Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 87

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Chapter 87
God of Music Chapter 87 . The Princess of World (2)

Although it was Saturday evening, KangYoon and Lee HyunJi remained at the company without going home . The importance of an employee was different to that of an employer . Jung HyeJin had already gone home, but these two still had some things to do regarding the contract with Kim JiMin .
Drinking bitter coffee, KangYoon turned his eyes to the papers .
“She lives with just her grandmother?”
KangYoon couldn’t hide his surprise after hearing about Kim JiMin’s family situation from Lee HyunJi . Looking at her address, he saw that it wasn’t far from where he used to live . KangYoon was speechless .
“That place… they even share the toilets… . ”
“What? Such a place still exists?”
“It’s just around the corner of where I used to live . There aren’t many toilets, so they are practically shared . I didn’t know people still lived there… . ”
“…I’m more surprised by the fact that you used to live there . ”
“Now that I think about it, it hasn’t been that long since I started getting hot tap water . ”
Lee HyunJi was surprised at KangYoon instead . She did once see KangYoon’s resume, but she didn’t know that he went through all sort of suffering in a place like that .
KangYoon thought that Kim JiMin had to have a stable lifestyle first . Although more hunger calls for more desperation and better quality, that didn’t work in an era like this . However, there was a problem; money .
“…We can get a small house . It will be better than a shack like that one . ”
Fortunately, Lee HyunJi’s answer was a positive one . She also thought that their first trainee shouldn’t stay in a shack like that . However, there was a problem .
“I’m not worried about the money since you’ll earn it back, but this won’t be a vain investment, right?”
Her worries lay with Kim JiMin . Although they got a proper trainee, the matters of the world were mysterious .
KangYoon agreed with her worries but still calmed her down by saying that he would make it happen .
“I’ll have to do my best . Now, we’ll be family . ”
“That’s true . You always moved for a just cause like that . It’s not just one or two people that fell for that charm of yours . ”
“Hahaha . ”
KangYoon shrugged his shoulders .
Eventually, the two came to an agreement that they should get Kim JiMin a dorm where she could live with her grandmother . They also decided that she should practice everyday after school, Lee HyunJi went off to look for trainers, and KangYoon agreed .
Like that, matters about Kim JiMin were finished . Next was Lee HyunAh .
“…Lee HyunAh? Here?”
Hearing that from KangYoon, Lee HyunJi crossed her arms . Is a band easy to succeed with? Her opinion was that it was very hard .
“What did you reply with?”
“I said that I will think about it . A band is a very hard item to succeed with . I can’t just accept them on behalf of friendship . ”
“She must have been disappointed . She might have thought that you were a high-pass . ”
“Work is work . ”
Lee HyunJi nodded at KangYoon’s words . Running a company wasn’t a joke . Accepting an entire group on behalf of friendship was a hard thing to do .
“In your opinion, do you think Lee HyunAh and her band have a chance to succeed?”
KangYoon didn’t voice out his opinions that easily . Lee HyunAh definitely had her own charms . She was going beyond the ‘Hongdae goddess’ position in the indie band world . Moreover, she could even write songs as well . As an individual, she was a very talented singer-songwriter . The problem was the band . Can the individuals of the band succeed as a star? Can they succeed as a band in the major world?
Considering all that, it was hard for KangYoon to come to a decision . Lee HyunJi also seemed to notice his worries and added .
“A band is definitely difficult . A lot of people came out as a band in the past and screwed up . Moreover, they are of mixed gender, so it will be hard to gain fans . ”
KangYoon agreed with her . However, there was something that tugged his heart . Advertisement
‘A band, huh… a band, in the end, gains profit through performances…’
He could just give up on them . But something just didn’t seem right .
KangYoon’s worries didn’t settle .
Kim JiMin felt that everything was a dream .
Lee HyunJi came to her school and processed documents about early leave for every day as she would become a trainee . As this all had the agreement of her guardian and had legitimate documents about her from the company, the school allowed it without much hassle . Though, they found it slightly disappointing since it was a small company .
“JiMin! Did you really become a trainee? That’s awesome!”
“My friend is a celebrity now?”
When rumors spread, Kim JiMin became a hot issue among the students . Despite that, she maintained good relationships with her friends .
The next change that came to her was the dorms . Kim JiMin had lived in shacks for all her life and was not able to believe the two-room studio apartment in front of her eyes .
“…Wow… . ”
It wasn’t that big, but it was very neat and tidy . Everything felt as though it was a dream . There was everything necessary with beds and a computer .
“My dear, president . I cannot thank you enough . ”
Kim JiMin’s parents grabbed KangYoon’s hands dearly . She did hear that her granddaughter had become a trainee or something, but she never imagined that she got her a house as well . KangYoon also grabbed her hands back .
“JiMin will bring you to a better place in the future . She’ll give us with greater things, so this is not much . ”
“Thank you, thank you so much . ”
Kim JiMin’s grandmother was just thankful .
With the matters with the school and living done, they took care of most things . What was left was training . And today was the historic first training .
“Hello . ”
Kim JiMin finished just the morning classes and headed to World Entertainment . She greeted Jung HyeJin and headed to the basement studio .
