Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 81

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Chapter 81
Flight number XX0000 arriving from Los Angeles…… .
Incheon International Airport was busy with numerous people visiting it every day . People of different features busily moved about with their travel cases, and people with staff name tags did their best to provide the utmost of services . When the announcement flowed out, some people started running . The airport was filled with vitality .
“It’s about time he’s here… . ”
Lee HyunJi was currently amidst numerous people . Looking at the dashboard, the flight had already arrived . Many people were exiting the arrivals door, but the person she was looking for wasn’t seen yet . There was no call either . It was a stifling situation .
“Am I the President or the secretary, I don’t know anymore…”
Grumbled Lee HyunJi . She knew well that the person she was waiting for might be late if the arrivals process took longer . However, considering the suffering she had been through in Korea while he was not here, she couldn’t help but say those words .
Fortunately, the person she was looking for finally entered her vision . His wide shoulders and long legs were impressive . With a tanned face, he was dragging a travel bag as he walked out at a leisurely pace .
“Mr . KangYoon . Over here . ”
Lee HyunJi waved her hand . It seemed the other had noticed her as he ran over to her .
“It looks like you’ve waited for a while . ”
“Not at all . Anyway, it’s been a long time, Mr . KangYoon . No, I guess I should call you President, now? It’s been half a year . ”
“Now I don’t think I’ll get used to you calling me that . ”
After shaking hands, the two headed to the parking lot . They exited the airport and drove on the relatively free highway .
“You’re quite tanned . It seems like you’ve been to a good place?
“I visited Florida with HeeYoon before I came back . ”
“Oh? Looks like HeeYoon’s in good health now, huh?”
“She’s normal now . ”
Spoke KangYoon as though it was nothing . However, there were a lot of unspoken backstories in his words . For the first year, he could do practically nothing as he had to stay next to HeeYoon, and only after the 2nd year could he start doing his own things .
Lee HyunJi knew this well since she went to and from America in the past 3 years .
“I heard a few of the songs that HeeYoon composed last time, and they were quite good . She has a good sense as well . As expected of your sister . ”
“She’s still ways off . ”
Even though he said that he did feel good to hear someone compliment his own kin . KangYoon smiled lightly .
“You should have heard a lot about Korea when you were there, but the market has changed quite a lot recently . ”
“For me personally, Chairman Won’s news was the most shocking . To see such a lively person, fall ill… . ”
“Me too . They say the world is unpredictable, and I think I know why . Isn’t that why I’m here?”
“Looks like we must go visit him first . ”
KangYoon felt bitter . Chairman Won JinMoon controlled the rivalry between the board of Directors and the President’s using his authority and proved that he was the most veteran in this industry . However, the sudden appearance of myocardial infarction (MI, heart attack) was frightening . With the chairman becoming like that, MG Entertainment was practically controlled by the decisions of the board of directors . The relatively weaker President’s faction was pushed out, and because of that, Lee HyunJi had to abdicate from her position as President . Advertisement
“You’re right . But even so, I guess it’s good that I don’t have to deal with those stressful guys anymore . I even lost a lot of hair . ”
“You lost hair? If you lose hair at your age… . ”
“Stop there . ”
Lee HyunJi’s expression crumpled slightly at the sensitive topic .
“Got it, President . ”
“I’m a director now, President Lee KangYoon . ”
“Hahaha . It’s so awkward yet good to hear you call me President . ”
“You must get used to it . You’ll have to get used to it especially when we start expanding the company . ”
The two also talked about the entertainment industry as a whole, the celebrities that KangYoon raised during his time at MG, as well as the plans for the future . It seemed like some time was necessary for KangYoon to adjust to the drastic changes that occurred in the Korean entertainment industry in the past 3 years .
While they were conversing, they eventually arrived at their new home, their new office . The office was in Yongsan, the building was a rather aged building with 2 stories . The words ‘WORLD ENTERTAINMENT’ was written on the sign as well .
“If we factor in the rental costs, Gangnam was a little too far-fetched . Just as you told me, I rented a 2-story building . Including the underground floor, there are 3 floors in total . Although it looks old on the outside, the interiors are quite good . ”
KangYoon and Lee HyunJi entered the building .
“From now on, you are the President, Mr . KangYoon . I shall treat you like one . ”
“Understood, Director . ”
“That feels strange . ”
When the two entered the 2nd floor, someone was waiting for them there . It was a woman in a suit with long hair . She was a woman in her 20s with a long neck and long legs .
