Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 96 - TTFSO Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 - TTFSO Chapter 96

Tang Si Yuan did not say anything for a long time. He still remembered what he had said, he did not want to have a child with Yan Qin Ye, but for some reason, he suddenly remembered the coldness outside the operating room just now. His heart could not help but feel some sourness, when Yan Qin Ye could have died in the operating room, there were very few people who cared about him.
If there was a child, wouldn’t there be one more person in this world who was closely connected to Yan Qin Ye? This child would care about Yan Qin Ye as much as he did, and he believed that Yan Qin Ye would give this child even more love.
He had a momentary wavering in his heart and did not say anything for a long time.
Yan Qin Ye’s dark eyebrows lifted a little, looking at him and asking: “You don’t want to?”
Not sure if it was Tang Si Yuan’s illusion, but Yan Qin Ye seemed much more relaxed after settling the matter with Zhang Zong Liang. Although he was still injured, there was no trace of tension in his expression, but rather a hint of laziness that had not been seen on him for a long time.
Tang Si Yuan thought seriously for a while, and said with a light frown: “Didn’t you say I am stupid? It’s hereditary.”
“It’s okay, I have strong genes.”
Tang Si Yuan: “……” Shameless.
He still remembered the grudge of Yan Qin Ye calling him a little fool so he couldn’t help but glare at Yan Qin Ye, he thought in silence for a while and murmured in a small voice, “I don’t want to give birth……”
He wanted Yan Qin Ye to stay by his side, but he was afraid that in the future, the child would hold Yan Qin Ye back and make him stay by his side only because of the child.
Yan Qin Ye looked at him, his eyes slightly sinking, like a bottomless pool of water, but these emotions quietly dispersed before Tang Si Yuan saw them.
The corners of his mouth raised in a teasing arc and his voice was unhurried as he said: “If you don’t have children with me, I won’t let you keep me anymore, wu……I’ll take Gang Beng’er away too.”
“You……who are you to take Gang Beng’er away?” Tang Si Yuan was so angry that he almost couldn’t speak, and it inexplicably gave birth to the illusion that a divorced couple was fighting for the custody of their children.
Yan Qin Ye put his uninjured hand behind his head on the pillow and slowly said: “On the basis……that I brought Gang Beng’er home, or that I personally bathed him and took him to the hospital for a physical examination.”
“…… “Tang Si Yuan’s voice extinguished at once and pursed the corners of his lips in deficit. When they picked Gang Beng’er up and brought him home, Gang Beng’er had been wandering on the street for an unknown number of days, his whole body was black and his fur was all tangled, it was so dirty that Tang Si Yuan was really reluctant to handle it. So it was Yan Qin Ye who gave it a bath and the next day, took it to the hospital for a physical examination and an injection before bringing it home.
Tang Si Yuan could not think of a reason to refute this, but when he thought of his dog son leaving him, he was devastated! Damned Yan Qin Ye, actually using his dog son to threaten him!
He glared angrily at Yan Qin Ye, his eyelids fluttering in anger, “If you don’t let me keep you, who are you going to let keep you?” The little lover even had second thoughts, could a more dedicated golden master than him be found in this world?
Yan Qin Ye pretended to be pensive and looked down in thought, lifted his head to look into his eyes and said: “The second young lady of the Chen family in the south of the city seems to have liked me for a long time……”
“She will give birth to your child?” Tang Si Yuan interrupted Yan Qin Ye in anger, he surprisingly didn’t know at all that by Yan Qin Ye’s side, since when that besides Wei Xin Ran, there was also a second young lady of the Chen family!
The corners of Yan Qin Ye’s mouth curled up slightly and quickly restrained it again, his voice without and ups and downs as he said: “Not only will she give birth, she even chased after me wanting to marry me.”
“You dare to marry her! You still want to have a child with her, if you dare to do so, I will……I will……”
Tang Si Yuan said in anger, before he thought about what he was going to do, Yan Qin Ye pulled the corner of his mouth and said: “I just want to have children with you, will you give birth or not?”
Tang Si Yuan twisted his head, “No.”
Tang Si Yuan turned his head back in anger, “Bastard! I’ll give birth!”
He screamed in his heart, you’re just being spoiled1侍宠生娇 (shì chǒng shēng jiāo): means to be arrogant and unbeatable on account of being favoured by one’s master, and arrogant by virtue of the favours and favours given by others.! If it wasn’t for the fact that you’re sick right now, I’d definitely read to you the nurturing guide!
When Yan Qin Ye heard his reply, his eyebrows rose slightly, and a smile haloed the corners of his eyes as he stretched out his finger and hooked it towards Tang Si Yuan, saying in a soft voice: “Come here.”
Tang Si Yuan was still sulking and his tone was a little hard: “For what?”
“To give you a reward.”
Tang Si Yuan reluctantly leaned over, lowered his head and asked: “What reward?”
Yan Qin Ye pressed the back of his neck with his uninjured hand and slightly raised his head to kiss his lips, his tongue burrowing through the crack of his lips and entwining with his tongue.
