Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 5 - TTFSO Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - TTFSO Chapter 5

After dinner, Lu Tang Tang watched cartoons for a while and went to bed. He was so good as to ask Tang Yi Yuan and Lu Cheng each for a goodnight kiss.
When he kissed his son’s forehead, his fatherly love flooded his heart and he felt the joy of being a father for the first time.
He picked up his son up with some excitement and personally sent him back to his room, picking up a storybook and telling him a fairy tale.
In Lu Cheng’s imagination, this picture should be very heartwarming. Although Lu Tang Tang’s eyes showed a little helplessness when he heard the childish children’s story, but this did not affect Lu Cheng’s desire to express his fatherly love at all.
Lu Tang Tang blinked at his big dad overflowing with fatherly love and silently decided that it was better not to discourage his father, just don’t tell his big dad these stories, in fact he has been able to memorise them long ago. After all, his daddy had said that they would have to tolerate him now that his big dad was sick and making silly mistakes.
Lu Cheng was oblivious to the fact that his son was looking at him with a tolerant heart and finished reading the story with emotion in his voice. Satisfied that he had put his son to bed, he covered him with a small quilt before he closed the door to his room with reluctance.
Lu Cheng finished washing up in the bath room on the ground floor, finally taking a deep breath and stepped onto the second floor, his and Tang Yi Yuan’s room. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he had been most curious about this room in his heart from the moment he stepped into the villa.
In his guess, it must have been full of evidence of his and Tang Yi Yuan’s relationship discord, such as the pillows being far apart, the separate bedding and the raw, cold tones of the room.
However, when Lu Cheng walked in, he found that the room was different from the coldness he imagined. Instead, there was warmth everywhere. The pillows were placed side by side, the double quilt was big and soft, soft lighting, lovely ornaments and matching mugs made people feel warm inside. As soon as Lu Cheng walked in, he felt a strong sense of familiarity.
There was a photo on the night stand beside the bed, looks like it should be the wedding photo of him and Tang Yi Yuan. He was hugging Tang Yi Yuan from behind, both of them were smiling happily, he was smiling in a silly way, as if being able to marry Tang Yi Yuan was the happiest thing for him. He couldn’t help but dislike himself in the photo a little, he only took a glance at it before turning his attention to Tang Yi Yuan who was being held in his arms.
Tang Yi Yuan was wearing a small white gown, his slim waist and belly did not show that he had already had a child. The corners of his mouth were slightly pursed in an arc, the small dimples on his cheeks were hidden, his lips were red and his teeth were white. His appearance was soft and docile, his fair cheeks were translucent and pink, and he seemed to be a little shy.
Lu Cheng’s eyes straightened, and he couldn’t help but feel that it was a great pity to forget such a Tang Yi Yuan. This was the first time he had such a feeling after his memory loss, and for a moment, he actually felt some eagerness to retrieve his original memories.
He stared at the photo for a while before withdrawing his gaze from the photo and looking at the real Tang Yi Yuan.
In the photo, the sweet and lovable Tang Yi Yuan was just an illusion, but the real one was his nemesis who was always against him.
Tang Yi Yuan was sprawled out in the middle of the bed, holding a book on economics in his hand, reading it with great interest, his white feet wiggling from time to time, looking relaxed and at ease.
The collar of his clothes was tilted to one side, and his round, smooth shoulders were exposed, glowing white in the light.
Lu Cheng unconsciously swallowed his saliva and asked, “……you’re sleeping here tonight?”
Tang Yi Yuan moved his eyes away from the book, his pretty eyes glanced at him lightly, seemingly too lazy to answer. He put down the book in his hand, clipped the bookmark into the page, put it on the bed, stepped on his slippers and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Lu Cheng heard the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom and his heart was beating fast, he raised his hand to cover his chest and whispered angrily with red ear tips, “He must be trying to tempt me!”
Lu Cheng looked at the huge double bed and imagined what might have happened between him and Tang Yi Yuan in this bed. His heart could not help but beat violently for a moment again. For a while his mind was filled with the white skin Tang Yi Yuan had just revealed.
He slowed down and shook his head vigorously, trying to clear his mind of the imagination swirling inside.
He was an Alpha with determination and would definitely not be so easily seduced by his nemesis!
Lu Cheng pursed his lips and decided that he would draw a Chu River Han boundary1The line that divides Chu and Han, it is also used in Chinese chess on the chess board and it divides the opponents. line on the bed. Tonight, he would never touch a strand of hair on his nemesis, nor would he ever let him touch a finger on him.
He stood by the bed and looked at it, his body followed the memory and familiarly went to the cupboard, took out a quilt from it, folded it neatly into a long strip and put it in the middle of the big double bed.
Lu Cheng looked at the fruits of his labour with great satisfaction, clapped his hands in relief and sat down on the bed at ease. He was extremely confident in himself and would never be tempted by his nemesis.
He took a bored glance at the book that Tang Yi Yuan had just been reading, and when he turned his head, Tang Yi Yuan had already finished his bath and changed into his pajamas and came out of the cloakroom.
Lu Cheng’s eyes moved to Tang Yi Yuan indifferently, this time he was fully prepared, and he would never be tempted again……
Lu Cheng’s movement to look at Tang Yi Yuan jerked to a halt, unconsciously swallowing again.
This is really a great test for an Alpha!
