Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 82

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Chapter 82
“Mr . KangYoon . It’s been a long time . ”
Professor Choi ChanYang hugged KangYoon in delight as soon as he saw him . KangYoon did the same .
“Professor . It’s been a while . ”
They sat down after a simple greeting . The two met after 3 years in an empty café with faint music . Although they exchanged news through phone calls and other things until now, it felt different to meet in person .
“You studied a lot of music in America, right?”
“Yes, I had a lot of opportunities . Although I couldn’t go to college… I have encountered just as many things as if I went to one . I studied a lot . ”
“Well, then . Should we see the results?”
Professor Choi ChanYang did not say many things . KangYoon gave him the song that he was arranging for the entire day as his ‘results’ . Professor Choi ChanYang’s face turned strange as he plugged the earphones into his phone and listened to the song .
After around 3 minutes, he took his earphones off .
“Nice . Did you do the arrangement yourself?”
“Yes . ”
“I can see you put a lot of effort in . It’s a good song . Though, I don’t think it’s finished . ”
Professor Choi ChanYang stuck his thumb up . The beats were easy to listen to, and the rhythmic melody was very easy to the ears . This guy only learned the basics of harmonics before he went, but now he was able to produce such results . It was a pleasant surprise .
“Yes . I finished the bass line, but I’m thinking of adding some more . ”
“The strings are good . But it might sound a little too repetitive if you use the same thing repeatedly so what about using another effect towards the end?”
“Got it . You sure are different, professor . ”
“Not at all . ”
While KangYoon felt sorry, Professor Choi ChanYang shook his hand .
“I did promise, didn’t I? That I’ll be your consultant once you start your business . ”
“Oh, that… . ”
“I think it will be fun – working with you, that is . Whether it’s today or in the future . ”
“I’ll be thankful if you help me . You need not worry about compensation . ”
“I’m fine with anything . ”
KangYoon did not even think about making Professor Choi ChanYang work with him without any compensation . He was definitely going to reward him for his help . Though, he was quite poor right now because of HeeYoon’s medical fees and starting a business… .
The topic switched to a good mood .
“Did you hear about HyunAh?”
“HyunAh? No, I didn’t hear anything at all . ”
There were people that KangYoon managed to stay in touch with, and there were people that he couldn’t contact at all . Lee HyunAh belonged to the latter .
“HyunAh is currently facing a great crossroad of her life . She got a call from a major . It seems like she was offered a place from Yerang Entertainment . ”
“Oh, Yerang… . ”
KangYoon admitted that Lee HyunAh was good enough for that . She was even a composer on top of her good voice . It was definitely worthy of someone scouting her . If it was one of the three major entertainment companies of Korea, it would definitely help her out in the future . However, Professor Choi ChanYang’s words didn’t end there .
“But they want her alone and doesn’t want the rest of the band . It looks like she’s agonized over it . ”
“It’s definitely not easy to succeed as a band . Although a band may look cool, there are all sorts of fancy stages in today’s TV, and a band would require more time in installing those instruments too . ”
KangYoon sighed, saying that it was no wonder . Professor Choi ChanYang pulled in his chair .
“What would you say to her?”
“If HyunAh asks you what she has to do in a situation like that, what would you say to her?”Advertisement
This was a difficult question . KangYoon closed his eyes after saying that he would think about it for a moment . Abandon the teammates that were with her through thick and thin? That was not nice . However, if a large company was appealing to her, then it was likely that they would support her quite heavily .
‘That’s a difficult matter . But if she plans to stay in this industry for a long time…’
Although it was indeed a difficult question, he found the answer after thinking about the basics . KangYoon calmly spoke up his mind .
“If it were me, I would politely refuse that offer . ”
“Really? Isn’t it a pity to let go of such a big opportunity?”
“That’s true, but the fact that one of the big three contacted her means that HyunAh has that value . Won’t there eventually be a company that would take her in along with the rest of the band? If she accepts their offer right now, it would be hard to take the tag that she abandoned her teammates . Fans these days are frightening, you know?”
