Novel Name : God of Music

Chapter 65

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Chapter 65
God of Music Chapter 65 . The Result of 1 Year (4)

KangYoon was currently at work with the company intranet open .
However, he was notified through the intra-company messenger that the liaison team had erringly sent an attachment through email .
Sending company files and documents through personal email accounts was a very big risk in terms of security .
KangYoon encouraged the employee so that it will never happen again and opened his personal email .
‘It’s here . ’
Personal email accounts were usually banned within the company, but he was an exception . It was a privilege for his position and achievements . KangYoon opened the email from the employee and downloaded the file . Then, he closed the internet window, or so he was about to when he saw an unfamiliar email .
‘Kidney transplant?’
KangYoon’s eyes widened as soon as he saw the email . He couldn’t wait for a kidney transplant just in Korea, so he was looking into transplants in foreign countries as well . Thanks to that, he had spent a lot of money, but he thought that it was a reasonable price for HeeYoon .
‘So someone like HeeYoon’s case isn’t that common . But the next after next? That seems promising . ’
KangYoon was filled with expectation while reading down the email which was kindly written in Korean . This was worth all the money he had spent until now . He felt happy when he thought about doing various things with HeeYoon after she became healthy again .
Today was the collaboration stage between Eddios and Min JinSeo . Since it was an important event, KangYoon decided to attend to that himself . Since Eddios was on a schedule, they decided to meet up in the TV station while Min JinSeo would go with him since she was one of the candidates for an award .
KangYoon met up with Min JinSeo in the lobby and headed to SBB TV station where the Award Ceremony would take place .
When he arrived nearby, the red carpet was laid out along with a photo zone inside the lobby, and there were many fans and reporters in a formation .
Min JinSeo was flabbergasted . Whenever a celebrity went up to the photo zone, all the people there were struggling to get closer . Some people even put their hands out, trying to touch the person . All of this was unfamiliar to her .
“You should get ready . ”
Min JinSeo smiled brightly when KangYoon said that .
“Then I’ll be going!”
“See you later . ”
Min JinSeo opened the door of the car and quietly walked onto the red carpet . Then, reporters and fans all rushed towards her . In the center of the red carpet, she waved her hand with a bright smile .
“She’s doing well . ”
Looking at her, who was now a full-fledged star, KangYoon made a satisfied smile .
“Today might be busy – Tomorrow’s no good either – . “
In a small studio in Hongdae, Lee HyunAh was singing with 4 people . The drums, the bass, the electric guitar, and the synthesizer harmonized with her powerful voice and the song spread around the studio .
“I want to – urge the clock –”
The clean tone from the electric guitar was emphasized while the synthesizer did the background with some sound effects . With the solid bass from the drums and the bass guitar, Lee HyunAh’s song was emphasized once again .
After a round of practice, everyone gathered around .
“This is so good . Did you really make this, HyunAh?”Advertisement
Kim JinDae, who played the drums, asked in excitement . Even Lee ChaHee, who played the bass guitar, felt the same .
“HyunAh, this is… great . ”
She seemed to have fallen in love with this song . The other members felt the same . It was neither too fast nor too slow, but the rhythmic groove and Lee HyunAh’s power harmonized in a peculiar way and made a great result . Everyone didn’t hold back their praises .
However, Lee HyunAh shook her head, as though this was no good .
“Thanks, but this isn’t made by me alone . ”
Lee HyunAh answered calmly when Kim JinDae asked .
“Someone helped me out– my guardian deity I guess? I’ll show you when we perform . He’s a cool guy . ”
“Whew, a lover? I knew someone like HyunAh couldn’t be single . ”
Jung ChanKyu, the one who played the electric guitar, teased her . However, Lee HyunAh firmly denied that .
“Unfortunately, the hurdle is too high . He’s too… nah, forget it . Let’s just practice . ”
All the members of the band curiously interrogated her, but they couldn’t pry any information out . In fact, Lee HyunAh pushed them away and they just gave up .
Inside a waiting room of SBB TV station .
The place where 6 girls, the coordinators, and the manager was a complete disaster right now .
“Hey hey! Stop it there!”
In the middle of this disaster was Jung MinAh . She scolded Han JooYeon who was busy putting on makeup on her eyes while straightening Lee SamSoon’s hair with her hands .
“My eyes are completely weird, aren’t they?”
“They look fine . If you do anymore, you’ll become a panda . ”
“Fine, okay . ”
Han JooYeon grumbled but accepted Jung MinAh’s words . Jung MinAh was mostly in the right when it came to make-up . Jung MinAh had good judgment .
