Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 143

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Chapter 143
To discuss Jung MinAh’s comeback stage, KangYoon made his way to SBB TV station . He was here to meet with producer Yang SangChul from Music Land .
However, Murphy’s law happened and producer Yang SangChul was absent . He had taken half the day off because of some domestic matters .
“I’m really sorry . I’ll tell the producer about it when he comes back . ”
The writer of Music Land who had to turn away KangYoon empty handed couldn’t help but feel sorry . The fact that KangYoon had staged a comeback for Kim JaeHoon may have become a factor here as this writer seemed to be a fan of his .
KangYoon asked in a polite tone to transfer the message and thanked the writer for being considerate .
(T/N: The ‘writer’ of a TV program writes the general outline/direction/plot of the program . )
‘And he told me he’ll be in . ’
Although he had a smile on his face, KangYoon inwardly felt annoyed . Although it couldn’t be helped since it was a matter of his family, he was still left stranded . However, nothing good would come out of it even if he decided to get angry . He had no choice but to leave and went to the lobby .
“Oi, hey!”
At that moment, a familiar voice could be heard . It was writer Song TaeJin who boasted of a chubby stature . She ran up to KangYoon and smashed, *ahem*, patted KangYoon’s back .
“Is this KangYoon I see? What’s up? Are you here to meet someone?”
“It’s been a long time, noo-nim . I was here to meet producer Yang SangChul . Though, he seemed absent… other than that, you… haven’t changed . ”
Grumbling at her over-the-top affection, KangYoon made an awkward smile . However, writer Song TaeJin laughed heartily and didn’t mind it . She hadn’t changed at all .
“KangYoon got stood up? Hahaha! That’s funny . Anyway, it’s been a long time, KangYoon . I heard you were having fun running your own business now?”
“What fun? We’ve just taken our baby steps . ”
Hearing KangYoon so humble, she shook her head .
“What do you mean? I’ve had my fair share of news . You got a contract with Eddios, and the rookie from your company seems to be a huge one, isn’t she? I heard everything, you know? Where’s the KangYoon that cried during his manager days? You really are quite capable . ”
Writer Song TaeJin seemed happy for him and kept ‘patting’ his back . KangYoon could only laugh .
“What do you mean capable? I’m still far off . ”
“Act cocky at least, will ya? You’re no fun . Anyway, have you had lunch yet?”
KangYoon looked at his watch and saw that there was not long left until lunchtime . When he said that he hadn’t, writer Song TaeJin practically dragged him onto her car .
The place she took him to was a famous noodle store in Deungchon-dong, where the TV station was . There were many people there . This was pretty rare since writer Song TaeJin was usually picky about having a quiet area for lunch .
The two got a table by the window and ordered a bowl of hot noodles each .
Writer Song TaeJin drank a cup of cold water before speaking .
“Jennie’s quite the girl recently . She’s all the rage when I meet up with the other writers in this field . ”
“What do they think of her?”
“Of course, they want to do shows with her . Jennie, Lee SamSoon, *giggle* . What the hell is up with that name, SamSoon? Hahahaha”
Writer Song TaeJin covered her mouth with her hands as though SamSoon’s very name was funny to her . After a while, she pulled KangYoon towards her side and asked in a serious expression .
“KangYoon . Do you have good characters like Jennie?”
“We don’t have any actors or actresses with us… . ”
“It’s not me who needs it… So, it’s impossible after all?”
Writer Song TaeJin stuttered, which was very unlike her . KangYoon waited for her next words .
Then, she spoke as though she had made up her mind .
“This program, named ‘Fun with Kera’, was created 3 years ago and it’s broadcasted every day at 3 p . m . A friend of mine writes for this program . But she grumbles to me about how they can’t get a main host . ”
“…… . ”
KangYoon became absentminded . He never imagined that he was listening to a scout for a children’s program . Although he didn’t have any people in mind, KangYoon decided to listen further .
“So you want a character that can appeal to children?”
“Yeah . Do you have anyone in mind?”
“Well, I’ll keep listening for now . There’s no way you’re offering me something strange . ”
Song TaeJin’s eyes colored in joy hearing KangYoon’s words .
