Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 130 - TTFSO Chapter 130

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Chapter 130 - TTFSO Chapter 130

Tang Wu Yuan finished the last bite of watermelon, wiped his hands and asked: “The meeting hadn’t finished yet, why were you rushing to drag me out?”
Song Xiao Bai eyebrows knitted up at his words, and he answered truthfully, “I didn’t want them to smell your pheromones.”
Tang Wu Yuan threw the tissue into the bin and gave him another glance, his lips lifting slightly as he said: “Overbearing!”
He had learnt the full extent of Song Xiao Bai’s possessiveness and dominance as an Alpha over the past year, and every time a bit of his pheromones came out, Song Xiao Bai couldn’t help but hide him away.
Song Xiao Bai didn’t repent, “Their pheromones are too unpleasant, I don’t want your smell on them.”
Tang Wu Yuan’s cheeks flushed for a moment, then he reacted and raised his head in surprise, “You can smell them now?”
Song Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, then revealed the same astonished look as Tang Wu Yuan. Before Tang Wu Yuan said it, he didn’t notice it, how could he know what the others’ pheromones smelled like when he clearly couldn’t smell them?
They looked at each other in surprise, and Tang Wu Yuan hurriedly picked up the watermelon from the fruit plate, handed it to Song Xiao Bai and letting him sniff it, then asked nervously and expectantly: “Can you smell what it is?”
Song Xiao Bai lowered his head and sniffed it for a moment, then raised his head, looked into Tang Wu Yuan’s eyes that were shining with anticipation and smiled, “Sweet……but not as sweet as you.”
Tang Wu Yuan jumped up happily and said excitedly: “Our efforts this year have not been in vain, you can really smell it, it’s really great!”
When Song Xiao Bai thought of how hard they had worked this year, his expression deepened and he stood up and took him into his arms, saying ambiguously: “Why don’t we work harder, maybe I’ll recover better.”
Tang Wu Yuan, however, did not give him the opportunity to be warm, reaching out to push him away, taking his hand and heading out, “Don’t waste time, hurry up, let’s go to the hospital now, we have to hurry and let Uncle Tong give you a careful examination.”
Song Xiao Bai hooked his lips helplessly and had to follow his footsteps.
The two of them arrived at the hospital and after doing various tests, they waited for a while before getting the results of the tests. Song Xiao Bai had done these tests countless times, and every time it came back with disappointment, but this time……Song Xiao Bai looked at Tang Wu Yuan who was holding his hand nervously next to him and couldn’t help but smile. This time there might be a different result, just like this time there was one more person accompanying him as he waited.
Dr. Tong, wearing his glasses, looked down carefully at the figures on the lab report, and the more he looked at them, the wider his eyes widened and he was so excited that he couldn’t speak. He paused for a while before he reached out and pressed the corners of his sore eyes, holding back the tears in his eyes, and excitedly told them that Song Xiao Bai’s sense of smell had basically recovered. As long as he took care not to let his sense of smell be stimulated again during this period, it would be 100% recovered. At that time, Song Xiao Bai will be able to smell the same as everyone else.
Tang Wu Yuan immediately jumped happily into Song Xiao Bai arms, like a cheerful little sparrow, “Xiao Bai, you’ve recovered!”
“En.” Song Xiao Bai smiled and stroked his head, “Our Wu Yuan is really great, he cured me.”
Tang Wu Yuan raised his chin proudly, “Of course.”
Song Xiao Bai looked at his smiling face and couldn’t resist pinching his chin and kissing him, smiling at each other before turning to Dr. Tong and saying: “Uncle Tong, thank you, we’ll go back first then.”
“En, good good good, the medicine I prescribed for you before, remember to stick to it for a while longer, and then stop the medicine completely after a month.” Dr. Tong looked at them with a smile, his gaze pleased, not only had Song Xiao Bai now cured his sense of smell, but he also very affectionate with Tang Wu Yuan, this was what he would like to see the most, now he could finally give an explanation to big brother Song.
The two of them said goodbye to Dr. Tong and drove home.
Tang Wu Yuan could not help but be excited on the way back and kept happily talking nonstop, “Now that your sense of smell has returned, let’s go to the garden when we are on vacation, you can smell all kinds of flowers, and also go to the orchard, the fruits smell good too, each one has a different smell……right , let’s have dinner later before we go home, where would be a good place to celebrate?”
Song Xiao Bai smiled while driving: “Let’s go to that restaurant from last time, don’t you like their soup?”
“Okay, let’s go there then, their pastries are delicious too.” Tang Wu Yuan nodded happily, he clicked on the intelligent brain in the car to find a cheerful song to listen to, but the news popped up and it happened to be a video of Sheng Cen issuing a decree, so he clicked on it and watched it for a while.
After he looked down and finished watching it, he couldn’t help but happily say to Song Xiao Bai, “Sheng Cen has officially declared that Omega will henceforth enjoy the same fair treatment as Alpha and Beta in the workplace, and that companies shall not discriminate in any way, which includes the military and political sectors.”
After this decree is officially implemented, Tang Wu Yuan could stay in the army even if he was not Song Xiao Bai’s mate, and was no longer bound by his status as an Omega, a day worth celebrating for all Omegas.
When Song Xiao Bai heard the good news, he smiled and said, “This time, thanks to Liu Yuan’s timely research on an effective enhanced isolating agent, Omegas will no longer be troubled by pheromones and can get along with Alpha and Beta at ease in the future. They will no longer have to be restrained in the workplace, allowing them to bring their strengths into play.”
