Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 99 - TTFSO Chapter 99

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Chapter 99 - TTFSO Chapter 99

Wei Xin Ran climbed up from the bed, smiled awkwardly and apologised in a low voice with a slightly embarrassed face, “Sorry, I wore a new pair of high heels today, I’m not quite used to it.”
She had really given up on Yan Qin Ye after spending some time together, but she didn’t expect that when she got up to pour water, she would fall on Yan Qin Ye’s body, looking like she was giving him a hug, which was a bit embarrassing.
Yan Qin Ye lightly shook his head, “It’s ok.”
He could see from Wei Xin Ran’s eyes that Wei Xin Ran did not do it on purpose.
Wei Xin Ran nodded, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. To ease her embarrassment, she smiled and asked: “Where is your family’s ‘little one’, not coming today?”
Yan Qin Ye’s lips curled up into a smile and his voice softened a bit, “He’ll be here later today, when I get married, I’ll introduce him to you.”
Wei Xin Ran froze for a moment, “You’re getting married soon?”
“Not yet, after my injury is healed and I’m discharged from the hospital, I will personally pick out a ring and propose to him, but……I don’t know if he will say yes yet.” Yan Qin Ye smiled shallowly, the curve of his mouth looked a little nervous, but his eyes shone with an imperative light.
It was the first time Wei Xin Ran saw a look similar to timidity on Yan Qin Ye’s face, and she couldn’t help but smile, not expecting that the fearless lawyer Yan in court would also have such a side, “I’m sure he’ll say yes to your proposal, wishing you all the best.”
“Thank you.” Yan Qin Ye sincerely returned a smile.
Wei Xin Ran ruffled the broken hair around her ear, stood up and said with a smile: “I’ll leave first then.”
Yan Qin Ye nodded and got out of bed to see her off, saying politely: “Thank you so much for coming to see me.”
“It’s my pleasure, we’re classmates and colleagues.” Wei Xin Ran also smiled politely. She now understood that Yan Qin Ye was using this politeness to draw a clear line with her, and she could only do the same.
Yan Qin Ye waited for her to leave before returning to the ward, not lying back on the bed, but standing by the window looking downstairs, waiting somewhat expectantly for Tang Si Yuan to deliver the ‘candy’.
But until nightfall, Tang Si Yuan did not come to the hospital.
Tang Si Yuan called Zeng Feng Liang to come to the hospital to take care of Yan Qin Ye. Zeng Feng Liang had gotten to know Tang Si Yuan well during this time and immediately agreed to come to the hospital.
When Yan Qin Ye saw Zeng Feng Liang, he frowned furiously and picked up the phone to call Tang Si Yuan, but the phone was already switched off. Yan Qin Ye was gripping the mobile phone and his eyes sank.
For three days in a row, Tang Si Yuan did not go to the hospital, and on the third night, he went to a nightclub alone.
The nightclub still smelled like cigarettes and alcohol, the music was deafening, the lights were constantly flashing, and there were hip-hop and boisterous people everywhere.
When Li Fei saw him coming through the crowd, he gave a laugh and said: “Tang Shao, you haven’t come for so long, I thought you were going to gain freedom1从良 (cóng liáng): refers to either a slave/servant being given their freedom or a prostitute who marries and leaves the trade..”
Tang Si Yuan’s face looked a little pale and dark as he ignored his jokes, walked to the booth seat, sat down and said: “Wine.”
Li Fei snapped his fingers and told the bartender to bring the wine over, sat down next to him and said: “Has Yan Qin Ye’s injury healed yet? He’s really a ruthless man, even Zhang Zong Liang could be brought down, I admire him to the core now.”
Tang Si Yuan didn’t say anything, looking down at the bottle of wine, his brows slightly knitted, his expression looked a bit torn. He hesitated for a moment, picked up the bottle and tilted his head back to take a sip of wine.
Li Fei looked at him as if he had made some great determination, he couldn’t help but laugh, looking at his ugly complexion and teasingly said: “I heard that Yan Qin Ye had moved out, Tang Shao has been ‘alone’ recently, is it because you are too lonely that’s why your complexion is so ugly today? ”
He was originally joking, but to his surprise, when Tang Si Yuan heard his words, his face became even uglier, and after a moment of silence, he whispered: “Don’t mention him today.”
