Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 72 - TTFSO Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 - TTFSO Chapter 72

When Tang San Yuan heard Gu An’s words, his eyes unconsciously showed his heartache, he looked at the happy family of four in the painting and felt some sadness.
When Gu An saw him like this, the corner of his mouth lifted in a gentle curve, stroked his head and said: “It’s all in the past but when you see grandpa later, try not to mention my parents in front of him, so that he won’t be sad.”
Tang San Yuan nodded and agreed, “I know.”
He added after a moment’s thought: “Don’t be too upset.”
“En……” Gu An smiled gently and held out his hand to him, “Go in ba.”
Tang San Yuan understood that his current identity was Gu An’s ‘fake’ boyfriend, and he needed to be a little more intimate in front of Grandpa Gu, so he put his hand into Gu An’s palm without thinking too much.
Gu An’s grip on his hand tightened and he naturally led him inside.
The interior of the castle was elegantly decorated and the furnishings in the house were all of great value, but the overall tone was somewhat serious and depressing.
Grandpa Gu was sitting on the sofa, his posture upright and his face serious.
Gu An walked over with Tang San Yuan and said in a low voice: “Grandpa, we’re here.”
Grandpa Gu looked up and Tang San Yuan saw his face. He looked older than he was in the picture, his hair was neatly combed and there was no mess. His face carried the majesty of someone who had been in a position of authority for a long time. His facial features were regular, his bushy eyebrows were similar to Gu An’s, and his solemn eyes looked a little harsh, but the corners of his mouth were gentle.
Tang San Yuan observed that Gu An looked more like his mother and less like his grandfather and father.
Gu An looked down and introduced to Tang San Yuan in a warm voice: “This is my grandfather.”
Under the gaze of Grandpa Gu, Tang San Yuan greeted him somewhat nervously, “Hello, Grandpa Gu.”
Grandpa Gu smiled broadly at him, “Don’t be nervous little friend1小朋友 (xiǎo péng yǒu): A way to refer to kids/children but feels more friendly so I decided to use the direct translation of ‘little friend’, come and sit down, just call me Grandpa like An An.”
Tang San Yuan nodded obediently and went over to sit down next to him reservedly. He inexplicably gave birth to the illusion that he was really meeting the parents and felt a little embarrassed.
Gu An sat beside him and took his hand in his, giving him a little more courage.
Tang San Yuan took a deep breath and gave each of the gifts he had prepared to Grandpa Gu.
When Grandpa Gu heard him say that the tea was Tang Bo Te’s, he couldn’t help but smile and say, “I heard that kid Tang Bo Te has recently fallen in love with drinking tea, I didn’t think it was true, I’m going to have a good taste of his tea today and see how it really tastes.”
That kid……Tang San Yuan looked at Grandpa Gu’s white beard, silently put back his surprised eyes, maybe Tang Bo Te in the eyes of Grandpa Gu is still a child ba.
Grandpa Gu smiled and turned his head to instruct the housekeeper, “Quickly go and make some tea for me to try.”
“Yes.” The butler took the tea with a smile and turned to go to the kitchen to make some tea.
“Grandpa Gu, I have another gift for you because I saw it and felt that I liked it, so I bought it to give it to you.” Tang San Yuan paused for a moment and gave the rabbit he had prepared with some nervousness, he was worried that Grandpa Gu would not like something so childish.
“Oh?” Grandpa Gu took the box with interest and opened it, when he saw the rabbit inside the box, he couldn’t help laughing and his eyes were full of happy smiles.
With a kind face, he took the rabbit in his hand and looked at it carefully, rubbed his fingers together and said: “This rabbit is very cute, I like it a lot.”
Grandpa Gu smiled like this, the cold seriousness between his eyebrows faded and he looked very kind, Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but follow and relax, not as nervous as he was just now, he smiled and said, “It’s good that you like it.”
Grandpa Gu got up, walked to a display shelf2Author wrote 案架 which is actually case shelf/rack? Doesn’t make sense to me so I changed it to display shelf. in the hall, removed an object from the shelf, and personally placed the rabbit in the middle, looking like he valued this rabbit a lot.
The porcelain white rabbit stood out a little among the crowd of antiques, but it is very vivid and interesting, enlivening the depressing living room a little, not as dead as before, like adding a life to calm waters.
Tang San Yuan looked at the antiques that had been switched out and quickly waved his hand: “Grandpa, you can just find a random place to put it.” He felt very embarrassed to use such an important place to put that rabbit, not to mention that this was the living room and if there were guests coming, they would see the rabbit at a glance.
