Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 231

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Chapter 231
Wait, don’t tell me JooYeon actually aimed for this?”
Lee HyunJi naturally became suspicious .
However, KangYoon shook his head in denial .
“She isn’t someone who’d do something like that on purpose . It’s just a result of a loaded question . ”
“That’s true, but… I feel like we’re being dragged into her pace . Rather than that, will you be fine, president? Since this is Eddios we’re talking about, the workload should be quite large…”
The lack of manpower was showing its limits .
Working on Eddios’s album required much more effort than working with other artists . Starting with the sheer number of singers in the group, they also had choreography to take care of, and their album cover art required more work than others as well .
When KangYoon looked hesitant, Lee HyunJi voiced her opinion .
“Why don’t we hire an exclusive producer since we’re at it?”
“We’re better off without a producer than a subpar one…”
As she was aware of KangYoon’s pickiness when it came to music, Lee HyunJi raised her hand as a gesture to him to believe in her .
“I already have someone in mind . I can guarantee his skill . ”
“So you were preparing a lot of things behind my back . What kind of person is this producer?”
Lee HyunJi took out a document from her drawers and showed it to KangYoon .
KangYoon’s eyes widened after seeing the familiar face .
“Isn’t this person Producer Oh JiWan?”
The one on the document was none other than the core producer of MG Entertainment, Producer Oh JiWan .
He had a lot of experience working with many famous stars so there was no way he was free .
Such a person would come over from MG to World? KangYoon shook his head .
“As far as I know, Producer Oh JiWan is a top-tier producer who maintained his position ever since Chairman Won JinMoon was in charge . MG should be treating him with the utmost care . Would he have a reason to come over to us?”
“Yes . I’m sure that he’ll come . ”
Lee HyunJi answered KangYoon’s questions .
“Producer Oh JiWan is similar to you, president . He only sees the singer and the song, just these two . Chairman Won JinMoon was able to utilize such a side of his, but the directors considered him an obstacle rather than assistance . Some even considered that they would be better off without him since he created songs that weren’t to their tastes . Thanks to that, they’re looking to raise other producers . ”
“So he’s not being pushed away due to skill but due to politics . ”
“Yes . Foolish actions, I must say . ”
KangYoon made a bitter smile .
“How sad . No one was quite as good as him back when we were at MG . ”
“That’s the problem with MG . Since the board of directors runs it, the positions aren’t decided by skill but through politics . That’s why the atmosphere over there is bad . ”
“How foolish of them . Understood then . For now, I believe that we should talk to him first . ”
“I scheduled a meeting with him tomorrow evening, so you can come together with me . ”
After talking with Lee HyunJi, KangYoon went to the studio where the girl trio was .
The three ladies gave KangYoon their finished song with nervous eyes .
“…Here . ”
KangYoon accepted the USB drive and the score and played back the music on the computer .
– On a dry autumn day — we walked together — on the day we became twenty —
Kim JiMin’s acapella voice flowed out .
The intro had disappeared, and the song started with verse 1 . Kim JiMin’s unique, refreshing voice seemed to enrapture all those listening .
KangYoon was surprised, seeing that the awkward intro was removed .
On top of that, as the song continued, Seo HanYu’s voice could be heard in the chorus, and the song became even better .
The musical notes created white light and lit up the surroundings .
‘When it comes to recording, I should ask White Moonlight to record the instruments rather than using MIDI like it is now . ’
After listening to the song to the end, KangYoon turned around to the three ladies .
“H, how is it?”
When Park SoYoung asked, KangYoon replied calmly .
“It’s definitely better than before . Who thought of removing the intro?”
Hearing those words, Kim JiMin and Seo HanYu looked at Park SoYoung .
KangYoon spoke to her .
“I think that was a great choice . It’s much better to start with the verse itself . I also liked HanYu’s voice in the chorus . ”
“Was there anything strange?”
When Kim JiMin asked, KangYoon smiled as he replied .