Another person came into the fray . It was KangYoon who brought Min JinSeo .
“Hello . ”
Everyone greeted KangYoon since it was the first time they saw him today . They didn’t know that KangYoon was going to come today, but they didn’t panic .
“Yay . ”
No, a few even rejoiced . Han JooYeon and Christie An in particular . Of course, the managers were cautious since their superior was here .
KangYoon checked up on their conditions . He had nothing to worry about their costumes since they came here straight from the pop competition in HMC TV station . He was only worried about their conditions . He asked again and again .
“We’re fine . We’re feeling great right now . ”
Jung MinAh spoke up for all of them . She knew what KangYoon was worried about .
“JinSeo should be lacking compared to you girls so match with her, okay?”
“Yes . ”
“There’s nothing else . Oh, yeah . Today’s the last day of 2008 . Let’s finish this off well . ”
KangYoon left the waiting room after a few words of well wishes . From behind him, he could hear ‘fighting!’ from Eddios behind the door . Their teamwork was good, and they were getting into their positions as well .
“Hey, aren’t you KangYoon?”
He was heading towards the audience seats to watch the Award Ceremony when someone called out to him . When he turned around, it was Writer Song TaeJin who boasted a burly figure as always .
“So it was you, noonim . ”
“What the hell is up with that loose reaction?”
Writer Song TaeJin slapped KangYoon’s back . The sound was so loud that the nearby people looked at them to see what’s up .
“That hurts . And this is the TV station, you know?”
“So what? Are you embarrassed about me?”
“Nothing like that . Other than that, why are you here?”
She pointed towards her own attire when KangYoon asked that . It was a suit for a woman .
“So it’s the Award Ceremony . ”
“Apparently I’m getting the writer’s award this time . There’s also the manuscript award as well . So I came here to get awards . I got it so many times that it’s a bother now . ”
“That’s so like you . ”
KangYoon was about to turn around after bidding goodbye . However, it wouldn’t be Song TaeJin if she just sent him away here .
“What, didn’t you come here to watch?”
“I did . ”
“Then why are you going there?”
The place KangYoon was headed to was the place where the members of the public came to spectate . Other than the people appearing on the stage or the candidates, everyone would sit in the audience seats and not at the tables at the front . KangYoon was confused .
“Because that’s where I sit . Then, if you don’t mind… . ”
“Wait, Hm, so you sit on that side, eh? Then come with me . ”
KangYoon was at a loss, but he was eventually dragged by her and sat down around a table where the cast was sitting . He panicked at first but he soon adapted . When he looked around, he was surrounded by producers, camera director’s, audio directors, and other ‘bosses’ of the staff .
KangYoon greeted all of them . After conversing with them briefly while exchanging business cards, this actually became an opportunity for him . All of them felt hesitation towards KangYoon at first since he was acting friendly, but they soon talked to him about a lot of things .
The Award Ceremony was a live broadcast . Inside the venue, the red light signifying the live broadcast turned on after a simple announcement . Then, the stage opened with the opening performance, a celebrity band .
– Today, I—
The celebrity band, ‘Sketchbook’, showed a good performance centered around an actor who was becoming increasingly popular as of 2008, Lee GyungHoon who was singing, and five others . The people at the tables clapped while the fans also replied with cheers .
However, what KangYoon saw was something different .
‘It’s grey . ’
The combination of the musical notes was just not good . The inharmony and the ordinary voice was not so pleasant to listen to . Not only that, the stage devices didn’t seem to be working properly as the microphone echoed a lot .
‘The fandom sure is frightening . ’
What was interesting was that grey light couldn’t win against the fandom . It was interesting for KangYoon to see people clapping with awkward smiles .
After their stage was over, 1 professional presenter and 2 actresses came onto the podium . After a brief introduction, the Award Ceremony began properly along with their declaration .
The rookie award, that all actors and actresses wanted, was awarded . The actors and actresses that received the rookie award teared up and some called out all the names on their list as well . Of course, due to time constraints, the presenter sometimes cut them short, but the joy of the rookie award was very big .
The rookie award was finished and the next in the ceremony continued .
“Next up is the youth actors award . ”
After hearing the presenter’s words, KangYoon fixed his posture . The presenters prepared for the award ceremony while commenting and the awardees from the previous year came up to award this year’s awardee .
After the youth actors award ended, the youth actress award began .
