Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 31 - TTFSO Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 - TTFSO Chapter 31

In the morning, Lu Cheng personally helped Tang Yi Yuan down the stairs, so carefully that Lu Tang Tang thought his daddy was sick. He rushed over with his short legs and when he was about to rush to his father and hug his legs, big dad immediately stepped in front of him and picked him up, carefully reminding him, “Don’t bump into daddy.”
“Is daddy sick?” Lu Tang Tang hugged big dad’s neck and blinked his watery eyes, as if he would cry out in the next moment.
Tang Yi Yuan blushed slightly and stroked Lu Tang Tang Tang’s head, softly reassuring him, “Daddy is not sick, don’t worry.”
Only then did Lu Tang Tang put back his tears.
Lu Cheng carried his son to the child seat and sat down, then went back and carefully helped Tang Yi Yuan to the table.
Tang Yi Yuan picked up his knife and fork and tried to eat.
“Leave it to me!” Lu Cheng shouted, grabbed the knife and fork and carefully cut the food in Tang Yi Yuan’s plate into small pieces, then pushed the plate in front of Tang Yi Yuan, “Eat.”
After finishing her meal, Tang Yi Yuan stood up, and Lu Cheng shouted again, “Leave it to me.”
He moved Tang Yi Yuan’s stool back to make way for a spacious path, before saying, “Go on.”
“……” Tang Yi Yuan was speechless for a moment: “Watch less Legend of Martial Arts.”
No more classic lines from dramas, thank you.
Lu Cheng nodded nervously, and as Tang Yi Yuan reached for the cup of water on the counter, he bellowed again, “Leave it to me!”
Tang Yi Yuan: “……”
Lu Tang Tang looked at his two dads in confusion, he didn’t understand what his big dad was nervous about, but the housekeeper understood that the last time the young master was this nervous was when madame was pregnant with the little young master.
It seemed that good news was coming again. The housekeeper moved his beard with excitement. He would have to call the master secretly later to tell him, so that he could be happy along with him.
On the way to the hospital, Tang Yi Yuan and Lu Cheng were cautious and careful all the way, with a look that made Tang Yi Yuan suspect that he had not come to the hospital to check if he was pregnant, but that he was already in labour.
After the test, the two of them waited quietly for the results.
Lu Cheng walked around the room, muttering over and over to Tang Yi Yuan, “Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous……”
Tang Yi Yuan sat there calmly, “I’m not nervous.”
He had already given birth to Lu Tang Tang and had experience, so he didn’t feel nervous, but it was Lu Cheng who kept taking deep breaths and looked very nervous.
Shen Qing pushed open the door with the report and Lu Cheng rushed over at once, so fast that Tang Yi Yuan barely saw how he got past.
“Well?” Lu Cheng asked nervously.
Shen Qing smiled, “Congratulations, the fetus is one and a half months old, it’s healthy, sister-in-law just needs to rest more.”
Tang Yi Yuan couldn’t help but reveal a smile and touched his stomach, baby, welcome.
Lu Cheng let out a fierce sigh of relief, then fiercely sucked in another breath and asked in succession: “Will there be any damage to the body resulting from the pregnancy? What should I pay attention to day to day? What food is good for the body?”
Shen Qing shook his head, reassuring him, “Sister-in-law’s body is healthy, don’t worry.”
“But Yi Yuan is often nauseous and dry heaves, and he also had a fever previously.” Lu Cheng’s eyebrows were tightly knitted.
Shen Qing patted his shoulder, “Don’t worry, that’s all normal reactions in the early stages of pregnancy, don’t worry.”
Only then did Lu Cheng let out a sigh of relief and finally smiled stupidly, his big baby had not only given him a little baby, but was going to give him another little baby, how could he not be happy?
When Tang Yi Yuan remembered that when he was pregnant with Lu Tang Tang, Lu Cheng looked nervous all day and he helplessly gently poked his stomach. Baby, it seems that your big dad has to sleep uneasily every night in the coming months.
Shen Qing went to the bookshelf and took a book on pregnancy precautions and handed it to Lu Cheng, “Have a look at this when you have time, just follow what it says.”
Lu Cheng was busy taking the book and holding it in his hand, as if he had been given some secret martial arts book.
Shen Qing explained to the two of them the precautions to take, and gave Tang Yi Yuan a few tonic products to nourish his body, telling him to take them on time and in the right amount.
After listening carefully, Lu Cheng suddenly gave Shen Qing a suspicious look, “Can you do it1你行不行 (nǐ xíng bù xíng): At the moment I can’t think of a better way to translate this, basically LC is doubting SQ’s capabilities as a Dr?”
Shen Qing was furious, what man could stand such a questioning! At once, he said angrily: “Of course I can!”
Lu Cheng’s eyes were very suspicious, “Then how come you didn’t find out that Yi Yuan was pregnant when you examined him before?”
