Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 132

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Chapter 132
It had been a month since Eddios had joined World Entertainment .
KangYoon had sent all of the members to their respective homes before the duet with Han JooYeon and Lee JunYeol at Christmas .
This was because he noticed that the girls had become wary and fatigued after their lifestyle in America . As Christie’s parents lived in a different state to hers, he even got her a plane ticket . The members all cheered and praised KangYoon for being so generous .
After that, Han JooYeon had returned first and showed a good side in the Christmas event .
After that, the other members started returning one by one and they were given a place to live and a practice room inside Lunas . Although it was nothing compared to the large facilities that MG had once provided them with, it was very minimal yet practical . The members were very satisfied .
A new year .
They had met the new year inside their new living quarters .
Seo HanYu, as always, was the first to wake up .
She yawned before getting out of her blanket .
“This unni is still as ever…”
Next to her was Christie, drooling with her blanket kicked over to one side . Seo HanYu smoothly covered her sleeping unni with her blanket . Then, Christie immediately rolled around in the blanket, wrapping herself up in the process .
“ . . Mmmmm . ”
Leaving her, who had no intentions of exiting dreamland, behind, Seo HanYu went to the living room on her tip-toes .
Over there, she could see Jung MinAh was stretching herself out while rubbing her eyes .
“Unni, you’ve woken up?”
“Yeah . Have you slept well?”
Jung MinAh and Seo HanYu helped each other do some stretching . The two grabbed each others’ torsos and twisted their waists . They were well coordinated with each other, and all of their motions looked natural .
“Was there anything uncomfortable when you slept?”
“No, it was warm and not cold . I was worried since I heard the building is quite old, but it seems like my worries were for naught . ”
“It’s something that he prepared, so there’s no way such a thing can happen . ”
While stretching, Jung MinAh talked about a lot of things . She especially took a liking to her new company and showed a lot of faith . Seo HanYu also liked her new, comfy environment .
“Well, if it’s him… The practice room here is good as well . It might be small, but it’s practical . I don’t feel that much of a difference from the time I was in MG . ”
“I just feel at ease here . If it’s him, he will have good plans in store for us . Look at JooYeon . Her stage last time received good feedback . I heard SamSoon was going on TV soon as well . HanYu, you must be next, right?”
Seo HanYu was expectant . It would be a lie to say that she wasn’t greedy for action .
Jung MinAh knew how she felt . She grabbed the youngest girl’s two hands .
“Just wait for your chance . There will definitely be something . ”
“Yes, unni . ”
Jung MinAh stretched Seo HanYu’s arms out and gave her some encouragement . Seo HanYu also harbored a form of expectation after hearing the leader’s words .
World Entertainment, plan meeting .
This was the first plan meeting since HeeYoon had come over to Korea . HeeYoon was unable to hide her excitement in participating in the planning meeting .
However, unlike what she thought, the process wasn’t so easy .
“Didn’t you say folk at first? I went with a chord progression more suited to folk… . ”
Folk and country were two subgenres stemming from the Blues genre but had different themes . HeeYoon wondered why the song suddenly changed themes into a country theme . This was reasonable as she was the main composer .
KangYoon explained to HeeYoon, who used a polite manner to speak to him as this was a formal meeting .
“My opinion is that JiMin’s voice is more suited for a country style . Rather than wasting her powerful voice on a soft folk song, I think we should go with a more rhythmical one like country . ”
The singer’s voice did not suit the genre . This was the reason .
HeeYoon thought about it before speaking .
“Okay, I’ll get that to work . Before that, though, I want to listen to JiMin’s voice . I think only then I can get a grasp on how I should go about it . ”
When KangYoon glanced at Kim JiMin, she stood up from her seat . She then did a few vocal exercises before singing the song she was given .
As there were no lyrics yet, she simply hummed the melody .
HeeYoon listened to Kim JiMin’s song until the end and fell into contemplation . KangYoon gave her plenty of time to think . Soon, she had cleared up her thoughts and spoke again .
“Okay, I’ll rearrange it into a more country-style . As you said, president, we will not be able to make full use of her powerful voice with a folk song . I think I should get to creating a more powerful song . ”
“Please . ”
After the conversation with KangYoon, HeeYoon approached Kim JiMin and hurled questions at her .
“What does it remind you of?”
Kim JiMin fell into panic due to the sudden question . Such a vague question was enough to make her feel confused . KangYoon, who had caught what she meant to ask, spoke instead .
“She’s asking you what you felt while singing . ”
“Oh… uhm . ”
She scratched her head .
