Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 145 - TTFSO Chapter 145

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Chapter 145 - TTFSO Chapter 145

Five years later, the Military District Hospital.
Towards the end of the day, the hospital was still full of people, doctors and nurses were busy as usual. Tang Liu Yuan sat in the outpatient room and finished examining the last patient, leaning back in his chair and pinching his brow tiredly.
Dr. Sun1The raws actually said Dr. Chen but later changed to Dr Sun so I guess this was a mistake. from next door knocked on the door and came in. Seeing his tired face, he smiled gently and asked: “Did you stay late in the research room again yesterday?”
Interstellar Medical College is a six-year program, four years in school to learn medical knowledge, and two years in the hospital for an internship. Due to his excellent grades, Tang Liu Yuan entered the teacher’s research center in his sophomore year, focusing on the study of Omega pheromone genes. He focused on research, even when he started his internship, he did not delay the research progress, often going to the research institute after work and stay there until midnight.
With the recent influenza epidemic, the outpatient department had to receive a lot of patients and he was inevitably tired from juggling both.
He looked up at Dr. Sun and said with a light smile: “It’s ok2As in not that late in reply to Dr Sun’s qn..”
Sun Yu Ming was his senior in medical school, five years older than him. Originally, when he arrived at university, Sun Yu Ming had basically graduated and they should not have had much chance to get to know each other, but since they were students of the same mentor, after he came to this hospital, his teacher had greeted Sun Yu Ming and asked him to take good care of him, so Sun Yu Ming had always taken extra care of him.
“Today the little girls in the department were clamouring for me to treat them to milk tea, and I remembered that you don’t drink milk tea, so I bought you a cup of coffee.” Sun Yu Ming put a cup of coffee on Tang Liu Yuan’s desk and said with a gentle smile.
“Thank you……” Tang Liu Yuan looked at the coffee slightly out of breath, drifted off for a moment, looked up and said to Sun Yu Ming, “By the way senior, I haven’t had a chance to congratulate you.”
Sun Yu Ming had just been promoted to the position of attending doctor in the department yesterday, and was considered a promising young doctor in the hospital.
Sun Yu Ming patted him on the shoulder and smiled, “Don’t I know you yet? You’re just like Teacher Wang, once you start researching you forget everything.”
Teacher Wang was the mentor of Tang Liu Yuan and Sun Yu Ming, a distinguished medical doctor, and although Tang Liu Yuan and Sun Yu Ming had different research directions, they were both his favoured students.
Tang Liu Yuan stood up and said sincerely: “Congratulations, senior.”
He extended his hand to shake Sun Yu Ming’s hand, but Sun Yu Ming reached out and hugged him directly, “Thank you.”
Tang Liu Yuan frowned slightly, Sun Yu Ming was a Beta, hugging him like this would not bother him pheromone wise, but it still made him feel very uncomfortable, but luckily Sun Yu Ming quickly let go of him before he developed a revulsion.
Tang Liu Yuan pretended to step back inadvertently and looked down to straighten the white lab coat he was wearing.
Sun Yu Ming watched his movements and spoke softly: “Liu Yuan, do you have time tonight? I would like to celebrate with you.”
To celebrate, naturally it has to be with someone important.
Tang Liu Yuan picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, Sun Yu Ming had tried to ask him out several times, he more or less understood what Sun Yu Ming meant, there were many people who had pursued him over the years, but he had rejected them all outright, but Sun Yu Ming was his senior after all, he didn’t know how to answer for a while.
When Sun Yu Ming saw that he didn’t say anything, he smiled and naturally found an excuse saying: “Teacher Wang is worried that you are exhausted and asked me to take you out more often to have some fun and not be busy with work all the time.”
His reason could be taken as a pursuit in advance, or as a request from Teacher Wang as a retreat, and whether or not Tang Liu Yuan refused, neither of them would look too bad.
The coffee slid down his throat and tasted a little bitter, but over the years Tang Liu Yuan had gotten used to drinking it, he lowered his head and took two sips, raising his eyes to look at Sun Yu Ming.
Teacher Wang had been trying to get him to find a partner over the years so that he wouldn’t just think about research all day, and had been interested in setting him up with Sun Yu Ming, but unfortunately……he only had for Sun Yu Ming the respect that he had for his seniors.
Tang Liu Yuan put down his coffee and said in an apologetic whisper: “Senior, sorry, my research is at a critical juncture and I want to go to the research institute tonight, so I can’t accompany senior to dinner.”
“……It’s okay.” Sun Yu Ming nodded a little, his face didn’t have the slightest embarrassment of being rejected, instead he smiled very tolerantly and said with the same concern as a senior: “You ah, don’t push yourself too much, you have to take your time in doing your research, be careful of tiring your body out.”
He was five years older than Tang Liu Yuan, always giving Tang Liu Yuan just the right amount of tenderness, and always able to advance and retreat with ease, not putting Tang Liu Yuan under pressure, and not hiding his intentions that he was pursuing Tang Liu Yuan.
“Don’t worry senior, I know what I’m doing, it’s ok.” Tang Liu Yuan pulled the corners of his mouth.
“Then that’s good.” Sun Yu Ming patted his shoulder with a friendly smile, “I’ll go back first then, I have to deliver milk tea to the others, the little girls are still waiting for it.”
Tang Liu Yuan smiled and personally escorted Sun Yu Ming out of the office, Sun Yu Ming walked back to his office to the right and he walked to the left, taking the information to the nurses’ station on the way.
