Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 124 - TTFSO Chapter 124

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Chapter 124 - TTFSO Chapter 124

The next morning, Tang Wu Yuan and Song Xiao Bai first finished their kissing session and then went ring shopping together. They both had an unexpectedly good eye for the simplest style, so they quickly ordered the ring in a rare moment of harmony.
Tang Wu Yuan was very satisfied with the ring, as they were often going in and out of the army, it was not suitable for them to have a fancy ring, so it was best to keep it simple.
After the two bought the rings, they returned to the army. As soon as they entered the military area, the Orderly came running over and reported with a face of self-reproach, “Major General, Commander, the third prince came just now, he wants to see the Commander, he is waiting for you in your office now, Commander, we won’t let him into your office, but he insisted on breaking in, he said……he said……”
The Orderly cautiously glanced up at Tang Wu Yuan, unable to continue.
Song Xiao Bai frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: “Don’t stammer, say what you have to say.”
“The Third Prince said that the Commander will soon be removed from his post and locked up, the office will soon no longer belong to the Commander, he can go in whenever he wants, we really couldn’t stop him……”
Tang Wu Yuan did not get too angry when he heard that, he just nodded and said: “I know, you go ahead and get busy.”
“Yes……” After the Orderly left, Tang Wu Yuan raised an eyebrow at Song Xiao Bai and smiled: “Guess what this prosperous age white lotus blossom1盛世白莲 (shèng shì bái lián): 盛世 = prosperous/flourishing age/period, 白莲 = white lotus. The Sheng in sheng shi is the same character as Sheng Lian’s surname and the Lian in lian hua is homonymous with the Lian in his name (盛连). is doing here again?”
Song Xiao Bai hooked up one side of his mouth, “Since he’s here to find you, he should……want to see your joke.”
Tang Wu Yuan tsked, with a disgusted look, “Then it’s really going to be a disappointment for him.”
The two looked at each other and smiled faintly at the same time, and Song Xiao Bai said, “I’ll go with you.”
“Ok.” Tang Wu Yuan took the lead and stepped forward, very much looking forward to Sheng Lian’s next performance.
When the two of them arrived at Tang Wu Yuan’s office, Sheng Lian was sitting on Tang Wu Yuan’s office chair with his legs stretched out, spinning around leisurely, humming softly, looking in a very good mood. Behind him stood three of his lapdogs, all with arrogant faces, standing behind him with their chins raised high.
Tang Wu Yuan took one look at the chair under Sheng Lian’s buttocks and decided that he would replace the already stinky chair later.
He and Song Xiao Bai sat down in the seat opposite Sheng Lian and gave Sheng Lian a leisurely smile, “Why did Third Prince Sheng have time to come over?”
“You have finally returned.” Sheng Lian gave a similarly bright smile before hypocritically straightening the corners of his mouth to reveal a concerned look, “It’s hard for Commander Tang to still be able to smile, I just found out today that you suffered with the pirates, ai…… I feel heartbroken to hear that, so I purposely came to care for the Commander, you’re alright ba?”
Tang Wu Yuan hooked his lips and said with a leathery smile, “I’m fine, I’m sorry to trouble you, Third Prince Sheng.”
“You have given so much to the empire, it is only right that I care for you, instead you should look on the bright side2想开 (xiǎng kāi): lit. to think openly, stop worrying, get over it, don’t take it to heart..” Sheng Lian looked at Tang Wu Yuan for a few moments, rubbed his chin with one hand and said with a smile on his face, “Commander Tang is really beautiful, I was blind in the past, I didn’t realise that you were an Omega, but the pirates were so discerning that they spotted your identity at a glance, but it’s a pity that……they actually got it cheap, but if this kind of thing hadn’t happened, based on your good looks, you would have been sought after by the rich and powerful, all scrambling to take you home.”
He couldn’t help but laugh lowly at the end of his sentence, and he couldn’t help the harshness in his laughter. He had already treated Omegas as a plaything with no ability and now that he knew Tang Wu Yuan was an Omega, he looks down on him even more.
Tang Wu Yuan looked at him with a disgusted gaze, but when he heard his laughter, his heart moved slightly. He did not move his head and looked up at Sheng Lian for a few moments, then slightly lowered his eyes to hide the emotions in his heart, his eyebrows furrowed in some surprise.
Sheng Lian looked at Tang Wu Yuan’s lowered eyebrows and eyes, thinking that he had poked at Tang Wu yuan’s sadness, the smile on his face couldn’t help but become bigger, the curvature of his mouth became shady and sideways, “Commander Tang, I just feel a little pity for you, you have worked so hard for so long and now, not only have you lost all your success, your future is ruined, you have to be imprisoned for two years and have your memory erased, it’s really pitiful. ”
He arrogantly raised his chin to Tang Wu Yuan, “Why don’t you beg me, if you beg me, maybe I can put in a few good words for you in front of His Majesty, maybe I can even let you stay in the army. Although you can’t be a Commander, but you can still be an Orderly. If not, I can ask His Majesty to send you to serve me specially, I just need a little soldier to serve me tea and water, squeeze my shoulders and pound my back.”
