Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 59 - TTFSO Chapter 59

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Chapter 59 - TTFSO Chapter 59

Ji Mei was upset by Cai Ke Ke’s crying and took a tissue to wipe his tears, “Don’t cry.”
Cai Ke Ke thought Ji Mei was trying to comfort him, moved to lift his eyes, “Mei Mei Jie……”
Ji Mei said impatiently: “Don’t waste time, hurry up and study it, who will cook, I’m hungry.”
“……Oh.” Before Cai Ke Ke was comforted, he had to wipe away his tears.
He was quiet for a while before he raised his head and glanced weakly at Tang San Yuan and negotiated in a muffled voice: “San Yuan Ge, I really don’t know how to cook, why don’t you help me cook?”
As he said this, he put his hands together in a cute pose, the tears in his eyes not yet wiped clean, looking pitiful.
Great, Tang San Yuan doesn’t have a caring1怜香惜玉 (lián xiāng xī yù): an idiom, describes a man’s care and consideration for a woman he loves. heart and he refused without hesitation, “I don’t know how to cook either.”
He unconsciously took a step back, lest Cai Ke Ke suddenly jump on him again.
He didn’t lie to Cai Ke Ke, he really didn’t know anything about cooking, Tang Bo Te and Yuan Qiu had never let their seven children step into the kitchen all these years, and Tang Bo Te had always believed that as long as his sons didn’t know how to cook, they would never cook for those stinky men who stole his sons, so even if Tang San Yuan wanted to learn, he didn’t have the opportunity to do so.
The Ji sisters and Yue Le Feng also shook their heads, they also did not know how to cook, only Gu An leaned to the side with his hands clasped lazily, neither nodding nor shaking his head.
Everyone couldn’t help but turn their eyes to him, gazing expectantly, if Gu An also didn’t know how to cook, they would have to tough it out and cook something that they really didn’t know if it would be edible.
Gu An raised his eyebrows and spoke unhurriedly, “I know how to cook.”
The people who were already starving heard that he could cook, their eyes immediately lit up one by one, Ji Li even treated him like a saviour, her eyes were like they were glued to his body, looking at him with anticipation.
Gu An was unmoved, his expression still indifferent, “But why should I cook?”
Everyone shrivelled up, yes, there were so many people, why should Gu An be the one to cook? It wasn’t like he was late like Cai Ke Ke, instead he was the earliest person to arrive today.
The fan soul in Yue Le Feng’s body awakened again, and without thinking, he said, “Because you’re handsome, talented, and also kind hearted!”
Yue Li touched her hungry stomach, she likes to eat the most and was already unbearably hungry, so she immediately joined Yue Le Feng’s rainbow farts without hesitation, “An Ge, you are not only handsome, talented, kind hearted, but also a hero who saved us from the fire! As long as you’re willing to cook, I’m willing to give you a back rub and shoulder pinch, serve tea and water, even if it means washing your feet.”
Everyone: “……” You’re really trying too hard to get enough to eat.
When it was Cai Ke Ke and Ji Mei’s turn, their faces were darker one after the other, the two of tried to squeeze for half a day but couldn’t squeeze out a boast, finally Ji Mei gritted her teeth and said, “You do the cooking, we’ll clean up.”
Gu An gave a light laugh without denying it, and turned his head to look at Tang San Yuan.
“……” Tang San Yuan pursed her lips, “If you cook, I’ll, I’ll……”
Cleaning, pounding backs and shoulders, serving tea and water had all been said by them, and before Tang San Yuan could think of what he could do, his stomach suddenly rumbled with hunger.
Gu An didn’t hold back, hooked his lips and let out a laugh, once he smiled his cold face softened down, the original tense atmosphere also relaxed.
Yue Le Feng and Ji Li quickly took the opportunity to act coquettish, “An Ge, just cook for us ba.”
Tang San Yuan reddened his cheeks in embarrassment, he had not eaten breakfast today in order to come over earlier and was already hungry at this time.