“Welcome . ”
In the studio were KangYoon and professor Choi ChanYang . Kim JiMin nervously greeted towards the professor .
After a brief introduction, the three sat down and went to the topic .
“JiMin, the professor will take care of your vocal training starting today . You have a lot to learn, but singing is the basics of the basics, so you must work hard, okay?”
“Yes . I’ll do my best . ”
Kim JiMin’s eyes were full of enthusiasm . Professor Choi ChanYang smiled in satisfaction .
“No, take care of me too . This will be the first time I train someone too . ”
Kim JiMin’s eyes trembled, but KangYoon explained .
“He’s a professor in Hallyeo Arts University . It’s the first time he’s doing vocal training, but he teaches composing . This opportunity is quite rare . Also, the vocal skills you’re about to learn can’t be learned from just anywhere so do your best . ”
“A pro…fessor… hi다 . ”
Kim JiMin gulped in nervousness . Then, professor Choi ChanYang smiled and made her relax .
After she relaxed a little, KangYoon continued to explain .
“It’s called SLS vocal method, and it originated from vocal music, but it can handle pop or classic, as well as all other genres of singing . ”
She wondered if there really was such a magical singing method, but trusted KangYoon . When her eyes sparkled, KangYoon continued .
“It’s hard to see effects for people who already learned another vocal method . But I thought that you should be able to learn it since you don’t have experience learning any other things . This is quite effective for people who don’t have habits in singing . Not anyone can teach it without the proper licenses . So, do your best to learn it . ”
“Yes . ”
KangYoon spoke no more . He pushed away the tables in the studio while Kim JiMin sat down .
“Here, do as I do . Ah~ . ”
Professor Choi ChanYang started from the basics . Kim JiMin sang as she did normally . Then, the professor shook his head .
“Think as though you’re doing it more naturally . Listen to me . Aaah—-“
KangYoon sat down and focused his ears on their voices . The professor repeated the same ‘ah’ sound . The prior sounded like a scratching sound, and the latter sounded more comfortable .
“What is the difference between the two?”
“I think the first one was more difficult to voice out . The second one sounded more comfortable . ”
“Good . You have good ears . ”
The compliment made Kim JiMin happy .
“That’s where the importance of SLS lies . Comfortably and clearly . If you perfectly digest this voicing method, then you’ll be able to voice out even the high notes . ”
“Oh… . ”
Kim JiMin exclaimed . She didn’t even think about that .
“Let’s do it then . Aah—“
“The sound is still a little awkward right? It’s because your larynx is too low . The important thing is to find the right place for the larynx . Again . Aah—“
Kim JiMin’s vocal training started with the basics . Seeing that the lesson was taking off, KangYoon quietly left through the door .
In the office, Lee HyunJi was hard at work while grabbing her head . KangYoon sat down as to not interrupt her .
‘Band, what do I do with a band?’
The band problem was very difficult . How to produce profit out of them, this was a big question . Even if they acted as a unit, the problem of sharing profit was obviously a big hindrance . There was a reason Yerang wanted Lee HyunAh alone .
‘But no one has done it yet . The merit of being the first success is definitely there . Moreover, her skills are already approved . Increasing the number of performances and proper marketing should make her a good card . ’
There was definitely merit if he could package the band well . Moreover, there was the foundation that she had piled up in Hongdae (Hongik University District) . If the music could be turned a little more mass-public-oriented while maintaining the originality of the band, then a good reaction could be expected .
‘If I do decide to accept her, then the important part will be to produce a profit . But it’s not like HyunAh has talents in acting or TV shows, and there’s no way the others do either . In the end, it will be about music… . Music, music, huh . Music… Oh . ’
At that moment, something flashed in KangYoon’s head .
The main source of income for a band is a concert . Lee HyunAh’s foundation is an indie band . Why did I only think about large-scale concerts? Concerts with less than 100 people audience is still a concert . Hahaha . ’
Thinking about it, Lee HyunAh was already earning money as an indie band . However, there was a difference between doing it through a company and doing it as an individual or a team . Moreover, he could also expect an increase in quality as she would be able to focus solely on music .
‘With a band, I could earn profits through indie stages, and get popularity through TV shows . Once there are enough fans, a large concert to sweep it all? Like that, shouldn’t there be quite a lot of profit, though, not as much as an event?’
He thought about a part he forgot about . These people weren’t the typical celebrities . They were indie singers . The advantage of indie singers was that they had manias – die-hard fans . If he could provide a fan-service for these specific group of fans, and increase their numbers, then there would eventually be a frightening mass of fans . The profit too would be…
“That’s it!”
KangYoon subconsciously shouted out loud . Lee HyunJi, who was focusing on her work on the side, was surprised and looked at him .
“Did something happen?”
“Oh… . ”
KangYoon momentarily became embarrassed .
To strike the iron while it was hot, KangYoon immediately called for Lee HyunAh . She quickly came to the office of World Entertainment upon call .
Drinking the coffee Jung HyeJin gave her, Lee HyunAh asked .
“What did you call me for?”