“Hm… . ”
Professor Choi ChanYang thought about it for a moment before nodding his head .
“I’ll tell her exactly that . ”
“She asked me that question . Thanks for the wise answer . ”
KangYoon shrugged his shoulders . Although he did expect it a little, he never knew HyunAh asked him that for real . Professor Choi ChanYang was witty alright .
After they finished their conversation, they left the café and Professor Choi ChanYang spoke to KangYoon with a smile .
“Oh, yeah . Mr . KangYoon . I forgot that HyunAh told me to tell you one thing . ”
“She did?”
“I’ll tell you word for word . ”
He suddenly took a deep breath .
“I’ll kill you the next time I see you . ”
“There . I told you, word for word . See you next time . ”
“Whoa… . ”
Seeing Professor Choi ChanYang leave with a laugh, KangYoon couldn’t hide his awkward expression .
“Oh shoot… Maybe I should have told her before I went there… . ”
Considering how busy he was back then, it was impossible to contact every single one of his acquaintances . Anyway, KangYoon just shrugged his shoulders and went home, thinking that it wouldn’t really amount to much trouble .
Having just created the company, Lee HyunJi was very busy . She used her connections she made while she was the President at MG Entertainment to make foundations for the business, and she also had to watch the trends of the entertainment industry . For KangYoon to focus on his work, this kind of work was necessary for her to do .
And thanks to that, there came a day where they could use their ‘infrastructure’ of the company . KangYoon took to his company, the song he arranged .
“Is it this one? Good Feelings? It reminds me of something . ”
“Yes . ”
Receiving the score, she connected the USB that KangYoon gave her . Soon, KangYoon’s song started sounding out in the office .
“I guess it’s kinda… retro? Is this HeeYoon’s voice?”
“Yes . She wrote the lyrics herself as well . ”
“That’s amazing . She even managed to record it . ”
Listening to it, Lee HyunJi umped her shoulders while listening to the rhythmic yet soft music . It was the kind that gave her a sense of déjà vu but didn’t feel boring .
“It does feel very retro . But it’s not too repetitive either . This actually feels great . ”
Lee HyunJi raised her voice as though she really liked this song . KangYoon calmly explained as he watched her being satisfied .
“I emphasized friendliness, comfort, and delight . That’s how this came about . From what I saw, the trend seems to be that of reminiscence of the 90s . It’s like how trends cycle . ”
“You’re right . It’s good . This should work . ”
Lee HyunJi didn’t say a lot of things . She received the USB and stood up .
“Where are you going?”
“I should work as well . Us staying still means that we’re losing money, you know?”
“Ah, that’s true . ”
“You should also plan out how to operate the company, President . Now, our World Entertainment rests on your shoulders after all . Then I’ll be off for a bit . ”
Lee HyunJi was the action faction . She left the office as though she was going to sell the song as soon as possible .
“Amazing . Looks like I should put more effort in if I don’t want to lose . ”
He even wondered how she managed to stay in her seat all day while she was the President at MG Entertainment . Thinking that he should repay her for her vitality, KangYoon started making plans .
The evening of the same day .
Jung HyeJin (the employee) knocked and entered his office .
“President, I’ll take my leave . ”
“Okay, be careful on your way home . ”
After she went home, KangYoon also got ready to leave . On his desks were papers full of plans that he had devised .
Just as he was about to open the door to his office, there was a woman standing in front of it .
“WHAT the!”
“Why are you so surprised?”
“…It’s you… . ”
“What the hell? Why is your reaction so bland?”
He was surprised at first but reacted very blandly after seeing who it was . Disappointed at seeing that, she put a vase on the desk while pouting . On the vase were the words ‘Congratulations on opening .
KangYoon had to give up on going home and had to make some coffee . She accepted it naturally and sat down while crossing her legs .
