Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 89 - TTFSO Chapter 89

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Chapter 89 - TTFSO Chapter 89

Yan Qin Ye was admitted to the best law school in interstellar as expected. Fortunately the law school was in the capital, so the two still lived together, and Tang Si Yuan continued to be a good golden master, because Yan Qin Ye was still very busy.
The following year, Tang Si Yuan finally ushered in his own coming of age ceremony, and before he slept with him for the first time, he found a bunch of movies for Yan Qin Ye to watch, telling him to learn the techniques and be a good lover.
Yan Qin Ye looked at him with a smirk, pushed him down on the bed, took his lips, slowly pushed his hand through the corner of his shirt and caressed his lean waist.
Tang Si Yuan hugged Yan Qin Ye’s shoulders, thinking in a daze that it seems Yan Qin Ye did not need to learn techniques, just one kiss could make him forget to think and sink into his embrace.
That night, Tang Si Yuan’s nostrils were filled with the smell of Yan Qin Ye’s pheromones, as fresh as lemons, but not as sour as lemons, instead as sweet as honey.
The next morning, Tang Si Yuan was lying in bed rubbing his waist after a long night, and sighed silently in his heart. Turns out, it’s not easy to be a golden master, wanting to satisfy his little lover was really tiring. Hopefully the little lover can learn to be satisfied as soon as possible. Actually, doing it once a night is enough to satisfy this golden master.
Yan Qin Ye hugged him from behind, his warm palm rubbed his waist a few times, leaned down and kissed his earlobes, saying softly: “I will definitely make Li Dong Qiang pay, you wait for me.”
Tang Si Yuan nodded, and only later did he learn that Li Dong Qiang was also one of Yan Qin Ye’s enemies, along with Yan Qin Ye’s stepmother who was unwilling to be lonely.
Yan Qin Ye’s real mother was a Beta, and Lin Pei Xue used her Omega status to tempt Yan Qin Ye’s father to mark her while in heat after Yan Qin Ye’s mother passed away. After Yan Qin Ye’s father came to his senses, he had to marry her home because she was already fully marked.
However, after the marriage, she was not satisfied that father Yan did not love her and was not satisfied with a marriage without love. She went out all day being promiscuous1沾花惹草 (zhān huā rě cǎo): an idiom, sticking flowers and provoking grass, refers to a man’s philandering ways. and slowly hooked up with father Yan’s rival, Zhang Zong Liang. Before the incident, father Yan and Zhang Zong Liang were running for parliament, after the incident, father Yan was corrupted and had embezzled. Zhang Zong Liang lost his opponent and was naturally elected, and Li Dong Qiang was the most powerful lackey under Zhang Zong Liang.
All this was only known to Tang Si Yuan after Yan Qin Ye graduated. When Yan Qin Ye was working in his early days, he was suppressed by these people at every turn, and it was thanks to Tang Bo Te’s protection that he was able to enjoy the same fair treatment as ordinary people.
As for Li Dong Qiang, since Yan Qin Ye said he would make Li Dong Qiang pay, Tang Si Yuan paid no further attention to it. After all, not only did Li Dong Qiang not succeed, but he made Yan Qin Ye agree to being kept in a confused manner. Instead of letting General Tang get involved to resolve it, he believed that Yan Qin Ye would prefer to take revenge himself.
Over the years, Yan Qin Ye’s character had become introverted, calm and restrained. Tang Si Yuan had never seen him act impulsively again, him using weapons of law had already made all the bad guys speechless.
Tang Si Yuan watched him step by step as he reached the position he wanted achieve, watched him help one wronged person after another, watched him get closer and closer to his enemies.
Now that Li Dong Qiang had been arrested, Tang Si Yuan knew that it is Yan Qin Ye’s real enemy’s turn next.
He and Yan Qin Ye had been in a nurturing relationship all these years, apart from the time when his Big Dad found out about the nurturing and almost beat him up, which Yan Qin Ye stopped, everything else had gone smoothly.
Tang Si Yuan rolled on the soft quilt, looking at Yan Qin Ye who was putting on his suit and how satisfied he looked, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. His own eyes are really good, his kept lover is handsome and capable, is there a more dignified golden master than him?
When Yan Qin Ye finished tying his tie, he looked back and saw Tang Si Yuan staring at him with shining eyes. He couldn’t help but walk over to the bed, rubbed his messy hair and asked: “What are you thinking about?”
Tang Si Yuan moved his head to rest on his lap, “I was thinking, why did you agree to be kept by me when I hadn’t been able to help you meet Uncle Yan?”
He raised his head up and looked at Yan Qin Ye for an moment, this was the most confusing thing for him over the years, obviously at that time Yan Qin Ye said that he would only agree to be kept after meeting father Yan, but why did Yan Qin Ye agree to be kept after he woke up from a sleep. He had been drinking that day, later on his mind was not too clear, he didn’t remember very clearly what happened after he went to the hotel, so he couldn’t remember what made Yan Qin Ye suddenly agree to him.
Yan Qin Ye looked down and rubbed his finger on his lips, hooking his lips and saying, ” You guess?”
