Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 129 - TTFSO Chapter 129

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Chapter 129 - TTFSO Chapter 129

Tang Wu Yuan looked at Song Xiao Bai and laughed coldly, “The Silver Tiger Army are obviously worried that our troops won’t participate in their tournament, so they want to come here and force us to participate.”
Song Xiao Bai folded his arms in front of him, raised his eyes slightly, looked at him and said: “No matter what their reasons are for doing this, since the Silver Tiger’s leader has already come to us personally and reported to the Marshal, we can only try to cooperate.”
An Alpha’s body naturally brings a strong sense of oppression, especially when they are angry, this sense of oppression will be even stronger. Tang Wu Yuan had Song Xiao Bai’s mark on him, his body automatically and consciously knows that Song Xiao Bai is his Alpha, so when Song Xiao Bai is angry, he would instinctively want to obey Song Xiao Bai.
Tang Wu Yuan wavered for a moment, but quickly reacted, gritting his teeth and fighting the instinct in his body.
“If they only wanted us to cooperate, they wouldn’t have spoken to the Marshal before they spoke to us!”
Tang Wu Yuan couldn’t help but roar angrily when he spoke until the end, it wasn’t that the Golden Eagle Army’s field could not be loaned to the Silver Tiger Army, it was just that the Silver Tiger Army’s attitude made him feel unhappy. If a precedent is set this time, other troops would follow the Silver Tiger Army’s example in the future and use this method to force them to cooperate, then wouldn’t there be endless problems in the future? So he must not allow this to happen, this precedent must not be set.
Because he was so agitated, his pheromones emitted slightly, which did not happen before because of the barrier patch, but now that everyone knew he was Omega and he had already been marked, so he did not need to deliberately conceal it and he did not stick the barrier patch.
The smell of his pheromones was so weak that others could only vaguely smell a little, but Song Xiao Bai was his Alpha and was able to sense the change in his pheromones at the first moment, so the smell he smelled was also much stronger than others.
Song Xiao Bai’s face changed immediately, he gave Tang Wu Yuan a silent look before saying in a deep voice: “Meeting adjourned!”
He stood up, walked over and took Tang Wu Yuan’s hand under the gaze of the crowd and left the meeting room directly.
Everyone watched them leave together, no one spoke up to object, nor did they say anything more. Zhu Qiang opened and closed his mouth for a moment, but did not speak up.
After they left, the people in the meeting room stood up and walked out, all of them with bland faces, as if such a situation was perfectly normal.
Zhu Qiang froze for a moment, tugging at the Liaison Officer who wanted to leave, and asked in surprise: “What’s going on? isn’t there no conclusion yet? Why is the meeting suddenly adjourned?”
According to the previous procedure, shouldn’t the next step be to argue? Why did the Major General suddenly adjourn the meeting?
The Liaison Officer patted Zhu Qiang’s shoulder and said in a tone of voice like ‘you are still young’, “Just get used to it.”
“Get used to it? Could it be it’s usually like this previously?” Zhu Qiang remembered that in previous meetings, everyone was red-faced and argued out the results before the meeting was adjourned.
Another of Song Xiao Bai’s cronies shook his head next to him and sighed: “You’ve only just returned, you don’t know yet, other couples quarrel, they quarrel at the head of the bed and make up at the foot of the bed1床头打架床尾和 (chuáng tóu dǎ jià chuáng wěi hé): a proverb, refers to a couple fighting and making up without leaving the bed. Author changed ‘fight’ to ‘quarrel’, our Major General and Commander quarrel, the Commander just has to crook his finger and the Major General will immediately follow, as for the result of their argument, we will naturally be told tomorrow.”
“Ai, suddenly there is some nostalgia for the old quarrels, it’s been a long time since we had a fight, my hands are a bit itchy.”
“Isn’t that so, now that the meeting has become so peaceful, I’m still a bit not used to it, but to say fight, I feel a bit lazy.
Everyone started saying a few words, and Tang Wu Yuan’s cronies came over and gave them an unpleasant look, “When did our Commander say something that wasn’t for the Major General’s good? As long as the result is good, the process doesn’t matter. Now the troops are in harmony and unity, could it be any better than this?”
Song Xiao Bai’s cronies nodded, their tone no longer as tit-for-tat as before, but frankly admitted, “You’re also right, it’s better to drink than to quarrel, instead of quarrelling and hurting the peace, it’s better to happily fight in drinking.”
Tang Wu Yuan’s crony punched him in the chest and laughed aloud: “You bloke, if you crave alcohol, just say you crave alcohol, don’t make so many excuses.”
“Hahahaha……it’s still you who understands me, go, go drink, let’s all go together, we won’t return until we’re drunk today. As for the matter of the Silver Tiger Army, leave it to the Major General and the Commander to solve, we won’t follow and worry about it.”
“OK, where are we going to drink this time? You can’t pretend to be drunk this time! Don’t try to trick us into carrying you back again, you are heavier than a pig.”
Zhu Qiang watched as the two groups of people who had been incompatible before all walked out shoulder to shoulder, talking about the interesting drinking events of the past year, just like close friends.
He looked stunned, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. He had only been away for a short year, but how could the Golden Eagles Army have changed so much from top to bottom? Where were the promised rivalries? Where was the promised fight?
“Zhu Qiang, quickly catch up! Or else they’ll snatch all the drinks later, you don’t know they can drink one more than the other.” The Liaison Officer walked to the door and shouted back at him.
“Ah……Ok.” Zhu Qiang froze and answered, looking back to find that everyone in the conference room had already left, so could only hastily lift his steps to follow.
……Forget it, no fighting then no fighting, but drinking he had to win them! He didn’t believe anyone could drink over him!