(T/N: In South Korea, some large-scale ‘individuals’ (companies or people) present a large plant with a ribbon that has greetings and their name on it at certain events like opening a store, funerals, weddings, etc . I’m guessing this is a smaller version of that . )
“It’s been a month . Have you been well, oppa?”
“…Yeah . Yeon JooAh, you damned… . ”
“Ouch . ”
KangYoon smacked her, JooAh, on the head . It was a smack filled with personal resentment . JooAh pouted before returning to her original, refreshing attitude again .
“Hahaha . Are you still mad about going to the beach without telling you?”
“Do you think that’s a small matter? Huh? Why did you get HeeYoon to go to a place like that?”
“What’s wrong with going to the sea? You know? HeeYoon put on some weight and she looks hella good . The men are just all… . ”
“Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-what? Tell me that again . ”
When KangYoon’s eyes turned fiery, JooAh shrunk back while twitching . She felt that she went too far and pulled back .
“Sheesh, I can’t even joke with you . Fine, fine . How many times do I have to apologize?”
“Forget it . Anyway, next time, don’t ever take her to somewhere in secret . ”
“Next time it will be a nightclub . ”
“What was that?”
JooAh never backed out . However, she had to since KangYoon didn’t look like the negotiable kind at all . Of course, this was all a joke .
KangYoon took out some wine and snacks from the office . They were the stuff that JooAh looked for a lot when they met in America . After a round of drinks, JooAh started getting serious .
“Is work going well?”
“It’s just started . How are you doing? You had a hard time in America . ”
“Yeah… did you really have to say that?”
“It’s revenge . ”
“You are such a bad guy, you know . ”
JooAh grumbled . However, her face had darkened slightly . KangYoon also stopped joking and spoke seriously .
“Going to America was a little too hasty . It wouldn’t have been late even if you waited a little more . Whose plan was that?”
“It was from the directors . I also thought that I was good enough . Perhaps the Chairman would have opposed it if he was healthy . I thought I’d at least get into the top 50 of the billboard, but I wasn’t even in the top 100 . I’m so embarrassed now I can’t lift my head in public anymore . ”
JooAh shook her head in embarrassment . She slowly climbed her way to the top of Japan and knocked on the doors of America using that achievement and stability, only to fail . She had to return home in bitterness . Although she talked about it very easily, failure was very bitter .
KangYoon didn’t say much to her in consolation . She was probably here to just voice out her thoughts . He knew well that the best he could do was to listen .
“Sheesh, why did you have to leave the company… . Dammit, those trashy directors . Do you know that I’ve flipped over the company several times after you left?’
“You did?”
“I just went on a strike saying that I won’t work for a while . I just rebelled saying that I can’t believe in people like them . Hehe . ”
“Yeah, yeah . I’ve heard that over 10 times already . ”
She said this every time she came over in America . JooAh still insisted .
“Listen anyway . ”
“Yes, ma’am . ”
“Anyway . You should thank me you know? I tell you news about the other kids, give you the latest trends . Where could you find someone like me? Right?”
“Yeah, yeah . I’m thankful . ”
Although he said that like a complaint, he was indeed very thankful to JooAh . When they were in America, she became a friend and a motivation for everyday life for HeeYoon . To JooAh also, the meetings with KangYoon and HeeYoon were like a comfortable rest .
She seemed to have gotten slightly drunk as she started to leak laughs .
“Oppa, hehe, do you know about JinSeo?”
“JinSeo? You told me last time . ”
“Hehe, did I? Ah~ JinSeo is a scaaaary kid, you know? When you left, I only rebelled from working, but she, that girlie, threatened to leave the company . She even told them that she’d pay the penalty for breaching the contract . So, the company was in an uproar for quite a while . A quiet kid is really scary when she gets angry, you know?”