Song Xiao Bai’s face sank, and his brows twitched. He wanted to say something, but Tang Wu Yuan took his hand under the table and shook it gently, he raised his head to look at Tang Wu Yuan.
Tang Wu Yuan shook his head imperceptibly, he wanted to hear what else this Third Prince could say.
Tang Wu Yuan withdrew his eyes, smiled and looked at Sheng Lian: “I have never known how to beg in my life, why don’t Third Prince teach me and demonstrate to me first?”
Sheng Lian laughed lowly, “Tang Wu Yuan, you still have a tough mouth now, but when you regret it later, even if you come crying to beg me, I won’t help you.”
Tang Wu Yuan shrugged his shoulders, “Oh.”
Sheng Lian snorted coldly, seemingly exasperated by Tang Wu Yuan’s carefree attitude, but soon, he laughed again, his voice unhurried: “You have time to talk cheap with me here, why don’t you take a good look at these three behind me, they are all young and talented, help me consider which one is more suitable to take over your position?”
The three lapdogs behind him were also soldiers in the Golden Eagle Army and had been following his lead. They were now looking around at the things in Tang Wu Yuan’s office, their eyes were as if they were surveying their own things, and occasionally they would reach out and move their hands, completely ignoring Tang Wu Yuan, as if Tang Wu Yuan, the Commander, had been removed from his post and was emboldened.
Song Xiao Bai looked at them coldly and spoke in a deep voice, “I’m afraid it’s not up to you, Third Prince, to decide who will be the Commander.”
Sheng Lian was obviously unable to get off the stage, his eyes moved to Song Xiao Bai and the expression in his eyes became cold, “Major General Song is lucky this time, only the Commander was caught by the pirates, but after all these years, Major General Song wasn’t even able to find out that your own subordinate is an Omega, so it shows that you failed to judge people, and it should not be you deciding the next commander even more so.”
The two men’s eyes intertwined, one colder than the other, and Tang Wu Yuan snorted next to him: “Spoken as if you had found out.”
“You……” Sheng Lian glared at him, “Look at you and do you still think it’s quite glorious?”
Tang Wu Yuan said with a smile: “Speaking of which, all these years, I have been able to conceal myself from everyone thanks to Third Prince Sheng.”
Sheng Lian looked disgusted, “What does it have to do with me?”
“Of course it has something to do with you, if I hadn’t slightly outperformed you, Third Prince Sheng, everyone wouldn’t have doubted that I was an Omega. After all, Major General Song and the others probably didn’t think that Third Prince Sheng would lose to an Omega, right?”
Tang Wu Yuan’s words happened to hit the knot in Sheng Lian’s heart for many years. Sheng Lian already had no face constantly losing to Tang Wu Yuan back then, and now that everyone knew that Tang Wu Yuan is an Omega, they looked down on him even more, not even sure how they were laughing at him behind his back now. When he thinks of this, he gets angry, but Tang Wu Yuan just had to mention it in public, and his face turned red with anger.
There was a stagnation in the air for a moment, the three of them facing each other did not speak. One of the lapdogs behind Sheng Lian, not knowing if he wanted to vent for Sheng Lian, put his hand on the photo on Tang Wu Yuan’s desk, which was taken on Tang Wu Yuan’s first day in the Golden Eagle army. In the photo, Tang Wu Yuan is wearing a straight military uniform, with a bright smile on his fair face, bright eyes, and looks a little immature.
Song Xiao Bai’s eyes narrowed, he raised his hand and grabbed the man’s wrist, twisting it hard.
The man’s hand had not even touched Tang Wu Yuan’s photo when he let out a scream of pain. Song Xiao Bai used full force, his cold sweat suddenly ran down his face and immediately turned pale as he called out for help towards Sheng Lian, “Third Prince, it hurts! You3He uses the formal ‘you’ should quickly tell the Major General to let go.”
Sheng Lian’s face changed and he stood up in a flash, his voice chilly, “Song Xiao Bai, you have to look at the master when you beat a dog, what do you mean by this?”
Song Xiao Bai kicked over, the man he was clutching instantly fell to his knees in pain, covering his wrists and calves and screaming in agony.
Sheng Lian became even more furious, his eyes blazing as he looked at Song Xiao Bai.
Song Xiao Bai looked up at him and said in a cold voice, “Since the Third Prince does not know how to discipline his own dog, I will have to do it for him.”
Sheng Lian was furious, “This is a matter between me and Commander Tang, what does it have to do with you?”
