Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 54 - Arc 3: OOO

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Chapter 54 - Arc 3: OOO

Arc 3: OOO
It was raining outside the house early in the morning and Tang San Yuan was wrapped up in a ball under the blanket. After a while, his head drilled out of the blanket and lay on his side with his hair in a mess, watching the rain outside the window for a while.
He got up from the bed and rubbed his hair with some irritation. He had drunk a lot of wine at the crew dinner yesterday and his head still hurt.
If the crew knew he was an Omega, they might have taken care of him and not let him drink so much but unfortunately, he was pretending to be a Beta and he had to drink some of it when it was handed to him.
There have been a lot of inconveniences over the years in trying to play a Beta but it has also brought him a lot of convenience, and in order not to be tied down in the entertainment industry and to be able to play more diverse roles, he will continue to pretend, always having a suppressant in his bag.
He was very glad that the reporters only reported that the Tang family had seven children, not their names and faces, otherwise it would not have been easy for him to pretend to be Beta so brazenly.
He went to the bathroom and took a shower and his whole body was much more awake. The doorbell rang just in time when he came out. While he was drying his hair, he walked over to open the door, and outside the door stood his manager, Lin Da Tian.
“Why are you here so early?” Tang San Yuan turned around and headed inside. He didn’t have work today and it was still raining outside the house. He didn’t think Lin Da Tian would come over so early.
“You’re in the hot search again!” Lin Da Tian’s rarely seen face didn’t have a smile on it, his face looked a little sullen and his tone had some grumpiness to it.
Tang San Yuan took a drink and handed it to him. In these years in the entertainment industry, he had experienced a lot of storms, so although he saw from the look on Lin Da Tian’s face that something should have happened, he didn’t panic too much. He did a self-examination, he hadn’t done anything worthy of a reporter’s blackmail recently, even if he was on the hot search, it shouldn’t be a big deal.
He slowly and methodically picked up his phone and swiped through the hot searches without thinking.
When he saw the hot search phrase, his face darkened all of a sudden.
[Tang San Yuan Cai Ke Ke]
If it was simply a hot search, Tang San Yuan would be happy. After all, traffic means popularity, no matter how good or bad it is, as long as it doesn’t cost money to be in the hot search, it can be considered free publicity, but unfortunately, this time he was in the hot search with Cai Ke Ke again!
The two of their names were hanging high on the hot search list and Tang San Yuan didn’t need to click in to predict that it must be a bloody storm inside.
This Cai Ke Ke is a new actor from the entertainment company next door, a Beta, but he looks even softer than an Omega, walking as if he is about to fall down at any moment.
When Cai Ke Ke first debuted, Tang San Yuan took care of Cai Ke Ke because he was in the same drama group, he was always available to answer any questions Cai Ke Ke had about acting and he also took care of Cai Ke Ke when he could.
But what Tang San Yuan didn’t expect was that Cai Ke Ke didn’t want to study acting skills at all, but only wanted to rely on scandals to make it to the top.
The first time Tang San Yuan and him were in the news together, it was because of a photo in which Tang San Yuan and him were sitting side by side, Tang San Yuan with a gentle face and Cai Ke Ke with an adoring face.
But Tang San Yuan was coaching his acting at the time, and those tenderness in Tang San Yuan’s eyes was just acting, but others didn’t think so. Fans saw these photos and found them very ambiguous, and Cai Ke Ke, this little handsome younger brother, immediately caught the attention of his fans and Cai Ke Ke grew tens of thousands of fans that day.
Now, looking at the angle of that photo, it was so professional that at a glance, it was Cai Ke Ke who had someone take it. Unfortunately Tang San Yuan still believed in the pure and innocent little handsome younger brother at that time and did not think that way.
But immediately afterwards he and Cai Ke Ke were on several hot searches one after another, without exception, whether it was good news or bad news, as long as it was attached to Tang San Yuan, Cai Ke Ke kept gaining fans. Obviously there was still not even one decent production, this was already considered a small fame.
It was only then that Tang San Yuan began to notice that something was wrong. Cai Ke Ke seemed to be stuck to him, obviously he and Cai Ke Ke had nothing going on, not even a little bit of ambiguous relationship, but he made it seem as if they were close.
The heat of the two’s CP remains high, even getting higher and higher and CP fans firmly believe that they are dating. Tang San Yuan’s fans don’t want to admit it but they can’t do anything about it. After all, there are news after news about their close relationship, and after a long time, they can’t help but wonder if there is really something between them.
