Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 58 - TTFSO Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 - TTFSO Chapter 58

[emmmmm…… my idol and the opposing family sharing the same room?]
[Opposing family become roommate……damn, the opposing family is not going to punch my idol in the middle of the night right? I’m not going to sleep tonight, I’m going to keep my eyes on the live stream, and if my idol screams on the live stream, I’m going to rush over to protect him.]
[Everyone calm down, don’t give the opposing family heat1heat as in giving them more attention/popularity, for every new fan the opposing family attracts, we’ll have another opponent when it comes to popularity voting next time!]
The pop-ups was lively. Everyone in the villa had already gone upstairs to their rooms to unpack, except for Cai Ke Ke who was going to the kitchen to prepare lunch as he had said before.
Gu An’s own luggage had been put on the second floor when he arrived in the morning, so when he went upstairs, he naturally picked up Tang San Yuan’s luggage and carried it upstairs with ease.
Cai Ke Ke gave him a blank stare and pouted at Tang San Yuan, “San Yuan Ge, since someone is willing to carry your luggage, please help me carry my suitcase upstairs, it’s too heavy for me to carry……” he said as he blinked his big round eyes.
Tang San Yuan: “……” Then how did you just take the luggage in from the steps outside the door.
Gu An’s footsteps stopped, his eyes moved to Cai Ke Ke and narrowed slightly. The moment he met Cai Ke Ke eyes, his arm, which was carrying the suitcase, suddenly shook and he let out an ouch: “Xiao San Ge, come over and lift it with me, this luggage is too heavy, my arm hurts, don’t you feel heartache for people2He refers to himself as 人家 (rén jiā) which is a super coquettish way of speaking. He also used it in the previous chapter, but I didn’t mention it?”
Cai Ke Ke: “……” What a blooming white lotus.
Tang San Yuan’s expression twisted for a moment, next time before the play starts please give me a little preparation.
He walked over with a low cough and carried the ‘heavy’ luggage together with Gu An, then turned his head and said very coldly, “Ke Ke, you find someone else to help you.”
The two men abandoned Cai Ke Ke without hesitation and went upstairs together, Gu An specially made an ‘Ying’ sound before leaving, “It’s still Xiao San Ge who knows how to pamper people.”
Cai Ke Ke stood in place with a sullen face, stamping his feet in anger, it seemed that he had really met his match this time, he had to work harder, he definitely couldn’t let Gu An ‘steal’ Tang San Yuan, the perfect scandalous object, otherwise all his previous efforts would be in vain!
He collected his emotions and slightly raised his eyes to look at the cameras around him, revealing a look of loss as he slumped his head and shoulders and went to the kitchen.
The pop-ups were naturally noisy again, while Gu An’s fans all shut up in a huff, some of them even rushed to see if there were any feudal superstitious activities they could do to save their idol, who had become like this, unless he was possessed, it was absolutely impossible!
The rooms on the second floor were very spacious, Yue Le Feng chose the middle room, so Tang San Yuan and Gu An went to the room on the far right with their luggage. This room had a big bright window, there were also a few small potted plants in front of the window, which looked very cute. Two single beds were placed one on the left and one on the right and there was a low table with some washed fruits on it.
Tang San Yuan unpacked his luggage and took out all the things he needed for daily use and arranged them one by one.
Gu An brought in his own luggage as well, and Tang San Yuan noticed that apart from bringing a simple luggage, he had also brought a guitar with him.
Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but look at the guitar twice, after he agreed to fry CP with Gu An, he looked up Gu An’s information on the internet and found that Gu An played the guitar and piano particularly well.
Gu An suddenly spoke out and asked, “Want to hear me play the guitar?”
Gu An was different from when he was facing Cai Ke Ke, his aura now looked slightly cold around him, but his eyes were extraordinarily focused on Tang San Yuan, his pupils were dark and bright, making it impossible to see the emotions within.
When he was caught by Gu An staring at his guitar, Tang San Yuan was unconsciously a little embarrassed, his ears burning. He hesitated for a moment and nodded in accordance with his heart.