Tang Yi Yuan wore a water-red nightgown, the belt loosely tied to his thin waist, his palm-sized small face white and clear, a pair of eyes moist and bright, hair still wet with moisture, and his skin lined with water-red silk on his body was smooth and supple, and it must feel good to the touch…
Tang Yi Yuan felt Lu Cheng’s burning gaze, his cheeks glowed a shy pink, and he tugged at the hem of his clothes uncomfortably, inexplicably feeling the nervousness like when he was just married.
The nightgown he was wearing, Lu Cheng used to love seeing him wear it……
Tang Yi Yuan raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Lu Cheng.
Lu Cheng met his gaze and quickly averted his eyes in a panic, looking around with a guilty conscience. He had never seen such an alluring appearance of his nemesis. His face flushed instantly, and he was speechless.
Tang Yi Yuan lowered his eyes in disappointment, he thought Lu Cheng would remember something when he saw him dressed like this. Since the doctor had said that Lu Cheng had lost his memory because of excessive stimulation, maybe he would recover after another stimulation. After all, every time he wore this robe in the past, Lu Cheng would be very excited……
Tang Yi Yuan’s cheeks flushed and he hurriedly interrupted his memories, absentmindedly walking forward. When he inattentively tripped over a low stool and lunged forward, he couldn’t help but shout out in alarm.
“Be careful!” Lu Cheng quickly stepped forward and caught him in his arms, with one hand around his waist, the other hand on the back of his head, holding him firmly in his embrace, and patting him gently with lingering fears
The corners of Tang Yi Yuan’s mouth ticked up as he leaned into his arms, the emotion of loss he felt just now disappearing without a trace.
Lu Cheng’s nervousness gradually faded away, and when he reacted, he pushed Tang Yi Yuan away violently.
Tang Yi Yuan was not angry, humming and turning around to blow-dry his hair.
As he watched Tang Yi Yuan walk away, Lu Cheng let out a long sigh of relief.
Although his nemesis had been persistently tempting him, he, an Alpha with determination, had once again held on gloriously!
Tang Yi Yuan returned in a short while, his hair already blow-dried, his body smelling fresh, his hair lying softly on his head, a few strands sticking up in a mischievous manner, making Lu Cheng want to reach out and rub it.
In the dead of night, Alpha and Omega who had taken a bath were alone in the same room… It’s really nerve-wracking.
Lu Cheng coughed lowly and pointed somewhat sheepishly at the quilt in the middle of the bed, “When you sleep, not…… not allowed to cross this line.”
As he said that, his eyes unconsciously moved to Tang Yi Yuan again, fixing on Tang Yi Yuan’s delicate collarbone, so beautiful.
Tang Yi Yuan lightly glanced at the quilt in the middle of the bed and rolled his eyes at Lu Cheng. Then he kicked Lu Cheng onto the bed, turned over neatly and rolled over onto the bed, laying down in Lu Cheng’s arms, put Lu Cheng’s arms around his back and found a comfortable position in Lu Cheng’s arms to lie in, just like he had done countless nights before.
Turn off the lights, sleep.
Lu Cheng was so tall and big that Tang Yi Yuan fit right in his arms, just as they should have.
Lu Cheng’s hand was so stiff that it rested on Tang Yi Yuan’s tender shoulder, and his palm became hot, as if he was holding a fragile treasure in his arms, not daring to touch it hard, but unable to move it away.
Lu Cheng stared in the darkness, trembling lips stumbled and whispered: “can…… cannot cross the line…..”
Lu Cheng waited for half a day, and Tang Yi Yuan did not answer.
He looked down, Tang Yi Yuan had fallen asleep, the sleeping Omega quiet and harmless, surrounded by a sweet fragrance, breathing fine and soft puffs on Lu Cheng’s chest, itchy……
……Why is the nemesis so good to smell ……so soft to hug……
Lu Cheng’s body can’t help but gradually become hot, staring at him and couldn’t sleep, but also dared not move, afraid to disturb the soft Omega’s beautiful dream in his arms.
Lu Cheng thought to himself in a daze, “Nemesis is worthy of being a nemesis, the methods of torturing him is really fancy.
The air was faintly filled with the smell of Tang Yi Yuan’s pheromones, which was faintly mixed with his scent, it seemed that he had completely marked Tang Yi Yuan long ago.
Lu Cheng sniffed for a while, and then felt a little dissatisfied, the smell belonging to him on Tang Yi Yuan was too faint.
After he looked down and confirmed that Tang Yi Yuan was asleep, he secretly began to emit the smell of his own pheromones, allowing them to disperse little by little in the air, wrapping around Tang Yi Yuan and mixing with the smell of Tang Yi Yuan’s pheromones to stain Tang Yi Yuan’s body.
After an omega is being fully marked, the pheromones of his own Alpha could give him a sense of reassuring dependence. The sleeping Tang Yi Yuan unconsciously moved in Lu Cheng’s arms, his slightly locked brow loosened, and his hand rested on Lu Cheng’s body as he slept more soundly.
After a while, Lu Cheng was satisfied to feel that the smell that belonged to him in Tang Yi Yuan’s pheromones intensified, and couldn’t help but smile, finally sleeping with satisfaction.
melon: I originally intended to update only once a week but then changed my mind to every Mon and Thurs. But then when I saw chapt 1, 2 and 3 were posted on 16, 17 and 18th April, my ocd can’t help but post on 19th as well. So now its down to daily updates lol, now lets see how long I can keep this up… ^.^’
1The line that divides Chu and Han, it is also used in Chinese chess on the chess board and it divides the opponents.
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