Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 200

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Chapter 200
The members of Eddios headed to the waiting room prepared for them as soon as they arrived .
This was the largest room other than the main hall at Angel’s House . There were many mirrors, clothes, and cameras so it was just like a waiting room at TV stations .
“Ris, your eye make-up is ruined . ”
“Where? Wait, you’re lying!”
Jung MinAh giggled after seeing that Christie An had put on thicker make-up on her eyes than usual .
The waiting room was usually tense, but as veterans, the girls were in a leisurely mood .
Although their expressions contained leisure, all of the people in the waiting room moved around busily .
Even Lee HyunJi applied powder to Seo HanYu’s face, trying to help, while KangYoon also covered up a pimple on Han JooYeon’s face with concealer .
“JooYeon has it the hardest this time . ”
KangYoon’s soft words made Han JooYeon fall silent .
According to the original plan, they could prepare their next album with leisure .
She felt sorry to the members of the group since she had interrupted their rest and to KangYoon as well .
After the concealer makeup, KangYoon gave her the lipstick .
“What color was this again? Red vel… something . Anyway, you prefer this color, don’t you?”
“It’s red velvet . How did you know that?”
Han JooYeon looked at KangYoon in surprise after accepting the lipstick, but KangYoon replied with a smile .
“This much is basic since you guys are my kids . Well then . Looks like you’re all done . Change your clothes and get ready . ”
“Yes . ”
Han JooYeon blankly watched as KangYoon left the room .
No manager was as delicate as KangYoon . Moreover, he wasn’t a manager, but the President .
At that moment, Jung MinAh came to her .
“…You like him?”
“Whoa? Yeah…”
When Jung MinAh pouted in jealousy, Han JooYeon shook her head and chuckled .
“…Sheesh, I swear you’re haunting him . ”
All members of Eddios knew that their leader liked KangYoon . They also knew that she got jealous easily .
Han JooYeon sighed seeing that their leader became childish whenever he was involved with something .
“Haunt him? What?”
“Nothing . I can understand . If it’s a guy like him…”
“Goddammit, what do you mean!”
When Jung MinAh became angry, Han JooYeon started giggling .
Thanks to this friend of hers, she felt like she was getting better .
MG Entertainment, China branch, located in Shanghai .
Inside the meeting room of a building that looked very fancy on the outside, the Branch President put down the script that the producer and a screenwriter had brought and shook his head .
[I apologize, but I don’t think JinSeo fits this role . ]
This drama was a romantic comedy about a lady, who was over 90kg in weight, losing weight and taking both love and work . It was titled ‘The doll-like lady’ .
However, the Producer seemed to have confidence in this work and tried to persuade him .
[This drama will make it big without fail . The plot is likable by both men and women . Moreover, we already have Zhong Taixu and Yang Zheng as her counterparts already . It will be perfect with Miss Min JinSeo . ]
Zhong Taixu and Yang Zheng were extremely famous actors in China . Both of them were good-looking and had extremely good acting skills .
However, the Branch President was firm in his stance .
[Looking at the scenario, it looks like JinSeo will have to act as a fat lady . That means JinSeo will have to dress up like a fat lady . It’s not easy for her to show such a side . ]
When the Branch President looked like he would not change his mind, the screenwriter, a lady, spoke up this time .
[I am confident in my scenarios . Moreover, as far as I know, these types of scenarios are quite common in Korea as well . These types of scenarios are becoming more and more popular in China as well . I hope Miss JinSeo can come to a decision after reading it . ]
Even the writer tried to persuade him proactively, but the Branch President did not give approval easily .
‘With JinSeo’s personality, I don’t know what decision she would come to . However, this does not fit with the company’s instructions . An action-genre would be much better . ’
The company’s motto was that she should only show the beautiful and princess-like side of hers .
It was better to not take this scenario if she had to disguise herself as a fat woman . If this was action, at least she would look cool . But a fat lady?
The Branch President thought a little before speaking .
