Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 171

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Chapter 171
[I long for you – yet — you are far away — please look at me–]
The video showed a restaurant .
The lady that used the soju bottle as a mic sang trot without a single accompanying instrument . People who seemed to be her colleagues tapped their chopsticks on the table like a drum and the mood heightened . The people sitting elsewhere frowned at first but soon joined in with the cheering .
Lee HyunJi, who first thought that Kim JaeHoon must have picked the wrong video, became immersed and KangYoon also watched with crossed arms .
‘She’s drawing attention from other tables as well . Well, with a level of singing like that, it would certainly attract attention . ’
Crossing his arms, KangYoon groaned a little .
The lady eventually closed her eyes and soon her singing got better and better . The mood was getting hotter as well as some people even stood up and started dancing along .
The lady’s singing was uniting everyone .
[Oooooh! Again, again!]
[Miss In, Miss In, you should sing some more . ]
[Miss In, Miss In!]
(T/N: She’s being referred to as a teacher, which is her job . )
After the song was over, people asked her to sing again . The lady had to pick up the empty soju bottle again with an embarrassed expression . When the lady was about to sing again, the video ended .
“I wanted to see some more though…”
KangYoon uncrossed his arms with a disappointed expression .
Lee HyunJi just laughed .
“Nice singing . Though, we aren’t that small to receive a video like that… I wonder what happened there . ”
Lee HyunJi’s thought that people were looking down on World too much and shook her head . The song was good, yes, but this video, which had no effort put into at all, made her want to reject this video .
However, KangYoon thought differently .
“They may have sent this on purpose . My singing is just this good . Her intention might be to make us see the influence she has on other people . I don’t think it was such a bad idea”
“Can we really look at it that way? If she wanted to stand out from the others, I guess she succeeded in doing that . But this is supposed to be an audition… As someone who has to evaluate this, I feel unpleasant . Leaving that aside, I don’t think this participant’s age is that low . We want trainees, so I wish for people around JiMin’s age at maximum . Just from the video alone, I don’t see any merit in recruiting her . ”
Lee HyunJi shook her head . The participant’s age should be late teens to early 20s to minimize the risk of having a long preparation time .
KangYoon agreed with her words somewhat . Being old meant that there were a lot of obstacles in debuting .
However, KangYoon wanted to listen to the song directly before deciding .
“I think we should come to a decision after we meet her . ”
“Really? Hm… if you say so, president . ”
Although she didn’t like this, Lee HyunJi knew that KangYoon had a good sense for this more than anyone else . Until now, if he said something worked, then it worked . A sense for business like that was very rarely seen in this industry .
She believed in his senses .
“We should come to a decision after we meet . We will have to see if this person really has the knack to become a star, and whether she really wants to become a singer or not . Failure means a big risk for an entertainment company after all . Seeing how she’s having dinner with many of her colleagues, she seems to have a job, so I think we should be careful regarding that as well . ”
“Okay . Miss HyeJin . ”
Lee HyunJi asked Jung HyeJin to contact the person who sent this video .
“Yes, director . ”
Jung HyeJin wrote an e-mail immediately . Yoo JungMin, the new employee, sat next to her and watched her work .
After this was done, KangYoon stood up from his seat .
“I’ll be visiting SoYoung then . ”
“Ah, you’re watching over her rearrangement, right? I hope SoYoung can grow quickly and take over your job in music…”
Lee HyunJi sighed . She expected Park SoYoung to grow to KangYoon’s level regarding rearranging .
KangYoon smiled and spoke .
“Time will solve it . She’s very talented if she stops thinking that she’s inferior to HeeYoon . I’m planning to scold her a lot until then . ”
“Pfft, you’re quite evil, too, president . I can see SoYoung having a hard time with you . ”
“She should overcome that herself . It’s not something that another person can do about it . I hope she grows well… I’ll be off then . ”
KangYoon took a few books and left the office .
After he left, Jung HyeJin gave Yoo JungMin, some work .
“Mr . JungMin . You see these places here right? Please contact them and write down their history . ”
“Understood . ”
“If you don’t know something, then please ask . If you make a mistake…”
Jung HyeJin took a glance at Lee HyunJi .
‘The director doesn’t like making mistakes from work . ’
‘Understood . ’
‘The president is a little flexible, but the director is really strict . ’
When Yoo JungMin looked at Lee HyunJi while gulping, Jung HyeJin chuckled .