Tang Si Yuan frowned and thought about it, but still didn’t have the slightest clue. He felt that Yan Qin Ye was not someone who would easily change his bottom line, there must be a reason why Yan Qin Ye would agree to him, but he soon had no time to think about this matter, because Yan Qin Ye lowered his head and kissed him again.
Ai, it’s really sad, his little lover always seduced him, but he, the golden master, could not resist the temptation.
The early morning kiss was fresh and sweet, and Tang Si Yuan couldn’t help but raise his head and deepen the kiss.
When the kiss ended, Yan Qin Ye squeezed his chin and shook it gently, “Don’t forget to put this month’s maintenance fee into my card.”
Tang Si Yuan deflated his mouth to look at this unintelligent young lover in front of him, one moment he was kissing sweetly, the next moment he was talking about money, he was really cold and heartless, he hadn’t changed in all these years.
The golden master’s heart is bitter, obviously when the young lover now fights a lawsuit, he earns more money than him, the golden master, but he is always watching closely to see if his maintenance fee has arrived, not even willing to have a penny less, not even a day can be delayed.
The world is really changing and people’s hearts are not ancient ah. Tang Si Yuan is very distressed by the money consciousness of young people nowadays.
Yan Qin Ye ignored his accusing eyes, stood up and straightened his tie, and said slowly, “Men with money will learn to be bad, especially those like you, who always wants to change to someone else to keep, I must keep an eye on you.”
Tang Si Yuan was aggrieved, but his young lover was too indifferent.
When Yan Qin Ye looked at his aggrieved look, he couldn’t help but let out a low laugh and took out a box from his pocket and tossed it to him.
Tang Si Yuan took the box and opened it. Inside the box lay a diamond-encrusted watch. It is the latest model of the A brand, which is expensive and hard to buy.
His eyes couldn’t help but light up and he sat up at once, holding the watch with a happy smiled with his eyes bending. It was good that his young lover had a conscience, the maintenance fees of all these years probably weren’t worth as much as this watch.
He couldn’t wait to put the watch on his wrist and happily waved it in the sunlight, unable to stop himself from letting out a delighted laugh, his fluffy hair also swaying back and forth with his movements.
Yan Qin Ye couldn’t help but smile, rubbing his head again and saying softly: “I’m leaving, I have work tonight, no need to wait for me for dinner.”
He took a few steps towards the door, but thought of something and turned back, pinching Tang Si Yuan’s chin and threatening, “You’re not allowed to go to the nightclub alone.”
Tang Si Yuan nodded haphazardly, his eyes all fell on the watch on his wrist, all these years he had been frugal all day in order to support his little lover, and had never bothered to buy himself such luxuries. Now his little lover could not only earn money on his own, but also buy such expensive gifts for his golden master, could there be a more dignified golden master than him?
He must be the most successful golden master in the world! He was now filled with thoughts of how he is going to show off.
Seeing that he was only staring at his watch, Yan Qin Ye couldn’t help but frown and nibble on his lips, “I’ve been busy lately, behave yourself.”
Tang Si Yuan covered his mouth and glared at him, grunting in agreement.
Seeing him finally look at himself, Yan Qin Ye hooked the corners of his mouth in satisfaction and waved his hand as he walked away.
After Yan Qin Ye left, Tang Si Yuan hugged his watch and looked at it happily for a long time, then got up from bed, packed up and went home.
Today was just in time for everyone to be at home, he took the opportunity to show off. Throughout the day, he was tired and his arms were sore from always lifting his hands on purpose, but the effect was very obvious, as his brothers were all successfully shown off by him and praised him for his wise decision to nurture back then.
He was so pleased with the result and ate dinner at home before he was finally willing to leave the house, driving straight to the nightclub.
It wasn’t that he didn’t listen to Yan Qin Ye, but there was one more thing he wanted to do.
When he arrived at the nightclub, Li Fei was still sleeping upstairs. As soon as he heard that he had arrived, he came down from upstairs and said with a big smile, “I’ve made a thorough enquiry this time, Li Dong Qiang has committed a serious crime this time, he won’t be able to get out for more than 20 years. For something so worthy of celebration, let’s have a drink tonight.”
Tang Si Yuan was worried that Yan Qin Ye would find out that he had come to the club alone again, so he did not want to drink, but just raised his eyebrows and asked: “Isn’t he a relative of your family? Why are you happy that he went in?”
Li Fei was immediately reluctant and immediately ‘pei2sound of spitting‘ed, “What kind of relative is he? I don’t have this kind of sinister and underhanded cousin. Besides, our family is separated by several generations from theirs, although we are both surnamed Li, the relationship is far away. If he hadn’t come to our house all the time to please my father back then, I wouldn’t even be able to know who he was.”
He paused for a moment and sighed: “He thought he was on Zhang Zong Liang’s boat, I just asked him to help you and he put on airs, doing such dirty things. If it wasn’t for me being worried that you were drunk, I called Yan Qin Ye halfway and asked him to pick you up. Yan Qin Ye arrived in time, and I didn’t know what would happen. I was so disgusted with him and I would not let my family associate with him since long ago. He hasn’t been allowed to enter my house all these years, and this time when he had a mishap, my dad didn’t even ask, let alone help him.”