“It was nice to listen to . This time, the spatiality and the delays were nicely done . Well, it might be just me and my dislike of the sounds you used so…”
“Even so…”
Park SoYoung, who did the rearrangement, looked down .
Seeing that, KangYoon was reminded of something else .
‘How would other producers react? I thought that acoustic sounds were much better, but others may think otherwise . Hmm… I should ask once I meet him tomorrow . ’
Seeing Park SoYoung so dejected, KangYoon was thinking about Producer Oh JiWan .
The next evening .
KangYoon headed to a bar in Gangnam along with Lee HyunJi . This was where they planned to meet Producer Oh JiWan .
As this place wasn’t a bar purposely created for famous people, some of the other visitors whispered to each other after noticing who KangYoon was, but he didn’t mind and headed to the room .
Producer Oh JiWan had already arrived .
“It’s been a long time, team leader . No, I guess you’re a president now . Hahaha . ”
Producer Oh JiWan had a smile on his face as it was nice to see KangYoon after all this time .
KangYoon shook hands with him and likewise expressed his joy .
After ordering some food along with a bottle of Sake, Lee HyunJi started speaking .
“Twistel is quite hot these days, huh? They failed miserably twice, but now they succeeded in making a comeback . ”
“Yes . I guess taking clothes off does make people popular . ”
A 6-man boy group from GNB Entertainment, Twistel .
At first, they went with the ‘pretty boy’ theme and added sparkliness to that, but they experienced horrible failures due to lack of competitiveness .
However, they grew muscles and created a huge comeback, even coining the word ‘beastly men’ in the process .
Since Summer was the season of exposure, the time was just right, and the effect was amplified .
“You’re right . Twistel’s main fan base consists of women in their late twenties to early thirties, so… they’re people with money . ”
“Indeed . They have plenty of money to buy albums, so in the company’s perspective, they should be quite the cash cow . ”
“If that Twistel gave you an offer to work with them, what would your answer be, producer?”
This question was a probe, and at the same time, it was a question asking his work philosophy .
KangYoon gently tilted his glass and focused .
Producer Oh JiWan spoke with a firm attitude .
“Twistel is a group of fine men . However, I don’t think their style matches my style of work . ”
“Really? Why do you think that?”
“Twistel is a group focused on performance more than singing . Until now, they have never shown a live singing stage . To exaggerate things a little, they’ve practically abandoned live singing and are focused on performance to the utmost . This means that I would have to add many effects to their voices in recording, but I prefer the singers’ original voices the most . I think it would give me a headache if I were told to work with them . ”
“How about JooAh? JooAh is good when it comes to performance as well . ”
“Oh, no, no way . JooAh does not lack in both singing and performance . JooAh also doesn’t like mechanical effects being added to her voice . She has confidence in her voice . ”
At that moment, KangYoon, who had been still this whole time, interrupted .
“It’s not like mechanical effects are bad, though, is it?”
“Of course . It can fill up a singer’s lack of skill, and it can also add effects that wouldn’t be possible with human vocal cords . However, it becomes a problem when it’s used excessively . ”
“I believe that MG doesn’t like to use mechanical effects . ”
“We used to . We originally emphasized the original voice of the singer more . However, the trend is changing nowadays . ”
Producer Oh JiWan continued to speak with a gloomy voice .
“It takes a long time for a singer to find his or her voice . There’s a reason why people start being trainees for years at a time . However, starting one year ago, those talents are disappearing since the company is decreasing the number of trainees . The singers that debuted recently are bad enough to the point that it was hard to make an album without adding effects to their voices . ”
“…Huh, so they’re lacking money to raise new trainees because they’re using that money for the construction . ”
KangYoon clicked his tongue .
Producer Oh JiWan bit his lips and shook his head .
