Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 71

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Chapter 71
God of Music Chapter 71 . His First Song is a Hurricane? (3)

KangYoon headed to the café in Hongdae where he promised to meet up with HeeYoon and Park SoYoung . He was taking Min JinSeo with him as well . Of course, she was disguised beforehand so that no one could recognize her .
When they entered the café, HeeYoon was already waiting for them .
“Oppa, over here . ”
HeeYoon waved her hand to greet KangYoon, but her expression turned strange when she saw Min JinSeo following KangYoon in . KangYoon didn’t seem to notice that and waved back at her .
“Oppa, you’re here . ”
“Did you wait for long?”
“Not really . Who’s that behind you?”
HeeYoon was on guard against the woman KangYoon had brought . Her brother’s girl? She felt rather strange . KangYoon seemed to realize that and introduced the girl .
“HeeYoon, say hello . This is Min JinSeo, who would be going with us today . JinSeo, this is my sister HeeYoon . And she’s her friend, Park SoYoung . ”
“Your sister, sir? Oh, hello . My name is Min JinSeo . ”
When Min JinSeo took off her sunglasses and scarf, HeeYoon and Park SoYoung were flabbergasted . The idol of all teens, the wannabe, role model – the girl with such titles to her name had appeared before them .
“Mi… Min Jin… . ”
Meanwhile, Min JinSeo approached her kindlier when she heard that she was KangYoon’s sister . She even expressed her friendliness by grabbing HeeYoon’s hands, and that made HeeYoon shake . KangYoon only shrugged his shoulders .
After greeting each other, the four headed to the concert venue . The concert venue wasn’t that far away from the café . Min JinSeo seemed surprised to find out that KangYoon had a sister and tried to get closer to HeeYoon . HeeYoon also gradually opened her heart to her as well . With Park SoYoung joining the fray, the three soon started bantering loudly
“It’s here . ”
Having arrived at the entrance to the concert venue, KangYoon handed in the ticket and lead everyone inside .
“Wow… . ”
The girls were surprised to see no seats in the audience . They were kind of curious to see a small yet dynamic stage they had only seen through TVs .
“HeeYoon . Do tell me if you feel ill . ”
“Okay . ”
KangYoon warned HeeYoon to tell him the slightest mishaps . He was slightly worried due to the loud music and the unventilated venue . However, he also thought that it should be fine since she was gradually getting better .
KangYoon and the others could grab their places at the front . They were relatively early . The stage was set with instruments and there was some smoke from the fog machine along with purple lights . The smoke specific to fog machines provoked KangYoon’s nose . He also smelled some stuffy smell unique to underground stages .
With the concert approaching, people started entering . The audience was mostly couples and college students of both genders . People started entering and the empty concert venue started being filled with chatters .
When they were getting loud, darkness pervaded the concert venue . Then, the spotlight shone on the center of the stage . There was one woman standing there . It was Lee HyunAh .
The people started cheering along with her appearance . When HeeYoon looked around in surprise, all the others were looking at the front with wide eyes .
“Welcome to our, ‘The Formidables’, concert . Let’s have a blast today! Are you ready!!”
“Are you ready~!!”
Lee HyunAh’s concert began with a loud shout that filled the venue .
The sound of a piano rang out in the house . Gye HyoMin closed her eyes and felt the weight of the notes on the piano . She played softly where it needed to be and strong where it required strength to play the melody . The music flowed like flowing water as her playing continued .
AdvertisementHer body was dripping with sweat . She usually practiced continuously once she sat down . Nothing came into her vision when she was practicing .
However .
The practice ended abruptly due to a disharmony . The sound she wanted didn’t come out in the part where the tempo slowly rose .
“Just where did it go wrong!”
Indeed, just where did it go wrong .
Shouted Gye HyoMin . Her head could play it, but her hands couldn’t keep up .
“Aah…… . ”
A chaotic mind resulted in chaotic playing .
Again and again, she tried, but she kept stumbling .
Even after repeating several times, she was stuck in the same bit .
Chopin Barcarolle .
It was a tricky song that even world-famous pianists found it tricky . It was a rather infamous song that not many people picked, saying it got harder the more you played it . However, there were many people who wanted to listen to it, and she herself had the desire to do this, and she chose this song .
However, her hands didn’t follow her heart .
Park SoYoung had already become one with the rest of the audience and was jumping excitedly . Min JinSeo was the same . She even put her arms around someone else’s shoulders and enjoyed the music . HeeYoon couldn’t jump but she still clapped and enjoyed the stage in her own way .
Although everyone’s way of enjoying was different, everyone was indeed cheering for Lee HyunAh’s stage .