Gu An reached out and touched the soft top of Tang San Yuan’s hair, without giving them a hard time, he turned his head and arranged, “I’ll go and cook, Ji Mei, Ji Li, you clean the house, Le Le, you sweep the yard and take out the quilts in the house to dry in the at the same time.”
The people immediately agreed with joy, there is no village in front of them and no shop behind them, they can’t even order a takeaway if they want to, if Gu An didn’t cook for them, they would really have to go hungry, and Gu An arranged it in a reasonable way, they unconsciously wanted to follow his arrangement.
“You……” Gu An turned his head to look at Cai Ke Ke, “Go and bathe the dog in the yard.”
It had rained here yesterday, and the dog in the yard had rolled around in the mud a few times, and its yellow and white fur had long since turned chocolate brown.
Cai Ke Ke didn’t want to listen to Gu An’s orders, but he had just made a mess, so he didn’t dare to speak out against it and just turned his head in a bad mood.
But then he thought, if he went out to give the dog a bath, although it was a bit dirty, it would show his loving side in front of the audience! It really looked better than cleaning.
After thinking about it, he thought this arrangement was very good. He immediately curled his lips happily and nodded, not forgetting to give himself extra audience points, “Although I’m a bit afraid of dogs, but I can’t bother you seniors with such a difficult and hard task, so let me do it.”
He thought about it, it would be better if he could go with Tang San Yuan to give the dog a bath, then he could let the fans see the side of him and Tang San Yuan playing with the dog together. That picture must be particularly warm and harmonious, so the CP fans could have a lot more subjects for editing and P2P as in photoshop pictures, maybe it could also pull some new fans into the pit at the same time.
Cai Ke Ke was full of anticipation and looked up at Tang San Yuan with a smile, “San Yuan Ge, let’s go bathe the dog together, don’t you like small animals a lot?”
Naturally, Tang San Yuan was not grateful, but before he could say no, Gu An dragged him into his arms, put one arm around his shoulders, and said to Cai Ke Ke without smiling, “Xiao San Ge doesn’t have time, he wants to accompany me to cook.”
He finished without bothering to look at Cai Ke Ke’s darkened face and pulled Tang San Yuan directly into the kitchen.
Tang San Yuan and Gu An walked into the kitchen together, and Gu An closed the kitchen door with his hand.
Tang San Yuan looked at the kitchen and was a bit overwhelmed. He had never cooked before and was worried that he might make a mess like Cai Ke Ke, so he didn’t dare to move around easily.
Gu An looked down and searched, took out the garlic and threw it to Tang San Yuan, then pointed to the seat next to the dining table and said, “Just sit there and peel the garlic.”
Tang San Yuan obediently sat down at the place Gu An pointed to, and lowered his head to peel the garlic, his round and pink fingers carefully peeling off the film.
Gu An couldn’t help but smile and watched for a while before withdrawing his gaze, finding the ingredients and cutting them up with sharp movements.
While peeling the garlic, Tang San Yuan looked up at his skilled movements and couldn’t help but be a little surprised, asking, “Do you usually cook for yourself?”
Gu An’s schedule was so busy, he didn’t expect Gu An to be so skilled at cooking.
Gu An shook his head, “There is an aunt at home who cooks, I don’t cook.”
“Then how did you learn how to cook?” Tang San Yuan asked, somewhat puzzled, unconsciously chatting with Gu An.
Gu An kept his hands moving, getting ingredients from the fridge while hooking the corners of his mouth and saying, “For the sake of marrying my wife.”
“Hmm?” Tang San Yuan froze for a moment, what did cooking have to do with marrying a wife?
Gu An glanced at him as if he had nothing to do with it and said softly, “My grandfather said that a man who can’t cook can’t get a wife”
Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but laugh, “Grandpa Gu is so funny.”
Gu An nodded and opened the pot, “En, I’ll take you back to see him after some time.”
Tang San Yuan understood that Gu An was referring to the previously agreed agreement that he would accompany Gu An back to see the elderly, so he nodded and dutifully said ‘Ok’.