Shen Qing choked for a moment, “Sister-in-law just had a fever, I just took his temperature at that time.I’m not a Chinese medicine doctor who knows how to read pulse, how do I know he’s pregnant?”
“So you still can’t.” Lu Cheng bristled and gave his verdict, holding Tang Yi Yuan’s hand as he walked out.
“You, you……,” Shen Qing pointed angrily at Lu Cheng’s back, unable to speak in anger.
Obviously you said it yourself, you’re not having any more babies, how do I know you’ll make another human life!
Lu Cheng and Tang Yi Yuan did not feel Shen Qing’s anger and breakdown, and had long since walked far away.
While waiting for the lift, Lu Cheng nervously guarded Tang Yi Yuan’s side, in case someone accidentally bumped into Tang Yi Yuan, while secretly deciding in his heart that he would send two more bodyguards to follow Tang Yi Yuan when he went out in the future in order to feel at ease.
A loud noise came from behind him, interrupting Lu Cheng’s thoughts. He looked back and saw two people tugging and pulling not far away from him, surrounded by several nurses and doctors, not knowing what they were persuading.
Tang Yi Yuan also looked up and saw that the person surrounded in the middle was surprisingly Ruan Fei, who was tearfully pulling at the person beside him, not knowing what he was bitterly pleading for.
Tang Yi Yuan looked carefully for half a day before he recognised that the person beside him was Shen Xi Ran.
Shen Xi Ran’s cheeks were thin, his face was waxy, and the dark circles under his eyes were extremely heavy. He no longer had his former elegance and cleanliness.
Lu Cheng also saw Shen Xi Ran, his eyes shuttled between Shen Xi Ran and Ruan Fe. Although Shen Xi Ran and Ruan Fei were arguing, the intimacy between them was self-evident, his expression could not help but condensed.
It turned out that he had really been cuckolded back then, and it was Shen Xi Ran that Ruan Fei liked.
He did not feel a trace of sadness, only exasperation, and wanted……to take the opportunity to act spoilt with Tang Yi Tuan.
Your Chen Cheng is being bullied, begging for comfort!
But Tang Yi Yuan directly ignored his eyes and kept staring at Ruan Fei and Shen Xi Ran.
Lu Cheng was even more furious! He looked at Ruan Fei and Shen Xi Ran, who had stolen Omega’s sight, and became more and more displeased.
Shen Xi Ran and Ruan Fei didn’t notice them and continued to argue.
Ruan Fei’s tears kept flowing and his voice choked up, “Xi Ran, I beg you to cure your illness before you leave the hospital.”
Shen Xi Ran sneered and said somewhat cruelly, “Is this how you went to beg Lu Cheng so that he would give you the money.”
Ruan Fei’s face went white, his tears fell faster, and his voice mumbled, “I……”
Shen Xi Ran’s eyes ached, everything Ruan Fei did was for him, who was he to blame Ruan Fei? If he wanted to blame, he should have blamed his own incompetence.
He reached out to wipe the tears on Ruan Fei’s face and softened his tone, “Fei Fei, I don’t want to drag you down anymore. Four years ago I was kept in the dark by you and used Lu Cheng’s money.
Shen Xi Ran coughed lowly, his face pale and bloodless.
Ruan Fei hastily patted his back and said in an urgent voice, “I didn’t lie to Lu Cheng this time, he willingly lent me the money, we can pay him back double in future.”
The named Lu Cheng stood outside the crowd and gave Tang Yi Yuan an innocent look, so your Cheng Cheng had already been cheated out of money four years ago.
Tang Yi Yuan gave him a silent look back, who let you be stupid and have too much money.
The doctors and nurses were kind-hearted and stood around talking to Shen Xi Ran, “Sir, it will be dangerous later if you are discharged like this.”
“You are playing with your life.”
“It is very irrational to be discharged from the hospital now.”
Shen Xi Ran shook his head, his face dishevelled as he said in a deep voice, “Thank you all for your kindness, but you don’t need to say any more, I’ve already decided.”
Ruan Fei looked at him blankly, his tears flowing even faster, he suddenly knelt down, tugging at the corner of Shen Xi Ran’s coat, pleading with tears in his voice, “Xi Ran, I beg you to cure your illness, you can be as angry with me as you want, I am willing to work for Lu Cheng as a cow and horse to repay what I owed him back then, just please use this money to cure the illness first……I have no family, no friends, only you, you can’t leave me.”
Shen Xi Ran’s heart was aching badly, his eyes were red, he reached out to pull Ruan Fei up, but Ruan Fei knelt on the ground and just refused to get up, his shoulders were trembling.
Looking at such a stubborn Ruan Fei, Shen Xi Ran closed his eyes in pain and couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down his face, his fists hanging at his sides clenching tightly.
