times before speaking .
“So it’s rising?”
“Yes . ”
“Did you make this? The intro is really good . It’s calm on the surface, but it’s strangely attractive . ”
“No, it was KangYoon-oppa that did it…”
“…Really? He really has a knack for this, huh . ”
Lee HyunAh felt a little dejected hearing that KangYoon was the one to do this .
However, she soon cheered up and continued to speak .
“No wonder . There’s a clear difference starting here . It’s like it’s separated . ”
“Yeah . I think the bass is too low and the ups and downs are too weak . Increase the bass a little and make the ups and downs a little clearer . ”
“Okay, I’ll try . ”
Park SoYoung controlled the computer . Soon, she finished and played the music back .
“That’s a little better . But don’t you think the vocal line is a little weak here?”
“You’re right . Everything is a problem…”
When Park SoYoung clutched her head, Lee HyunAh chuckled .
“Try again . Do you think that that man made you do this for no reason?”
“Sheesh, unni . You can’t talk about him like that . ”
“I can . ”
“Sheesh . ”
Lee HyunAh didn’t leave immediately and helped Park SoYoung do the rearrangement .
With her help, Park SoYoung was set on a clear direction for the rearrangement and soon approached the chorus part .
When the first verse was finished, Park SoYoung stretched her arms as though she had cleared a hurdle .
“Thanks, unni . I think I can do the 2nd verse by myself . ”
“That was nothing . Rather than that, can I ask you for a favor?”
“A favor?”
“Wait a moment . ”
Lee HyunAh left the studio as though she had remembered something .
She returned a while later and in her hands was a notebook .
“Can you have a look at this song?”
It was a score .
Park SoYoung, received the score without minding it much and started playing the notes on the synthesizer .
‘Huh? What’s this?’
The music that she started off playing light-heartedly started ringing inside her heart .
Hidden Catch was infamous for correctly photographing celebrity scandals .
Their articles were provocative, offensive, and above all, ‘precise’ . Thanks to that, many people clicked on their articles when their title included the word ‘exclusive’ .
Their secret to success was super close-range photos .
Their stalker-level photography was the secret to their success .
Although their actions were controversial in that it intruded on a celebrity’s privacy, their 007-like espionage missions and their backers, the public’s ‘right to know’, were things that allowed them to evade trouble until now .
“…Editor-in-chief Bae, what is this that I’m seeing?”
(T/N: Bae(裵) is his surname…)
The President of Hidden Catch, Yoo MyungHoo, slammed down on his desk with his fist . In front of him was a notice that arrived at his company .
Editor-in-chief Bae OhMin picked the paper up with shaking hands .
“Obstruction of business, intrusion of privacy and… it looks like they’ve geared up this time . ”
“Do you think I’m blind? Who the hell is this bastard!?”
President Yoo MyungHoo seemed enraged .
Although he had released numerous articles until now and received not-so-little sums of money from advertisers, there were no companies that outright took legal measures against them .
“…Lee KangYoon, huh . He’s the President of World Entertainment . ”
“Lee KangYoon? The owner of Eddios? Is this because of that scandal?”
“I think so . ”
“What the . Is that f*cker screwed up in the head? What does he think the public’s right to know is?”
President Yoo MyungHoo snorted .
However, editor-in-chief Bae OhMin told him that they shouldn’t stay still .
“Since the opponent took legal measures, we can’t stay still either . We should either call for a lawyer…”
“What lawyer . We don’t have that kind of money . ”
“President . ”
Editor-in-chief Bae OhMin widened his eyes but President Yoo MyungHoo shook his head with a smile .
“Did they take losses because of us or what? Is it a crime to write an article based on facts? It’s fine . I can just tell him a few things . ”
“You won’t be able to survive if you’re afraid of small companies like that . Trust me . ”
President Yoo MyungHoo seemed confident .
‘Is the President doing this because of Yerang or MG? World isn’t a place to look down on…’
Meanwhile, editor-in-chief Bae OhMin couldn’t help but feel worried .
He felt that something had changed about the President after his visit to that high-class restaurant, but he couldn’t say that either .
Thursday, 1st of December, 2012 .
Eddios’s Christmas album was released simultaneously on all the major platforms including Heaven, MD Music, Nets Dot Com, and other places .
It was a digital single titled ‘White’ .
As soon as the album was released, many people looked for the music as the effects of Han JooYeon’s scandal hadn’t died down yet .
– Tae’s girl JooYeon? Eddios releases their Christmas album, titled White .
Such articles filled the internet .
“All of these articles are like this… No wonder they’re called trash journalists . ”
Lee HyunJi turned off her PC 5 minutes after opening her browser and sighed .
