Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 127 - TTFSO Chapter 127

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Chapter 127 - TTFSO Chapter 127

After Song Xiao Bai and Sheng Cen finished talking, when he came back, he looked around the wedding venue and couldn’t see Tang Wu Yuan. It was only when Yuan Qiu secretly told him that Tang Wu Yuan had gone to the backyard that he found him there.
Tang Wu Yuan was standing in the shade of a tree in the backyard, holding a flower in his hand and plucking it petal by petal, his face was sullen and at first glance, he was still angry.
Song Xiao Bai laughed lowly, lifted his foot and walked over.
When Tang Wu Yuan saw him, he glared at him angrily and said in a cold voice: “What did you come here for? Since you’ve finished your business, go back alone first.”
Song Xiao Bai looked at him for a moment in silence, “……You haven’t given me a sniff of your pheromones today.”
When Tang Wu Yuan heard his words, he was so angry that he wanted to hit someone at that moment. Song Xiao Bai’s tone was as if he was just a ‘treatment medicine’. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he had never been this angry before when Song Xiao Bai was his nemesis.
He tried hard to suppress his anger, and gave Song a quick glance, “Want to smell my pheromones? Fine, call me daddy, call me daddy and I’ll give you a sniff.”
Song Xiao Bai’s eyebrows knitted together and his gaze sank as he walked towards him with pursed lips.
Tang Wu Yuan unconsciously took a step back, then reacted and stopped, leaning against the wall with his hands on his chest, looking up at Song Xiao Bai arrogantly. He was ready, even if Song Xiao Bai wanted to make a move, he was ready to play along.
Song Xiao Bai blocked him in the corner, looked down at him for a while, then lowered his head to his ear, and asked in a deep voice: “Is it okay to call you little ancestor?”
Tang Wu Yuan’s movements stalled, all his preparations instantly disintegrated, his ears tingling and burning, his voice panicking, “What, what little ancestor, don’t anyhow call……”
Song Xiao Bai smiled, reached out and took him into his arms, asking in his ear: “Little ancestor, give me a sniff, okay?”
It was the first time Tang Wu Yuan heard him speak to him in such a tone, he couldn’t help but be a little dumbfounded. Before he could answer, his body had already reacted in the most honest way as his glands automatically and consciously began to emit pheromones because of Song Xiao Bai’s proximity.
There was no way out, Song Xiao Bai was the Alpha that marked him and was as fatally attractive to him as a walking hormone.
He looked up at Song Xiao Bai’s angular jawline, and Song Xiao Bai’s lowered eyelashes, each of which brought a sense of total shock to his eyes.
He lowered his eyes, trying to control the stirring in his heart, and asked in a low voice: “Major General Song doesn’t have to do anything official now? Or are you still going to punish me back at the army if I don’t give you a sniff?”
Song Xiao Bai gave a helpless low laugh, slightly tilted his head sideways, kissed him lightly on the cheek, and asked in a soft voice: “You are already my little ancestor, how could I dare to punish you?”
Tang Wu Yuan blinked, Song Xiao Bai had just kissed his cheek, it was neither a kiss nor a hug, it had nothing to do with treatment. Tang Wu Yuan should have felt that he had overstepped the mark, but his heart didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, Song Xiao Bai’s action had magically soothed the anger in his heart, making his mood, which had been feeling a bit aggrieved since morning, slowly become tranquil.
Seeing his face softened a bit, Song Xiao Bai reached out and ruffled the hair in front of his forehead, kissed his forehead and explained in a low and soft voice: “I am your Alpha, hearing Jiang Sheng Liang propose to you, it was inevitable that I would have some reaction, that’s why I treated you badly this morning, don’t be angry, I apologise to you, will you forgive me? ”
Song Xiao Bai’s voice was low, husky and sexy, Tang Wu Yuan’s ears were getting hotter and hotter, he looked up at Song Xiao Bai and suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up and he couldn’t help but laugh: “So you were jealous……wu…… ”
The rest of his words were not finished yet, Song Xiao Bai already held his face and kissed it.
Tang Wu Yuan felt the gentle touch on his lips, unconsciously curved his lips a little and gently closed his eyes.
