Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 166

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Chapter 166
God of Music Chapter 166 . Jejudo Is A Windy Island (1)
“A villa you know? Can I ask where it is?”
At KangYoon’s question, Min JinSeo straightened her shoulders and spoke with confidence .
“It’s a villa in Jejudo I bought last year . I bought it so I could take a rest every so often… but I’ve never been there once either . ”
“R, really?”
KangYoon was well aware that top-selling stars bought private villas in Jejudo . Min JinSeo was more than worthy enough to join their ranks . After all, she was a top star in both Korea and China .
However, the second part of her words tugged on KangYoon’s mind .
“Wait, you’ve never been there before?”
“Yeah . I didn’t have the time… The first and only time I ever got to visit it was when I went to purchase it . So I’m planning to go there this time . It’s a big house, so there should be no problems with housing that many people . I’ve not seen many people recently… is that alright with you?”
Min JinSeo asked carefully . It wasn’t easy to predict what KangYoon would say .
Meanwhile, Lee HyunJi was already more than tempted . No, she was even begging KangYoon to go with her eyes .
KangYoon had no choice, but he asked .
“When can we use it?”
“Is next Tuesday alright with you?”
KangYoon had a look at the schedule . Next Tuesday meant that most people other than Kim JiMin should be able to attend .
“That’s a nice time . I’m a little sorry for JiMin, but… I guess this is the best choice . ”
“Send her to a good place next time . ”
KangYoon nodded his head at Lee HyunJi’s words .
(T/N: Is it me, or do you also think that author left Kim JiMin out because she’s the only minor?)
“I guess . I’m sorry for her, but I guess we can’t take her this time . ”
KangYoon agreed to Lee HyunJi’s opinion and turned around to Min JinSeo .
“Then I guess we’ll intrude… As for the fee…”
When it came to money, Min JinSeo shook her head strongly .
“It’s fine about the money . I don’t think there’s any need for that between us . ”
“JinSeo, even so…”
“Sir . ”
KangYoon unintentionally missed the emphasis in her words and told her that he should pay her .
‘This is what’s bad about him . ’
She didn’t want to get paid by KangYoon since it would make them feel like strangers . Can’t he just accept what was given? – just as she was thinking that Lee HyunJi stepped in .
“President . Since she’s so set about it, why don’t we just accept her offer? It’s not nice to reject it like that . ”
“Director, we’ll be visiting her place with over 20 people . We of course have to pay her . ”
“Oh, you thought we were getting it for free? We should help JinSeo out in return . Right, JinSeo . ”
Lee HyunJi gave a glance to Min JinSeo . They seemed to be on the same line as Min JinSeo replied with a grin .
“Of course . You can visit my place free of charge this time . In return, next time, you should listen to a favor of mine . ”
“… . . ”
KangYoon hesitated . He believed that he should do what was right .
However, Min JinSeo’s schemes and Lee HyunJi’s money-saving measures clicked with each other, and KangYoon had to accept .
“…I guess we’ll be freeloading then . Please take care of us . ”
“Okay, then . I’ll get things ready . ”
With her plans put to work, Min JinSeo stood up . She had spared what little time she had before her flight .
After listening to the details, KangYoon was shocked and told her not to do something so reckless in the future . Though, she just smiled saying that it wasn’t too late .
KangYoon escorted Min JinSeo out to her van . He asked worriedly to Min JinSeo who hesitated to get into the van .
“There’s nothing wrong, is there?”
Hearing KangYoon’s worried tone, she felt a lump in her chest . She felt like she was alone at her own company, and that this place felt like family to her .
Despite that, she did not show her emotions and smiled .
“No, it’s nothing . Are you getting prepared as well?”
“Prepared for what?”
“To accept the superstar actress Min JinSeo . ”
KangYoon laughed when she referred to herself as a superstar . However, he avoided answering . He was too caught up with Eddios until now and did not think much about her side .
“…Looks like it’s still far away . ”
When Min JinSeo became dejected, KangYoon smiled and spoke .
“It’s like what you said . This is about accepting a superstar into our ranks . A small company like ours isn’t capable of handling you yet . Please wait a little more . I won’t make you wait that long . ”
Only then did Min JinSeo look at KangYoon with a bright expression .
“Okay, then . I’ll see you in Jeju . ”
When Min JinSeo got on the van, the van immediately disappeared from KangYoon’s view .
“…Looks like I’ll have more work to do after this vacation . ”
KangYoon had a look at the blue skies and sighed .