“The lyrics aren’t out yet, so I’m not sure . ”
“Pfft . ”
Lee HyunJi, who was listening all this while, suddenly laughed . KangYoon also covered his mouth .
“It looks like we left out the most important thing . HeeYoon, when are the lyrics coming out?”
“I haven’t made any lyrics yet . I was planning to make one together with the singer this time . ”
Hearing that, KangYoon spoke for a moment before speaking .
“You can do that now then . JiMin, why don’t you have a go at composition as well?”
“Me? Can I?”
When she asked in a worried tone, HeeYoon said that it was naturally okay .
“Of course . Let’s create a good song together . ”
“Okay . I’ll try my best . ”
Since the general outline was decided, there was now a direction to this meeting . The meeting was mainly about the changes brought by the change in genre . For example, the stage layout . After they outlined the general changes, the meeting ended .
Although the meeting had ended, HeeYoon and Kim JiMin were stuck together . HeeYoon looked at Kim JiMin grabbing a guitar with curious eyes . When she started playing the guitar, she started giving instructions on how to do the chords . She also changed the main melody as she did so .
The two started composing like that .
‘Looks like they’re getting along well . ’
KangYoon quietly left the studio in order to not disturb them . It would be idiotic for him to interfere anymore .
The place he headed towards was White Moonlight’s practice room . They were in the midst of practice as always when he went there . However, there was a guest amidst them as well .
“Hello? Happy new year!”
It was none other than Park SoYoung . She greeted KangYoon cheerfully .
“Welcome . Oh . ”
KangYoon told her that HeeYoon was in the basement .
“Go ahead . ”
As soon as KangYoon had finished speaking, Park SoYoung left the practice room .
“How quick . ”
Seeing that, Lee HyunAh pouted saying that she had abandoned her . Of course, it was a joke .
White Moonlight had a lot of freedom with their practice . KangYoon didn’t interfere with them that much . This was his method of managing bands, which was much more liberal compared to other forms of managing artists in the industry . However, there was the precondition that they abided by the bottom line .
After watching them practice for a while, KangYoon called them over for a moment . Hearing their boss’ call, all of them sat down in front of him with nervous expressions .
“I’ll try to get you a stage on TV during the first half of the year . ”
Everyone widened their eyes at the news . They always heard rumors about going major, but now there seemed to be some evidence .
“Is there anything we need to do especially?”
Lee ChaHee asked . KangYoon shook his head .
“No, you just need to keep gaining more and more audience like you’re doing now . Your lessons are going well, right?”
“Yes . ”
One way the band members were getting their income was through personal lessons . Their title as a famous indie band worked quite well . Moreover, the company was all up for it and gave them some advertisements, so everyone was quite well off . Though, some of the profits went to the company in the name of ‘personal activities’ .
Everyone shook their heads when KangYoon asked them if they needed anything . KangYoon then stood up and left the practice room when Lee HyunAh followed him out .
“Oh, is there still something?”
“Here, take this . ”
Lee HyunAh gave him something . It turned out to be some plain ricecakes . (T/N: The same kind of ‘tteok’ in ‘tteokbokki’)
“What’s all this?”
“My household runs a ricecake house . It was freshly made this morning . Please have some . ”
“Thanks, this looks nice . ”
KangYoon headed to his office with a smile . Lee HyunAh warned him though .
“You have to eat it alone!”
KangYoon burst out laughing when he heard that .
Reina cheerfully greeted HeeYoon after she came back from tackling music with Kim JiMin all day .
[Reina, have you been well?]
[No, JaeHoon wasn’t here and I was bored . ]
[You should’ve gone outside . ]
[There’s no fun in going alone . ]
HeeYoon couldn’t help but feel sorry for her friend . She would have shown her new friend around, but with work in the way, she couldn’t exactly do that . Kim JiMin was the first non-professional artist that World had raised from scratch . She was very important, and she needed just as much attention from her .
Reina was expecting a guest-house like atmosphere, but now, she was just running the house with KangYoon, Kim JaeHoon and even her friend HeeYoon absent . She was very bored with having to watch TV or browse the web on the PC all day .
HeeYoon took Reina to the kitchen . Although it was almost 9, they hadn’t had dinner yet . HeeYoon sat her down by the table and prepared dinner .
The two were having a simple dinner at home when they heard a noise from the front door . Soon, a male voice could be heard from the door .
“HeeYoon, you home?”
It was KangYoon .
Hearing her brother’s voice, HeeYoon left the kitchen to greet KangYoon .
