Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 102 - TTFSO Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 - TTFSO Chapter 102

Arc 5: OOOOO
The interstellar army meeting room was quiet, the large room was filled with people sitting on both sides of the long conference table. The soldiers led by Song Xiao Bai1Just FYI, his name is 宋骁白 (sòng xiāo bái), the xiao is not the one that means little/small. on the left were fiercely glaring opposite, and those led by Tang Wu Yuan on the right were glaring back without fear.
Song Xiao Bai, dressed in a military uniform, sat at the top of the table, his eyebrows somewhat cold, his eyes scanned the room, finally landing on Tang Wu Yuan’s body, his three-dimensional facial features revealing some detachment, his eyes sharp and not to be ignored.
It was a very windy day, the windows of the conference room were open and the wind blew the leaves of the potted plants by the window, causing them to rustle. Song Xiao Bai glanced at the potted plants impatiently, and his soldiers immediately moved the flowerpots.
Tang Wu Yuan scoffed, since his previous training in the army, he had hated Song Xiao Bai the most and this still hasn’t changed.
Both of them were the best in the army, one the best in force, the other, the best in strategy. However, they didn’t see eye to eye with each other, and neither of them giving in to the other, so they fought until they graduated.
Tang Wu Yuan thought that after graduation, they could go their separate ways, out of sight, out of mind, but they didn’t know what the higher ups were thinking, they were actually assigned to the same army. Although the Golden Eagle Army are one of the most elite units in interstellar with only a handful of people selected to join the team each year, all of them are elites, which is a kind of certification of strength.
After entering the army, the two continued to fight with each other and fought to the present, with Song Xiao Bai rising all the way to the position of Major General, and he became the Commander of the army. Together they won many battles and everyone said they were the perfect partners.
Song Xiao Bai is brave and resourceful but he is very impulsive. Although Tang Wu Yuan’s physical fitness is not as good as Song Xiao Bai’s, he acts steadily and resourcefully, preferring to win steadily, which is why his superiors assigned them together, saying that they would complement each other.
Tang Wu Yuan didn’t agree with this, what they are is not called complementary, it should be called incompatible. Only those in the Golden Eagle troops would know, their contradictions has never decreased. Not only did it not decrease, there are even more and more contradictions. Every time a major decision is being made, they had to argue with each other in order to get the final result.
Just like at this moment in the conference room, this kind of disagreement has happened countless times.
Song Xiao Bai withdrew his gaze on Tang Wu Yuan indifferently, tapping his finger on the table twice. When he wasn’t speaking, his whole person looked extremely majestic and the crowd unconsciously held their breath.
Their Major General, though young, is a tough man. Aside from Tang Wu Yuan, no one dared to provoke him when he is angry.
Among the people present, only Tang Wu Yuan was unmoved, and even gave a smirk as he opened his mouth to break the silence in the room, “Song Xiao Bai, if you want to go to your death by yourself, I won’t stop you, but if you want to take the whole team with you, I don’t agree.”
Tang Wu Yuan had a fair face and delicate features, more beautiful than the average Omega, out of place among the burly officers in the meeting room, like a delicate flower that had strayed into a thorn bush, but everyone present knew that he was a Beta, a Beta that was braver than many Alphas.
“Since I said I could capture that group of Star Pirates’ warships by taking my men there directly, I am confident that I will return in one piece and will be responsible for everyone’s lives.” Song Xiao Bai’s voice was on the low side, sounding low and magnetic.
Tang Wu Yuan casually glanced at him, laughing with anger, “This group of pirates have always been ruthless, after robbing the property, they killed the people directly regardless of the elderly and children. Two years ago, they only became honest and didn’t dare to do evil everywhere after they were defeated by the army in your command. They made a comeback this time and have changed their style, not only did they take everyone back as hostages, but they also deliberately left clues for us, which shows that their tactics have improved. Either their leader’s intelligence has suddenly improved by leaps and bounds, or there must be guidance from a master. There must be some deceit in this, if you attack them rashly, you will only fall into their trickery.”
Song Xiao Bai frowned for a moment, as if thinking about his words.
Tang Wu Yuan looked up at him and trailed off, “If you can’t even guarantee your own safety, how can you guarantee others’?”
Song Xiao Bai lifted his eyes unhappily to look at him, “You don’t trust my abilities?”