Li Fei thought that the two of them were at odds, smiled and honestly stopped mentioning Yan Qin Ye, only clinking his cup with Tang Si Yuan, pinching his voice to make Tang Si Yuan happy, “Ok, today Xiao Li Zi2He’s referring to himself will only serve one Tang Shao Ye and definitely won’t mention a word about other masters.”
Tang Si Yuan originally wanted to laugh with Li Fei but unfortunately, he was in a bad mood today. He pulled the corners of his mouth but did not laugh, so he could only lower his head and drink.
After the two of them drank together for a while, Li Fei saw that he was not in a good mood and patted him on the shoulder and said: “Do you want to go dancing? If you sweat a bit, you’ll forget all your worries.”
Tang Si Yuan took a look at the drunken dance floor, which was packed with people. Everyone’s face was full of smiles, as if they had forgotten their worries in the throbbing music. His gaze flashed, and with a slight nod of his head, he jumped off the booth seat and walked over there.
Li Fei also stood up and was about to follow him when a table not far away started quarrelling at that moment. He glanced there and then looked back, Tang Si Yuan had already walked into the crowd, the light was dim, he could no longer see clearly where he had gone for a moment. The noise at the table next to him was getting louder and louder, so he had to walk over to settle it first.
Tang Si Yuan walked to the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by the roaring music and the bustling crowd. He had a bottle in his hand and casually twirled it a few times, tilting his head from time to time to take a sip of wine. The dim but colourful lights of the nightclub hit his face, outlining his well-defined contours and delicate features, sexy enough to make people lose their eyes, naturally attracting the attention of those around him.
Not far away, a Beta’s gaze gradually fell on him, unable to keep his eyes off, and the corners of his mouth curled up as he walked towards him.
As the man pressed over, Tang Si Yuan’s mind wondered not so clearly, why did he have to like Yan Qin Ye, but others won’t do?
As he thought, not only did he not dodge, he raised his head, forcing himself to smile at the man in front of him. The man in front of him was quite handsome and had a good figure, so he should be a good match by definition.
When he smiled, his delicate face became more vivid. The man couldn’t help his eyes twitching as he took a step forward and leaned closer, his hand ambiguously touching Tang Si Yuan’s waist, fondling it up and down, his movements gradually becoming more and more unbridled.
Tang Si Yuan smelled an unfamiliar smell on him and his smile disappeared in an instant. Feeling the man’s hand wandering on his waist, his brows furrowed in disgust, avoiding his touch without a trace.
The man thought he was playing hard to get and, unaware, lowered his head and pressed it against his ear, saying in an ambiguous voice: “It’s too noisy here, how about we go somewhere else? For example, the hotel next door……”
Tang Si Yuan looked up at the man’s unfamiliar face and finally couldn’t hold on, turning around with a cold face and leaving the dance floor without hesitation.
He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t like anyone but Yan Qin Ye.
The man followed him undeterred and wanted to say a few more words, but Li Fei happened to come over and saw this and pushed him a little before he had to regretfully turn around and walk back to the dance floor to find his next target.
Li Fei hugged Tang Si Yuan’s shoulders and laughed as he walked: “Good ah, Tang Shao, you’ve hooked one in a short moment, but we had a deal, you can’t mess around at my place, Yan Qin Ye has told me that if anything happens to you here, he’ll find a reason to close my little nightclub, I can’t afford to provoke with him.”
When Tang Si Yuan heard Yan Qin Ye’s name, his heart couldn’t help but feel irritated, he stroked a handful of hair and said: “I’m leaving first.”
Seeing that he was not in a high mood, Li Fei did not keep him much longer, “Ok, you can’t drive after drinking so much, I’ll have someone send you back.”
Tang Si Yuan nodded and left the nightclub in big strides straight away.
The driver Li Fei sent to drive was an acquaintance who had driven Tang Si Yuan a few times before, and after greeting him, Tang Si Yuan leaned back in his chair and slept with his head tilted.
He hadn’t slept well in the past few days, and now under the influence of alcohol, he fell asleep quickly. When he was shouted awake, he realised that the driver thought he was still staying at his and Yan Qin Ye’s house, so he had dropped him off here again.
Tang Si Yuan looked at the familiar tall building and froze slightly.
