Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 79

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Chapter 79
God of Music Chapter 79 . Trigger (2)

HeeYoon returned home early after cram school . KangYoon said that there was something important to talk about .
“Oppa . ”
“You’re home?”
When HeeYoon went through the front door, KangYoon was making dinner . A nice array of food, including meat and fried chicken, were on the table .
“I’ll do it . ”
“It’s fine . ”
KangYoon refused her, but HeeYoon still did it anyway . She didn’t feel good about her brother doing the meals . She knew clearly how much work he was doing to support her, so she did not want to make him do work at home as well .
“I said it really is fine… . ”
In the end, KangYoon was forced to the table . HeeYoon was firm in this matter .
After their dinner was ready, the two siblings sat across each other . The two started eating joyfully .
“Oppa, you have something to talk about?”
“…… . ”
Seeing KangYoon hesitate, HeeYoon noticed that KangYoon had something to say . She felt a strange aura about her brother . A sister was a sister alright .
KangYoon thought for a moment before going into the topic .
“HeeYoon . ”
“What is it? Is it something hard to talk about?”
“You know, the thing we talked about last time . ”
HeeYoon also momentarily paused . This was about going to America . HeeYoon focused .
“America… right?”
“In my opinion, I think it will be better to go there as soon as possible . ”
In her heart, HeeYoon had already decided to go to America . She especially focused on the fact that she would not be a burden to KangYoon anymore once she regained her health and found her dreams . There was no reason to hesitate .
“When are we going? And how long are we going to be there for?”
“I think we’ll go there in 2 months . I’ll take care of the documents, and we’ll have to learn some English too . Is that fine with you?”
“I’m fine with it . In fact, I’m really delighted . ”
Seeing his sister very clear on her intentions, KangYoon sighed in relief since one of his worries was solves . He was worried that she may want to remain here in Korea . Fortunately, nothing like that happened .
The problem lay elsewhere .
“What are you going to do? Your work is important, isn’t it?”
“I’m going to go after I clean up . ”
“Oppa . ”
HeeYoon shook her head . She was worried that KangYoon was giving up his work for her sake . She did not want to burden her brother .
“If it’s because of me, then don’t . I can stay alone by myself . ”
“HeeYoon, it’s not just because of that . ”
“Then what is it? If you are going to stop working just because of me, then I’ll… just not go . ”
“I said it’s not like that . ”
“Oppa, do you take me for an idiot?”
HeeYoon violently shook her head .
“I know better than anyone how much you like your work right now . What would I be if you stop working and go to America just because of me? Let’s just wait and… . ”
In the end, KangYoon shouted out loud . Then, HeeYoon became quiet . However, her eyes were still blazing .
Feeling that the atmosphere had calmed down somewhat, KangYoon started talking calmly again .
“Shouldn’t I prepare myself if I want to do my own work? That’s why we’re going . ”
“Your own work? What do you mean?”
“Until now, I was an employee in a company . But now, I’ll be running the business myself . ”
HeeYoon became absent-minded . Running his own business? This was just as shocking as when JooAh suddenly invaded her school .
“Your business? You’re going to do a business?”
“I now have enough foundation and ties with other people . So, I’m thinking of doing my own work . ”
“Haha… . ”
HeeYoon felt weird . She was surprised when her brother stopped being a manager and became a planner, but now he was going to run his own business .
However, as always, she believed in her brother .
“Wow, so it’s a business now? It’s my brother, so of course, you’ll do well, right?”
“Thanks . It’s not like I’m going to start right away . We have plenty of time, so I’m going to study as well while you heal . ”
“Study? Study what?”
“Music . I also want to study stage planning as well . ”
KangYoon remembered back to Samuel Johnson’s concert . The beautiful stage filled with bright golden light flashed in his mind . He could still clearly feel the stage filled with passionate golden light among the cheers of countless people .
He felt that he was still lacking if he wanted to create such a stage .
“Then I’m going to go to school with you?”
“You’re going to study too?”
“Of course . Once I get healthy, all your worries will be over . ”
“Girlie . ”
KangYoon patted HeeYoon’s head in delight . HeeYoon grumbled saying that her hair got messy, but KangYoon giggled, replying that he did that on purpose .
Like that, the night for the two siblings went by .
During the past couple days, MG Entertainment was very noisy within the company .
Once, it was noisy about the ‘success after success’ KangYoon’s embezzlement rumors, and next, it was that that rumor was due to corruption in the audit team, as well as a director, being directly involved in it . With such rumors going around, the employees were gossiping .
And today, KangYoon put the icing on the cake .