Lee HyunAh’s question had both expectation and worry . Before, KangYoon did not give a proper answer . However, she still expected something from KangYoon, thinking that KangYoon would be different .
KangYoon started to talk .
“You wanted to enter our company, right? With the rest of the band . ”
“Yes . ”
“I have something to talk about that . The conditions will be very bad . Is that fine with you??”
Yes . There was hope in KangYoon’s words . She sparkled eyes and nodded her head .
“Yes, yes! I knew it, you were… . ”
“Decide after you hear about everything . The terms aren’t that good . You will be sacrificing a lot . ”
Lee HyunAh was confused by the negative word . However, she already considered not going to Yerang a sacrifice .
“That’s fine . If I was worried about sacrifices, I would have gone to Yerang . ”
“Okay . Then I’ll start with the most difficult part for you . ”
KangYoon talked about the distribution of profits . It was about Lee HyunAh’s individual income . KangYoon said that she would have to share some of her own income with the rest of the members . At those words, her eyes widened .
“What, my money?”
“Of course, the income from other members will also be shared in the same ratio . However, reasonably speaking, your income will be the highest . Meaning, you will be making some losses . ”
When KangYoon talked about the money, she started hesitating as well . The reality concerning money and the thought of being together with the rest of the team was conflicting each other .
Lee HyunAh thought about it for a moment and eventually came to a decision .
“…Okay . Then if I sacrifice my portion of the income, then will I be accepted?”
Lee HyunAh threw a direct question . However, KangYoon still said that there were some things left .
“There’s still more . Decide after you hear about it . Honestly, if you enter, then I’d welcome you . This company is still in its initial stages, so rather than me doing something for you, you might feel like you have more family . So… . ”
“But it’s not like you’re going to abandon me, oppa . ”
“Y… . yes, that’s true as well . ”
“You’ll utilize the group somehow to produce income . If I come here, that is . ”
She was right . She said that and urged KangYoon to speak properly .
“…I’ll clear it up for you . If you come here, you’ll be put through a lot of suffering . You might even earn less money for the time being than being indie . However…”
Her eyes sparkled at this point .
“I can guarantee this . The number of performances you do will increase . But the real goal is… . ”
“10,000 people concert . ”
Her eyes widened .
“10 thousand people!?”
Ten thousand may seem like not that of a great number, but it wasn’t such an easy feat . Even she had a hard time believing whether this was possible or not . However, KangYoon continued to calmly explain .
“Your fans until now, and the fans you’ll make through TV, your image you’ll make in the future . In total, I’m thinking around 2 years . Our company will also have to get ready to digest such a large concert by then . I won’t do something rude like asking you to spend your own money so don’t worry about that .
“Oh… . Hahahaha . ”
Lee HyunAh smiled awkwardly . Looking at the current state of the company, as well as her own popularity as a band, this did not make any sense . However, KangYoon was the one to say it . She didn’t think that it was a lie . Moreover, if the entire band was going to be treated the same, then there was no need to talk anymore .
“I, I’ll come here . The others will come too . ”
“You’ll be put through a lot of suffering . Like, a LOT . You might even resent met . ”
“It’s fine . It’s fine . 10 thousand . Ten… thousand…’
She went absent-minded as though she was enchanted by the temptation of the large-scale concert . To a band, a large concert was like a dream .
Like that, Lee HyunAh’s band, The Formidables, nested themselves in World .
“President, you didn’t say a lot in the show . ”
Today was the broadcasting date for the audition programme . Monitoring, Lee HyunJi jokingly complained to him .
“They said everything before me, so I had nothing else to say . ”
“Pfft . You should have made up something . Look at Lee JaeHyuk, he’s making up all sorts of things . That applicant is really good too . ”
Like what Lee HyunJi said, applicant number 209 had very cleaning singing, and his attitude was very good as well . However, Lee JaeHyuk kept asking him for more saying something was lacking . And that definitely made it through the editing . After that, Lee JaeHyuk said in the interview that he liked the applicant but thought that he could do better .
“Compared to the other two, you don’t appear that much . Perhaps because you aren’t that known yet . ”
When Lee HyunJi jokingly said that, KangYoon shook his head .
“It was difficult to find a gem among the sand . There were people who had good voices, but it wasn’t that easy to find people with potential . I think that those two are just celebrities putting on a show . ”
“Really? I think your standards are too high… . ”
“Maybe . ”
KangYoon shrugged his shoulders . This was his first appearance, but he didn’t show that much of an impact, and he was slightly disappointed about that . However, there weren’t that many talented people either . Moreover, Kim JiMin was edited out, even though she was the true talent .
“Yes, hello? Oh, producer . ”
While KangYoon monitored himself with a disinterested expression Lee HyunJi answered the call from a producer with a high-pitched voice . Reflecting her business attitude, she never stopped laughing and giggling while on the phone .
After the call, she sighed and spoke .
“President, we got a call from the producer of ONE STAR . It’s work . ”
“Yes . He wanted you to do an arrangement of a song for one of the top 10 . ”
“Yes, the costs will be handled by the TV station . You became quite popular with the rise of T&T, right? It’s about time you did something again . ”
KangYoon accepted and smiled .
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