As the kiss ended, Yan Qin Ye’s thin lips curled up in a touch of tenderness, licking his lips and asking in a low voice: “Is it sweet?”
His eyes were dark and bright, as if they could tempt the heart, and his lips were soft, touching Tang Si Yuan’s lips like soft, bouncy jelly.
Tang Si Yuan could not help but be seduced and arched his eyebrows, answering sweetly, “Sweet.”
Yan Qin Ye asked again, “Giving birth?”
“……giving birth.”
Ai, today’s golden master still can’t resist the seduction2se诱 in the raws, I’m guessing it’s 色诱 (sè yòu) which means seduce. of his little lover, embarking on the road of pregnancy preparation with no turning back.
Tang Si Yuan silently shed tears for himself in his heart. It’s not easy for a golden master these days.
Yan Qin Ye smiled satisfactorily, looked at Tang Si Yuan for a while, and fell asleep groggily without holding on for too long. After all, he just finished the operation not long ago, he had bled too much, and the effects of the anaesthetics hasn’t passed.
Tang Si Yuan couldn’t help but reach out and rub Yan Qin Ye’s bloodless lips, and in his heart he couldn’t help but suspect that honey was secretly applied to Yan Qin Ye’s lips, otherwise how else could a kiss have made him dizzy with sweetness.
Although everyone else had left, Tang Wu Yuan had not left yet, he had been standing outside answering the phone to deal with official business and only walked in when he was done. Seeing that Yan Qin Ye had fallen asleep, he asked Tang Si Yuan in a low voice: “Do you want to go home?”
He was the one who drove Tang Si Yuan to the hospital earlier, so he knew that Tang Si Yuan did not drive over.
Tang Si Yuan shook his head and couldn’t help but ask: “Xiao Wu, have you seen the second young lady of the Chen family? What does she look? Is she pretty? Is she an Omega or a Beta?”
“Which Chen family?”
“The one in the south of the city.”
Tang Wu Yuan thought about it and shook his head somewhat doubtfully: “There is no second young lady in his family ah, there is only one daughter in their family, I saw her once at her wedding, she is comely and lovely, quite beautiful.”
Tang Si Yuan: “……” Indeed you can’t believe everything a lawyer says, this big liar!
He glared angrily at the soundly sleeping Yan Qin Ye, grinding his teeth in anger, and couldn’t help but swing a few punches at his angular face from a distance.
Tang Wu Yuan stood by, watching speechlessly as he ‘inflicted violence’ on the patient, and waited until he had finished venting before saying: “Ge, if you don’t go back, I’ll go back first, I’ll be in the capital for the next few days, call me if you need anything.”
Tang Si Yuan indignantly withdrew his hand, turned his head to look at Tang Wu Yuan, thought for a moment and said with a serious expression: “I want to see Zhang Zong Liang for a while, do you have a way?”
Tang Wu Yuan is the only one among the brothers who inherited General Tang’s ambition. He pretended to be Beta and mixed into the army long ago, he also really has talent and is now a commander in the army. This time, he only came back to the capital because he has a mission, he didn’t expect to meet Yan Qin Ye just in time for his accident.
When Tang Si Yuan mentioned Zhang Zong Liang, his eyes couldn’t help but sink and his gaze became icy cold.
Tang Wu Yuan looked into his dark, bottomless eyes and was stunned for a moment before nodding: “There shouldn’t be a problem.”
“I still want to punch him a few times.” Tang Si Yuan’s voice was as cold as it has ever been.
Tang Wu Yuan thought seriously, he felt that Zhang Zong Liang was not far from death anyway, if he didn’t beat him now he wouldn’t have the chance to beat him later, so he nodded again, “Don’t hit his face.”
Seeing that Yan Qin Ye showed no sign of waking up for a while, Tang Si Yuan asked the nurse to look after him, and then went with Tang Wu Yuan to the place where Zhang Zong Liang was being held.
Tang Wu Yuan greeted someone and stood guard at the door while Tang Si Yuan walked into the cell alone.
Zhang Zong Liang has a fat head and big ears, he was sitting in the corner with a beer belly, looking very annoyed. He had been arrested and imprisoned this time, and the evidence was conclusive. Yan Qin Ye was also pressing hard, he knows that he is doomed this time, so he wants to find someone to kill Yan Qin Ye before he is locked up, and resolve his hatred.
The officials behind him knew that with Yan Qin Ye as a thorn in their side, there would be no end of trouble in the future. Therefore, they agreed to help him kill Yan Qin Ye in order to have a peace of mind in the future but to his surprise, Yan Qin Ye was prepared and the gunman was caught on the spot, and the shooting of Yan Qin Ye was exposed.
He added insult to injury this time, and it’s impossible to escape the evidence. In an instant, his complexion became ashen. If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have driven off Yan Qin Ye’s father, so as not to provoke Yan Qin Ye this malefic3煞星 (shà xīng): evil star.
