Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 3 - TTFSO Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - TTFSO Chapter 3

Before everyone could recover from their surprise, the housekeeper walked in and reported, “Gu Ye1姑爷 (gū yé): used by the wife’s family to call her husband is here.”
The Tang family now has only one Gu Ye, Lu Cheng.
Everyone looked at each other, Tang Yi Yuan nervously clenched the sofa cushion under him. Lu Cheng walked in aggressively. Seeing that the Tang family were all there, he was stunned for a moment, barely holding back the anger in his heart, and greeted everyone in a proper manner. “Uncle, aunty… First time meeting, I’m Lu Cheng, hello everyone.” Tang Bo Te nodded, expressing his satisfaction. Although Lu Cheng lost his memory, he was still very polite. It was the last sentence of ‘first time meeting’ that made Tang Bo Te frown. Yuan Qiu sighed in his heart. Back then, Tang Yi Yuan got pregnant out of wedlock and married Lu Cheng at a young age. He always worried that they were young and ignorant, so he worried endlessly. Fortunately, Lu Cheng had been devoted to Tang Yi Yuan and loved him exceedingly all these years. Even though Tang Yi Yuan was always clamouring for a divorce, he was all bark and no bite. In fact, he was more nervous about Lu Cheng than anyone else, so he gradually felt relieved, but he didn’t expect such a thing to happen now. After Lu Cheng said hello one by one, he turned to look at Tang Yi Yuan, his eyes were a little alien and unfamiliar, and his voice was cold: “Go home with me and divorce.” Tang Yi Yuan’s eyebrows wrinkled into a hill and his tone was firm, “I’m not going back!” He doesn’t want a divorce! “Follow me back.” Lu Cheng frowned slightly. “Not going.” Tang Yi Yuan was firm.“Go back!”“Not going.”“Go back!”…… The whole room had a headache and Tang Bo Te couldn’t help yawning. After repeating this meaningless conversation countless times, Lu Cheng forcibly held back his anger and asked, “How will you be willing to go back?” Tang Yi Yuan answered without thinking, “If you don’t divorce, then I’ll go back.” “Ok!” ……? ? ? Lu Cheng felt that something was wrong. Isn’t he looking for Tang Yi Yuan to go home for a divorce? How did he make it seem like he wanted Tang Yi Yuan to go home. Turning his head to look, Tang Yi Yuan had already stood up and picked up the small red suitcase he brought and was looking at himself with bright eyes. “…” Lu Cheng had no choice but to swallow his remorse. After saying goodbye to everyone in a proper manner, Lu Cheng finally led his Omega home. The two walked side by side for two steps. Lu Cheng couldn’t help frowning. He always felt that Tang Yi Yuan’s appearance of laboriously carrying the suitcase was very distracting. He unconsciously and rudely snatched the suitcase, taking it in his hand, which made him feel more comfortable. The corners of Tang Yi Yuan’s mouth curved secretly and his footsteps became much more brisk. Seeing that Lu Cheng was holding the suitcase in his hand like in the past, the whole room let out a sigh of relief at the same time. After the two of them walked away, the Tang family suddenly became lively. Tang Bo Te took a sip of tea with a smile: “They’re joking around again!” Tang Er Yuan waved his hand in disbelief and said, “Interesting, interesting.” Except for Yuan Qiu who was a little worried, everyone else nodded vigorously in agreement. After all, this kind of ‘divorce’ drama has been staged countless times and finally ended with a show of affection. It seems that even if Lu Cheng loses his memory this time, nothing will change. …… The driver took Lu Cheng and Tang Yi Yuan all the way back to the home where they lived together for the past few years. Lu Cheng looked at the unfamiliar scenery along the way and didn’t say much. He had expected that he would move out of the Lu family’s old house after marriage, so he wasn’t too surprised. The car parked in front of a villa that has a yard. Compared with the Lu family’s old house, it was less solemn and more warm. The housekeeper was watering the lawn in the yard and seeing Tang Yi Yuan and Lu Cheng, smiled saying