Tang Wu Yuan actually recognised Song Xiao Bai’s strength, after all, he had witnessed his growth along the way. Song Xiao Bai was so gifted and it was no coincidence that that he had made it to the position of Major General, However, no matter how strong his strength is, he should also beware of the enemy’s machinations and calculations, so he should be careful. Therefore, he does not approve of Song Xiao Bai’s recklessness, but he naturally cannot admit his appreciation of his nemesis in front of him.
He shrugged his shoulders, his eyes scornful, and put on a look of as long as you know.
Song Xiao Bai was really angered by him, his lips pursed tightly, his eyes dark and heavy, the expression in his eyes straight and cold.
As soon as they heard that Tang Wu Yuan was questioning their Major General’s ability, Song Xiao Bai’s men also became angry and stood up with a slap on the table, “Commander, our Major General is wise and powerful, how can you slander him like that?”
Tang Wu Yuan’s men were also furious and stood up and yelled back, “What did our Commander say? Obviously you are the ones that are not capable yourselves, so you have a guilty conscience.”
The two groups of men all stood up and cursed each other and the conference room, which had been quiet earlier, was suddenly as noisy as a food market.
All of them were soldiers who had to abide by the discipline of the army to not swear in the conference room, but they couldn’t help feeling the angry in their hearts. Therefore, all of them, big and burly men, could only yell at each other like children.
“Why are you guys so annoying, like flies.”
“You guys are obviously the ones who are annoying! Can’t even be driven away.”
“You’re the ones who are annoying, rebound!”
“Rebound again!”
“Rebound again and again!”
The two little soldiers who had just been promoted and were entering this conference room for the first time, looked at the childish ‘sparring’ in front of them in amazement and couldn’t help but get together to whisper while the noise in the room was loud.
“Commander Tang looks so good even when he’s angry, he’s really in his prime, I don’t know how the Major General holds back every time he looks at him, if it were me, I’d have fallen in love long ago.”
“Still fall in love, it’s already good that the two of them don’t get into a fight.”
“Why fight, the Major General and the Commander, one tall and powerful, the other delicate and beautiful, standing together really match ah. I really want to persuade them, instead of arguing they should fall in love.”
“How dare you say that the two of them are well-matched? You don’t want your life ba, you actually dare to ask the Major General and the Commander to fall in love, if their cronies hear it, they will beat you up.”
The little soldier looked up at the two groups of men at loggerheads, then listened to them cursing at each other like chickens pecking each other, and silently muffled his voice.
……Can’t afford to provoke them, can’t afford to provoke them.
The two groups of people have already cursed each other to the ‘rebound again again again again again again again again’ when Song Xiao Bai finally moved. He lifted the cup to take a sip of water, put down the cup, the cup touching the table gave a clear and crisp knock.
The sound was not too loud but everyone’s breath caught in their throat and there was instant silence.
Song Xiao Bai’s face was cold, his eyebrows heavy, and his body had a strong sense of oppression. His eyes indifferently swept around everyone’s face, those who had just rolled up their sleeves to make a move immediately withdrew their voices and they all quietened down in a moment.
The Lieutenant General stood up at the right time and advised them in a gentle voice: “Let’s all calm down and talk properly, we are all Golden Eagle Army, we should solve our conflicts slowly, we can’t hurt the peace.”
The Lieutenant General was thin and his features looked pale and gloomy. He was not as good at martial arts as Song Xiao Bai and not as good at literary skills as Tang Wu Yuan, but his victory lies in his tactfulness and his presence. He could come out to moderate the situation so that the atmosphere could be eased and there would not be a big fight.
The room was full of people who had stood up except for Song and Tang Wu Yuan, who were sitting in their chairs, looked at him lazily and fearlessly, as if they would never compromise on this matter.
Song Xiao Bai gave him a heavy look, his thin lips lightly parted, “We will discuss this matter tomorrow.”
He stood up with a black face and turned to take the lead in walking out of the conference room.
The two groups glared at each other angrily and once again, they broke up on bad terms. Except for Tang Wu Yuan’s cronies, everyone walked out in turn behind Song Xiao Bai.
Tang Wu Yuan did not stop them but also let the rest disperse quickly, because he had just realised that he had forgotten to stick the barrier sticker.