Mentioning his brother’s glory, Tang Wu Yuan curled his lips very happily, “Of course, that has been Liu Yuan’s dream for a long time, and now it has finally come true.”
Song Xiao Bai curled his lips, feeling as happy as he did, all the prejudices in this world had to be removed little by little by everyone’s efforts, and every prejudice removed was worth being happy, so even though Song Xiao Bai was not an Omega, he could still feel the excitement of the Omegas at this moment. Not to mention, he had watched Tang Wu Yuan all the way through and knew how difficult it was for him to be an Omega in the army, and now he is even happier for him.
Tang Wu Yuan turned off his intelligent brain, couldn’t help but clap his hands and sighed: “It’s wonderful, not only is your illness cured now, I can also stay in the army aboveboard, I never thought it would take only a year for everything to be solved.”
The smile on Tang Wu Yuan’s face froze as he finished speaking, blinking blankly, and the smile on Song Xiao Bai’s face likewise faded as they both thought of a problem at the same time……since everything is now resolved, the reason they had to be mates in the first place is gone.
Song Xiao Bai reached up and rubbed his brow, his gaze slightly sunken as he looked at the road ahead.
Tang Wu Yuan was silent for a while and took the lead in speaking, “Since things are all settled, is it now……unnecessary for us to be together and we can already……get a divorce?”
When Song Xiao Bai heard the word ‘divorce’, his face sank fiercely, and the hand holding the steering wheel gripped tightly all of a sudden, “You……”
Tang Wu Yuan turned his head to look at him, his face abruptly changed, pupils fiercely open. Without thinking about it, he jumped over and hugged him tightly, blocking his body.
With the sound of a gunshot, Song Xiao Bai slammed on the brakes, and bright red blood spread from Tang Wu Yuan’s back, which caused him to whimper in pain, his face instantly losing its colour.
For the first time since his sense of smell had returned, Song Xiao Bai smelled blood, but this blood was flowing from Tang Wu Yuan’s body, and for the first time he knew that blood tasted like this, every trace of it carried a suffocating pain.
He couldn’t breathe for a moment, and his whole body shook uncontrollably. He quickly held Tang Wu Yuan tightly in his arms, pulled out the gun in the car and shot in the direction of the killer.
This is the streets. The killer saw that the shot was missed, so he drove away in a hurry. Song Xiao Bai shot them in the tire and the car was forced to stop, they had to get out of the car and run away. There were two killers in total. Song Xiao Bai narrowed his eyes and another shot hit one of them in the leg, who immediately fell to the ground clutching his leg.
The people around heard the gunshots, some crouched on the ground with their heads in their hands in fear, some screamed in panic, and the street was a mess, full of people’s silhouettes. The wounded killer fled, firing at pedestrians from time to time, deliberately causing panic and making it convenient for them to escape.
There were too many people here and in order to avoid hurting innocent passerby, Song Xiao Bai could not continue shooting. He looked at the two killers with a grim look on his face, and had to put down his gun after confirming the direction in which the killers were fleeing.
He immediately looked down at the wound on Tang Wu Yuan’s body. The wound was on his back shoulder and should not be life-threatening, but the blood colour spilling out from it still made his eyes sting red.
As he started the car, he called for someone to follow the surveillance and continue searching for the killers, definitely can’t let them go.
“So painful ah……” Tang Wu Yuan shrank into Song Xiao Bai’s arms, his voice a low cry of pain.
He had suffered many injuries after joining the army, but every time he was injured, he had silently toughed it out alone, without crying or complaining of pain He had never told a person in such a soft tone how much he was in pain, but being held in Song Xiao Bai’s arms like this, he just wanted to tell Song Xiao Bai that he was really in pain.
The hand of Song Xiao Bai shook as he hugged him and lowered his head to kiss the top of his head, “Be good, hold on for a while, when we get to the hospital, it won’t hurt anymore.”
Tang Wu Yuan felt Song Xiao Bai’s body was trembling gently and hurriedly whispered: “It’s not very painful, just a little bit……”
The car was quiet for a moment before Song Xiao Bai’s voice rang out again, his voice was hoarse, as if it had been squeezed hard from his throat, “I’ll blow it for you, blow on it and it won’t hurt anymore.”
He lowered his head and blew a few times above Tang Wu Yuan’s wound, and there were cool traces of water dripping onto Tang Wu Yuan’s body.
Tang Wu Yuan had never heard such a panicked voice from Song Xiao Bai before, he was stunned and raised his head slightly to look at Song Xiao Bai. Just as soon as he moved, the wound immediately hurt even more, he couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air, his features crinkled together.
Song Xiao Bai stroked the top of his head soothingly and said: “Don’t move.”
Tang Wu Yuan endured a sharp pain, but still insisted on tilting his head to look at Song Xiao Bai, whose lips were gently pursed, his eyes red, and blue veins protruding on his arm holding the steering wheel.
He looked at him for a moment and suddenly laughed softly, his voice very softly saying: “So you can be afraid too, I thought you weren’t afraid of anything……”
Tang Wu Yuan’s voice gradually weakened until it stopped.
Song Xiao Bai looked down, Tang Wu Yuan had already fainted, his gaze was painful, he floored the accelerator, driving the car faster, turning the steering wheel quickly, heading towards the direction of the hospital in a hurry.
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