“You’re here, oppa . ”
“Yeah, when did you come? You weren’t at the company . ”
“I left at 8 . I’m almost done with the song as well . It’s just as you said . Country seems to fit her better . ”
HeeYoon readily took KangYoon’s coat and hung it up . KangYoon felt good being given some service by his sister after a long time . Reina approached them as they did that .
“Y… yer here?”
“Pfft, Reina, you’re speaking in an accent . ”
“-Dialect- . ”(Spoken in English)
“Oh . ”
Reina nodded her head in understanding .
KangYoon also talked to Reina in English .
[How was your day?]
[It was not bad . Oh, your English is very good . ]
Reina was surprised . Although KangYoon’s pronunciation was slightly awkward, it was enough for her to understand .
[I used to live in America for a little bit . Anyway, I should have put in some more thought, but I guess I was too busy for that . Sorry . ]
[No, it’s fine . ]
KangYoon made a sorry expression, and Reina shook her head . However, KangYoon still couldn’t help but feel sorry .
[My sister’s friend is here, but I’m not doing anything for her . Do you perhaps need anything? You’re in Korea, so you need to do something good . ]
[Uhm, can I ask you for something then?]
[Of course, do you need anything?]
Hearing KangYoon’s words, Reina became bright again . She then asked for something .
[Can I visit the company tomorrow?]
[The company? Didn’t you come last time?]
[Rather than that… I want you to listen to me sing . ]
KangYoon blinked several times at the completely unexpected suggestion . HeeYoon explained it to him .
“Uhm… I kinda boasted about you while I was there . That you have a good eye for singers . ”
“HeeYoon, you… . ”
KangYoon turned around to HeeYoon . However, HeeYoon spoke as though it was natural .
“It’s true that you have good eyes . Can’t you just… help her out once? It’s a request from me too . ”
“…… . ”
If it was his sister’s request, then there was no reason to refuse . Reina also seemed to have understood HeeYoon’s intentions and gave KangYoon a strong glance .
KangYoon accepted in the end .
[Then come with HeeYoon tomorrow . ]
[Thank you so much! Wow!]
When Reina and HeeYoon jumped around in joy, KangYoon added .
[I’m not entirely correct, so just take it as a reference, okay?]
[Yes . ]
They didn’t seem to care about that and just cheered on .
The next day .
HeeYoon and Reina had come to the studio as they promised with KangYoon . As promised, KangYoon had already finished setting up and were waiting for the two . JiMin was next to KangYoon .
“Welcome . ”
KangYoon told Reina to enter the booth . Reina erased any kind of impishness about her and entered the booth with a dead serious expression . When she was asked if there was any song she wanted, she thought for a moment before speaking .
“The Phantom . ”
It was an opera song . The song was grand and had a gradual rise of excitement . It was a song loved by many . KangYoon searched up for the song before finding a soundtrack without a voice .
[Then here it goes . ]
After Reina finished exercising vocally, KangYoon gave a signal . When Reina gave the OK, KangYoon played back the soundtrack . Along with a choppy staccato like feeling, the grand music started ringing inside the studio .
“Since once again without you – My power over –”
There weren’t any effects added to the microphone . However, Reina’s voice was very crisp and clear . There was a power behind her voice as well, so despite the low mic input volume, it was more than enough to fill the entire studio .
‘What a sound . ’
KangYoon could see a pure white light that Reina’s music notes were creating . Rather than powerful, it felt more pure and clear .
‘There are no effects applied at all, and it’s still this good . She’s amazing . ”
KangYoon was honestly surprised . The ringing inside his ears was especially charming . Despite all the ringing though, she was still clearly able to get the lyrics across .
The song lasted around 3 minutes, and Reina exited the booth . Her expression was filled with nervousness because she didn’t know what KangYoon would say .
Regardless, KangYoon just spoke what he honestly felt .
[The ringing was amazing . You have an amazing voice . ]
[Thank you . ]
[Despite all that ringing, the lyrics are clearly getting across . Are you perhaps interested in doing musicals?]
Reina looked at KangYoon in surprise .
[How did you know?]
[You were very focused on getting the lyrics across when you sang, so I just guessed . Normally, singers on stage don’t focus on lyrics that much . They’d rather focus on their voice . ]
[Oh… . ]
[Your song was good . Can you sing another one?]
[With pleasure . ]
Being asked to do another one, Reina started singing another one acapella . It wasn’t that different to before and the lyrics were still very clear, and her voice very loud .
Seeing KangYoon ask Reina with a lot of interest and in English, Kim JiMin pouted slightly .
(T/N: Come on, JiMin, you had your English lessons . Time to put them to work!)
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