Grandpa Gu shook his head and said in a serious manner: “Of course I have to put something from my future grandson-in-law in a prominent place, when those old guys come to visit me, I have to show it off to them, not to mention that this rabbit is so cute and interesting, it is much better than those old fashioned antiques, I will feel much better when I see this rabbit every day. ”
Tang San Yuan’s ears burned, although he knew that his relationship with Gu An was fake, he couldn’t help but blush a little when he heard Grandpa Gu call him ‘future grandson-in-law’ so naturally, he stood up and said in some panic, “……I, I’m going to go to the bathroom.”
“I’ll take you there.” Gu An said as he stood up.
Tang San Yuan was even more embarrassed, feeling that Grandpa Gu was looking at him and Gu An with ambiguous eyes and hurriedly waved his hands, “No need, no need, just tell me which direction it is in.”
If he, the ‘boyfriend’, went to the bathroom with Gu An, not sure what people would guess.
Looking at his flustered appearance, Gu An had to point out a direction and tell him. Tang San Yuan immediately nodded and walked over fast as if he was running away.
Grandpa Gu looked at his grandson-in-law who had run away like a little rabbit and couldn’t help but smile: “Little friend is really cute.”
He sat down on the sofa, glanced at Gu An and smiled: “Good vision.”
The corners of Gu An’s mouth curled up slightly: “Of course the person I like is cute.”
Grandpa Gu gave a laugh and winked at his grandson, his tone carrying a bit of derision, “Still haven’t caught him yet?”
Gu An pursed the corners of his lips: “……Soon.”
Grandpa Gu laughed: “Crushing on someone for so long, move faster, I’m still waiting for my grandson-in-law’s tea3He’s probably referring to the tea TSY has to offer him as part of the marriage rituals, not Tang Bo Te’s tea..”
He looked at the empty ancient castle and suddenly said with some despondency, “It’s been a long time since this place has been lively.”
Gu An’s eyes darkened and he looked at the empty house for a moment in silence.
Grandpa Gu breathed a sigh and collected the sadness that had suddenly arrived. It was a good thing that his grandson-in-law had come to the door today, he couldn’t always think about those unhappy things, he smiled and spoke, “When I have time, I have to ask Tang Bo Te out for tea. When he was young, I asked him to drink tea and he drank like a cow, he didn’t know how to taste tea at all, I didn’t expect that now he also loves to drink tea, wait till I meet him, I’m going to quiz him.”
“Ok.” Gu An smiled and said, “Grandpa, you rest for a while, I’ll take your future grandson-in-law around the ancient castle.”
Grandpa Gu couldn’t help but let out a laugh and kindly said, “Go ba go ba, this old man won’t delay your young romance, just come back when it’s time to eat.”
Gu An nodded and walked over to find Tang San Yuan.
Tang San Yuan came out of the bathroom and was a little surprised to see Gu An waiting at the door, asking: “Why did you come over?” He sheepishly glanced in the direction of the living room, Gu An came to the bathroom to look for him, Grandpa Gu wouldn’t think much of it right?
“I’ll take you to see something.” Gu An smiled mysteriously at him and reached over to take his hand.
Tang San Yuan looked at his outstretched hand and was stunned for a moment, Grandpa Gu was not here, does he want to continue acting?
But he didn’t ask too many questions, thinking in his heart that Gu An was probably worried that the housekeeper or the maids would report their situation to Grandpa Gu. Anyway, he and Gu An had already held hands and hugged, so it doesn’t matter to hold hands for a while longer.
Gu An led him all the way to the backyard of the old castle. The backyard was still very wide, with green grass and flowers, and the air was filled with the scent of flowers, and there were a few white objects running around on the green lawn.
The closer Tang San Yuan got, the more clearly he could see the white object on the lawn. He first looked at it in surprise, then his eyes gradually widened, surprised and uncertain, pointing at the small white dot on the grass, excitedly saying, “That is, is……”
Gu An looked at him with a smile and gave him an affirmative answer, “It’s a rabbit.”
Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but let out a low cheer, and at once let go of Gu An’s hand and ran towards those rabbits. He ran all the way to the side of the bunnies before stopping, carefully and not daring to disturb the rabbits, which were very timid and would be scared if he rashly walked over.
Holding down his excitement, he walked over gingerly, crouched down beside the rabbit, and stared at the snow-white little rabbits. Each of these rabbits was round and cute. He couldn’t move his eyes, stretched out his fingers and counted in mid-air, and there were actually five in total.
Gu An stood still and looked down at the hand that was thrown down, sighing helplessly, surprisingly a little jealous of those rabbits.