“Now that’s my KangYoon!”
KangYoon asked about the program while trying to hold her back from abruptly standing up . She calmed down and elaborated about the program .
“After the end of contracts this time, both the male and female hosts are changing . The male host has been cast already, but the female host is the problem . ”
“Who’s the male host?”
“Tayo . ”
“What? Tayo? Do you mean Kim ChanSung?”
“Right . ”
KangYoon blinked several times in surprise . From what he knew, Tayo was a celebrity who had a high price on his body due to being so good at many entertainment programs across many TV stations . He was appearing on a children’s program? This was unthinkable considering the usual budget of children’s programs .
Seemingly understanding what KangYoon was curious about, writer Song TaeJin spoke on .
“Tayo is becoming a father soon so he’s trying to learn to take care of children through this program . That’s why he’s doing this program practically for free . Their team is quite the work alright . This is a scam if you look at it closely . ”
“Well, he should be able to take away something from it . But they’re amazing, both Tayo and the staff . ”
After being elaborated on the program, KangYoon fell into contemplation . What would he be gaining from a children’s TV show? What about the most important thing, recognition, and popularity?
‘This is the best in being ‘special’ . ’
His mind was complex because he hadn’t expected this at all . However, he didn’t think that it was so bad . Doing a TV show aimed at children not only meant gaining popularity among children but amongst their parent’s generation as well . Moreover, there was also gaining the image of someone who’s pure-hearted, so it wasn’t bad at all .
Above all…
‘A connection with Tayo is an enormous treasure . ’
Tayo’s other nickname was the know-all of the entertainment industry . Having a connection with him meant that he would be able to get his connections to many other places . This was very profitable .
It won’t be easy since they had to shoot 5 days worth of programs in one day . The pay won’t be high either . However, it was public TV, and there would be an addition of gaining popularity from children and their parents .
In conclusion, it was a profit .
KangYoon’s eyes shone . “Noo-nim . I have a good person in mind . ”
“Really? What kind of girl is she?”
“She’s 22 this year and…”
“Really? That’s perfect . An idol perhaps?”
Writer Song TaeJin became very interested and listened to KangYoon’s words .
“The reservation rates of the venues we’re supporting in H… hongdae has decreased by around 20% . Meanwhile, the re… reservation rates of Lunas has… . ”
The secretary lady stopped speaking after reading down the report . It wasn’t because it was hard to pronounce . It was that she couldn’t read properly due to how scary president Kang ShiMyoung’s gaze was .
“Continue . ”
“I . . it’s… . ”
“Continue . ”
When president Kang ShiMyoung urged her on, she spoke in a trembling voice .
“It, it’s… risen by more than 20 pe . . percent and the number of locals using the pla… place is also on the rise… . ”
President Kang ShiMyoung smashed down on the table . Hearing that, the lady secretary screamed momentarily and closed her eyes in fear . However, president Kang ShiMyoung bit his lips and didn’t seem to mind .
“…So we threw away our money for nothing . What happened to the person that suggested this move?”
“A… as you ordered, sir, he was demoted to an ordinary employee and he’s been dispatched to the countryside . ”
Hearing her words, president Kang ShiMyoung had a smile on his face .
“Incompetence is sin . Tell this to everyone properly . ”
“Y… yes, sir . ”
The lady secretary replied in a trembling voice and hurriedly left the office .
Inside the room, president Kang ShiMyoung clenched his fist and trembled .
“I started off lightly, but since it’s like this, I can’t stop . Let’s see where we go with this . ”
His lips curved into a smirk .
“Annnnd . That’s it . The vote is over . Let’s check . Who’s in the first place? Please show us!”
Song TaeYoung, host of Music Land in SBB, shouted in an excited expression .
On the screen, the 1st place was about to show up after combining points from the music charts, sales, and general TV show points . “And adding live message vote points, today’s first place is…!”
Psychedelic lights blinked several times on stage . The candidates that were mentioned all waited for the results with excitement .
Soon, the results came out from Song TaeYoung’s mouth .
“1st place for the 1st week of March . Congratulations to Eunha!”