“…What is this, Team Leader Lee?”
When KangYoon put a white envelope on the table, Chairman Won JinMoon muttered in a very awkward voice .
“It’s my letter of resignation . ”
“So… . It comes to this . ”
“…… . ”
He sighed as though he had already expected this .
“You wouldn’t want to stay behind when you were framed for embezzlement . I understand you plenty . ”
“Chairman, that’s… . ”
“Aah, it really isn’t easy to say that it’s a pity to see you leave . Haha… . ”
Chairman Won JinMoon didn’t hide his feelings . KangYoon had successfully put JooAh in Japan despite many obstacles . After that, he succeeded in numerous other projects and raised MG Entertainment, which was known for its specialty in idols, in the field of concert planning and general music business . He also single-handedly raised the general music team and showed its potential . At this rate, it was only a matter of time until the team became a separate department and eventually become its own company .
However, a trivial jealousy from a director had ruined everything . He should have prevented the competition between the board of directors and the president before it went too far… . He felt that it was his own fault .
Chairman Won JinMoon sighed deeply .
“You know . I do not have a history of clinging to someone who’s about to leave the company . But you, however, are different . Right now, I really need you . I really wish you would reconsider this . ”
“I apologize, Chairman . Actually, I have another reason for this . ”
“Another reason?”
KangYoon talked about his sister – the fact that she must go to America to receive an organ transplant, and that he wishes to cool his head and study a little more .
With things like this, Chairman Won JinMoon could do nothing .
“…Your sister, huh . That’s an awkward time . ”
“I think this is the end of me here in MG . I could only come this far thanks to you, Chairman . I will not forget this . ”
“That’s a pity . When are you planning to go to America?”
“In two months . ”
“…Please finish up your work properly . Also, let’s have a meal before you go there . ”
Since this was about his family as well, Chairman Won JinMoon no longer had an excuse to hold him here . He closed his eyes and gestured to him to leave .
Just as KangYoon left and passed by the secretary,
“Director Kim JinHo . The chairman is looking for you . ”
‘Looks like he’ll get thrashed badly . Well… you reap what you sow . ”
Bypassing the secretary’s office, he shrugged his shoulders . Then, he headed to his next destination, the president’s office .
In her office, there were two guests along with the president herself . It was Producer Akabashi and Oda .
“Team Leader Lee . Welcome . ”
[Producer, Hello . ]
KangYoon shook hands with Producer Akabashi, who he never imagined seeing here . After last time, when he invited him and HeeYoon to a meal, they became very close . Producer Akabashi was also very grateful for KangYoon for giving him a clue to solve his business relationship with JooAh .
[This is Oda Futaba-san . He’s a guitarist and……]
Producer Akabashi introduced Oda to KangYoon . KangYoon greeted him as well and then heard about the reason they had come here .
[…The concert, you say?]
[I saw the breakdancing concert last time, and it was very impossible . The intro, the collaboration, and the final act was very powerful and caught the attention of the audience . I liked how you focused on the most important things . ]
They were definitely here to talk about the concert . And just as he had expected, Oda wanted to request KangYoon to stage a concert in Korea .
He was thankful for Oda’s words but had to shake his head .
[I am very sorry . It will be hard for me to help you . ]
For Oda, this was a completely unexpected matter . He asked back .
[You haven’t heard of my conditions yet . ]
[I apologize, but I have decided to go to America due to my sister’s affair . I think it will be very difficult . ]
[Ah, the lady from last time . ]
Producer Akabashi interrupted . KangYoon nodded his head .
[Yes . Due to an opportunity, my sister is about to receive an organ transplant . I am very sorry, but I will have to refuse . ]
Oda seemed to be very disappointed as he sighed . Since it was about his family, there were no compromises . He went left the office for a bit with Producer Akabashi, saying that he had to think about it . The office was left with KangYoon and President Lee HyunJi .
“So, you handed it in . ”
“I did . ”
“The chairman must have been very disappointed . ”
“He called for Director Kim JinHo . ”
“Looks like that guy would get thrashed . Such a foolish guy . ”
President Lee HyunJi poured some tea for KangYoon .
“Thank you . ”
“So our days together in the company are numbered . When are you going to America?”
“After I clean everything up, I am thinking about in two months . ”
“That’s a pity . So, you’re going to study while you’re there?”
“Yes . I’m planning to cool my head for a year or so . ”
“That’s good . You should properly learn everything that ChanYang-seonbae taught you too . ”
Other than that, KangYoon talked about cleaning things up here and stood up from his seat . When KangYoon left, Producer Akabashi and Oda returned . President Lee HyunJi apologized to them and offered to introduce another concert planning company . Although it took a little time to persuade Oda, the matter was finished up well .