The aisles of the corridor looked a little cold at this time of the day, and Tang Liu Yuan looked at his reflection on the floor as he walked forward, step by silent step.
When he arrived at the nurses’ station, a few young nurses were chattering around the computer, discussing something. They were new nurses who had recently come to practice. Young people were energetic, because of them, the whole hospital was full of excitement recently.
Although Tang Liu Yuan was a person who was cold, he had a good temper. Anyway he was not busy at the moment, so he did not interrupt them, but leaned to the side and stroked his hair somewhat tiredly, and when he looked up, his eyes inadvertently glanced faintly towards the computer screen.
He had thought they were looking at some entertainment star, but he hadn’t expected to be caught off guard and see an unexpected person on the computer screen.
His gaze twitched and froze for a moment, then he lowered his eyes and he didn’t look at the computer screen again, but stared down at the medical records in his hand, but unfortunately the sound of several small nurses’ discussions kept reaching his ears, making it impossible for him to concentrate.
“The current head of the Xia family is too handsome, isn’t he? He’s more handsome than so many stars.”
“Not only is he handsome but he’s also young, I really didn’t expect him to be so powerful at such a young age, like a leading man in a movie.”
“If only he was a star, then we would be able to see more pictures of him. Now, every time only one or two pictures are circulated, and they are quickly deleted, face dogs want more ah!”
“After all, he’s a member of the Xia family, it’s not that easy to get a picture of him, and they don’t allow it to be spread online except for the pictures in the news.”
“Don’t worry guys, I’ve saved the pictures, if you want to see them later, you can come find me.”
Several of the young nurses immediately burst into laughter, pushing and yelling at each other and joking around.
Tang Liu Yuan’s lowered eyebrows frowned inscrutably as he pursed his lips and involuntarily lifted his head to look at the computer screen again.
On the screen, Xia Cheng Lang had shed the youthfulness and adolescence of his student days. He was wearing a straight suit, his face was full of vigour, his eyebrows were more mature and stable than back then, and the contours of his features had become sharper.
If Xia Cheng Lang’s impressive achievements back then were just the beginning, then the next few years were the ones that impressed everyone.
While studying abroad, he completed his studies while consolidating the power of the Xia family. After his grandfather’s death, the Xia family did not fall, but rather was strengthened by his support.
In the space of a few years, Xia Cheng Lang was no longer the prodigal that everyone would despise when mentioned, but the heir to the Xia family that everyone praised and and became famous.
With a strong hand in politics and an eye for family investment, the Xia family has risen rapidly over the past few years and has once again become the strongest support for Empress Xia.
It was only overnight that everyone realised that the Xia family had only been hiding its light all these years. The new heir to the Xia family was a man of unparalleled skill and strategy, even more powerful than the previous head of the family, and most importantly, he and the second prince were of one mind and one heart, and the trust between them was unbreakable. The two of them joined hands, like a drawn sword, and they shone brilliantly for a while.
Unfortunately, by the time everyone had reacted to this, the Xia family had grown strong again and it was too late for His Majesty to continue to suppressing them.
His Majesty was furious and angry, but there was nothing he could do about it, for Xia Cheng Lang was no longer the child he could take advantage of.
At this time, His Majesty suddenly remembered that the Xia family had supported him onto the throne back then, and that the influence of the Xia family was intertwined, he had thought he had suppressed the Xia family all these years, not realising that he had not even touched the foundation of the Xia family, but it was too late for him to regret it now.
Tang Liu Yuan’s eyes stared straight at the photo for a moment, then withdrew his gaze and knocked on the table with the medical records in his hand.
When the nurses heard the sound and looked back, they saw that it was him and hurriedly turned off the computer in a panic and smiled at him.
Tang Liu Yuan was handsome and looked even more slender in a white coat, just like a small poplar. He was kind and gentle and his temper was not pushy, so the doctors and nurses in the hospital liked him very much.
“Dr. Tang, what is it?” A nurse came over with a smile, spat out her tongue and said: “You can’t tell the director about our slacking off.”
Tang Liu Yuan handed her the medical records and said indifferently: “This is not to be taken as a precedent.”
Everyone was used to his coldness and knew that although he was a cold person who never said much, he was a nice person and would never do something like snitching.
The nurse smiled, took the medical records, and promised, “Okay, Dr. Tang.”
The head nurse came back just in time and greeted Tang Liu Yuan when she saw him, who smiled, nodded gently and turned to go back.
The head nurse had been there since he came into the hospital as a trainee, so she knew exactly how seriously he had been working. At that moment, standing in the same place, looking at his overly thin waist, she couldn’t help but call out: “Dr. Tang, don’t work too hard.”
Tang Liu Yuan paused in his steps and nodded his head slightly sideways in thanks.
As he walked down the hospital hall, a panicked sound of footsteps came from far and near behind him. He didn’t need to look to know that an emergency patient should have been brought over, a situation that often happened in hospitals.
He hurriedly took a step back to make way for the medical staff to pass by conveniently later, but in his panic, he bumped into the chest of a man who reached out to hold Tang Liu Yuan’s waist.
He did not turn around, but he smelled a familiar smell between his nostrils, it was the same smell of sunshine that was on that jersey back then.
melon: extra chapter today 😁
finally reunited after 5 years. 😆1The raws actually said Dr. Chen but later changed to Dr Sun so I guess this was a mistake.2As in not that late in reply to Dr Sun’s qn.
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