Tang San Yuan couldn’t stand it anymore and went to Cai Ke Ke several times and Cai Ke Ke always promised properly, but once he turned his head, the news that should have come did not come at all.
Tang San Yuan stepped in to clarify a few times, but to no avail, as Cai Ke Ke always had a way to make people suspect that the two of them were not in a pure relationship.
Later on, the situation intensified and when Tang San Yuan wore a random item of clothing, Cai Ke Ke was able to find the same brand immediately, allowing fans to catch some ‘clues’ that suggested they were having an underground relationship.
One day it’s the same earrings, the next day it’s the same style of a football star1TBH I have no idea what author means here because 同款的球星 translates to same style of football star which doesn’t make sense so I changed the sentence a bit, and the day after that even the background of the restaurant where they ate at is the same, who would believe it if they say there is no relationship?
So no matter how Tang San Yuan clarifies, CP fans don’t believe it. Instead they think that they are being pressured by the agency, that’s why they don’t dare to admit it, they can only secretly show their love and fans are more heartbroken. CP fans are also increasing, one after the other looking for candy more actively.
Tang San Yuan can’t stand up and publicly accuse Cai Ke Ke either since Cai Ke Ke has also never said that he was dating Tang San Yuan. Everything is just the fan’s guess. Cai Ke Ke just ‘accidentally’ bought some of the same items and went to the same place for dinner.
There was really no other way, Tang San Yuan had to hide from Cai Ke Ke all the time. As long as he will encounter Cai Ke Ke during the activity, he would not participate. He really didn’t want to see his name and Cai Ke Ke appearing in any news at the same time again.
Recently the two of them obviously haven’t even been in the same frame, how can he and Cai Ke Ke still enter the hot search together?
Tang San Yuan clicked in with doubts and could not help but feel the anger in his heart when he took a look.
Yesterday, Tang San Yuan and his co-star walked the red carpet together, which was nothing, but reporters photographed Cai Ke Ke getting drunk late last night, holding a bottle of wine and crying in the street, so everyone immediately thought that Cai Ke Ke was hurt by love, and that’s why he was in the hot search.
Tang San Yuan was fuming, your acting skills is so good, is it not good to concentrate on filming?
People tend to favour the weaker side and in the ‘relationship’ between Tang San Yuan and Cai Ke Ke, although they are both ‘Beta’, they are portrayed by Cai Coco as if he is the weaker side who loves Tang San Yuan with humble love.
Once the photo of Cai Ke Ke getting drunk came out, CP fans were immediately heartbroken, dug out the video of Tang San Yuan and the actress walking down the red carpet, saying that Tang San Yuan was having an affair with the actress, and some even ran to scold that actress.
The two people’s CP fans are not little in number, and Tang San Yuan’s exclusive fans naturally defends Tang San Yuan, saying that Cai Ke Ke made the hype upside down2倒贴 (dào tīe): means that someone who was supposed to receive ends up paying instead. Although Cai Ke Ke’s fans are not many, but there is a large group of people, all from the CP fans who were ‘abused’ into becoming exclusive fans. They immediately classified Tang San Yuan into the ranks of scum and for a while, the two family of fans torn apart.
“It’s too infuriating, don’t let the fans tear, you are unjustly accused for no reason, let the fans tear, this Cai Ke Ke will get another wave of hotness.” Lin Da Tian spat out in anger and was deeply disgusted with Cai Ke Ke and his manager.
Even if it’s for the sake of hype, how can you guys grab a person like this and suck blood like that? How many die-hard fans of Tang San Yuan have already given their meals3脱饭 (tuō fàn): 脱fan, originally 脱粉 (tuō fěn) which means to give up being a fan of an idol you used to like just because they hate Cai Ke Ke.
But when you think about it, it’s understandable. An annoying fly is hanging around one’s own idol every day, getting involved with one’s idol, not to mention the fans, Lin Da Tian is also annoyed.
However, he just could not be beaten, scolded or expelled, otherwise, Cai Ke Ke would take advantage of the opportunity to make a big news.
Tang San Yuan and Lin Da Tian were silent and sighed for a long time, facing each other.
As the rain outside gradually stopped, Lin Da Tian suddenly slapped his thigh hard and said, “Why don’t we fry CP too!”