Most of the men in the force were strong Alphas and Betas so there was a rule in the force that unmarried Omegas were not allowed to enter the force, lest the release of pheromones would cause confusion.
Omega’s bodies were soft and weak and not really suited to the super-strength departments of the army, only a few civilian jobs were performed by marked married Omegas.
He did not think that Omegas were necessarily inferior to Alphas and Betas, so he hid it from Tang Bo Te and secretly pretended to be Beta and entered the army. He didn’t tell Tang Bo Te about it until he entered the Golden Eagle troops. Fortunately, Tang Bo Te has always been open-minded, not only has he no objection, but he also supports him very much. He had been careful to conceal his pheromones by wearing a barrier sticker on the back of his neck in public places all these years.
Before the meeting, he had heard that Song Xiao Bai was going to take his team directly to attack the Star Pirates, so in his haste, he forgot to put on the barrier patch and came straight to the conference room. If he did not put on the barrier sticker quickly and continued to delay like this, he would easily lose control and release pheromones, and everyone would discover his true attributes.
Moreover, the pheromones on Song Xiao Bai’s body belonging to an Alpha is too strong that they would be unconsciously released when he was angry. It would be difficult for Tang Wu Yuan to confront him as if nothing had happened without the barrier patch, even if the stalemate continues, he would have no chance of winning.
After the crowd had left, he hurriedly slipped into the changing room and went to the locker to get the barrier patch.
Song Xiao Bai strode forward with several guards following closely behind him, still furious. Song Xiao Bai was their leader and someone they admired from the bottom of their hearts. They were naturally furious that Tang Wu Yuan had looked down on Song Xiao Bai.
“Major General, Commander Tang is really too arrogant, you should quickly crush his arrogance, otherwise he will climb on your head.”
“That’s right, with him around, our hands and feet are tied no matter what we do, you are the Major General, why should you listen to him all the time.”
“I blame the Marshal for sending such a Commander to you, he disagrees with you every time and keeps stopping us from killing the enemy, I don’t know if he is a spy sent by the enemy.”
Everyone chimed in, accusing Tang Wu Yuan of being wrong, only the Liaison Officer did not speak, waiting for Song Xiao Bai to give his orders.
Song Xiao Bai stopped in his tracks and shook his head lightly, saying in a somewhat deep voice: “He has a point this time, there is indeed something strange about this incident, you go and investigate the movements of the Star Pirates, and by the way, find out who they have contacted recently and report back.”
Everyone froze for a moment, it was still the Liaison Officer who reacted first, “Major General, you agree with Commander Tang?”
Song Xiao Bai nodded lightly, “What he said this time has some truth.”
The others were about to say something else but Song Xiao Bai raised his hand to stop them and said in a deep voice that would not allow for a rebuttal: “Do as I say.”
Everyone dared not disagree any more and could only do as they were told.
Song Xiao Bai’s eyes suddenly condensed, his nostrils twitching gently, his voice was somewhat incredulous and confused: “Do you smell anything?”
The crowd sniffed hard, looked at each other, then shook their heads together and said in confusion: “No ah, Major General, what do you smell?”
Song Xiao Bai frowned slightly, he seemed to smell a particularly nice smell, something like the fragrance of lemons mixed with a sweet fruity smell, he couldn’t say what it was, but it smelled very nice.
The others obviously did not smell that kind of smell and all looked a bit surprised.
Song Xiao Bai knitted his eyebrows, the tantalising aroma lingered on the tip of his nose, making his throat burn and his heart beat faster, his whole body feeling refreshed, he had never smelt anything he liked so much before.
It was as if his mind had been hooked and he unconsciously walked towards the source of the scent. The others wanted to follow but he stopped them, he inexplicably did not want to share this scent with the others, he only wanted to monopolise it himself, he had never felt this way before but could not help himself.
He followed the scent all the way to the door of the changing room but the strong smell suddenly faded here, as if it had suddenly been blocked by something and disappeared. He unconsciously furrowed his two sword brows and in an instant, his heart felt disappointed.
Inside the room, Tang Wu Yuan put the barrier patch on the back of his neck as soon as he could and let out a long breath of relief.
melon: Hey guys, I’m back! Finally starting on Wu Yuan’s arc, thanks for waiting. 😆1Just FYI, his name is 宋骁白 (sòng xiāo bái), the xiao is not the one that means little/small.
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