hello. Lu Cheng’s eyes lit up. He knew the housekeeper. This housekeeper used to work in the Lu family. He was the younger brother of the old housekeeper of the Lu family. He was rescued by Master Lu when he was a child. After getting married, he moved in with him to take care of him. Seeing the old acquaintance, Lu Cheng finally smiled and walked towards the housekeeper. Tang Yi Yuan saw that he had something to say to the housekeeper, so he went into the house alone. Lu Cheng patted the housekeeper’s shoulder, “Long time no see.” The housekeeper, who didn’t know that Lu Cheng had lost his memory, moved his lips. His good housekeeping skills kept him from asking more questions. He just said very cooperatively, “Young master, long time no see.” Lu Cheng nodded and said in a sincere tone, “Tang Yi Yuan and I have been at odds over the years and it must have been hard for you to deal with it, thank you for your hard work.” The housekeeper was stunned for a moment and finally couldn’t help but glanced at Lu Cheng in surprise. He thought about it and said, “You and your wife are in love and harmony, you are the envy of others.” Lu Cheng sneered, he never expected that the people brought from the Lu family would also be bribed by Tang Yi Yuan, he actually started to help Tang Yi Yuan deceive him. “… I’m about to divorce him.” Lu Cheng pointedly said, hoping that the housekeeper would turn back to the shore2回头是岸 (huí tóu shì àn): an idiom, turning back to the shore meaning that as long as the guilty person changes his mind and corrects his past mistakes, he will be able to go on the “other shore” and obtain salvation. For those who do bad things, as long as they are determined to repent, there will be a way out. as soon as possible and recognise which side he is supposed to be on. Lu Cheng didn’t see consternation and regret on the housekeeper’s face. On the contrary, the housekeeper was very calm, even smiled slightly, looking very happy. Omegas can really bewitch people, even the loyal housekeeper of the Lu family has been bribed so thoroughly! Lu Cheng tidied up his collar angrily. He would never be fooled as easily as a housekeeper! Lu Cheng turned around and walked into the villa resolutely, his lips tightened and his steps heavy, as if he was facing a great enemy. The housekeeper looked at his back, shook his head and lowered his head to continue watering the plants, expressing puzzlement at the two masters’ interest in getting divorced from time to time. The decoration in the villa is luxurious and low-key and the attentiveness during renovation can be seen in the small details of the decorations. Taste is not bad, Lu Cheng felt very satisfied. He stood in the doorway and looked around for a while before taking off his shoes and entering the house. Tang Yi Yuan looked back at the shoes he had taken off on the ground, pursed his lips and said nothing. Lu Cheng panicked in his heart and quickly retreated, putting the shoes on the shoe cabinet in a proper manner. When he got up, he couldn’t help but be stunned. What is he doing? Lu Cheng couldn’t help but feel disgusted with himself. He pursed his lips and walked into the room. Lifting his head, he found a small milky white doll sitting in the hall, writing with his head down, looking cute and making people like it at first sight. Lu Cheng looked at the milk doll and casually asked, “Whose child is this?” ” He thought it was the child of a neighbour or a relative of Tang Yi Yuan. Tang Yi Yuan gave him a blank eye and said in a surprising voice: “Your son.” ” Lu Cheng was stunned in his footsteps by these three words. Tang Yi Yuan ignored his ghostly appearance, walked over and took the milk doll into his arms as usual. Teaching him to write, the milk doll found a comfortable position in Tang Yi Yuan’s arms and sat down obediently: “Daddy! ” His voice was milky and very nice to hear, after calling Tang Yi Yuan, he looked up at Lu Cheng and said softly, “Big Dad.” ” Lu Cheng was already petrified on the spot, like a stone statue, staring at the father and son in front of him in disbelief. Half a minute later, Lu Cheng’s dry throat finally made a sound. He