For the sake of Song Xiao Bai being so miserably jealous, he would reluctantly help Song Xiao Bai continue his treatment.
At the family banquet in the evening, Tang Wu Yuan officially introduced Song Xiao Bai to everyone and told everyone that they were about to get married. Everyone was surprised by the change in their relationship but quickly accepted it and wished them well.
On the way back to the army, Tang Wu Yuan and Song Xiao Bai made a phone call to Teacher Bai and told her about their affairs. As Song Xiao Bai expected, Teacher Bai was very pleasantly surprised when she heard that they were getting married, and she couldn’t help but smile. The heart that Tang Wu Yuan had been hanging finally let go.
The two families soon agreed on a date for the wedding, and it was held in the army as originally planned.
As the Marshal’s approval was obtained in advance, everyone in the army came to their wedding on that day.
Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan each wore a military uniform. The military uniforms were straight and they looked in good spirits. Although the soldiers thought it was magical to see the two of them married, they had to admit that they were a perfect match. They could not help but feel happy for the Commander, fortunately the person who marked him was the Major General. Only a person as good as the Major General is worthy of the Commander. Thinking of this, everyone was very happy, and the wedding was a festive and joyful affair.
Jiang Sheng Liang stood in the crowd, finally understanding why he had been punished over and over again by the Major General. He silently shed a tear for himself, a little lost but more happy that his idol had a good home.
Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan completed their wedding in the presence of the entire Golden Eagle Army. They had spilled their blood on this land and also completed the most important ceremony of their lives on this land, and although they chose to hold their wedding here because of Sheng Lian, at this moment, they both felt in unison that this was how their wedding should be.
In the evening, Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan deliberately asked Marshal Xi Meng to allow all the soldiers to drink so as to give Sheng Lian the opportunity. As they expected, Sheng Lian did take advantage of the opportunity to have someone act, the man he sent killed the Lieutenant General and disguised it as ‘dying in fear of punishment for his crimes’.
Sheng Lian thinks he has eliminated a major problem, but he doesn’t know that they have all the evidence of his murder. As for the Lieutenant General, his betrayal of the Empire was a capital crime and his death at Sheng Lian’s hands is not a pity.
After receiving the news, Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan glanced at each other in silence and raised their glasses to Sheng Cen, who had come to the wedding. The three of them raised their heads at the same time and drank their wine in one go, then continued with the wedding as if nothing had happened.
Dr. Tong also came to the wedding and drank too much wine at the dinner. He dragged Tang Wu Yuan to talk about Song Xiao Bai’s loss of sense of smell, lamenting that Song Xiao Bai is pitiful while being glad that Tang Wu Yuan had appeared, rambling on and on with Tang Wu Yuan, repeating instructions on how to treat him, as it was his greatest wish to cure Song Xiao Bai before he retired.
Tang Wu Yuan had been listening patiently, without a trace of impatience, until he heard Dr. Tong say ‘internal knot formation’, then his face changed. He involuntarily raised his head and glanced at Song Xiao Bai, who was drinking with General Tang not far away.
It seemed that Song Xiao Bai sensed his gaze and lifted his head to smile at him, his smile was gentle and his face was handsome. Tang Wu Yuan’s heart thumped a few times, his cheeks gradually turned red, and he quickly looked away.
Dr. Tong did not notice the change in his face and was still explaining to him the specific treatment process, his tone was as serious as if he was treating a patient in a hospital. Tang Wu Yuan wanted to interrupt him several times but in the end, he said nothing and listened to him carefully with red cheeks.
General Tang and Marshal Xi Meng were naturally happy to see each other as old friends, Marshal Xi Meng treated Song Xiao Bai as his own son, and now Tang Bo Te was like his in-law. The two of them drank one glass after another, and when the alcohol got thick, Tang Bo Te couldn’t help but cry, tearfully recounting to Marshal Xi Meng that his cabbages had been robbed one after another.