“I must admit, she’s quite bold . But why would she say that? She’d have a hard life . ”
“*Giggle* Well~ I wonder why~ . ”
JooAh pointed towards KangYoon while giggling . She was weak to alcohol . KangYoon judged that this was enough and put away the drink and the snacks before lifting JooAh up . When they left the office, JooAh’s manager was with them .
“Oh, team leader Lee… . No, how am I supposed to call you now?”
“You can call me with whatever you’re comfortable with . It’s been a while . ”
Perhaps KangYoon’s footsteps were big, but JooAh’s manager didn’t change his attitude towards KangYoon even after 3 years . KangYoon put JooAh, who said to go for round 2, in the van and closed the door .
“Be careful on your way . ”
“Then I’ll see you later . ”
JooAh seemed like she was causing a mess in the van, but KangYoon just waved his hand . The van seemed to shake once before disappearing with a swoosh .
‘I should get some rest too . ’
KangYoon headed home while half-drunk .
Lee WooSung, the CEO of Laurel Entertainment, and its group, TNT were currently selecting a title song for their new album . While listening to four candidate songs, they discussed which one was the best .
As a result, 2 fell, and 2 remained .
“So, it’s down to ‘Good Feelings’ and ‘Aha’ . What do you think we should go with?”
Urged Lee WooSung as he told the girls to choose freely . However, the members of TNT didn’t look like that at all .
‘In the end, he’ll go with what he likes . ’
‘It will be ‘Aha’ . He’ll make up all sorts of reasons for that . ’
Jin SeAh and Kim HyoRin leaned towards ‘Good Feelings’ but couldn’t express it easily . They already noticed what their President wanted to do . The other members also grumbled on the inside, having realized what was happening .
“Go ahead and choose . ‘Aha’ has a sexy theme and a fast beat . It’s slightly lewd too . And this ‘Good Feelings’…… . Hm, well . It feels quite old to me… . ”
President Lee WooSung definitely wanted to do ‘Aha’ . It was hard to reject the will of the President in a company . Just as the members were about to unwillingly agree, one lady raised her hand . It was Lee Min .
“I think ‘Good Feelings’ is better . ”
“…And the reason?”
“We failed the last time when we went with a sexy theme, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to do it again . Also, I feel that this song is more comfortable to the ears . ”
“Ehem . ”
President Lee WooSung said okay and looked at the others . The one who met eyes with him was Kim SeSol . She wasn’t the talkative type, so the gaze of the President pressured her . All gazes looked at her . She felt scared . However… .
‘We can’t fail this time too!’
Desperation won over shyness . Kim SeSol gulped before voicing her opinions .
“I… . I think Good Feelings… is b… better . ”
The others seemed to have gained courage from her words as they started agreeing .
“Shouldn’t we go with something we didn’t try before? A lot of idol groups are ‘stripping’ because of the sexy theme these days . I think it will be good to go with something else . ”
“I think Good Feelings is better . ”
Joo JungHyun and Jin SeAh voiced their opinions as well . This was a reversal .
President Lee WooSung turned around to see Kim HyoRin . It was a silent pressure for her .
‘Unni, unni!’
‘Unni, please!’
The members of TNT were desperate . They did not wish to miss their opportunity to rise just because of the strange songs their President gave them . The President was indeed scary, but the reactionless stage was much more frightening than that .
“I, also, think, Good Feelings… is better . ”
President Lee WooSung became silent . With even the leader, who usually followed him, turning like that, he could not say anything . He also knew that his songs were repeated failures . However, the reason he kept pushing on with it was because of the belief that they would eventually succeed one day . But this time, his song was rejected by the singers . What more, it lost against a trial song that he just brought for show .
After thinking for a moment, he accepted with a long sigh .
“…Okay . Let’s go with that . ”
“Yes . ”
President Lee WooSung drooped his head as he left the studio . Only after a long time he left did the members of TNT grab each other’s hands .
“Unni! We did it, finally!”
“It’s freedom!”
They got a song from the outside and not from the President!
The delight of having done that made everyone rejoice .
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