The two felt it was a bland conversation, the pop-ups exploded straight away as the number of people watching the live stream continued to rise:
[Did I hear right? This has only the first day they met and Gu An is taking Tang San Yuan back to see his grandfather?]
[That’s Gu An’s grandfather ah! I’ve heard from people in the circle that Gu An has always kept his family a secret. He debuted so many years ago but we have never heard of his family situation and let alone heard of him bringing someone home to meet relatives ah.]
[Gu An and Tang San Yuan’s relationship has grown by leaps and bounds, did it ride a rocket?! Or is there something special about Tang San Yuan that makes Gu An treat him so well?]
[Where are the opposing family’s fans, I have some quick-acting heart pills here, I can generously share one with you, maybe our opposing family relationship can still be saved.]
[I never thought I’d see my idol and his opposing family sitting and cooking together in such harmony one day, even discussing about going home to meet the elderly, facepalm.]
[To be honest, in my opinion, the opposing family is much better than that Cai Ke Ke, bah! Won’t call it opposing family anymore.]
[No one wants to compliment An An’s cooking skills? The man who is handsome, rich, and can cook, what kind of peerless man An An is ah!]
[Today is also a day of being suffocated by An An’s handsomeness, fight call3打Call (dǎ call): originated from the live concert support culture, which was originally a dance or cheering action performed by otaku or idol supporters, including jumping, clapping, waving arms and rhythmically shouting slogans. It has now become a popular internet term in China, meaning to support and cheer., fight call like crazy!!!]
Gu An took out the ingredients that had been marinated and quickly fried a plate of chicken wings and put it in front of Tang San Yuan, “Eat some first.”
Tang San Yuan froze, looking at the golden and tender chicken wings in front of him, he couldn’t help but swallow his saliva and said with some hesitation, “That’s not good ba, it’s better to wait for dinner time and eat with everyone.”
“Aren’t you hungry already? No need to wait for them, this plate is fried for you to eat.” Gu An said and threw the half peeled garlic in Tang San Yuan’s hand to the side, picked up a wet towel and wiped Tang San Yuan’s hands.
Gu An’s expression was still very light, his lowered eyebrows made it hard to see his emotions, but the curve of his jawline looked a bit gentle. His movements were natural, as if such intimate actions were perfectly normal, making Tang San Yuan embarrassed to pull his hand out.
Tang San Yuan looked at his hand for a long time before he could choked out a word: “…….En”
When Gu An finished wiping Tang San Yuan’s hand, he let him go, only his fingers intentionally or unintentionally sliding gently over the back of Tang San Yuan’s hand.
Tang San Yuan’s cheeks inexplicably burned and he sat for a moment forgetting to move.
Gu An curled his lips in a smile, picked up his chopsticks and picked up a chicken wing and fed it to his mouth, his low voice tinged with laughter, “Open your mouth.”
Tang San Yuan obediently opened his mouth and took a bite, before reacting to the fact that Gu An was feeding him with his own hands, and his cheeks couldn’t help but turn even redder.
But his attention was immediately drawn to the deliciousness in his mouth, Gu An’s cooking skills were really good, the chicken wings were fried by him to be juicy, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, tasting delicious.
Gu An’s head was lowered, and the close distance allowed him to see Tang San Yuan’s fair and clear skin, and his sweet red lips.
Tang San Yuan arched her eyebrows, his eyes smiling into two small, curved crescents as he looked up at him, “It’s really delicious.”
The corners of Gu An’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up in a seemingly unnoticeable arc as he laughed in a low voice, “Looks like grandpa didn’t lie to me.”
melon: eeeepppp! 🙈1怜香惜玉 (lián xiāng xī yù): an idiom, describes a man’s care and consideration for a woman he loves.2P as in photoshop3打Call (dǎ call): originated from the live concert support culture, which was originally a dance or cheering action performed by otaku or idol supporters, including jumping, clapping, waving arms and rhythmically shouting slogans. It has now become a popular internet term in China, meaning to support and cheer.
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