When Ruan Fei took advantage of Lu Cheng’s feelings and cheated him out of a sum of money, he only told him that the money was from winning the lottery, he believed it and went to study art, only to learn the truth after he fell ill.
He is angry at Ruan Fei for his deception and hates himself even more for his incompetence and letting Ruan Fei carry so much.
Now Ruan Fei wants to use Lu Cheng’s money to save him again, how can he bear2情何以堪 (qíng hé yǐ kān): An idiom, means how can emotions withstand such a blow it? He would rather die than let Ruan Fei do this for him again, let alone use a penny of Lu Cheng’s money.
But looking at Ruan Fei’s current appearance, he hesitated. Ruan Fei was right, they had only had each other since the orphanage, how could he bear to leave Ruan Fei alone, and if he died, how would his Fei Fei live?
He swayed because of the violent struggle within him, luckily the nurse next to him was quick to help him.
Tang Yi Yuan outside the crowd couldn’t help but frown, he could understand why Shen Xi Ran didn’t want to use Lu Cheng’s money, but before life and ambition, he thought Shen Xi Ran should choose life, especially if Ruan Fei valued his life more than his own, only then is there hope for people to live.
Lu Cheng looked at Tang Yi Yuan with a tight frown and instantly pursed his lips in displeasure, Omega was pregnant, how could he be on fire?
He stepped forward, pushed aside the crowd and said coldly to Shen Xi Ran, “If you don’t want to use my money, work to pay me back later.”
Seeing him pop up out of nowhere, Shen Xi Ran was stunned for a moment before asking: “What do you mean?”
“There is an art gallery under Lu Group, business is sluggish. When you get well, go work there and help me bring the gallery back from the dead. The money for your treatment will be counted as an advance on your salary from me, it will be deducted from your salary when the time comes.”
Shen Xi Ran pursed his lips, his face hesitant.
Tang Yi Yuan walked over and helped Ruan Fei up.
“Thank you……” Ruan Fei glanced at Tang Yi Yuan and Lu Cheng gratefully, he had a thousand words, but only endless gratitude.
He wiped his tears and turned his head to Shen Xi Ran with a sobbing voice pleading, “Xi Ran, please agree quickly……”
Shen Xi Ran’s brow was tightly furrowed and he seemed to be struggling.
Lu Cheng gave a light laugh, deliberately provoking him, “You refuse to agree, is it because you think you can’t create the value of the two hundred thousand for Lu Group? If that’s the case, then forget it.”
Shen Xi Ran was always arrogant, he was talented in art and was indeed very capable, he immediately lifted his chin without hesitation, his sickly face showed a long-lost arrogance, “Of course I can.”
Lu Cheng hooked the corners of his lips, then impatiently waved his hand, “Then don’t delay, hurry up and get cured, come work for me at Lu Group after you’re cured.”
He finished and didn’t pay attention to Ruan Fei and Shen Xi Ran again, leading Tang Yi Yuan to take the life down.
Standing in the lift, Tang Yi Yuan deliberately pretended to be angry and raised his eyebrows, “Seeing your ex-boyfriend cry, are you heartbroken?”
Lu Cheng’s back froze, intuiting that this was a proposition, he pursed his dry lips and replied cautiously: “Only when you cry does my heart hurt.”
He thought for a moment and then hastily added, “So I will never let you cry.”
Lao Gong did well and barely passed the test.
Tang Yi Yuan smiled lightly in satisfaction and followed him back home.
When he got home, Lu Cheng first helped Tang Yi Yuan to sit on the sofa, poured a cup of warm water and put it into his hand, and then ran to the kitchen to wash and bring out the fruit and put it where he could reach it. Finally, he put a soft pillow behind his waist to make him sit more comfortably.
After Lu Cheng busied himself with setting up Tang Yi Yuan, he couldn’t wait to open the book and learn. He had to learn how to take care of his pregnant partner quickly, after all, when he woke up, he had not had time to let Xiao Cheng Cheng play a role, and he was already going to be a father for the second time!
Lu Cheng always felt something strange about this life that he had pressed the shortcut button for.
He opened the book with confidence and only turned to the first page when he paused.
The first and last two months of pregnancy, the couple cannot have intercourse.
Lu Cheng glanced down in the direction of Little Cheng Cheng.
Don’t cry, little Cheng Cheng, you have to believe that you can arch a cabbage one day, even if that day is still far away, you have to be strong!
T/n: I totally skipped past chapter 31 yesterday and jumped to 32 without realising so yesterday’s chapter is actually 32, not 31. 😅😅😅
For those who reads new chapters daily, have fixed it now and just make sure you’re reading the correct chapters. 😬1你行不行 (nǐ xíng bù xíng): At the moment I can’t think of a better way to translate this, basically LC is doubting SQ’s capabilities as a Dr2情何以堪 (qíng hé yǐ kān): An idiom, means how can emotions withstand such a blow
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