“2008 SBB youth actress award, let’s watch . ”
The 4 child actress candidates were listed on the big screen .
‘There she is . ’
KangYoon could see Min JinSeo who came up 3rd . Her debut piece, ‘Whispers of the Stars’ as well as the following series was summed up into a short video . Min JinSeo’s acting stood out amongst the four candidates .
“That’s definitely for Min JinSeo . ”
“The others are pretty good too, though . ”
“Nah, they can’t be compared . ”
Writer Son TaeJin’s evaluations were merciless . KangYoon only shook his head .
“SBB youth actress award! Miss Min JinSeo from the Whispers of the Stars! Congratulations!”
A round of fanfare played . Min JinSeo, who was called out along with a grand fanfare of music, couldn’t believe it . A moment later, she was congratulated by the other youth actors and actresses around her and walked to the stage absent-mindedly .
After receiving the trophy from the previous year’s awardee, she grabbed the microphone .
“Thank you . My very first drama was the Whispers of the Stars . I thank director Oh YeonJoong for taking care of me even though it was my first time acting . I’m happy to receive this award in SBB where I first debuted . Director Yoo MiYeon, the lightings director, the business team, the camera team, and sir Jang GeunSoo as well… . Thank you very much to all of you . To my mom, dad, and my sister, MinJi who have endured for me all this time… . Thank you all so much . My teachers, my friends as well as my dear fans… thank you all as well . And finally…”
Taking a long time for her speech, Min JinSeo wiped the tears away from her face as she took a deep breath . Then, she turned around to see KangYoon .
“I thank sir Lee KangYoon from the bottom of my heart . You were the one who recognized me first and allowed me to stand where I am today . Happy new year . Thank you . ”
When Min JinSeo bowed politely and stepped down, a round of applause followed .
Writer Song TaeJin poked KangYoon’s waist .
“Whoo, KangYoon . You kinda seem amazing now . ”
“Hahaha . ”
When the gazes around him fixed onto him, KangYoon made an awkward smile . His name being called out in a ceremony like this made him joyful and grateful . He felt like this was why people raised celebrities .
After that, KangYoon watched the ceremony with Writer Song TaeJin . Actually, KangYoon had no time to watch any dramas so he didn’t know any dramas other than the ones that Min JinSeo appeared on . So he couldn’t really sympathize with what anyone around him talked about . Writer Song TaeJin shook her head, but KangYoon only ignored her .
The first part ended, and the interlude came .
KangYoon headed to the waiting room behind the stage . Eddios and Min JinSeo were waiting for their entrance .
“Congratulations, JinSeo . ”
“Thank you . ”
The congratulating of the youth actress award winner continued behind the stage as well . Min JinSeo calmed herself down, but she still felt fluffy when the unnis congratulated her . At that time, KangYoon appeared .
However, Jung MinAh was a little ahead of her . She stood in front of KangYoon fast .
“…We’re working . ”
“Oops, my bad . Sorry about that . ”
KangYoon sighed . She was probably doing this on purpose . He thought that he might tell her off later and talked about what was going to happen today .
“You looked at the stage, right?”
“Yes . ”
“I heard that they fixed the microphone . The in-ear microphones were checked as well . Do you need anything else?”
“I knew I could count on you!”
Jung MinAh cheered for KangYoon’s reliability . The other girls were the same . KangYoon did all the things they had to ask the manager about the stage, so they had it easy .
However, Min JinSeo interfered with KangYoon and Jung MinAh .
“Uhm, sir . I… . am worried that the floor is too slippery . ”
“The floor? Can I see your shoes?”
KangYoon sat down and had a look at Min JinSeo’s shoes . She was wearing trainers, and they looked slippery for the stage . KangYoon picked up the shoes Min JinSeo took off and went to the coordinator behind him .
“Miss JinYoung . JinSeo’s shoes . ”
“That should be fine though…”
“Please change it, just in case . ”
“Yes, I’ll get to it immediately . ”
She ran and immediately brought a different pair of the same color .
‘What’s she doing?’
Jung MinAh smirked after seeing Min JinSeo’s actions . Actually, the shoes weren’t that slippery . It was just Min JinSeo was trying to do something . Just as sparks were about to erupt between the two, the coordinator brought Min JinSeo’s new shoes .
“Do they fit?”
“Yes, unni . Sorry for worrying you . ”
After a small complication, it came to the time when they had to go on stage soon . KangYoon looked at all of them and spoke .
“Break a leg . ”
The 7 girls headed onto the stage .
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