Recently, Eddios did not come to the company much . Due to various events and recordings for TV programmes, they would have a hard time even with body doubles .
Meanwhile, lightning struck on Jung MinAh .
“Wh… . What? He’s quitting!?”
“MinAh! Don’t open your eyes!”
While getting her eye makeup done, Jung MinAh reacted very sensitively to a huge piece of news . Thanks to that, the coordinator doing her eye makeup slipped her hand . Not caring about that, Jung MinAh turned around and nagged the one who said the news, Manager Han TaeHyung .
“What do you mean by that? Why would he quit?”
“You know about the embezzlement a few days ago, right?”
“Yes, that complete and utter nonsense… don’t tell me it’s real?”
Jung MinAh was really angry . KangYoon? Embezzlement? She started nagging Manager Han TaeHyung, saying that there’s no way her idol KangYoon, would so such things .
“There’s no way it’s true . Why would he do that in the first place?”
“Obviously . Anyway, why’s he resigning when he did nothing wrong? Just what is it? Isn’t the other side in the wrong?”
“Yes . For now, Director Kim JinHo is suspended from work for trying to frame the Team Leader of embezzlement, but… . I don’t know the details either . ”
Manager Han TaeHyung didn’t know the details . Jung MinAh couldn’t hold it anymore and called KangYoon, but all she got was a robotic voice .
“I’m going to go there after this . ”
“Go where?”
“Where else? The office, of course . ”
After fixing her make-up, the recording began again . Although she felt nervous because of KangYoon, she was still a professional .
“Good! A little more to the left… . ”
After a messy round of following the photographer’s demands, the skies darkened .
When the photographer gave the okay after checking all the photos, the session ended with everyone greeting each other . Jung MinAh quickly bid them farewell and headed to the van .
‘He’s still here!’
From the outside of the company, she could see that KangYoon’s office was still lit . She didn’t even look back and ran to his office .
Jung MinAh burst through the door while panting .
“What the hell!?”
KangYoon, who was clearing things up, suddenly stood up in surprise due to the sudden entrance . However, he felt awkward after finding out that it was Jung MinAh .
“…At least, knock, would you?”
“Is that the problem right now?”
Usually, she would act cute or play pranks, but today was different . She started causing a mess right in front of KangYoon’s desk .
“You resigned? Why did you do that? Did something happen? Really? Really?”
“…One by one . okay?”
“Why so suddenly, why?”
“Calm down a little first . ”
Jung MinAh sped up her speech in agitation . KangYoon first sat her down and gave her some tea to calm her down . She sat down on the sofa and sighed after some time .
“Phew… . ”
“Did you run all the way here?”
“Yes . I ran up from the ground floor . ”
“That’s amazing . What’s up today? Aren’t you busy nowadays?”
“It’s… . ”
But now that KangYoon actually asked, she could not think of what to say . She just hated to see KangYoon quit . She just couldn’t express it .
KangYoon wondered while looking at her lips twitch .
“Didn’t you come here because you had something to say?”
“It’s… . uh . ”
“Since you’re here, have some tea . ”
KangYoon stood up from the sofa . Only when he cleared up his work properly could his successor succeed his work . He was busy and didn’t have time to confront her .
At that time, Jung MinAh abruptly stood up and shouted .
“Don’t go!”
“MinAh . ”
“Who am I supposed to believe in once you aren’t here? Please don’t go!”
She shouted her lungs out . KangYoon ended up laughing .
“MinAh . What the heck does that mean?”
“I mean don’t go! *sob sob!*”
But her emotions seem to have overwhelmed her as she teared up before she collapsed onto the sofa and lowered her head . Her usual energy was nowhere to be seen . Once her tear glands burst, they burst like a waterfall .
“This… sheesh . ”
KangYoon walked back and sat down next to her .
“*Sob… sob…!!*”
“There, there . Stop crying . You’re doing well, right now, aren’t you? Stop crying . ”
“…Don’t… . go… . ”
Seeing Jung MinAh having difficulty saying those words while heaving, KangYoon felt both sorry and grateful . Until now, no one was this honest with him . He also felt quite emotional .
“…Thanks . ”
“…*Sob… sob…*”
KangYoon hugged the girl who honestly showed her true self .
He felt bitter in one corner of his heart . Although he didn’t really take it to heart when seeing the others, he finally felt that he was actually leaving for real .
‘It really is bitter . ’
Consoling Jung MinAh, KangYoon made a bitter smile .
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