‘Cool . ’
KangYoon was honestly surprised . Lee HyunAh was shining on the stage . The white light from the band ‘The Formidables’ also stimulated KangYoon’s eyes . KangYoon had also become an audience that cheered .
Like that, a round of exciting music went past and then came a slight rest . Lee HyunAh panted slightly and spoke to the audience .
“The one I’m going to sing this time is our main song . ”
“Waaaaaa— . ”
The audience cheered . Until now she had only sung remakes of famous songs . It was now the main, so everyone’s focus gathered again .
“It’s a song called ‘Do you have some time?’, and… I’ll continue after I let you listen to it . ”
She sent a signal to the drums as if there was no need to speak anymore . The drummer soon ticked four times with the stick . The bass slid and the other instruments entered as well .
“Perhaps I might be busy today – and tomorrow’s no good either – “
When her song started ringing across the stage rhythmically, the audience entered the beat as well with their claps . The rhythmical yet not so fast song made them shake their shoulders .
“At that time – come closer—to me – whoo~ . ”
The clean tone from the guitar snapped into the beat . The bass also snapped occasionally to follow the guitar . With the voice in the mix, the audience cheered even more .
It was a rather revitalizing song for the audience who became tired after jumping around all this time . However, the melody to the ears was also very addictive . The audience started following the song with the lyrics they had just heard .
“Whoo—let us meet again—“
“Let us meet again . |
Lee HyunAh was overcome with emotions when she heard the audience following her . The number of audience members didn’t matter . What mattered was that they cheered on for her . It felt different but still good to the performances she did before that .
She put all her emotions to it and the song came to the climax . Her voice climbed, and the audience’s cheers climbed as well . Everyone was one .
With that, a song came to an end . Along with a loud applause, cheers filled the venue .
“Thank you . ”
Lee HyunAh calmed down the audience that still clapped towards her and grabbed the mic again . When she signaled that she was about to speak, everyone calmed down .
“Was this song okay?”
“Thank you . ”
“Whaaaaaaa— “
Cheers and applause erupted again . She felt overwhelmed with emotions with her first song being acknowledged . However, she calmed herself down again and continued .
“Was the song just now okay?”
Everyone said at the same time . She seemed satisfied with the answer and she clapped once and the audience all waved their hands .
‘Good manners . ’
Seeing Lee HyunAh on stage, KangYoon could see qualities of a star in her . Not to mention Min JinSeo, HeeYoon and Park SoYoung were completely into the performance right now . The Lee HyunAh on stage was shining . Even though this shouldn’t be something she learned before, she was that talented . With that much, KangYoon could judge that she could definitely succeed .
Lee HyunAh calmed down and spoke on .
“The song just now actually has a little story behind it . You know? I’m actually quite shy . ”
Her actions were contrasting to her words, so everyone ended up laughing . Even the band members behind her started giggling . Lee HyunAh pouted slightly . Then, the laughing became even louder .
“I really am though… . ”
“Lol . ”
“Anyway, this is a song I made together with someone who opened a path to the shy me . He was the first one to tell me that my song has potential and has acknowledged my way . He’s here today too . Over there . ”
She pointed towards the third row where KangYoon was standing . When everyone’s gazes focused on him, KangYoon looked around before pointing to himself .
“He gave me this song and made me what I am today . Please give him a round of applause . ”
Along with her words, people started clapping towards KangYoon . KangYoon was surprised, but he still eventually greeted the people .
However… .
‘He… made her a song?’
Min JinSeo’s expression beneath her thick glasses became extremely dark .
The performance ended and KangYoon had a short meeting with Lee HyunAh . Since she now had fans, he couldn’t stay with her for long . Even so, he greeted her and gave her some flowers before exiting the stage . (T/N: Is this common in the west? Giving flowers to someone is usually to congratulate people . )
“That was perfect!”
“She was awesome!”
HeeYoon and Park SoYoung still seemed to have lingering emotions about the stage . Talking about how they got to take selfies with Lee HyunAh, they were really like every other girl of their age .
“…… . ”
However, Min JinSeo didn’t speak at all . KangYoon asked her in confusion .
“JinSeo, was today’s performance no good?”
“It was . It was very interesting . ”
Though, her expression told the complete opposite . KangYoon felt sorry when he was the one to call her out for this one .
“Was there something that you didn’t like?”
“Not at all . ”
“Then what is it? You don’t look well . ”
“…… . ”
KangYoon kept asking since she looked completely different to her usual self, but she kept quiet . KangYoon left the other two to walk up front and walked next to Min JinSeo . Since he was the one to invite her, he felt some kind of responsibility .