The corners of Gu An’s mouth hooked up and a hint of tenderness slipped through his voice, “I’ll play it for you later.”
Tang San Yuan’s heart unconsciously jumped a beat slower, he looked at Gu An across the room, suddenly a little nervous, but also a little regretful, he reacted with hindsight, he is an Omega, Gu An is an Alpha, so living together……although he carries an inhibitor, but being alone in the same room seems a little dangerous.
He was thinking about it when a crackling sound suddenly came from downstairs, and then Cai Ke Ke’s screams were heard.
They ran downstairs as fast as they could, and Yue Le Feng, Ji Mei and Ji Li also ran down, all hurrying in the direction of the kitchen.
The kitchen, which had just been neat and clean, had become a mess after such a short while, with the kitchen utensils in a mess, the fish bouncing around in the water, the half-cut tofu spilled all over the floor, and the floor covered with water stains. It was as if a storm had broken out.
Cai Ke Ke was holding up a knife in one hand and his left hand in the other. When everyone heard his scream just now, they thought what had happened to his hand and hurriedly got closer to look at it. It took half a day for everyone to finally find the wound, only to see that Cai Ke Ke had a small cut on his middle finger and a little bit of blood was coming out.
Cai Ke Ke held up his finger and looked pitifully at Tang San Yuan, with a sobbing voice, “Wu wu wu…… San Yuan Ge, it hurts so much……”
Everyone: “……” Luckily you screamed in time, otherwise your wound would have already healed by the time we came over, right?
Sensing everyone’s silence, Cai Ke Ke added weakly, “I, I get dizzy when I see blood……”
Ji Mei quickly pulled out a band-aid from her coat pocket, before Cai Ke Ke could react, Ji Mei moved sharply to put the band-aid on his finger, blocking his wound firmly, “There, so you can’t see and don’t have to get dizzy.”
“……Mei Mei Jie, you carry a band-aid with you?” Cai Ke Ke looked at Ji Mei with a dumbfounded expression.
“En, it works well to stick this when new shoes rubs your leg.” Ji Mei generously shared her experience.
Cai Ke Ke, who had wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to shed tears, had to put them back: “……Thank you Mei Mei Jie.”
Ji Mei generously patted his shoulder, “You’re welcome.”
Cai Ke Ke: “……”
He lowered his head in depression, then raised his head to take the opportunity to seek comfort from Tang San Yuan, but saw Gu An slightly hooked the corner of one side of his lips, his face was a smiling expression.
Cai Ke Ke’s eyes glared, revealing a crying expression, and pointed at Gu An in annoyance, “My hand is injured and you’re still laughing at me?”
“I didn’t.”
Cai Ke Ke looked at the still upturned corners of his mouth and accused without hesitation, “Then why are the corners of your mouth turned up?”
He wanted the fans watching the live stream to see Gu An’s true face clearly, and it would be best if he could suck Gu An’s fans into his own fans, with the two big stars Tang San Yuan and Gu An around, he had no worries that his fans would not rise.
Gu An looked at him carelessly and said indifferently, “I’m so frightened that the corners of my mouth twitch.” He said softly and weakly fell on Tang San Yuan’s shoulder, “Because I get dizzy when I see blood, Xiao San Ge, I am so dizzy oh ……”
Cai Ke Ke’s face was red with anger and he didn’t say anything for half a day.
How can someone have a thicker skin than him!
Tang San Yuan looked stunned, before he could think of how to match Gu An’s performance, the pot next to him suddenly burst into flames and burned.
Cai Ke Ke jumped up in fright and the others couldn’t help but shriek out in alarm.
Gu An’s expression was frozen as he took two steps backwards, then pushed Tang San Yuan behind him and stepped forward in a very quick movement, cutting off the power supply, putting the lid on the pot and extinguishing the fire in one fluid motion.
Cai Ke Ke was so frightened that his face turned white and he flung himself onto Tang San Yuan’s body, clinging to it, while Tang San Yuan looked at Gu An, worried that Gu An was in danger and did not care about him for the moment.
Seeing this shocking scene in the live broadcast, the fans were so scared that their hearts were about to jump out.
