Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 175 - TTFSO Chapter 175

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Chapter 175 - TTFSO Chapter 175

That night, Sheng Cen lit the fireworks himself, and one by one, they burst into bloom over the Orchid Palace in a glorious display, like a rain of fireworks.
Empress Xia was not feeling well and had gone upstairs to rest, while Yan Fei pushed Sheng Xi under the eaves to watch the fireworks, and Sheng Cen and Tang Qi Yuan ran to the open space on the lawn.
Tang Qi Yuan kept smiling and laughing as he watched the fireworks in the sky, and couldn’t stop.
“That happy?” Sheng Cen looked down at him, his eyes unconsciously softening as the fireworks reflected in Tang Qi Yuan’s clean eyes, tinting them with gorgeous colours.
Tang Qi Yuan nodded vigorously, “I’m especially happy.”
Sheng Cen smiled faintly and took out something from his pocket.
Tang Qi Yuan was looking up at the fireworks in the sky when he suddenly felt a bit of coldness on his neck, he looked down and saw that Sheng Cen had put a necklace on him.
Tang Qi Yuan looked up at Sheng Cen in confusion.
Sheng Cen coughed with his hand on his lips and said indifferently: “A gift.”
Tang Qi Yuan happily fiddled with the pendant, “This is the gift?”
“En.” Sheng Cen looked down at him, then turned his head again and pretended to watch the fireworks.
“……Thank you Sheng Cen, I’m especially happy today.” Tang Qi Yuan looked down at the pendant and smiled for a moment, holding the necklace in his hand, looking up at the fireworks in the sky and saying from the bottom of his heart.
Although he would spend his birthday with his family every year, this year, he spent his birthday with Sheng Cen, and it seemed to have a different feeling, he didn’t know how to describe it, he just knew that his heart was warm and like something was about to overflow.
He looked at the fireworks blooming in the sky and thought dully, if only his birthday wish could come true, he wanted to keep watching Sheng Cen and see his table mate getting better and better.
……Five years later.
The best university in the empire, University B, is now having classes and the whole campus is quiet. In the classroom on the third floor, a young teacher is sitting at the podium looking down at his book.
His features were extremely delicate and pretty, his dark hair fell softly over his fair cheeks, and he wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his small nose, adding a touch of warmth and elegance to his pretty face.
The students sitting under the podium couldn’t help but look up at him secretly. It’s said that Teacher Tang had been a study tyrant ever since he went to school, and after graduating from university, he stayed at University B to teach. He is very good in academics. He was about to be named a professor, and everyone said he would be the youngest professor in the history of University B.
He was always very strict in his classes and was very attentive to his students, and all the lessons he taught were easy to understand. The most important thing is that he is not only good-looking, but also has a very friendly and respectful personality, so everyone likes him very much. But at the same time, they couldn’t help but be a little afraid of his strictness. This Teacher Tang has always been meticulous in academics. They must complete their homework well in his class, and don’t try to muddle through.
When the bell rang, Teacher Tang looked up from his book and said in a soft voice: “All right, class dismissed.”
One good thing about Teacher Tang is that he never delays the end of class. He has always been extremely observant, never wasting time in class and never taking up time out of class, but after class, if a student wants to ask him a question about something they don’t understand, he will answer it one by one without being impatient.
Today, as usual, many students gathered in front of the podium after class, scrambling to ask him questions, but of course some of them wanted to get in touch with him because they liked him.
Today, when Teacher Tang saw everyone gathered around him, his face was a bit hesitant, he looked down at his wrist watch and said with difficulty: “I have to leave first today, if you have any questions, save them for the next class, I will give you a good answer then.”
Everyone was a little surprised, this was the first time that Teacher Tang had refused them, they were a little sorry but they all nodded obediently and said yes. Teacher Tang never lied, he must really have something to do that’s why he said that.
Teacher Tang smiled, his good-looking face looked somewhat gentle. He reached up and took off his glasses, revealing his beautiful eyes, looked down and put them in their case, stood up and hurriedly packed up the teaching materials on his desk and left the classroom with quick steps.
A few students who felt curious glanced at each other and secretly ran out after Teacher Tang.
Since Teacher Tang became a teacher, he didn’t even have a rumoured girlfriend or boyfriend. It was the first time they had seen Teacher Tang in such a hurry to leave work since he became a teacher, and their intuition told them that this must be very unusual.
They followed carefully behind Teacher Tang, watching from a distance. They saw him walking faster and faster as he walked out of the school building. They trotted a few steps before barely keeping up, seeing a car parked on the road.
A man stood by the car, hands in his pockets, leaning against the door. They looked up and saw that the man appeared to have a cigarette in his mouth, and only when they got closer did they realise that what was in the man’s mouth was not a cigarette but a lollipop.
A grown man with a lollipop in his mouth should have looked comical, but on this man’s body, they could not feel the slightest bit of blasphemy, instead they could not help but feel awe. The man had a powerful aura that made people submit, a dignified aura that was made more obvious by his calm and steady temperament.