(T/N: Okay, let me get the floor numberings straight . There will be no ‘0th floor’ . It will be ground floor=1st floor, then the 2nd floor . It’s too confusing for me to keep up with different numbers on the Korean version and the translated version (I used to study in the UK where ground floor = floor 0))
“Director, welcome back . ”
“Hello, Miss HyeJin . President, this is Miss Jung HyeJin . She’s in charge of administration and distribution of budget . ”
“You’re the President? Hello? I’ve heard a lot about you . ”
Hearing the word ‘President’, the lady named Jung HyeJin stiffly greeted him . KangYoon held her up saying that there was no need to go that far . KangYoon asked what she was doing until now and asked her to do well in the future .
Jung HyeJin brought them coffee, and KangYoon and Lee HyunJi sat in the office . Unlike moment before, the mood was slightly sunken . Both of them knew that it was time for the more serious topics .
“What kind of plans do you have, President?”
The first one to speak was Lee HyunJi . KangYoon took out a set of documents from his travel bag . When Lee HyunJi opened it, it was a series of music scores .
“It’s a score? Oh, this is the one from last time… . ”
“Yes, it’s the one that HeeYoon composed . Would you like to listen to it?”
KangYoon played the song directly from his phone . The bright melody that came from the piano immediately enraptured Lee HyunJi’s mind .
“The melody is bright, and it has a good feeling . Looks like it will be a good song after a good arrangement . Is there an arranged version as well?”
“I didn’t have enough time to do the arrangements . ”
“Wait . ”
Lee HyunJi found something strange in KangYoon’s words . ‘I’ didn’t have the time? Didn’t that mean that he was going to do it himself?
“You’ll be doing the arrangements…?”
“Yes . I’m planning to do it myself . ”
“Hah… . ”
Lee HyunJi’s eyes widened in surprise . Arrangements? She was surprised to hear that KangYoon’s level of music was that high now .
“Arrangement isn’t easy . And it has been just 3 years? It might sound unpleasant for you, but you are a newbie in this industry with no experience . Who would buy that?”
Lee HyunJi was skeptical about this . Although she was being roundabout, she was basically asking him ‘do you have enough skills to do that?’ . However, KangYoon looked back at her with unwavering eyes .
“I’ll let you listen to the song once it’s finished . Deciding at that time is also one method . ”
“…You’re not the type to give false hope . ”
She knew that KangYoon had arduously studied music until now . However, this was business . Lee HyunJi was very cautious in her decisions . She accepted to decide after listening to the final version .
“Let’s leave it at that for today . I’m still under jetlag . ”
“Okay, President . Should I give you a ride home?”
“It’s fine, you must have your own work to do, director . ”
“So it’s director now? It does sound quite awkward . ”
Lee HyunJi said that it was fine and dragged KangYoon . She made KangYoon get on board her car and rode him to his house .
‘This is the beginning . Let’s do this . ’
In front of his house, he waved to Lee HyunJi as she drove back and resolved to make a song that would surprise her .
When KangYoon entered the house, the house looked the same as before . Although the thick grass bothered him a little, there were no big changes . Of course, HeeYoon’s empty room did make him feel a little empty . KangYoon closed the door to HeeYoon’s room and opened the door to his .
‘Good . They’re all here . ’
Inside the room were 2 synthesizers, 7 speakers, 1 subwoofer, as well as a newly ordered PC . Lee HyunJi got them on KangYoon’s request .
‘I appreciate it . ’
Although they were in a relationship of investor and investee, this extent of consideration from her made him speechless . He resolved himself to not make her regret investing in him .
He connected the speakers to the PC and put the synthesizers on their stands . He set them up so that they would go around the monitor and hung the speakers high up so that he could ‘see’ them well . It was set up for him to monitor the musical notes .
Although he was tired due to jetlag, he still hurried up in setting them . After over 3 hours of installation and testing, KangYoon’s room had turned into a personal studio .
(T/N: Someone tell me why he needs 2 synthesizers and how he can connect that many devices to the PC without an amplifier . )
‘Should I do it now?’
KangYoon looked at the score and started playing the synthesizer . When he did, a blue note flowed out from one of the speakers . The note created a constant light from its place . It was a weak blue light .
‘Let’s add some drums . ’
Continuing, he switched to drums and created a beat . Then, he fused it with the sound that he just played before . He set them to be played back on different speakers and played it back . This time, there was a blue note and a black note . The two notes combined and generated a stronger white light .
‘This looks good enough . ’
He could see the notes and hear the sound well . It was satisfactory .