Song Xiao Bai straightened his cuffs and reached out to hug Tang Wu Yuan’s shoulders, the two looked at each other and smiled in unspoken silence.
Sheng Lian’s gaze froze, and he looked at them suspiciously for a moment.
Song Xiao Bai turned his head to Sheng Lian and said indifferently: “You bullied my mate in front of me, what do you think it has to do with me?”
“Your mate?” Sheng Lian was stunned for a moment, looking incredulously at Tang Wu Yuan and said with wide eyes, “You guys……”
His heart panicked, who in the army didn’t know that Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan were nemesis? Last time, although he was angry at Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan for acting in cahoots4狼狈为奸 (láng bèi wéi jiān): an idiom, original means is that wolves and lycanthropes work together to do evil (lycanthrope (狈): a legendary beast; 为奸: to do bad things), but later it is used to describe collusion to do bad things; in a sentence, it can be used as a predicate, definite article or gerund; with derogatory meaning, he didn’t take it seriously at all. He watched Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan fight from training till now, he didn’t believe that they would have any other relationship at all, but what is this now?
He was no longer the same as he was a moment ago and he looked a bit flustered. He gritted his teeth with a puzzled look on his face and said: “Are you crazy? Tang Wu Yuan has been marked by pirates, and he’s been given an aphrodisiac, it’s not even clear how many people has banged him, do you have too little green hats5wearing a green hat means being made a cuckold and have to find a few more to put on?”
Tang Wu Yuan’s gaze sank, then smiled slightly without moving, raised a hand to ruffle his hair at the corner of his forehead and raised an eyebrow: “You can’t talk nonsense, Third Prince, when have I been marked by pirates?”
Sheng Lian snorted with disdain, “Who in the army doesn’t know now that you were marked when you came out of the pirates’ nest. I heard that the Alpha who marked you was extremely possessive, and his teeth marks were so deep that it was difficult for everyone to pretend they were invisible. So tell me, if you weren’t marked by pirates, who else could you have been marked by?”
Song Xiao Bai looked at him with an indifferent expression and said in a deep voice: “Me.”
“……What?” Sheng Lian’s voice gave a pause, a bit unresponsive, and looked at Song Xiao Bai in surprise.
Song Xiao Bai said word for wordL “I said the person who marked Wu Yuan was me.”
“……” Sheng Lian’s expression was wonderful for a moment, his mouth opened for half a day without being able to speak, and it was only after a long time that he spoke in a dry voice, “How is that possible?”
His voice was a little shrill from too much surprise.
“There is nothing impossible.” Tang Wu Yuan looked at him with a smile in his eyebrows, “When we get married, you’re invite to come and drink the wedding wine, of course, we’ll be happier if you don’t come.”
Sheng Lian’s gaze sank, he knew he couldn’t lie about the markings, and since Tang Wu Yuan and Song Xiao Bai said so, it should be true.
His face was grimly silent for a moment, then he suddenly let out a laugh, but there was not the slightest hint of laughter in his gaze, and the curve of his mouth was icy cold as he said with malice in his voice: “Tang Wu Yuan, even if you weren’t marked by the pirates, you were marked by your nemesis, what do you have to be happy about?”
“Who said we were nemesis?” Tang Wu Yuan asked back, in front of Sheng Lian, he and Song Xiao Bai had never been good partners in agreement, as for being marked by his nemesis, although he didn’t know why, his heart really wasn’t too sad, instead he was a bit glad that it wasn’t a weaker Alpha than him who had marked him.
“Heh……” Sheng Lian sneered with a look of disbelief, “You think I’ll believe you when you say that? Why have you two been fighting for so many years if you weren’t nemesis? How are you going to explain this?”
Song Xiao Bai stood to the side and said in a deep voice” “Beating is kissing and scolding is loving, haven’t you heard of that?”
Tang Wu Yuan stretched his hands at Sheng Lian with an innocent face, “That was just an act of love between the two of us, why should I explain it to you? What does it matter to us whether you believe it or not?”
Tang Wu Yuan just about wrote the words ‘none of your business’ on his face.
“Act of love……” Sheng Lian was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, have you guys been playing around for so many years?1盛世白莲 (shèng shì bái lián): 盛世 = prosperous/flourishing age/period, 白莲 = white lotus. The Sheng in sheng shi is the same character as Sheng Lian’s surname and the Lian in lian hua is homonymous with the Lian in his name (盛连).2想开 (xiǎng kāi): lit. to think openly, stop worrying, get over it, don’t take it to heart.3He uses the formal ‘you’4狼狈为奸 (láng bèi wéi jiān): an idiom, original means is that wolves and lycanthropes work together to do evil (lycanthrope (狈): a legendary beast; 为奸: to do bad things), but later it is used to describe collusion to do bad things; in a sentence, it can be used as a predicate, definite article or gerund; with derogatory meaning5wearing a green hat means being made a cuckold
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