Not only was the man very good-looking, his face was also very handsome. Even though he was now wearing sunglasses that covered most of his face, they could still make out his facial contours that looked as if they were sculpted, his long body was straight and fit, and he had a calm and elegant aura in the way he moved his hands and feet.
After Teacher Tang walked over and said a few words, the man reached out and opened the car door, and Teacher Tang directly got into the car, then the man threw away the lollipop he had finished eating in his mouth and also got into the car, put on Teacher Tang’s seat belt and drove away.
In front of and behind their car were two black cars. Through the windows of the cars, they could faintly see a group of men in black suits sitting inside, who looked like bodyguards.
The man’s identity was not simple at first glance, and the few students who followed him out were a little surprised. Teacher Tang had always kept a low profile at school, even though there were rumours that his father is a high ranking official of the Empire, they had been sceptical about this rumour because Teacher Tang never made a show of it, so now they couldn’t help but feel surprised, they didn’t expect Teacher Tang to know such a person.
They were silent for a while and one of them couldn’t help feeling entangled speaking with frown, “Do you guys think……that person just now looks a bit like the Second Prince?”
Everyone drew a breath of cold air at the same time when they heard his words and looked at each other for a few moments, surprisingly they all felt some resemblance.
One person lowered his voice and said: “When you said that, I just remembered that that car just now looked like it had been modified, it should be gun and bullet proof.”
They couldn’t help but feel moved in their hearts and put their heads together, their voices lowered, “Could that man really be the Second Prince?”
“But how could Teacher Tang know the Second Prince?”
Everyone thought about it and was a bit puzzled, after a while, one of them suddenly realised: “If I remember correctly, the Second Prince and Teacher Tang were tied for first place in the Huang Han High School’s entrance exams back then, I remember seeing it on the news.”
“So they were from the same high school, did they really know each other?”
“If that’s really the Second Prince, then they seem like they have a pretty good relationship, not only did the Second Prince drive the car himself, but Teacher Tang didn’t curtsy when he saw him just now.”
“Do they know each other well?”
Naturally no one could answer this question, and Tang Qi Yuan and Sheng Cen, who knew the answer, had long since driven away in their car.
Inside the car, Sheng Cen took a parcel from the back seat of the car and threw it to Tang Qi Yuan, “The chocolates you like to eat.”
Tang Qi Yuan’s eyes lit up, he especially liked this kind of chocolate, but unfortunately it was only sold abroad, so whenever Sheng Cen went to that country, he would think of buying some back for him.
He happily took the chocolate, peeled a piece and put it in his mouth, took two bites and asked: “Why did you suddenly come back early?”
He turned his head to look at Sheng Cen, taking a closer look at him. Sheng Cen looked a bit tanned and slightly tired, but his eyebrows were still handsome, even adding a bit of heroic spirit.
Sheng Cen went abroad to do business this time for a total of a month. He was originally scheduled to return to China the day after tomorrow, but unexpectedly, during class just now, Tang Qi Yuan suddenly received a message from him, in which he said he had already returned and was waiting for Tang Qi Yuan in front of the teaching building. If he hadn’t been in class just now, Tang Qi Yuan would have run out to see him.
Sheng Cen smiled when he heard those words and turned his head to look at Tang Qi Yuan, who was looking down and carefully peeling the chocolate packet in his hand, his long eyelashes slightly drooping, looking extremely beautiful.
Sheng Cen’s voice lowered as he looked back at the front of the car and said indifferently: “I wanted to come back so I just came back.”
Tang Qi Yuan nodded in disbelief, peeled a piece of chocolate and put it into Sheng Cen’s mouth.
Sheng Cen bit into the chocolate, the faint sweetness spread in his mouth, mixed with a slight bitter taste, sweet but not greasy, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly upward, suddenly asked: “Did you miss me?”
Tang Qi Yuan thought about it and did some silent calculations in his mind, this seemed to be the longest time he had been apart from Sheng Cen since he met him, so he nodded honestly and said obediently: “Yes.”
Sheng Cen couldn’t help but smile, his gloomy brows and eyes over the past few days softened, and his tired body relaxed a little.
Tang Qi Yuan was still counting on his fingers how much time he and Sheng Cen had spent apart over the years, and when he did the math, he realised that the time he and Sheng Cen had spent away from each other was really very little.
When the college entrance exam was held, Sheng Cen surprised him by scoring a surprisingly high score, tying with him for first place in his year and scoring almost perfect marks in all subjects.
Later on, he and Sheng Cen went to the same university. During the university years, although he and Sheng Cen did not study the same major and were not in the same class, Sheng Cen would take him to and from school every day and they would meet for lunch together, so over the years, they saw each other almost every day.
To this day, Tang Qi Yuan still feels a sense of achievement when he thinks of Sheng Cen’s astonishing college entrance examination results back then, and because of this, he did not hesitate to choose the education industry when he applied for his university major.
melon: aiyo our naive Xiao Qi still doesn’t know that Sheng Cen failed on purpose. 😂😅
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