[…Okay . I shall contact you later after looking over it . ]
[We’ll be waiting for a positive reply . ]
After seeing the Producer and the Screenwriter out, the Branch President returned to the meeting room .
At that moment, a female employee, who was cleaning up the meeting room, was about to take the script .
“Assistant manager Yoon, just throw that away . ”
“What? President, don’t we need to give this to Miss JinSeo to have her look over it?”
“…It’s fine . That will bring more trouble anyway . ”
“Branch President?”
The female employee was shocked, but the Branch President did not retract the order .
In fact, he went a step further .
“Just shred it . Leave no traces . ”
“…Understood . ”
“Also, don’t tell anyone that those people visited today . Especially JinSeo, you got that?”
After warning the employee, the Branch President went back to his office .
‘JinSeo won’t stay put if she finds out though…’
If she found out, huge trouble would occur .
This was like not giving her a choice . She thought that something was going awfully wrong here .
‘Let’s just do as I’m instructed . ’
However, she came to a realistic decision and brought the script to the shredder .
Wonju, Gangwon-do .
Although the showcase took place in the countryside, many people had arrived in order to meet Eddios .
The Angel’s House’s sports field had already become a temporary parking lot, and some of the fans even rented a whole coach in order to come here .
There were five hundred people attending the showcase .
Considering the size of the audience or the size of the stage, it was no different from a fan meeting .
However, various instruments were installed within the hall, while many cameras were recording the whole thing .
This was a large-scale project that would be broadcasted live to FinesTok .
“The lights are shining–”
Inside the hall where the rehearsal was happening .
The six girls danced in unison while Han JooYeon sang .
A powerful voice rang out from her and the sounds were adjusted accordingly to the venue .
“So this is what it’s like to be on the scene . ”
President Ha SeYeon’s eyes gleamed as she exclaimed at the sounds from the speakers that rang in her heart .
KangYoon smiled as he replied to her childish reaction .
“This is why people go to live concerts . Is this your first time at one?”
“Other than during college festivals… I don’t remember going to one . ”
“Looks like you studied a lot during your student days . ”
“I might look like this, but I majored in engineering . Things turned out this way . The boys there were all not to my liking… oh my, what am I even saying . ”
“Hahaha . Majoring in engineering means not going to concerts? I didn’t know that before . ”
President Ha SeYeon’s face reddened a little as she realized that she was using weird logic .
KangYoon concentrated on the light that Eddios was making with a smile .
‘It’s white . What is the mechanism behind making a silver light?’
Even while recording this album, all he saw was a white light .
Although white light was sufficient to satisfy the audience, KangYoon wanted more .
He didn’t want to stay satisfied with just white light and wanted to create music that produced silver light .
‘to your heart — I’m’”
Ailee Jung winked and twirled her fingers .
seeing that, some of the staff cheered soundlessly while waving their hands .
It was at that moment .
The white light shook and the light became more intense .
‘It’s being influenced by the choreography . It looks like I should make that stand out a little more . ’
While watching Eddios’s dry rehearsal, KangYoon thought about a lot of things .
After the rehearsal, KangYoon headed to the lights director .
“Director, can I have a look at the progression for ‘White’?”
“Over here . ”
KangYoon had a look at the progression of the lights that contained every single beat of the music .
‘I’d better remove all the lights with color on it . And the psychedelic lights too . Wouldn’t it be better if I used moving lights?’
After thinking, KangYoon spoke his opinion to the lights director .
“Please remove all the lights that have color . ”
“That will make things bland though . Is that alright?”
“I think we should focus on contrast . Also, why don’t we add moving lights for a fancier effect?”
“Understood . Instead, can we do one more rehearsal for that?”
“Yes . ”
KangYoon radioed the manager .
– Is it the dress rehearsal already?
“No, they can come out as they are now . ”
– Okay .
Soon the manager brought the members of Eddios back to the stage .
“Thank you, President . ”
“Not at all . Please take care of us . ”
“Yes . ”
The rehearsal took place again .
The lights with the red and blue tones disappeared and the moving lights took their place . The stage became somewhat simpler .