“Thank you for your work . ”
After finishing the 8 p . m . radio program ‘Music with the Stars’, Kim JiMin politely greeted everyone including the producer of the program .
“Is it because she’s new to this? She’s very polite and fresh . Where did you say she was from, World?”
“It’s the place that Eddios got into this time, so probably yes . ”
“Both Eddios, and that Eunha girl as well, have been very polite . They’re cute too . I hope I see them frequently . ”
The producer and the assistant director did not hide their goodwill towards Kim JiMin who was very polite to everyone .
“Eunha, well done . ”
“You too, seonbae-nim . ”
The radio DJ, Hwang JooGyeom, also greeted Kim JiMin . When Kim JiMin greeted back, he stopped her as he had something to say .
“Eunha, if it’s alright with you, why don’t we have some coffee?”
“I don’t think I have the time…”
Kim JiMin had a look at the time before expressing her difficulties . Although it was late at night, she still had an interview scheduled with a magazine company .
Hwang JooGyeom then smiled and spoke .
“Nah, it won’t take that long . Just some instant coffee in the rest area . Okay?”
She couldn’t refuse when a senior in the industry went so far to invite her . Kim JiMin had a look at the time before nodding her head .
The rest area was next to the stairs .
Hwang JooGyeom pressed the milk coffee button on the coffee machine .
“Thank you . ”
“Don’t mention it . It’s not easy to be a rookie in this industry, is it?”
“People always say that to me, but I’m having fun . ”
Kim JiMin and Hwang JooGyeom talked about many things . Hwang Joo Gyeom was an interesting man . Kim JiMin had fun talking with a senior that didn’t act authoritatively .
During their talk, Kim JiMin couldn’t hide her shock when she heard that the other was 27 years old .
“You look young . I was surprised . ”
“This is the power of investing money for a meridian massage . ”
“Hahahahaha . ”
Kim JiMin couldn’t stop laughing when she heard his honest opinion .
Just as they were talking, Hwang JooGyeom asked ‘since they were at it’ .
“It must not be easy for you to stay at a small company, no?”
“Everyone tells me that, but I don’t really get it . The president supports me a lot . ”
“Really? It shouldn’t be that easy… You must have met a good person . ”
“Yes . ”
Kim JiMin’s voice contained a lot of confidence . Seeing that, Hwang JooGyeom responded with a soft tone .
“It shouldn’t have been easy for a small company to produce a star like Eunha, right?”
“No, not at all . I’m still lacking . I should learn a lot in the future . ”
“Hahaha, nice attitude . ”
Hwang JooGyeom patted Kim JiMin’s back . He made a soft smile and listened as she talked about her company with great cheerfulness .
‘Does she not have a single complaint about her company?’
He was thinking about something completely different on the inside . Usually, people would complain about the president or the manager . However, Kim JiMin was different from the others .
She only listed good things about her company, so Hwang JooGyeom had to switch topics .
“It seems like you’ve met a good president . In this industry, that’s something very lucky . I’ve been in this field for 5 years, and I’ve learned that the company is what matters . ”
“Which company do you belong to, seonbae-nim?”
“Do you know about VVIP?”
Kim JiMin was reminded of the little incident that happened a while ago . It was the same company that came to ‘scout’ her .
“My treatment is good . They support me properly when I release an album and they have quite an influence on the TV stations . You should come by some time . ”
“Okay . ”
“Here, why don’t you give me your number?”
When Hwang JooGyeom gave her his phone, Kim JiMin inputted her number before giving it back . She also saved his number on her phone .
“Seonbae-nim, it’s getting late… so I’ll take my leave here . ”
“Oh, it looks like I’ve held you up . Be careful on your way . ”
“Yes, thank you . ”
Kim JiMin hurried across the corridor . Seeing her back, Hwang JooGyeom sighed .
“Sheesh, president . It’s not easy to attract kids like her, you know?”
The empty paper cup in his hands crumpled .
The night before the membership training .
KangYoon was calling HeeYoon while cleaning up at the office .
“Really? You can’t come this time?”
[Yeah, I have a lot of assignments and I also have some people to meet . Sorry about this, oppa . ]
“No, what you’re doing is important . Is your graduation this year?”
[Yeah . Can you make it?]
“I will go even if I have to take some time off for it . Hey, we should take some time to go and watch the Jemis awards as well . ”
[Jemis? Wow!]