Tang Si Yuan sat next to him and took a sip of juice, he was disgusted by the mention of Li Dong Qiang and didn’t want to mention it more, he just deliberately exaggerated and stretched out his arm, showing his wrist and plucked at his bangs.
Seeing the watch on his wrist, Li Fei immediately grabbed his arm and looked at it carefully, then he couldn’t help but let out an ‘ai yo’, his eyes lit up: “This is the latest model of A brand, right? I’ve looked at it several few times but wasn’t willing to buy it, how come Tang Shao is so generous this time? Quickly take it off and let me wear it so that I can have a taste of it too.”
Naturally, Tang Si Yuan refused to give it to him, withdrew his hand and said with a demure purse of his lips: “Yan Qin Ye gave it to me.”
Li Fei was a little surprised to see him refuse, Tang Si Yuan had always been generous. Although this watch was expensive, it was not to the point that he would refuse to let him wear it, unless it was extraordinarily precious to him. When he heard that it was from Yan Qin Ye, he was even more surprised, “The price of this watch is expensive, isn’t Yan Qin Ye too willing?”
Tang Si Yuan curled his lips, when his young lover became intimate, this golden master was very pleased.
Li Fei bumped his arm, raised his eyebrows and said with a gossipy face: “There’s really nothing between you two? Why do I see that your relationship is not simple, you’ve been living together for how many years, you used to say it was for study, then you said it was to save on rent, but now you’re both successful and famous, you’re not short of this rent anymore right? Why do you still live together?”
Tang Si Yuan fiddled with the watch on his wrist, naturally the two of them were not short of rent, the house they were living in now had been bought by Yan Qin Ye back in his first year of working.
But the matter of nurturing was naturally something that could not be said, and Tang Si Yuan just waved his hand and casually and perfunctorily said: “You’re thinking too much.”
Li Fei’s expression was suspicious, he always felt that the relationship between the two of them was not simple, but he could not find any evidence.
Tang Si Yuan changed the subject by looking around, “Where is that man from last night?”
“Which man? You’ve really come to look for a man, have you?” Li Fei looked surprised.
“He’s called……” Tang Si Yuan narrowed his eyes and thought about the name of that disgusting man from yesterday, “Wang ……Da……yes, he’s called Wang Da.”
“He ah, do you really have eyes for him?” Li Fei lifted the glass of wine in his hand and took a sip with an incredulous look.
Tang Si Yuan glanced at him with an angry expression of you are questioning my aesthetics.
“……” Li Fei rubbed his nose, also thinking that his head should have gone into water just now With Wang Da’s noble3尊容 (zūn róng): noble/respectable appearance, often used sarcastically. appearance, Tang Si Yuan should be detest him unless his eyes were blind.
He looked left and right, and there were people coming and going in the increasingly lively nightclub, but he did not see the figure of Wang Da, “Seems like he didn’t come, he couldn’t have been scared by Yan Qin Ye last night to come ba, what are you looking for him for ah?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Wang Da stepped through the door of the nightclub and looked inside with furtive eyes.
“Yo, he’s really here.” Li Fei gave a laugh and was about to walk over to ‘invite’ Wang Da over when Wang Da saw Tang Si Yuan and couldn’t help but look shocked, automatically consciously moving over on his own accord.
Wang Da walked closer and bowed towards Tang Si Yuan as Li Fei looked at him in surprise, and said in a loud voice, “Tang Shao, last night I was blind and didn’t know Mt. Tai, you and Mr. Yan are generous, forgive me this time, I will definitely stay away from you in future and not come out to hinder your eyes.”
He was so frightened last night that he didn’t sleep at all. He was afraid of offending the two great Buddhas, Tang Si Yuan and Yan Qin Ye, and he would be retaliated against in the future.
Li Fei had a little respect for Wang Da, at least he had some self-awareness and knew that he was an eyesore.
Tang Si Qin Yuan was about to stand up to look for Wang Da when Wang Da came over by himself. He sat still and when Wang Da finished speaking, he opened his mouth and said casually, “That thing I said yesterday about keeping Yang Qin Ye was a drunk joke, don’t take it seriously, and don’t go out and say anything nonsensical.”
“Of course, of course not……” Wang Da hastened to make up a smile, this kind of thing can’t be true at the first thought, people are drunkenly joking with their good friends, how can he take it seriously, and how would he dare to go out and speak nonsense.
Tang Si Yuan nodded in satisfaction, it is enough for himself to be the only one who knew about the fact that he had kept Yan Qin Ye. Last night it was because he was drunk that he accidentally said it out, that’s why he came to Wang Da today to warn him.
He would not let anyone have the opportunity to belittle Yan Qin Ye, Yan Qin Ye is so good, he could not allow people outside to slander him.1沾花惹草 (zhān huā rě cǎo): an idiom, sticking flowers and provoking grass, refers to a man’s philandering ways.2sound of spitting3尊容 (zūn róng): noble/respectable appearance, often used sarcastically.
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