Marshal Xi Meng said that he would send a load of cabbages from his own garden tomorrow, but when Tang Bo Te heard this, not only was he unhappy, he shouted: “How can your cabbages compare to mine? Mine are precious cabbages I worked so hard to raise, they are priceless1价值连城 (jià zhí lián chéng): an idiom, originally means that the value of the item is worth many cities connected together, and it describes the item as very valuable.!” He was so angry that he almost went to fight with Marshal Xi Meng, who was also angry because he had also worked so hard to grow those cabbages!
Before the two drunken men almost got into a fight over the cabbages, Yuan Qiu pulled Tang Bo Te away by his ear.
The wedding banquet passed without incident and the guests left one by one, so naturally, the couple had to go back to their new house.
Song Xiao Bai drank and after returning to the new home, the first thing he did was to take a shower to wash off the smell of alcohol. When he came out of the bathroom, Tang Wu Yuan had also finished his shower and was drying his hair.
Song Xiao Bai walked over and touched the tips of Tang Wu Yuan’s dripping hair, asking: “Do you need me to wipe it for you?”
Tang Wu Yuan shook his head, not looking up at him, and simply said, “No, it’s almost dry.”
Song Xiao Bai nodded and the room fell quiet, neither of them speaking, both a little overwhelmed by their sudden transformation into mates.
Song Xiao Bai sat on the edge of the bed for a while, watching Tang Wu Yuan dry his hair, and asked with a low cough, “Are you going to bed now?”
Tang Wu Yuan glanced at the time, then nodded, “Sleep ba, it’s been a busy day.”
Song Xiao Bai looked towards the wedding bed, which had been decorated in all red by both parents, and unnaturally averted his eyes, “I’ll go get a glass of water first.”
He went downstairs to the fridge with some embarrassment and took out some cold water and couldn’t wait to take a few sips from it. After his body calmed down a little, he put down the water glass, and the returned to the room.
He had thought that after so long, Tang Wu Yuan should have fallen asleep, so he kept the sound of his walking very low. He gently turned the door handle and pushed open the door and found that the lights were still on inside the room, the interior and person inside were of a warm and welcoming colour.
Tang Wu Yuan was lying on the red wedding bed, his cheeks and body still flushed with pink because he had just finished his bath, and his arms and legs exposed outside the blanket were white and long.
Song Xiao Bai’s throat moved involuntarily. When he was debating whether to go downstairs for some more cold water, Tang Wu Yuan heard him open the door and looked up.
Song Xiao Bai’s hand on the doorknob tightened, then he closed the door and walked over.
Tang Wu Yuan hid under the blanket, blinking his clear, bright eyes and urging him in a soft voice, “Hurry up, it’s so late.”
“What, what faster2hurry up and faster both have the word 快?” Song Xiao Bai couldn’t help but stumble over his words.
Tang Wu Yuan’s cheeks reddened and he tried to pretend to be natural as he said in a small voice, “I heard Dr. Tong say……that, that will make you recover faster, that way the chances of being able to cured are greater, since we are already married, tonight is……”
The more Tang Wu Yuan spoke, the smaller his voice became, and finally could not go on, angrily glaring with his round eyes and said: “Do you want to come or not, if not, I’m going to sleep.”
Song Xiao Bai looked at Tang Wu Yuan’s pink cheeks and his heart couldn’t be softer, as if he was gently scratched by something in his heart. His deep eyes unconsciously fell on Tang Wu Yuan’s rosy, wet lips and after a moments hesitation, he stretched out his thumb and gently rubbed it, then lowered his head and said softly: “Of course I want to, it’s more than I could wish for.”
His words fell and his kissed landed softly, Tang Wu Yuan’s lips were very soft, he could feel Tang Wu Yuan’s helplessness but although Tang Wu Yuan was nervous, he had been obediently letting him pry open his lips and teeth, even carefully reaching out his hand to hug his neck.
Song Xiao Bai hugged the person tightly and let out a low sigh in his heart, what to do, after the little wildcat turned into a little house cat, not only did it not scratch people, it also showed its little belly, which seemed even cuter.
melon: 4 more chapters for Wu Yuan!~1价值连城 (jià zhí lián chéng): an idiom, originally means that the value of the item is worth many cities connected together, and it describes the item as very valuable.2hurry up and faster both have the word 快
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