Only now did he realise with hindsight that the shooting was set up by Yan Qin Ye and that he had fallen into Yan Qin Ye’s trap, he couldn’t help regretting.
He was regretting it, and when he saw a stranger enter, he couldn’t help being even more agitated and asked in a condescending manner: “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
Tang Si Yuan looked at him viciously, his cold eyebrows rising slightly, his voice low and slow: “To beat you up.”
Zhang Zong Liang was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, Tang Si Yuan had already swung his fist straight over.
“What kind of person are you! Have you gone mad? What do you want to do!”
“Ah! That hurts! Somebody help! Someone is beating a prisoner here! Don’t you care? The law says that prisoners have human rights too! Where is everyone? Where’s everyone?”
“Ah ah ah ah ah! Don’t come any closer! Let me go! I know I’m wrong, Da Ge you’re magnanimous, don’t hit me anymore!”
A man who breaks the law desires the protection of the law, why did he not keep the law in mind when he breaks it? The law is not something that comes into being only when it is needed.
Tang Wu Yuan snorted, not the slightest intention of trying to go in and stop it as he listened to the sounds of fists hitting flesh and Zhang Zong Liang’s outburst of screams coming from inside, leaning against the wall with his arms held leisurely.
He wasn’t worried about Tang Si Yuan’s safety at all, after all, General Tang hadn’t trained everyone over the years for nothing, and although Tang Si Yuan was an Omega, he was still more than capable of dealing with Zhang Zong Liang who had been addicted to debauchery for a long time.
He was yawning in boredom when a group of people came marching over, led by the youngest Major General in interstellar……who is also Tang Si Yuan’s nemesis of many years, Song Xiao Bai.
Tang Wu Yuan frowned at him, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, “Why are you here?”
Song Xiao Bai was a little surprised to see him, his gaze was sullen as he stared at him, his face taut and silent.
The liaison officer behind Song Xiao Bai hurriedly explained to Tang Wu Yuan: “A suspect confessed that the prisoner held in this room had betrayed interstellar military secrets, and the Major General happened to be here, so he came to interrogate him personally.”
Tang Wu Yuan nodded indifferently, this Zhang Zong Liang was really seeking his own death, he even dared to betray military secrets, it seemed that he really did not want to live.
Song Xiao Bai took a glance at Tang Wu Yuan’s face as he blocked the doorway of the cell, raised an eyebrow and asked: “Is there anyone inside?”
“No.” Tang Wu Yuan said in a very cold voice.
As he listened to the cries of pain coming from inside, Song Xiao Bai raised his jaw unhappily in the direction of the room and asked in a cold voice: “Tang Wu Yuan, do you take me for a fool?”
Tang Wu Yuan’s calm, waveless eyes were filled with mockery, “Aren’t you?”
The bottom of Song Xiao Bai’s dark eyes overflowed with anger as he stepped forward and gave him a cold glance, “Get out of the way.”
Tang Wu Yuan did not have the slightest intention to move aside and looked back with defiantly. In an instant, sparks flew from their eyes.
No one in the room dared to make a sound, they all kept their heads down and didn’t dare to breathe. These two officers had fought against each other more times than they could count on ten hands in a month, and they were used to it. They must never speak out at this time, otherwise they would be in trouble.
Not sure how long the stalemate lasted, but the sound of Tang Si Yuan opening the door broke the peace in the room and he came out, moving his arms a little.
Tang Wu Yuan turned around and asked: “Have you had your fun fighting yet?”
Tang Si Yuan nodded, “Any more beating and we might have to take him to the hospital.”
The crowd: “……”
Everyone couldn’t help but glance at Tang Wu Yuan who was not blushing and whose heart didn’t jump after his lie was exposed.
A cold smile surfaced under Song Xiao Bai’s eyes, his thin lips pulled up a curve, “Heh……”
The others were frightened by his hostile eyes and did not dare to speak up, but Tang Wu Yuan was not timid, as if he did not take his anger into account, directly ignoring his eyes and glancing into the room. Zhang Zong Liang was beaten and fell to the ground, covering his stomach in pain and sweating coldly, it seemed that he was beaten until he didn’t have the slightest strength to resist.
He withdrew his eyes and lifted his chin towards Song Xiao Bai, “It should be easy for you to go in for interrogation now, I’m also doing it for the sake of interstellar, no need to thank me.”
After he finished speaking, he ignored Song Xiao Bai’s eyes that wanted to eat people, directly turned around and left together with Tang Si Yuan.
melon: phew the tension between Song Xiao Bai and Wu Yuan is 🔥🔥🔥 I’m so excited for their arc (~ ̄³ ̄)~
Also, 5 more chapters for Si Yuan and Yan Qin Ye!1侍宠生娇 (shì chǒng shēng jiāo): means to be arrogant and unbeatable on account of being favoured by one’s master, and arrogant by virtue of the favours and favours given by others.2se诱 in the raws, I’m guessing it’s 色诱 (sè yòu) which means seduce.3煞星 (shà xīng): evil star
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