“…Can I ask you one thing?”
“Go on . ”
“…Is it true that you made a song for Miss HyunAh like she said?”
KangYoon flinched . He could feel the intense heat in her eyes behind those fake glasses . Since he had never seen such a side of her, KangYoon was shocked . Though, he still spoke without panicking .
“Rather than making her a song… . You know how I receive music lessons nowadays, right?”
“Yes, I heard last time . ”
“HyunAh is someone I got to know at that time . And one day, she brought me a song she composed . With her and the professor in charge’s help, I made a tiny melody line . Making a song? I’m still not that skilled yet . ”
“…… . ”
Min JinSeo stopped her steps and faced KangYoon . KangYoon didn’t know why he had to talk about this, but he still spoke to console her . She stared at KangYoon for a little before walking again .
“So, you didn’t make her a song, but gave her help . ”
“To be exact, yeah . ”
“What the heck, I… . ”
Min JinSeo’s expression finally brightened . KangYoon couldn’t understand why Min JinSeo was like this . No, he remembered something .
“JinSeo, is it because that I told you that I’ll give you my first song?”
“I’m okay with that now . ”
“…… . ”
KangYoon felt embarrassed now . He coughed awkwardly and walked while looking at the ground when she spoke again .
“I’ll just buy every single one of your songs . ”
“…… . ”
KangYoon grabbed his head in agony thinking about what to do with this girl .
After ‘The Formidables’ first stage, the digital single ‘Do you have some time’ went up on a music website .
“Hey hey, we got a comment . ”
Kim JinDae became excited after looking at a comment on the website . It was the first comment after 12 hours .
-The song is so good . I’ll look forward to more in the future . Wow!
Although there weren’t many recommendations, that single comment made him overjoyed .
“JinDae-oppa is getting excited again . ”
“Leave him be . Today’s an exception . ”
Lee ChaHee, the bass player, and Jung ChanGyu, the electric guitar player shook their heads . However, they were actually very happy as well .
While the instruments were getting set up, Lee HyunAh was texting .
– The setting is so hard . T0T Oppa~~ What are you doing right now~?
– Work
She sent a text message full of her heart, but the reply was extremely simple . She couldn’t send anymore when he was at work, so she suddenly became very dejected .
“HyunAh! We’re done!”
Lee ChaHee shouted since speaking in a small voice didn’t seem to work .
“Sorry about that . ”
“Your boyfriend?”
“I wish . ”
“Whew, then a good mood between the two of you?”
Lee HyunAh dejectedly shook her head at her question . Lee ChaHee patted her back .
“There there! Let’s start now!”
However, Lee HyunAh recovered in time for practice and they started practicing passionately again .
“…We are done with liaising the venue . The schedule is 27th and 28th of March at Sejin Recital Hall . ”
“That’s good . ”
KangYoon explained to Gye HyoMin the current status . Originally, this was something that’s supposed to be told to her manager or the president of where she belongs, but Gye HyoMin was currently without a management company .
She seemed satisfied by his work and put down the papers he gave her .
“Both the venue and the dates are fine . So, all I must do is to focus on the performance now?”
“Yes, unless a natural disaster suddenly collapses the venue, you only need to prepare yourself for that day . ”
“Fu, as expected . MG Entertainment isn’t a big company for nothing . ”
There was no reason for such a large company to scam her . Moreover, the documents KangYoon gave her had the stamp from the owner of Sejin Recital Hall . She now no longer needed to be worried about scams or anything else . She sighed in relief .
“Phew… . ”
“How is your condition?”
“Not bad . ”
“You do not have a management company, are you fine with that?”
“I’ll have to try . ”
This was what KangYoon was worried about . The difference between having a management company to take care of everything else other than her performance versus not having one at all was actually very big . This decided her mindset while practicing after all .
“Hmm… . May I observe for the time being then? I need to see how prepared you are for the performance . ”
“Okay then . ”
“Then I’ll come back in three days . ”
KangYoon set the schedule and disbanded .
Three days later .
KangYoon arrived in front of a house with a simplified map . Gye HyoMin’s residence was a house that looked quite spooky . When he was lead inside by the janitor, he could hear beautiful piano sounds .
‘Sounds nice . ’
KangYoon became absent-minded by the beautiful piano sound for a moment . The rapidly changing tempo charmed him .
“It’s here . ”
Lead by the janitor, he carefully stepped inside .
“Gosh, why!”
However, what he saw as soon as he entered was Gye HyoMin halting her playing and smashing on the keys of the piano .
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