‘Fufu, but she doesn’t nitpick with something useless . Anyway, shall we start?’
‘Yes . ’
Like that, World Entertainment office started running busily with the new employee .
Sunday, it was the recording day of SBB’s Music Land . No, to be exact, it was a live broadcast .
Kim JiMin, who had finished her morning schedule and arrived at the public hall in Deungchon-dong, headed towards her designated waiting room .
When she entered, she saw that someone else had arrived first .
“NaYoon . ”
It was Nael, the singer who debuted at the same time as JiMin did . The two people were glad to see each other . As they had debuted on the same day, they had become close and they spoke a lot with each other .
Receiving make-up from the make-up artist, the two sat down side by side . They talked about their companies, their schedules, and sometimes handsome male idols .
The biggest topic was about ‘Birth of the Masterpiece’ that both of them were cast in . The two people were already aware that they were both appearing in it .
“Have you prepared for that?”
Kim JiMin shook her head at those words .
“No, I’m still worried . The rearrangement isn’t even finished yet . Haa…”
This was true . Although Park SoYoung was helped out by KangYoon, she still hadn’t finished the rearrangement .
Seeing that, Yoo NaYoon poked Kim JiMin’s waist jokingly .
“No way . Are you lying to me? The almighty Eunha? There’s a little more than a week left until the recording . I can practically tell you’re lying . ”
However, Kim JiMin shook her head .
“It’s true . I can only practice if I can get the final version… Haa . Have you prepared for it . ?”
“Me? Well, a little . ”
“I’m envious…”
When Kim JiMin looked at her with envious eyes, Yoo NaYoon shook her head instead .
“No way . But Muse is on your side! The hit song creator Muse!”
“… . . ”
Kim JiMin couldn’t say that Muse wasn’t involved this time .
Actually, she wanted to ask why it wasn’t KangYoon doing the rearrangement, but seeing Park SoYoung trying so hard, she couldn’t say that .
Yoo NaYoon pouted and spoke on .
“Tell your President I want a song when you see him . ”
“Hahaha… . ”
At that moment, a tall man entered through the door . It was KangYoon, who brought the stage costume and a black plastic bag .
“JiMin, here’s what you need . ”
“…Thank you . ”
Kim JiMin’s face reddened as she received the black plastic bag from KangYoon . She stood up from her seat and took out the contents before leaving .
“I guess she isn’t used to this yet . ”
Looking at her, KangYoon shrugged his shoulders . Seeing that, Yoo NaYoon asked out of curiosity .
“Uhm, c… composer?”
“Hm? Oh, it’s Miss Nael . What is it?”
“Ah, yeah . Hello, you don’t have to be so formal with me . I know you’re JiMin’s boss… . ”
KangYoon nodded his head .
Yoo NaYoon asked with a curious expression .
“You seem to be doing her manager’s job… ah, I’m sorry . Looks like I shouldn’t have said that . ”
KangYoon knew that she was just asking out of curiosity so he waved his hand saying that it was okay .
“It’s fine . I’m taking the role of her manager because we are lacking some people at the company right now . I can’t help it when we’re lacking people . Does that answer your question?”
“Aaah, that sounds bad . I hope you find someone soon . You should focus on your music . Your songs are great after all . ”
“Hahaha, thanks . ”
KangYoon could feel that her words were genuine and laughed about it . She then seemed to have thought up of something and clapped .
“Uhm composer . It’s about JiMin’s new song . ”
“You mean Happy Ending?”
“Yeah . I really liked that song . You created it, right?”
Although that song was what ended up pushing Nael to second place, she did not seem to feel bad about it at all . In fact, she seemed more eager to learn good music .
KangYoon was surprised to see that her words felt genuine .
‘That isn’t so easy to do…’
KangYoon spoke calmly .
“Strictly speaking, I didn’t make it alone . I’m in charge of the rearrangement, and the composition was done by my little sister . Your song was good as well, Nael . I’m also enjoying it a lot . ”
“Thank you . I hope I can ask you to write me a song later . Is that alright with you?”
“If the opportunity comes, then sure . I hope you do well too . ”
Kim JiMin returned while they were talking .
“I’ll be going to the stage then .