He walked over and sat down next to Tang San Yuan, looking at the way Tang San Yuan was staring intently at the rabbits and didn’t dare to approach, he couldn’t help but smile and whispered: “These rabbits are very bold, you can touch them.”
Tang San Yuan stretched out his fingers very tempted, hesitated for a moment, then retracted his fingers, curled up slightly, he shook his head regretfully and said in a low voice: “No, I’m afraid the rabbit will stick to my body. My daddy is allergic to rabbit fur, I’m going home tonight, it would be bad if I accidentally stick rabbit fur on my daddy’s body when I get home, then daddy will get sick.”
If it wasn’t for this reason, he would have raised a bunch of rabbits at home, and then he would sit at home every day and do nothing but breathe rabbits all the time, just thinking about it made him happy.
Gu An gently nodded, then grabbed his hand and placed it on the rabbit’s body and advised in a low voice, “It’s alright, I’ll ask the housekeeper to prepare a new set of clothes for you later, you can take a bath before you go home, so you don’t have to worry about rabbit fur sticking to uncle’s body.”
When Tang San Yuan’s hand touched the rabbit’s soft fur, he could not let go of it anymore, he immediately compromised and listened to Gu An’s method, the rabbit was right in front of him, it was impossible not to inhale it.
The rabbits were not afraid of people, they only gave Tang San Yuan a glance with their red eyes and then turned their heads to concentrate on eating the carrots, their little mouths moving and their ears hanging softly behind their ears, their appearance was so cute that it made his heart soft.
Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but touch the rabbit’s ears hanging behind them, they were soft and smooth, carrying the warmth of its body. The rabbit kept its head bowed eating carrots, allowing him to touch it.
He couldn’t help but sigh, “So well behaved.”
Gu An stroked the fluffy hair on top of his head and curled his lips into a smile: “So well behaved indeed.”
Tang San Yuan didn’t notice that he wasn’t talking about the rabbits but himself, he just stared at them intently, and after looking at them for a while, he couldn’t help but take one of them into his arms carefully, and rubbed it gently against his cheek, the white fluffy fur was soft and supple. Tang San Yuan couldn’t help sighing in his heart, he was so happy to be able to hold the rabbit so brazenly!
He didn’t want to go inside, so he sat on the lawn and inhaled the rabbits, rubbing it one moment and hugging it in his arms another moment, while Gu An sat by his side.
The sky is very blue today, the clouds are very light, the breeze is blowing slowly, with a hint of cool flower fragrance. Tang San Yuan raised his hand to pet the rabbit and Gu An reached out next to him to stroke his hair.
This scene looks……very harmonious.
Grandpa Gu stood in front of the window but sighed repeatedly. He involuntarily stretched out his hand to touch the top of his head which only had a few hairs and he couldn’t help but let out a heartfelt sigh: “Young people just don’t know how to exercise moderation, if An An keeps touching like this, I’m so worried that San Yuan will be touched bald by him.”
The housekeeper glanced at Gu An and Tang San Yuan in the distance and reassured behind him, “It’s alright, you don’t have to worry, I just observed carefully, Young Master Tang’s hair is dark and lush, his hairline is not too high, and he is also an Omega, he shouldn’t go bald.”
Grandpa Gu nodded, finally putting his mind at ease, Alpha and Omega had strong genes and rarely went bald, usually their hair remained thick and dark even in old age, this was one of the reasons why many people were obsessed with finding Alpha and Omega as mates.
Grandpa Gu couldn’t help but raise his hand again to gently touch the rare and precious hair on top of his head, and sadly sighed silently in his heart, he has pulled Alpha’s back leg……
He thought to himself as he looked at Gu An in the distance, fortunately Gu An had followed his mother with lush black hair and not the slightest sign of going bald, otherwise he would have been worried.
Tang San Yuan rubbed his cheek against the bunny’s ear happily, looked up and saw Grandpa Gu standing in front of the window. From time to time, he stretched out his hand and touched the top of his head, his furrowed brows and bleak expression seemed somewhat depressed.
Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but freeze for a moment, reaching out to poke Gu An next to him and asking: “What’s wrong with Grandpa? He doesn’t seem too happy.”
Gu An stopped stroking the top of his head and glanced in Grandpa Gu’s direction, his eyes twitching slightly as he curled his lips and said, “It’s probably because the two of us aren’t acting close enough, so Grandpa is a little worried.”
Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but frown, Gu An had made their CP popularity so high in the show in order to cooperate with him, now it was his turn to help Gu An, it was only right that he should do the same for him, but it looked like Grandpa Gu wasn’t fully convinced of their relationship, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty and asked worriedly: “What can I do to make Grandpa believe? ”
Gu An looked down and pondered for a moment, deliberately teasing him, “If you kiss me, grandpa should no longer suspect our relationship.”
“Ah?” Tang San Yuan’s mouth opened slightly and he looked up at him with some surprise.
Gu An took in his expression in his eyes and curled his lips without moving, pretending to be despondent as he said: “it’s also fine if you don’t want to do it, no need to feel awkward.”
The tips of Tang San Yuan’s ears reddened, paused for a moment, tilted his small face and asked seriously, “……How to kiss?”
Because he is Omega, Lin Da Tian has been on guarded all these years since his debut. He has never given any intimate scenes, with regards to kissing experience, he really has no none at all. For a moment, he was flustered and did not know what to do.
Gu An slightly hooked his lips and pointed to his cheek, “You can just kiss here.”
Tang San Yuan looked at Gu An’s cheek, his heart beat irregularly a few times and his fingers unconsciously rubbed the ears of the rabbit in his arms. The rabbit blinked its red eyes and looked at him innocently, then jumped out of his arms with its short legs and ran away.
Looking at the rabbit’s fleshy butt, Tang San Yuan finally mustered up the courage to tilt his head and gave Gu An a quick peck on his face, then hurriedly backed away.
Gu An felt a light, sweet smell come over him, and before he could react, a soft, moist touch landed on his cheek with a hint of milk sweet, it was as light as a feather’s touch.
After Gu An’s daze, he couldn’t help but blossom into a smile, his eyes all lit up with a gentle light.
Tang San Yuan’s cheeks were hot and his mind was blank for a moment. When the heat on his face subsided a little, he first looked at the window to confirm Grandpa Gu’s expression. Unfortunately, Grandpa Gu had already left, and the place in front of the window was empty. It was unsure if Grandpa Gu saw their ‘kiss’ just now. Isn’t it in vain if Grandpa Gu didn’t see them kissing, then…do we need to kiss again in front of Grandpa Gu?
His cheeks reddened and he quickly patted his face and stood up, “Let’s go back.”
“Ok.” Gu An followed him and stood up.
But Tang San Yuan regretted a little after he finished speaking, he took a lingering look at the little rabbits running around on the ground, he hadn’t breathed them enough and couldn’t help but think with some regret, he didn’t know if he would have the chance to come here to see these rabbits again.
Gu An seemed to see what he was thinking and spoke, “If you want to come and see these rabbits in the future, you can always come over anytime.”
“Really?” Tang San Yuan’s eyes shone brightly as he looked at him.
“En, if you want to stay here, that’s fine too.”
Tang San Yuan didn’t understand the deeper meaning of his words and just smiled at him gratefully, revealing a mouthful of neat little white teeth.
Gu An rubbed his face helplessly and took his hand to walk back.
When they went back, the housekeeper had already made the tea and Grandpa Gu was tasting it. It looked like the tea should taste good, he took several sips in a row without putting down the cup.
When he saw Gu An and Tang San Yuan walk in, he patted the seat next to him and beckoned to Tang San Yuan, “San Yuan, come over and have a cup of tea with grandpa, this tea of your dad’s, it really tastes good.”
“If you like it, I’ll bring you some next time.” Tang San Yuan replied with a smile, but did not go over and sit down, he looked down, his clothes indeed had a lot of rabbit fur sticking to it, he was worried that the rabbit fur on his body would dirty the sofa, so he had to look at Gu An for help.
Gu An faintly smiled and spoke, “Grandpa, Xiao San Ge will not sit down for now, he is going upstairs to take a bath, I will accompany you to have tea.”
When Grandpa Gu heard that Tang San Yuan wanted to take a bath, he cast a strange look at them, especially the look he gave to Gu An had deep accusations hidden in his eyes.
Tang San Yuan: “???”
Gu An coughed lowly and explained in a deep voice, “Xiao San Ge got rabbit fur stuck to his body, so he wants to wash shower.”
“Oh……” Grandpa Gu looked up at them and replied meaningfully.
melon: What is grandpa Gu thinking 🤣🤣🤣
Also sorry super late today cos I had to go out last minute 😂😅1小朋友 (xiǎo péng yǒu): A way to refer to kids/children but feels more friendly so I decided to use the direct translation of ‘little friend’2Author wrote 案架 which is actually case shelf/rack? Doesn’t make sense to me so I changed it to display shelf.3He’s probably referring to the tea TSY has to offer him as part of the marriage rituals, not Tang Bo Te’s tea.
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