“How to fry?” Tang San Yuan looked at him with an incredulous expression, “Fry with Cai Ke Ke?”
If Lin Da Tian answered yes, Tang San Yuan wanted to hit someone.
“No! Change a person to fry, who doesn’t know how to fry CP? Isn’t the CP between you and Cai Ke Ke hot? Let’s fry one with even more hotness to press down the hotness of yours and Cai Ke Ke’s CP.”
Lin Da Tian said with a delighted face, he was a famous gold medal agent in the circle, but he was made helpless by Cai Ke Ke and his agent. He had been angry for a long time and wanted to get rid of Cai Ke Ke’s dog skin plaster4refers to someone who is very clingy completely.
Tang San Yuan was silent for a moment, “……attacking poison with poison?”
Lin Dai Tian said with righteousness, “We are using the method of others to treat others5以其人之道,还治其人之身 (yǐ qí rén zhī dào, huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn): an idiom, kinda a similar to giving others the taste of their own medicine.”
Tang San Yuan was a little hesitant, frying CP was a tactic he didn’t like, but Cai Ke Ke and his manager were just too difficult to deal with, and this method did seem to take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of them.
Lin Da Tian could see his hesitation and crossed his arms, threatening in a fierce tone, “Do you want to continue the scandal with Cai Ke Ke? This time he’s hurt by love, next time, there’s no telling what other tricks he’ll play.”
“……Okay then!” Tang San Yuan gritted his teeth and agreed, he only wanted to get rid of Cai Ke Ke quickly now, as long as he could get rid of Cai Ke Ke, he could do whatever he was told to do.
Lin Da Tian immediately became happy and started looking for it as soon as he said he would, holding the phone in his arms and leaving like a streak of smoke.
A few days later, Lin Dai Tian came with an excited face and tapped on Tang San Yuan’s door, “I’ve finally found someone for you!”
Tang San Yuan was about to open the door when his footsteps gave way and his expression froze for a moment: “……” Why does that sound strange?
He opened the door and let Lin Dai Tian in, “Who is it?”
He was quite curious as to who could make Lin Da Tian’s face flush with excitement.
“Gu An!” Lin Da Tian clenched his chubby fist in excitement, he had originally thought that now that the situation was special, he would rather find another person who was not as popular as Tang San Yuan and let him suck blood. However, he also wanted to make Tang San Yuan and Cai Ke Ke completely draw a clean line but to his surprise, he ran into Gu An’s agent yesterday and Gu An was actually looking for someone who wanted to fry CP, so he and Gu An’s agent immediately hit it off.
Tang San Yuan blinked in some surprise. “Gu An?”
Tang San Yuan had heard of Gu An’s name countless times. He was two years younger than Tang San Yuan and was currently the hottest and most popular singer. Every time he released an album, he personally composed and wrote the lyrics. He was not only popular, but also a real powerhouse, even Tang San Yuan, who didn’t listen to songs often, had a few of his songs downloaded in his phone. If Tang San Yuan remembered correctly, his current phone ringtone was a section of pure music6refers to music that has no lyrics included in Gu An’s debut album.
The most mysterious thing about Gu An is that he has opened his own studio since his debut, with a gold agent and an ace assistant to escort him. His journey has been as smooth as the wind and water, but after many years since his debut, no one has been able to dig out his family background.
He is not short of fame or profit, why does he need to fry CP?
The most important thing is that although Tang San Yuan and Gu An are an actor and a singer, the two family of fans are opposing. Every time there is a popularity award vote, it basically ends up being a peak showdown between the two family of fans, so if they fry CP……Tang San Yuan can’t imagine the reaction of the two family of fans, but now in order to draw a line with Cai Ke Ke, he can’t care so much.
melon: This Cai Ke Ke is super annyoing 😤 Can’t wait for his face slap 🤩
Also damn this chapter took me twice the time to translate…I guess it’s time for me to sleep 🤣1TBH I have no idea what author means here because 同款的球星 translates to same style of football star which doesn’t make sense so I changed the sentence a bit2倒贴 (dào tīe): means that someone who was supposed to receive ends up paying instead3脱饭 (tuō fàn): 脱fan, originally 脱粉 (tuō fěn) which means to give up being a fan of an idol you used to like4refers to someone who is very clingy5以其人之道,还治其人之身 (yǐ qí rén zhī dào, huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn): an idiom, kinda a similar to giving others the taste of their own medicine.6refers to music that has no lyrics
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