The driver saw that he hadn’t moved for a long time and asked in a low voice: “Tang Shao?”
Tang Si Yuan withdrew his gaze and hesitated for a moment, but still didn’t ask the driver to drive away, instead he nodded towards the driver, opened the car door and got down.
His head was a little dizzy and he went upstairs crookedly, pressing his fingerprints to open the door to the house. There were no lights on in the house, but the light from the window reflected in with a faint glow, and when he looked down to change his shoes, he saw a pair of leather shoes sitting on the doorway and looked up strangely to find a man sitting on the sofa.
Startled, he let out a low gasp of surprise and his drunkenness suddenly receded cleanly.
In the darkness, the person sitting on the sofa did not move, but only looked up in his direction.
Tang Si Yuan could make out a blurred outline, he narrowed his eyes for a moment and asked in a trembling voice: “……Yan Qin Ye?”
The person on the sofa did not open his mouth, but hearing a slightly frightened trembling in his voice, he still gave a low ‘en’.
When Tang Si Yuan heard the familiar voice, he let out a sigh of relief, took off his shoes, fumbled to turn on the light, and finally saw Yan Qin Ye’s appearance clearly.
Yan Qin Ye’s arm was still bandaged and he was wearing a hospital gown under his clothes, his complexion a bit ugly.
Tang Si Yuan was a little anxious and went over to him and asked incessantly: “Why did you suddenly leave the hospital? Did the doctor give you permission? I’m sending you back now.”
The corners of Yan Qin Ye’s mouth drew an icy curve, and his voice was raspy as he said: “Are you caring about me?”
Tang Si Yuan froze for a moment and said as a matter of course, “Of course I care about you……”
He took the keys and wanted to drive Yan Qin Ye back, but suddenly remembered that he had been drinking tonight, so he paused and said, “I’ll call Zeng Feng Liang and ask him to take you back to the hospital……”
Before his words were finished, Yan Qin Ye suddenly grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him to sit on his lap. With a gloomy look on his face, he asked: “Where have you been these days?”
Tang Si Yuan leaned into his arms, his heart was a little sour, he blinked his eyes and did not look at Yan Qin Ye, he just said in a low voice: “I’ve been a little busy lately……”
Yan Qin Ye smelled the smell of alcohol on him, his hand cupped his chin and lifted it up, forcing him to look at himself, his voice tainted with anger that couldn’t be suppressed, “You drank?”
Yan Qin Ye looked at him for a moment, suddenly releasing his chin and sneered: “You regret it, you don’t want to have my child.”
Tang Si Yuan’s heart stung sharply as he leaned his forehead against Yan Qin Ye’s chest and gently rubbed it, his voice sour and painful as he said, “Yan Qin Ye, I don’t want a child……”
Yan Qin Ye’s body stiffened for a moment, this was the first time Tang Si Yuan had said so clearly that he didn’t want to have his child.
He paused for a moment, reached out and slowly touched the top of Tang Si Yuan’s soft head, his voice was hard and low as he asked: “Is it because I’m only a partner that you are keeping, that’s why you don’t want to have children?”
If Tang Si Yuan didn’t want to have a child, he would definitely not force Tang Si Yuan, but what he cared about was why Tang Si Yuan didn’t want to, whether he simply didn’t want to have a child or didn’t want to have one with him, because he was only Tang Si Yuan’s kept lover, not Tang Si Yuan’s lover, so he was not qualified.
“Of course not!” Tang Si Yuan was dumbfounded for a moment and immediately denied it, but it was like a thousand words were blocking his heart, and he could not say anything else for a while.
How could Yan Qin Ye misunderstand him like this? He was so fond of Yan Qin Ye, and had never treated him as a kept partner, but as a treasure he had stolen, carefully guarding it for fear of being robbed or stolen, but unable to bear forcing him to stay.
“Why? Xiao Tang Shao, why exactly?”
Yan Qin Ye’s voice hid an unbearable pain, and his voice was low with a hint of pleading.
Tang Si Yuan sucked in a breath through his nose, closed his eyes, and spoke with some difficulty.
“Because you don’t love me……”
“Because you can’t love me……”
So how can I give birth to your child?1从良 (cóng liáng): refers to either a slave/servant being given their freedom or a prostitute who marries and leaves the trade.2He’s referring to himself
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