“…I don’t think I should talk about this anymore . It looks like I excused you two too much . Team leader, I mean, President Lee KangYoon . I’m sorry that I had to talk about such a sensitive topic in front of you . ”
“Not at all . It makes me feel better, as well . ”
KangYoon raised his glass, and Lee HyunJi and Producer Oh JiWan toasted him .
The mood became ripe .
Producer Oh JiWan’s face became red, but he no longer talked about his company .
KangYoon no longer asked him anything either, and only asked questions about the entertainment industry in general .
The day changed .
After paying, the three went to the streets .
Producer Oh JiWan shook hands with KangYoon while clutching his head due to being drunk .
“…Whew, I’m drunk~ . Teeeam leader . I had fun today . ”
“See you next time . ”
“… . . ”
Producer Oh JiWan glanced at kangYoon .
“Heheh . Didn’t you actually call me here because you wanted to talk about something?”
“Talk about something?”
“…You knoooow~ . I am not that – dim-witted . Haha, team leeeader . I, too, like World . ”
Perhaps because he was drunk, Producer Oh JiWan kept giggling .
“Theeese days, everyone in this indussssstry… always talks about Wooooorld . To traineeeees, it’s a utopia to successsss . To singersss, a new wooooorld . And to producers… . ”
“You are drunk, Producer Oh . ”
When KangYoon held Producer Oh JiWan up, he giggled and continued to speak .
“A haven . Hahaha . However, I…”
He fell asleep without being able to finish his words .
Lee HyunJi blinked several times .
“It looks like he’s had it hard . ”
“Indeed . Do you know where Producer Oh’s house is?”
“No, what do I do…”
“For now, I’ll take him to my house . I guess I can’t help it . ”
KangYoon took the taxi home along with Producer Oh JiWan .
The next day .
Opening his eyes, an unfamiliar ceiling was in his view .
Producer Oh JiWan abruptly stood up from the bed in surprise .
“Th, this place…!?”
The bedroom looked like a standard room, but there were speakers installed all around, not to mention sound dampening materials…
This was a rather strange place .
Surprised, he opened the door and left the room .
And what does he see?
In the living room was a man wearing a singlet and some training trousers, walking around with a piece of bread in his mouth .
The problem was that this man was famous .
“K, Kim JaeHoon?”
“Who might you be?”
Kim JaeHoon was likewise surprised by this new person .
At that moment, KangYoon opened the bathroom door with a towel around his head .
“JaeHoon, he’s a guest of mine . Producer, so you’re up . ”
“P, president . What’s… . ”
KangYoon explained what happened last night to the rather shocked Producer Oh JiWan .
Only then did he realize what kind of a mistake he had made and replied with a flushed face .
“I, I’m sorry . I’ll leave imm…”
He was about to get his stuff and leave without even washing his face when a lady’s voice could be heard from the kitchen .
“Oppa! Breakfast is ready . Everyone, please get ready for breakfast!”
And now a girl’s voice!
Seeing Producer Oh JiWan panic, KangYoon smiled at the dining table . ”
“You should relieve yourself of your hangover first . ”
“But this…”
“It’s fine . ”
Producer Oh JiWan went to the kitchen with a shocked face .
But then…
He screamed .
The lady wearing an apron, cooking some bean sprout soup – she was none other than HeeYoon of Muse, known to be a genius composer .
As the top producer in MG Entertainment, there was no way he didn’t know of HeeYoon of Team Muse .
(T/N: I mean… who else did he expect?)
“I, isn’t she the composer Muse?”
“…I am Muse, too, though?”
“E, even so…”
HeeYoon tilted her head and scooped some bean sprout soup for Producer Oh JiWan .
“You’re my brother’s guest, right? There’s not much here, but enjoy your meal . ”
“O, okay…”
He stood stiff for a moment before eating the bean sprout soup .
The bean sprout soup was refreshing and fantastic .
‘It’s delicious…!’
The breakfast he had after a long time seemed to warm his heart .
He was humbled since it was a famous composer who cooked the food .