KangYoon shouted to the members of World Entertainment . He was in a better mood than when Kim JiMin’s song topped the Heaven Charts . This was something that was achieved a little more than a month from her debut .
Although KangYoon usually smiled faintly, he was laughing his heart out today . He seemed truly happy .
“…Ahjussi, a fly may fly into your mouth . ”
“Hahahahaha! It’s fine, it’s fine . ”
Jung MinAh joked, but KangYoon just laughed it over .
“JiMin . Congratulations . ”
“Thank you, JaeHoon-oppa . ”
Kim JiMin smiled happily after being congratulated by Kim JaeHoon . As she had said most of what needed to be said at the award ceremony, she was calm right now .
After Kim JaeHoon, many others, like Lee HyunAh congratulated her as well . Being congratulated by everyone present made Kim JiMin feel like crying again .
The atmosphere was obviously great . The usual pork was gone and beef decorated the table . With great marbling, it melted into everyone’s mouths and gave them the taste of ecstasy .
Other than Jung MinAh, who was on a diet, and Kim JiMin, a minor, they all drank some alcohol as well .
“Ahjussi, you aren’t drinking?”
Finding KangYoon’s empty glass, Jung MinAh asked when KangYoon shook his head .
“It’s fine . ”
“Why? You should drink some… . ”
KangYoon only smiled at her words .
Actually, he didn’t drink after the first glass since Jung MinAh and Kim JiMin weren’t drinking . With the boss not drinking much, the others didn’t push themselves either .
The party went on like that .
KangYoon had left briefly to take a call, and Jung MinAh sat there absent-minded . It was then that Lee HyunAh approached her with a bottle of soju .
“U . . unni?”
“Want a drink?”
“Sure . But no alcohol… . ”
“Just receive one then . ”
Lee HyunAh filled a glass for Jung MinAh . MinAh poured one back to her . After a clang of the glass, Lee HyunAh drank it in one sip and Jung MinAh didn’t drink .
“You must be nervous . ”
“Yeah . This is the first time I’ll be on stage by myself . ”
Although they did spend some time together, they were still on awkward terms . The two had clashed time and time again with KangYoon in the middle .
Though, the power of alcohol was quite scary indeed . The two started talking about what they really felt . The elder, Lee HyunAh, spoke first .
“Going alone on stage is quite a big deal . Having someone on my side with me and having no one else by my side is quite the difference . ”
“Right? Although the back dancers will be with me, they’re more like cooperators than allies . ”
“Oh? I think I know that feeling . I feel like that when I stand with other singers on stage . ”
When the two talked about the stage, something common to both of them, they could sympathize with each other . Artists were artists alright . Although there was a difference between dance-centric artists and vocalists, they were, in the end, singers . The two spoke about various episodes that happened on stage .
Lee ChaHee and Seo HanYu, who had become close, whispered to each other .
“And here I thought they were at each other’s throats . ”
“My words exactly . ”
Seemingly not hearing them, Lee HyunAh and Jung MinAh’s laughs became louder .
“Hahaha! No way, did a water truck really sprinkle water everywhere?”
“Don’t get me started on it . I never imagined he would bring a friggin’ truck to a place like that . I thought I was performing at a pool . ”
“Yeah, yeah . ”
The power of alcohol was great . The two were already on close terms with one another .
The people that were worried about the relationship between the two of them clicked their tongues saying that they were ‘simple girls’ .
They got to the point where they fed each other .
“…This damned producer just has to call me late at night . ”
KangYoon sighed a little and came in . The late-night call with producer Yang SangChul made him tired .
When he returned to his seat, a seat next to Lee HyunAh was empty . KangYoon took off his shoes to get into the room .
At that moment, Jung MinAh moved towards the head seat (The seat at the end of the table) and made her own seat empty .
“Ahjussi . This way . ”
Lee HyunAh’s eyes started spouting lasers seeing those actions .
“…Miss MinAh . Do you really have to do this?”
“Eh? Do what?”
Lee HyunAh was triggered by Jung MinAh’s nonchalant attitude . The two’s eyes started sparking again .
‘Ah, my head . ’
KangYoon grabbed his aching head and sat next to the quiet Seo HanYu .
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