KangYoon didn’t feel any different .
“True journalism has long since been lost . At least on the internet, anyway . ”
“Anyone can be a journalist on the internet these days . Just how long are we supposed to wait?”
It was no wonder that Lee HyunJi was getting angry . She was worried about Han JooYeon, who had a schedule along with the other members of Eddios .
“I’m worried about JooYeon . Eddios’s schedule seemed really tight… . ”
KangYoon replied while looking at Eddios’s schedule that continued throughout the weekend without rest .
“When feeling complicated, it’s better to just focus on work . There’s no room for thought when the body is tired . While they are focusing on their work, we just have to concentrate on removing their obstacles . Is that going well?”
“Yes . It’s going smoothly . President Ha SeYeon is also coming . ”
“So things are becoming big . I got it . ”
While the war was happening in the office,
“…Wake up, sleepyheads . ”
In their dorms, Jung MinAh poked at Christie An to wake her up .
However, she glanced up at Jung MinAh before covering her head with the blankets .
“…Damn girl…”
That ticked Jung MinAh off .
She pulled the blanket off her and assaulted Christie An .
“Wake up, girlie! We’re going to Wonju today . ”
“Ouch! Ooouch! Don’t touch me there!”
“Alrighty, little girl . Let’s see how much you’ve grown up!”
– Notice related to the showcase of Eddios’s Christmas single, ‘White’ .
Hello, World Entertainment here .
We’re notifying you of the showcase of Eddios’s Christmas single, ‘White’, so please check the details below in order to participate .
Date: Thursday, December 1st, 2012 .
Time: 7:10 p . m .
Location: Angel’s House, Wonju, Kangwon province .
(T/N: This is the place KY saw silver light for the first time from JinSeo . )
This album is limited to 10,000 copies . Those at the showcase can buy one .
The profits from this album will all be donated to charity .
Please contact us at Merry@Xmas(dot)com
A notice regarding Eddios’s showcase was put up on Eddios’s fan cafe, Aries, World Entertainment’s website, as well as FinesTok .
As this was about the showcase, the reactions were hot…
-MinAh_lovely: Angel’s House? Isn’t that too far
-SeoYu_is_love: Wonju, huh? I live in Busan though… T^T
-Ris_owns_me: Is this for charity? Maybe because it’s Christmas?
-I_want_more_chaps: *shiver emoji*
-Uncle_fan: Anyone up for carpooling?
-Eddios4ever: me!
Although it was rather far away, the fans showed a proactive reaction to the extent of organizing carpooling .
Of course, many fans showed dissatisfaction due to the scandal as well .
-Pretein: Are you sure Han JooYeon isn’t dating Tae?
-JooYeon_flower: didn’t they do an interview denying that?
-Pretein: Duh, of course the company will deny those claims .
-Songs_to_HanJooYeon: Are you paranoid? World doesn’t lie .
The media was spreading provocative articles around with the scandal, but the fans stayed firm .
KangYoon and Lee HyunJi checked the reactions online in real-time as they prepared for the showcase in Angel’s House in Wonju .
“They were all trainees the first time we were here… time sure does fly . ”
Lee HyunJi had come here early in the morning to prepare for the showcase, and she stepped outside to rest for a little .
She muttered those words as she looked down on the building from the hill behind the church .
KangYoon, who was also resting here, replied with a smile .
“Back then, we both belonged to MG . ”
“Now, JinSeo is the only one there . We’ve all left . ”
“Time flies . I wonder what would have happened if we stayed there . ”
KangYoon stood up and stood next to Lee HyunJi .
Lee HyunJi stretched her arms out and smiled .
“If the chairman was still in health and the directors didn’t do stupid stuff like that… we might have conquered the entertainment industry, I guess?”
“Hahaha . Isn’t that exaggerating?”
Lee HyunJi widened her eyes .
“Oh? You’re looking down on both of our skills . The sturdy platform that is MG, your planning and production skills as well as my administrative support, along with the chairman’s financial support… I don’t think I need to say more, do I? Although Eddios had failed miserably in America, I believe that it would have been a different story had you been there . ”
KangYoon did not reply to that .
Would it really? At least he wouldn’t have failed miserably .
“Well, the past is the past . We’re slowly forming a platform like we were at MG . I’m really looking forward to next year . ”
KangYoon laughed at Lee HyunJi’s words .
As the two were having a warm conversation, a van arrived at the foot of the hill .
“Looks like they’re here . ”
KangYoon pointed at the van and Lee HyunJi walked first .
“Looks like our main characters are here . Shall we go too, then?”
“Okay . ”
Looking forward to the showcase, the two climbed down the hill .
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