“Yes . ”
After KangYoon left, the waiting room became a world of women again .
Yoo NaYoon got closer to Kim JiMin and asked .
“JiMin, why did you leave just now?”
“…Uhm… . ”
Kim JiMin spoke carefully after contemplating a lot of it .
“…It’s that day for me today . ”
“Eeh? That day?”
“…But I didn’t have one on hand so he… . ”
Yoo NaYoon was taken aback . This meant that the black plastic bag KangYoon brought contained women’s sanitary products .
“Whoa . . my god! So… the composer… . I mean, he’s your president, right?”
“Yeah, Ah… my face is turning hot . ”
“I’m more shocked than you are . I can understand if he was your manager, but your president… just what in the world…”
Yoo NaYoon seemed shocked as well .
“…Ah, it’s getting hot… . ”
Kim JiMin fanned her face with her hands to cool her head down and Yoo NaYoon blinked several times .
‘I’m kinda envious…’
This meant that the president didn’t hesitate to do menial work .
Yoo NaYoon felt rather envious of Kim JiMin .
There was less than a week until the recording date of ‘Birth of the Masterpiece’, but Park SoYoung’s rearrangement still wasn’t finished yet . As there was little time left, she was working very hard at the studio .
‘This place should go like… ah, that’s not it!’
She tried combining several different sounds using the program, but there was no sound that satisfied her .
The studio, which became her workplace, had become a mess . However, Park SoYoung didn’t have any leisure to care about such a thing .
‘Should I try dragging this sound out with the sustain effect? Or mute it altogether?’
The picture of an electric guitar appeared along with a circle icon for sustain and a cross icon for mute . The sustain made the sound dragged out while the mute cut the notes short .
She tried other effects, but she wasn’t satisfied .
‘Guitar, string, drums… it’s bad no matter what I put in . Just what am I supposed to do…’
Original = best
That was her evaluation on the song ‘Streetlight’ . Although she tried numerous combinations, nothing satisfied her . Even adding repetition and removing some lines didn’t do anything .
She was worried about it a lot when KangYoon entered through the door . He had just come back from Kim JiMin’s schedule .
When Park SoYoung saw him, her head lowered in dejection .
“The work… doesn’t seem to be going well . ”
KangYoon was able to notice the current state of things immediately . She spoke without confidence .
“I’m sorry… even though you had faith in me, I… honestly don’t have the confidence . ”
Park SoYoung’s shoulders dropped down . She wanted to respond to his faith, but the weight of an old classic was greater than she thought .
KangYoon asked with a calm expression .
“Where are you stuck on?”
“…Just, everything . I can’t get a grasp on what instruments or effects I should use . At this rate, it might be better to use the original song as it is . ”
“Really? Let’s leave that as a last resort . What kind of effects have you used?”
Park SoYoung showed him all the combinations of effects she had used until now . As she was very detailed about things, all of those files were saved separately .
“That’s a lot…”
KangYoon first pulled out the headphones from the computer . This was to listen to what she had worked with . Soon, the speakers gave out some music notes along with sound, and white and grey light could be seen everywhere .
Although he had expected this, the influence of grey light kept stabbing him which made him frown . However, he tried not to show it in his expression .
After listening to all of her saved files for over an hour, KangYoon laughed powerlessly .
“Haha… you’ve worked hard . ”
“…I’m sorry . It’s no good, isn’t it?”
Park SoYoung became dejected . She had tried so hard, and she felt sorry that she didn’t have any talent .
KangYoon consoled her by patting her back .
“…Definitely, there’s not much to see right now . ”
“…… . ”
Park SoYoung teared up .
However, his words didn’t end there .
“Looks like you went down the wrong path . Let’s start from the beginning, this time, completely differently . ”
“Completely differently?”
KangYoon nodded his head and spoke with confidence .
“Let’s go with an orchestral interpretation . You heard lectures about it in college, right?”
“What? Yes, but I didn’t learn that much . It was just one of the required classes . ”
“That’s enough . Let’s bring out an orchestral feel . Let’s increase the intro a little and keep the original feel as much as it is . Delete the drums and bass and other band instruments and insert some orchestral instruments . If you do that, the original feel won’t disappear, and JiMin should be satisfied, right?”
KangYoon’s words made Park SoYoung gulp . She felt like things were starting to get out of hand .
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