[Oh my god, I’m scared to death, how did the fire suddenly burst into flames.]
[An An, this is too dangerous, next time you encounter something like this run ah!]
[Is this Cai Ke Ke an idiot? He chose to cook on his own, but not only did he make a mess, he managed to set the pot on fire. Don’t be a hero if you don’t know how to do it, does he know how dangerous it is?]
[An An is so handsome, I’ve already forgotten about the ying ying monster just now, I can still love you for 10,000 years and want to be your wife fan for life!]
[Thanks to the opposing family this time, otherwise it would have been too dangerous, if my Yuan Bao hurt even on a single hair, I’m going to fight with Cai Ke Ke!]
[Did I see it right? Gu An’s first reaction was to take Tang San Yuan into his arms? It’s too sweet, it there anyone who fans this pair of CP, I want to find a group.]
The only ones who were quiet as chickens were the fans of Cai Ke Ke’s family, who knew they were in the wrong this time and didn’t dare to retort, so they could only continue to peep at the screen silently.
Lin Da Tian, who was watching the live broadcast, immediately couldn’t help but want to give credit to Gu An, “In such a critical situation, to think of firing CP, Gu An is really great!”
It seems that as long as Gu An is around, he doesn’t have to worry that the CP will not be fried!
Tian Da Di was silent for a while and silently gave up the fried chicken in his hand to him as well.
Lin Da Tian looked at the fried chicken and was moved to tears, “Da Di, you really are like your family’s artist, a good person!”
Tian Da Di: “……” I hope you can still say that after a while.
After confirming that there was no problem with the pot, Gu An coldly pushed Cai Ke Ke away from Tang San Yuan and asked in a serious deep voice, “You really don’t know how to cook?”
Cai Ke Ke glanced at him somewhat sheepishly and his eyes rolled, “It’s my first time in the kitchen, but I have prepared recipes, I thought cooking was easy, just follow what the recipes say……”
He originally wanted to take the opportunity of filming the variety show to set up a hardworking persona, so on the way here, he read the recipes all the way in the car. He was originally full of confidence, but he did not expect that cooking looked easy, but in fact, it was not easy to actually do any of the steps. Now he got into such trouble, he regretted it in his heart, he should have known that he should have set up a persona of a nobleman whose ten fingers does not touch the water in spring3十指不沾阳春水 (shí zhǐ bù zhān yáng chūn shuǐ): It means refers to having no need for someone to wash clothes themselves in the cold weather of March. It is a metaphor for a person whose family is so well off that they do not have to do their own laundry or housework, usually referring to a pampered person, mostly women from wealthy families..
He was the one who said he wanted to cook and everyone thought he was being modest when he said he couldn’t cook, but who would have thought he really couldn’t?
The programme team was also having palpitations, if something happened to everyone here, how would the programme team be able to explain to their fans! These are all big stars, if any of them got a scar on their faces, they couldn’t afford to pay for it even if they wanted to.
Cai Ke Ke knew that he had caused trouble and covered his cheeks and cried, tears rustling down as if he didn’t want money, “I just wanted to cook a meal for the seniors, wu wu wu, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault……”
He sobbed while trying to pounce on Tang San Yuan’s body and cry, but Tang San Yuan reacted extremely quickly and hid behind Gu An.
Cai Ke Ke looked at Gu An’s expressionless face and had to put away the idea of jumping into Tang San Yuan’s arms, he couldn’t help crying sincerely for a moment.
How could his life be so miserable? It was obviously a perfect opportunity to fry cp, but he met Gu An, the bogeyman who was blocking the way!1heat as in giving them more attention/popularity2He refers to himself as 人家 (rén jiā) which is a super coquettish way of speaking. He also used it in the previous chapter, but I didn’t mention it3十指不沾阳春水 (shí zhǐ bù zhān yáng chūn shuǐ): It means refers to having no need for someone to wash clothes themselves in the cold weather of March. It is a metaphor for a person whose family is so well off that they do not have to do their own laundry or housework, usually referring to a pampered person, mostly women from wealthy families.
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