Novel Name : I'm A Quadrillionaire

Chapter 418

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I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 418

Mr. Lowell got up and walked to the table to take David’s gifts only after David and Celia entered the

Mr. Lowell took a glance at its contents and was shocked.

He quickly opened both the bags and was stunned by what he saw.

One bag had ten high-quality cigarettes. It was a luxury cigarette brand, and Mr. Lowell had never tried
a cigarette so expensive before.

One cigarette of this brand cost a few thousand dollars, meaning ten of those cigarettes cost a total of
a few dozen thousand dollars.

The other bag had a box of expensive branded brandy.

One bottle of this liquor costs more than ten thousand dollars, so a box of six meant another few dozen

The two bags from David could amount to at least a hundred thousand. Mr. Lowell stared at them

It took a long while before Mr. Lowell could come out of shock.

It had only been a few years since they last met and David was already successful enough to gift
someone something so expensive.

Coupled with the fact that David managed to find a girlfriend like Celia, Mr. Lowell could only imagine
how successful the boy had become.

He had always known that David would achieve great heights one day, but he never expected David to
do so in such a short time.

The boy had not even graduated from university yet, so Mr. Lowell was curious about how David
managed to become so successful so quickly.

Still, Mr. Lowell suppressed his curiosity and carefully stored the gifts on the shelf. They cost a few
dozen thousand, after all.

At the same time, David and Celia walked side-by-side through the sports ground.

The two of them twinkled under the sunlight.

Mr. Lowell had helped David a lot during high school.

To save time, David would usually just deliver take-outs by the security entrance and have the students
take their food from the security room.

Thus, Mr. Lowell would have to help him confirm each student’s identity before letting them

take their delivery order.

Mr. Lowell had never made a mistake in this case and David was eternally grateful for the elder’s help.

As such, in addition to attending the reunion, David had also come to Shu City to thank Mr. Lowell.

David had given the man the best cigarettes and brandy one could buy in Shu City.

In fact, he had opened and poured out all the liquid from the brandy and stuffed two million dollars
worth of cash into the bottles.

David decided against putting a bank card in case Mr. Lowell felt uneasy about retrieving the money
inside from the bank. Alas, the box only had space for two million dollars cash, so David could not give
more even when he filled the box with it.

In other words, Mr. Lowell was not holding a box of brandy but rather a box with two million dollars of
cash inside.

Two million dollars was more than enough to allow Mr. Lowell’s family to live comfortably in a poor little
county like Shu City.

David even left his phone number so that Mr. Lowell could call him whenever necessary.

This was how David repaid others’ kindness, simple yet crudely.

David personally believed that because he was doing well, the people who were nice to him should
also do well.

However, David made a mental note to remind Mr. Lowell when he left not to sell the brandy away if he
was too reluctant to drink it.

Not because the buyer would mistake the bottles for true brandy, but because it was dangerous to
reveal that he had so much cash at a time.

Just because it was wrong to take advantage of others did not mean one should not be alert of
potential dangers.

Walking under the warm sunlight, David and Celia took a trip down memory lane as they strolled
through the sports field.

The school may be on holiday, but there were still more than ten classes holding extra tuition sessions.
Thus, once classes ended, gone was the prior quietness of the campus.

David and Celia had only started walking through the campus not too long ago when the bell signifying
the end of class rang.

There were only ten minutes of break time between classes, though, so little to no one would come to
the sports field.

Once the teacher left, students tas extra tuition groaned in annoyance.

No one liked to have half their holiday taken up by extra classes, but there was nothing they could do
about it.

As Shu City’s best high school, Shu City High had a tradition of giving extra classes during summer

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. All students enrolled in Shu City High had no choice but t o
follow this tradition.

A male student looked out the window and happened to see David and Celia strolling on the sports
field. He exclaimed, “Holy sht! Who are those two on the field? I’ve never seen them before! That girl
looks so pretty!” “Where? Where?” “Let me see!” A group of boys rushed to the window and looked
over to the field when they heard there was a pretty girl. “Holy sht, she’s really pretty! Snow doesn’t
hold a match against her, even though she’s the prettiest girl in school.”

“Since when do we have such a pretty schoolmate? Come on, let’s go take a closer look in the field.
Who knows, maybe we’ll even get to bump into her.”

“You wish. Can’t you tell that they’re on a date? Look at yourself in the mirror then look at that guy over
there. As if you can compete with that.”

“What’s wrong with my looks? You look worse than I do, okay? God knows how your mom gave birth to
some dwarf like you.”

“Say that again, I fcking dare you!” “I’ll say it again and again if I have to. You look like a dwarf.” “I’ll
fcking kill you!”

Seeing how the two of them were about to fight, the people around them quickly pulled them


No one was happy about having to come for extra classes during the holidays, and students would
often get into conflicts over little matters due to their already sour mood.

Soon after, the school bell rang and the campus fell quiet again.

David and Celia were still walking around the sports field. “David, let’s go visit Ms. Hans later!” Celia

“Sure. I was just thinking about it as well,” David replied. Ms. Hans was their homeroom teacher during
senior year, and she was very nice to them as David and Celia were always the top two scorers of their

“But the teachers should be in class now, so let’s look for them after classes are over.”


The two talked about their high school experiences as they walked.

Time flew by and soon, it was lunchtime.

The bell signifying the end of class rang again.

David and Celia walked to the teaching area and into the building.

All the students they passed by stared at the duo curiously.

Mainly because of how attractive and charming they were.

The prettiest and most handsome students in Shu City High at the moment could hardly compare with
David and Celia’s looks.

The couple had already graduated three years ago, meaning the school’s incoming freshmen during
their senior year had also graduated and left the school by now.

Thus, no one recognized these two once-popular students.

The two walked over to the teacher’s office that was assigned to senior-year teachers and went inside

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