(T/N: I’m guessing Jemis is the Grammy Awards equivalent . )
HeeYoon’s excited voice could be felt over the phone .
The Jemis Awards were one of the greatest awards one could get as a musician . The artists that were invited to the event always produced incredible stages every year and the awards were also known for being fair . Though, there was a limitation on the language being English .
KangYoon ended the call after some formalities . Starting tomorrow, the company would be empty for a few days . He had to take care of everything so that he could relax during the camp .
‘Eddios is already in Jejudo, White Moonlight is participating . JiMin can’t come, and JaeHoon and his manager…’
After checking the participating members for one last time, KangYoon stamped the document and stood up .
As Jung HyeJin and Lee HyunJi did most of the work, there wasn’t much for KangYoon to take care of . He headed home with light steps .
The next day .
Unlike usual, everyone came to the company wearing casual clothes . Everyone had a big travel case .
Lee HyunAh ran towards KangYoon, who had arrived last . She seemed excited as her voice was quite high .
“You look excited . ”
“Oh, this is my first time to Jejudo . ”
“Really? It’s your first time?”
KangYoon was surprised about that as well .
It didn’t take that long to fly to Jejudo . The problem was with the flight itself . As Kim JaeHoon and the now-popular White Moonlight were widely known to the public, they had to use first-class seats . Although this was an unexpected use of money, KangYoon gladly undertook those costs .
They arrived at Jejudo, got on a rental bus, and headed towards the villa that Min JinSeo owned .
The bus was very noisy . White Moonlight and Park SoYoung were busy chatting along, while Kim JaeHoon was talking to Lee HyunJi with a serious expression . The managers and coordinators also talked about their episodes with their celebrities and embraced the leisure that this trip gave them .
As they were driving by the seaside, Lee HyunAh and Park SoYoung were taken aback by the beautiful scenery outside . The black rocks and the blue seas made their hearts flutter .
“Unni, have you brought your swimsuit?”
“Yeah, I did . What about you?”
“I did… but my figure isn’t that great . ”
Park SoYoung seemed very hesitant since she minded her short height . However, Lee HyunAh smiled saying that it was okay .
“Nah, who cares? It’s not like we’re wearing it to attract people . JinDae-oppa, am I right?”
“Of course . If it’s you SoYoung, any clothes will look… !@#$$#$!”
Lee ChaHee covered Kim JinDae’s mouth .
‘Looks like everyone’s having fun . ’
KangYoon was relieved to see that everyone was having fun .
Within an entertainment company, one would usually refer to each other as ‘family’ . They just spent that much time together and had the same objective . In fact, some people were even closer to their companies than they were to their own families .
Relationships were very important .
“President . ”
“Ah, director . What is it?”
Lee HyunJi gave KangYoon a half-peeled banana .
“Thank you . ”
“You aren’t thinking about work now, are you? I’ll say this now but Lee HyunJi is out of business for the next few days . ”
“Hahaha . ”
KangYoon laughed hearing those words . Even though she enjoyed working, it shouldn’t have been easy for her to do so continuously without rest . He understood what she was saying .
“There there . You should go to the back now and enjoy yourself . ”
Lee HyunJi pulled KangYoon up and pushed him to the back when White Moonlight and the other managers all applauded to welcome his entrance .
Soon, the bus arrived in front of a rather calm villa . All that could be seen around was the sandy beach, tetrapods, and a red lighthouse far away . There weren’t many traces of people here and it seemed like a breath of nature .
“This place is really pretty . ”
Lee HyunAh and Park SoYoung muttered as they saw the sea . The beautiful pearlescent seas reminded them of pictures they saw about other countries .
“…Is this place Guam?”
Kim JinDae and Jung ChanGyu also blinked several times .
KangYoon and the others got off the bus and were taking out the luggage when the door to the villa opened and a lady greeted them . It was Min JinSeo .
“Welcome . I was waiting for you . ”
She was wearing a one-piece dress and shook the hearts of all men present . She looked like a princess from a fairy tale . She was 21 years old this year, and her beauty was further emphasized by the dress fluttering in the wind .
Of course, KangYoon didn’t react much .
“You’re here already . Thanks for lending us this place . ”
“Not at all . You must all be tired . Come inside . ”
Guided by Min JinSeo, everyone headed inside the villa .
‘…But why is she sticking so close to oppa?’
Seeing Min JinSeo acting very friendly towards KangYoon, Lee HyunAh’s eyes lit up .
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