Song Xiao Bai held Tang Wu Yuan’s hand all the way home. The two of them bought a house close to the army for the convenience of returning to the army during the week.
When they got home, Tang Wu Yuan was still angry. He took off his shoes and walked towards the room without a care, saying while walking: “What exactly do you want to do about the Silver Tiger Army wanting to borrow the training ground?”
Song Xiao Bai squatted down, put his shoes on the shoe rack and arranged them, and after a slight pause, did not insist as before, but said in a compromising whisper, “I will personally go and tell the Marshal tomorrow that we are pressed for time for training these days and do not have time to lend out of the field, and then refuse their offer.”
Tang Wu Yuan was satisfied with the result, but still couldn’t help but hum lightly: “I don’t know when you became so good-tempered to actually want to agree to the Silver Tiger Army’s offer, if it was before, you wouldn’t have agreed even if I wanted you to.”
As he walked towards the room, he took off his jacket and casually threw it on the sofa.
Song Xiao Bai frowned slightly as he followed him, picking up his clothes and hanging them on the hanger, smoothing them out, “It was clearly you who told me not to be too quick-tempered and to change my previous impulsive nature, that’s why I wanted to make concessions to avoid trouble this time, who knew that you would oppose it instead?”
After the marriage, Tang Wu Yuan had told Song Snapdragon several times that he should not be too quick-tempered and impulsive, which is why Song Xiao Bai tried his best to curb his temper, and this time, when faced with the out-of-the-ordinary practices of the Silver Tiger Army, he did not lose his temper at the first moment.
Tang Wu Yuan looked back at him, “I did tell you not to be impulsive, but you can’t let other people climb on top of you either! If you set a precedent this time, what if all the other Armies follow suit in the future and one by one find ways to force you to do what they want?”
After finishing his speech, Tang Wu Yuan gave Song Xiao Bai a sidelong glance and angrily threw his hat on the table, because Song Xiao Bai had mysophobia2洁癖 (jié pǐ): I’ve beed translation this as mysophobia (fear of germs/dirt) but it’s not that accurate, it’s more of clean freak + OCD, so after he got married, every time Song Xiao Bai made him angry, he liked to mess things up and deliberately annoy Song Xiao Bai.
Hearing the concern in his tone, Song Xiao Bai hooked his lips slightly, put his hat away and hung it side by side with his own army cap in the cloakroom, walked back and rubbed a handful of his broken hair, saying in a gentle voice, “Ok, I know.”
Tang Wu Yuan’s hair was different from his person, surprisingly soft and smooth, and Song Xiao Bai always liked to reach out and rub it when he had nothing else to do.
Tang Wu Yuan’s fur was smoothed and he finally became honest and stopped throwing things around. Although he impatiently pushed away Song Xiao Bai’s hand, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly and his mood improved, “I want to eat watermelon.”
“Ok.” Song Xiao Bai took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, and good-naturedly went to the kitchen to personally cut a plate of watermelon and bring it back.
The watermelon, fresh from the fridge, was cool and refreshing. After Tang Wu Yuan took a bite, he finally felt the bit of anger in his heart dissipate. He swallowed the watermelon and looked at Song Xiao Bai with some awkwardness and asked, “Why aren’t you eating?”
With the watermelon in his mouth, he couldn’t help but think of the watermelon he had eaten with Song Xiao Bai back in the hospital, then he couldn’t help but snicker a little. It seems like his relationship with Song Xiao Bai had started to change from that time.
Song Xiao Bai curled his lips and reached out to take off the watermelon seeds that had stuck to the side of his cheeks and threw them into the bin, “I’m not eating anymore, I drank too much water today and now I have no appetite.”
“What are you doing drinking so much water?” Tang Wu Yuan couldn’t help but ask as he remembered how Song Xiao Bai had been drinking water one mouthful after another today.
When Song Xiao Bai heard his question, he raised his eyebrows slightly and couldn’t help but reach out and pinch him on the face, “Why do you think I drank so much water? Isn’t it because you insisted on making breakfast this morning.”
When Tang Wu Yuan remembered today’s breakfast, he couldn’t help but spit out his tongue. He got up early this morning and on a whim, he wanted to try making breakfast himself, but he ended up putting too much salt in it, it was too salty to eat, he only tasted one bite, then he hurriedly gave up. In the end he didn’t eat a single bite of the breakfast he made himself, it was all eaten by Song Xiao Bai.
He muttered in a small voice, “I didn’t force you to eat……”
“I was the one who wanted to eat it.” Song Xiao Bai nodded, and seeing that he was somewhat lost with his head bowed, he quickly said without blushing and with a clear conscience, “Actually, today’s breakfast is quite delicious except for the fact that it’s a bit salty, you’re already very talented for being able to cook so well for your first time in the kitchen.”
When Tang Wu Yuan heard his words, he immediately lifted his head up happily and took a big bite of watermelon, his eyes shining brightly as he said, “If you like it, I’ll make it for you again tomorrow morning.”
Song Xiao Bai was silent for a moment, pursed his dry lips and slowly asked, “Wouldn’t it be too much trouble? We still have to go to work, you don’t have to go through so much trouble.”
……Actually, you can also not make it.
Tang Wu Yuan waved his hand indifferently, “No trouble, no trouble, I can just get up early.”
Song Xiao Bai held his forehead for a moment and secretly made up his mind that it seemed that he would have to keep Tang Wu Yuan ‘busy’ in the mornings from now on and not have the extra energy to think about making breakfast.1床头打架床尾和 (chuáng tóu dǎ jià chuáng wěi hé): a proverb, refers to a couple fighting and making up without leaving the bed. Author changed ‘fight’ to ‘quarrel’2洁癖 (jié pǐ): I’ve beed translation this as mysophobia (fear of germs/dirt) but it’s not that accurate, it’s more of clean freak + OCD
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