“Oh you’re gleaming–”
When Ailee Jung stepped forward, the three spotlights installed at the center all shone down upon her . The lights overlapped with each other to create a fancy effect .
The remaining members of Eddios waved their fingers in the air and made her stand out . The gloves they were wearing stood out against the light .
After the rehearsal, the audience started entering the hall one by one .
People started sitting down on the five hundred chairs prepared for them . At the same time, red lights appeared on the cameras, indicating that they were on air .
The curtains covered the backstage, and behind it, Eddios, KangYoon, Lee HyunJi, and Ha SeYeon gathered around .
Before any performance, Eddios became nervous . Knowing that fact, KangYoon spoke calmly .
“Many things have happened until now . But even so, you’re in a better position than when you just returned from America . ”
Everyone nodded .
Back then, they had doubts about being able to make a comeback at all . If it wasn’t for KangYoon, none of them would have talked about releasing an album .
“I always say this, but…”
“Leave everything else to you and perform to our best efforts?”
When Jung MinAh interfered, KangYoon made an awkward smile .
“…You know me well . ”
“How many times do you think we’ve heard that?”
“Hahahahaha . ”
Everyone giggled .
KangYoon also chuckled and put his hand out .
“Go and break a leg . We are~”
“Eddios! Dreamy~ Eddios! Showtime! Eddios!”
The nine pairs of hands all rose into the air .
Everyone became determined and the members of Eddios stood in line .
Han JooYeon also stood at the right end, which was her beginning position .
At that moment, KangYoon approached her .
‘You’re too tense . You’ll get injured like that . ’
‘Ah… yes . ’
Like always, KangYoon patted her shoulders before going off somewhere .
‘…Should I create a big scandal too?’
Just as Jung MinAh grumbled on the inside, the sound director’s voice could be heard over their earpiece .
– We’re starting .
When everyone nodded their heads, the curtains rolled down and the members of Eddios showed up in front of the audience .
The showcase for Eddios’s Christmas single, ‘White’, among the cheers from the audience .
“I will stay with you and look after you — we all want you to stand up again–”
With Han JooYeon’s voice as the start, Edddios’s stage began and the audience all stood up from their seats .
Although there was the handicap that she was involved with a scandal, Han JooYeon looked at the audience with determination .
“Cheer up — We came all the way here — just a little more —”
Her voice rang even more within the hearts of the audience .
The audience cheered for Han JooYeon, who seemed to be more energetic than ever today . The scandal? Everyone here didn’t mind such a thing and waved their hands .
Seeing that, Han JooYeon seemed to have gained more energy and showed the full extent of what she could do .
“I don’t know for sure– but I know that we can change this — you! are the main -”
Seo HanYu was the next one to sing .
As Han JooYeon had gone full-power from the beginning, Seo HanYu had to raise her voice as well .
No one among the members of Eddios could win against Han JooYeon in terms of vocal power .
Seo HanYu glared at Han JooYeon briefly before continuing with her part .
KangYoon’s eyes gleamed when she saw that the light had become even stronger than what he saw during the rehearsal .
‘Looks like JooYeon is working hard . Is she planning to spend all of her energy in one hour?’
He had just told her that there was no need to be so tense, too…
KangYoon shook his head .
“Looks like JooYeon’s quite passionate today . ”
“You tell me . ”
Lee HyunJi muttered as she was of the same opinion .
‘I told you not to push it . ’
KangYoon shook his head thinking that singers were very stubborn beings .
Perhaps thanks to Han JooYeon’s efforts, the showcase ended on a positive note .
Eddios’s Christmas song, ‘White’, started wiping the charts, and the girls started an intense schedule .
Although the scandal was mentioned in the news article at times, KangYoon did not stay still about it .
– World Entertainment claims damages against Hidden Catch
– Hidden catch sued for defamation of JooYeon of Eddios
– Intruding a celebrity’s private life? Is Hidden Catch going to be sued?
Around two weeks before Christmas, the war between World Entertainment and Hidden Catch surfaced on the internet .
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