While eating, HeeYoon asked .
“Oppa, how’s the song that SoYoung made? Was it okay?”
“It wasn’t bad . I don’t think it’ll do bad as an album . ”
“Really? So you’re recording soon?”
“Yeah, but I’m kinda worried . I have work to sort out with FinesTok, and I don’t have enough time…”
At that moment, Producer Oh JiWan interrupted .
“Uhm… If it’s not too rude of me, may I watch your work?”
KangYoon’s eyes widened .
“I don’t have any work to do at my company, so… I’d like to study how you work . If it’s too much to ask, then forget I said anything . ”
“Not at all . Too much to ask? You’ll be the one giving me advice . Hahaha . ”
When KangYoon accepted without batting an eyelid, Producer Oh JiWan became embarrassed .
“Thank you very much . I’ll try not to get in your way . ”
(T/N: You’re falling for his trap!)
After the meal, KangYoon and Producer Oh JiWan went to work .
Not long later, Park SoYoung, Kim JiMin, and Seo HanYu arrived at the studio .
Seo HanYu greeted Producer Oh JiWan nicely since the two knew each other, and Park SoYoung and Kim JiMin were nervous after hearing that he was a famous producer .
However, when they started discussing music, their nervousness disappeared .
“SoYoung . On this part, you used V203 on verse 2, right?”
“Yes . Since the chorus started by bursting out, I wanted to increase the tension slowly again . ”
“JiMin, what do you think? Is it okay that it became calm?”
“It’s not bad, but I feel like something’s just cut off in between . ”
The three ladies talked about music with KangYoon .
‘…Whoa . ’
For Producer Oh JiWan, this was shocking .
The president is talking music with the artists?
This should be a natural scene in a singer-focused entertainment company, but nowadays, it was rarely seen since idol groups became the general trend .
‘Now that I think about it, Team Leader KangYoon always tried to listen to the artists’ opinion so that they could bring out their full potential . He always tried to find a connection between what the singer wants to sing and what the populace likes . ’
He kind of understood the secrets behind World Entertainment’s success .
“How about the third one, the beta guitar? That was smooth . ”
“Unni, that thing’s too stringy . Why don’t we go with something else?”
“I think the fourth one, the sound string, will be better . ”
Kim JiMin, Park SoYoung, and even Seo HanYu voiced their opinions to KangYoon .
At that moment .
“Try using the 8th one . Alpha Gilder . ”
“Oh no . ”
Interrupting unintentionally, Producer Oh JiWan received the stares of everyone and blinked several times .
However, KangYoon laughed and spoke .
“Let’s try the 8th one, then, shall we?”
“Yes . ”
KangYoon switched the sound and played back the music, and soon, a unique, charming sound started flowing out .
Park SoYoung, Kim JiMin, and SeoHanYu’s eyes all widened in surprise .
Producer Oh JiWan didn’t stop there and approached where KangYoon was and inserted another sound .
It was a sound that was like a mix of a piano and a guitar . It was very gentle .
KangYoon also gave his thumbs up after seeing that the light had become stronger .
“Producer, you’re the best . ”
“Thank y… ah . ”
He only intended to watch at first .
The mood somehow swept him up .
Just as Producer Oh JiWan clutched his head, blaming his foolishness, Seo HanYu grabbed his arm .
“Producer, please help us out here . We’re having a hard time since this is our first time . ”
“HanYu . ”
As Seo HanYu rarely asked for help, Producer Oh JiWan couldn’t win against her desperate eyes .
KangYoon naturally stood up from the seat and Producer Oh JiWan replaced him .
“Producer, you’re the best!”
“You’re so cool . Wow… Do you have all these sounds memorized?”
“Well, yes, I guess?”
Seeing Producer Oh JiWan deep into the music process, KangYoon couldn’t help but laugh .
Without even noticing KangYoon’s exit, the three ladies and Producer Oh JiWan started working .
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