Now that he finished installing all these, fatigue overcame him . Although he didn’t even unpack his stuff, he fell back on the bed and went to dreamland at the sense of accomplishment of having finished installing .
The era of girl groups . I referred to the music industry in the year 2011 .
The competition between the unmoved 1st place since their debut, Eddios, and the close 2nd, DiaTeen, grabbed the attention of many fans . These girls, capable of singing, dancing, as well as general entertainment, induced the males in their 20s and 30s into consumers in the pop market . A strong cash cow had formed .
After those two, the popularity of girl groups ended up producing numerous forms of girl groups; ushering in the Girl Group Era . However, dark always followed the light . There weren’t that many groups that saw the light .
“We’re free again today? It’s boring . It’s booooooooring!”
The girl group, TNT, was one such group that did not see the light . One member, Jin SeAh, grumbled inside the studio as she rolled around on the floor . Agreeing, another member, Lee Min, also sighed deeply .
“We’re free for a week already . Isn’t there a small event or something . ”
“Would we be here if there was? It’s because our last album went down the drain… . ”
Grumbled Joo JungHyun . She frowned a lot, remembering back to their last album .
All the members grumbled, but their leader, Kim HyoRin had nothing to say to them either . The song in their last single album was so crappy that it made her mad even now . She only consoled the others by saying that they should forget about past matters .
Just as when they were powerlessly sitting there, a sturdy man walked in . It was their manager, Min SangCheol .
“What the, why are you all like this?”
“Cuz we’re unemployed, duh . ”
Kim SeSol grumbled . All the women made pitiful expressions in sympathy . He nodded in understanding and continued speaking .
“We’ll be recording a new song soon . ”
“Ah, yeah . It’s been a month . ”
When Jin SeAh acted sarcastically, manager Min SangCheol coughed awkwardly . The pitiful results were embarrassing for him as well .
“It… it’ll be alright this time . We’ll get the song from outside . ”
“…That’s good . I was worried that we might have to do President’s again . ”
When Lee Min said those words, Manager Min SangCheol sweated cold sweat . With their first, second, and third songs producing pitiful results, it was no wonder that their trust in the President was so low .
“Anyway! You just need to wait a little more, okay? I’ll let you girls run events like hell . ”
“Oh, sure . ”
Manager Min SangCheol tried to cheer them up, but they were all as unmotivated as they could be .
After a brief sleep, KangYoon felt that his fatigue was slightly relieved and started working right away .
The song that HeeYoon composed was the delightful, rhythmic kind . KangYoon wanted to bring out the essence of that . He was also planning to add hook-like elements as well .
‘The melody is low at first, so let’s go at a slower pace . ’
KangYoon looked for a variation of an organ on the synthesizer . It was not an easy task to find the right organ sound among the many variations of organs there . However, once he tried them one by one while keeping in mind the feeling he wanted, he found it quite soon .
When he pressed on a key, a beige-colored note flowed out . He added the drums from before . Then, the light turned grey . Something went wrong .
‘This isn’t the one . ’
Although it sounded fine by itself, it wasn’t that good . KangYoon continued his search for a sound and repeated the same process of playing the sound and combining with the rest . Although the organ sounds were similar to each other, this particular one had a slight reverb to it . Thinking that this sounded okay, KangYoon added the drums as well . However, the what appeared in his eyes was grey yet again . In fact, it was a much darker grey due to the thudding sound of the drums .
‘Ugh… . ’
KangYoon had to stop the playback due to the uniquely murky feeling that the grey light gave him . It seemed that the influence had become bigger as he felt the effects on his skin .
‘Again… . ’
He resolved himself again and started browsing through more organ sounds . This one sounded alright, with the volume LEDs looking fine as well . However, as the song progressed, the light turned darker and darker until it eventually turned black .
KangYoon immediately turned off the sound . He felt as though a murky kind of electricity just went past him . It didn’t just end with the foggy feeling that he had before .
‘Organ’s definitely not the one . ’ (T/N: Well, duh . Organs in pop? Shakes head)
Thanks to that . KangYoon could realize . He went past the organs tab and went to strings . Then, he put in a relatively brighter-sounding set of strings with a little bit of bass . Then, he combined it with the drums again . When he did, the strings flowed out gently after a thudding beat from the drums and the notes started generating white light . A black note and a white note met together to create a stage of white light .
‘This is it . ’
Finding a sound was no easy task . When he looked at the time, 3 hours had passed already . Even though the entire song was only about 3 minutes long, it wasn’t easy to work on it .
For the entire day, KangYoon did not leave his studio .
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