obviously still couldn’t digest the fact that he already had a son with his sworn enemy, he pointed to himself in shock, then pointed to Tang Yi Yuan, his tone was full of incredulity and his voice trembled: “My… And your child? ” Tang Yi Yuan glanced at him, too lazy to answer. Lu Cheng held his breath in his chest, feeling a headache. When he woke up, he and his nemesis even had a child! He slumped down on the sofa, his face full of doubts about life. The world is changing too fast for Alpha to bear. Lu Cheng collapsed alone, his eyes looking at the big and small ones on the other side with pity. Tang Yi Yuan was teaching his son to write with his head down, his low eyebrows were very good-looking, his eyelashes were slightly curved, his face was white, his small chin was smooth and round, and his bright eyes were filled with soft and fine light. Lu Cheng didn’t expect that his nemesis still had such a gentle side, and he couldn’t help but look at it twice before he withdrew his gaze and shifted his gaze to the child in Tang Yi Yuan’s arms again. Lu Cheng looked closely and found that this child really looked like himself, that eyebrow, that eye, at first glance, was his own. If only he looked like Tang Yi Yuan more, I don’t know why, looking at Tang Yi Yuan’s white and tender little face, Lu Cheng felt a little regretful. Regretful? Lu Cheng was furious at his own thoughts. He was silent for a while, digesting the fact that this was his own child, pursed his lip and squeezed out a dry sentence, “What is the name of the child?” ” Tang Yi round head did not lift, “Lu Tang Tang.” Lu Cheng once read an article saying that the parents of children with such names are generally very loving. Lu Cheng now expresses doubts about this statement. Lu Tang Tang’s small face has already begun to show handsomeness, very pleasing. Although his silhouette looks like Lu Cheng, his complexion is not Lu Cheng’s healthy wheat colour, but white and tender, eyebrows are also different from Lu Cheng’s rough eyebrows, he has Tang Yi Yuan’s refined and delicate looks seeping through . At first glance, it’s a little Omega. The more Lu Cheng looked at his son, the more he liked him and a sense of responsibility as a father arose in his psychology. He hesitated for a moment, reached out and touched Lu Tang Tang’s hair, and looked down like a father to check Lu Tang Tang’s writings. Although Lu Tang Tang’s handwriting was not proficient, they were upright and written very seriously. Lu Cheng couldn’t help but frown when he saw them, these words were too complicated, how could such a small child write such a difficult word? Not to mention that Omegas are born delicate, that is, they just have to love them well.. Lu Cheng’s voice unconsciously softened down, looking at Lu Tang Tang’s with eyes full of love, “Tang Tang is an Omega, no need work so hard, these words can be written after Tang Tang is bigger.” ” Tang Yi Yuan holding Lu Tang Tang’s small had to write shook and tried to tell himself that this was a fool with a brain injury, “Tang Tang is an Alpha! Moreover, Tang Tang had measured his IQ with a brain test and his IQ is higher than that of ordinary people. These words are very simple for him. ” Lu Cheng stared at his milky son dumbfounded, not expecting that Lu TangTang was actually a real Alpha. How can there be such a well-behaved and soft Alpha? Lu Cheng remembers that when he was a child, he scaled the roof and uncovered the tiles3上房揭瓦 (shàng fáng jiē wǎ): an idiom, means unruly, naughty, rebellious, disobedient everyday, fight cocks and scratched the dog… Could it be that Lu Tang Tang follows after Tang Yi Yuan?
1姑爷 (gū yé): used by the wife’s family to call her husband2回头是岸 (huí tóu shì àn): an idiom, turning back to the shore meaning that as long as the guilty person changes his mind and corrects his past mistakes, he will be able to go on the “other shore” and obtain salvation. For those who do bad things, as long as they are determined to repent, there will be a way out.3上房揭瓦 (shàng fáng jiē wǎ): an idiom, means unruly, naughty, rebellious, disobedient
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