Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 119 - TTFSO Chapter 119

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Chapter 119 - TTFSO Chapter 119

Outside, the sound of gunfire and mechs battling was constantly roaring. Tang Wu Yuan sat in the room playing with the gun in his hand. He liked to look at Big Dad’s gun since he was a child, at that time, Big Dad was afraid he’d get hurt and never let him touch it. He could only stare at it eagerly, feeling that the gun was both sacred and majestic.
When he grew up, the first time he got a real gun in the army, he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep, he felt that he had finally become a real soldier, but at that time his marksmanship was not accurate at all. After going through numerous assiduous training, he slowly became able to shoot the target in one shot.
He lowered his head and gently stroked the gun in his hand, cherishing and loving it, and after a moment of silence, he picked it up and aimed into the distance, pausing for a moment, he laughed softly and lowered the gun in his hand.
Now that he could no longer hide the fact that he was an Omega, could he still stay in the army, could he still carry a gun?
Tang Wu Yuan stared blankly at the gun in his hand for an unknown amount of time, until the familiar heat in his body surged up again, only then did he unbearably lie down on the bed, holding the gun in one hand and gripping the pillow tightly in the other, whimpering in pain.
When Song Xiao Bai rushed into the pirate chief’s room with his soldiers, the pirate chief was still sleeping with a beautiful woman in his arms. This chief was incompetent and greedy. If he hadn’t been directed by an expert behind him, he would have been wiped out in the last siege.
Song Xiao Bai captured the chief without much effort. After all the pirates had been arrested, Song Xiao Bai hurriedly went to look for Tang Bo Te but unfortunately, Tang Bo Te drove the warship to catch the pirates that escaped. He was in a hurry to go back and take Tang Wu Yuan away, so he had to send someone to inform Tang Bo Te and rushed off to find him.
Tang Wu Yuan was forced into heat by an aphrodisiac, he was worried that he would not be able to hold on for long.
When he opened the door, Tang Wu Yuan’s cheeks were already red, his eyes were like a spring of water, his vision blurred, his breathing disordered, and even the tips of his ears were pink. Tang Wu Yuan’s hands were gripping the pillow tightly, his fingertips were slightly white, and he didn’t know how long he had been holding on alone.
When Tang Wu Yuan saw Song Xiao Bai walk in, the strength in his body loosened and he dropped the gun he was holding, his voice wet and hoarse, “You’re back.”
Song Xiao Bai nodded and walked over quickly, rubbing the sensitive flesh on the back of Tang Wu Yuan’s neck with his fingertips, then lowered his head and took in Tang Wu Yuan’s lips, prying open his teeth.
Tang Wu Yuan’s lips were sweet, as sweet as his pheromones, which made Song Xiao Bai unconsciously want to deepen the kiss and suck out more of the sweet juices.
Tang Wu Yuan wrapped his arms around Song Xiao Bai’s neck, his body softening for a moment, his eyes slightly out of focus as he looked at Song Xiao Bai, bewildered and at a loss for words.
When the kiss ended, Song Xiao Bai reluctantly regained his sense and kissed the moist ends of his eyes, whispering: “Get out of here first.”
Tang Wu Yuan nodded, the Alpha’s kiss could temporarily mark and relieve the dryness in his body, but although the heat had dropped slightly, his body was still limp and weak, and it was a little difficult to sit up, let alone walk out on his own, he couldn’t help but frown.
Song Xiao Bai took off his clothes and covered his body, then picked him up in a horizontal embrace and walked outside towards the warship with big steps.
Tang Wu Yuan hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and hugged Song Xiao Bai’s neck, then buried his face in his chest, blushing slightly, embarrassed to look up at the other soldiers.
The soldiers outside were counting the pirates, and as Song Xiao Bai passed by carrying Tang Wu Yuan, an Alpha among the soldiers smelled the pheromones on Tang Wu Yuan and blinked in shock, looking at Tang Wu Yuan in disbelief, “Commander is Omega?”
The crowd all looked shocked and one of them, with sharp eyes, noticed a deep bite mark on the back of Tang Wu Yuan’s neck, and couldn’t help but look shocked, his mouth opened wide in horror and stuttered: “……Commander, Commander……has been marked?”
Everyone looked at the back of Tang Wu Yuan’s neck at the same time, Tang Wu Yuan’s face was buried in Song Xiao Bai’s arms, the white back of his neck was exposed, the teeth marks on the back of his neck were very clear for people to see at a glance, and it still had a little blood on them, it should have just been bitten recently.
Zhu Qiang, a thick-headed man, didn’t think too much about it and quickly accepted the fact that Tang Wu Yuan was an Omega. He just rubbed his chin and asked, “Who doesn’t want their life, even daring to mark the Commander, is the Commander’s fist not hard enough, or is he taking things too hard and has to find some new stimulation in life?
The Liaison Officer wrinkled his eyebrows and asked after a moment of silence: “……Who marked the commander?”
Everyone’s faces went white at once and thought of a possibility at the same time. The Commander had been held captive for two days and there were only pirates here, could it be that……the Commander had been marked by pirates?
Zhu Qiang reacted half a beat slower than everyone, his face suddenly black, he angrily yanked over a pirate next to him and punched him, the Commander, although annoying, is also not someone these people can bully.
He punched several times in succession before forcing the pirate to talk: “Speak! Who marked the commander, I’ll kill him!”
“I don’t know……I really don’t know……” The pirate was holding his head and dodging, being beaten up and crying for his father and mother, but Zhu Qiang didn’t let him off at all. Instead, he punched him harder one punch after another. In the end, he had no choice but to call out the pirates who were guarding Tang Wu Yuan.
Zhu Qiang temporarily let go of him, strode over with big steps to the pirate who guarded Tang Wu Yuan and beat hard. The pirate was beaten and finally could not hold back and cried, the blood on his face and tears mixed together, he could not dodge and could only hold his head while constantly shouting, “Not me ……it’s really not me……”
Zhu Qiang tugged at his collar and forced the question with wide eyes: “If not you then who is it?”
“I I I……don’t know!” He was in tears, and what he regretted most now was that he hadn’t rushed in yesterday to see which bastard had marked Tang Wu Yuan!
Zhu Qiang punched again without mercy, who cares who it was, beat first and talk later.
He kept to the principle that he would rather hit the wrong pirates than let them go, until the pirates were all bruised and swollen, only then did he reluctantly withdraw his hand.
After Song Xiao Bai returned to the warship with Tang Wu Yuan in his arms, he instructed in a deep voice that some of the soldiers should stay and help Tang Bo Te deal with the aftermath, and the rest of the soldiers are to immediately return to the army.
Once he had given his orders, he carried Tang Wu Yuan into a separate lounge and did not come out again for a long time.
Although the soldiers were confused about what they were doing in there, they didn’t dare to ask more questions and just started to return to the ship as they had been instructed by Song Xiao Bai.
The atmosphere in the warship gradually became dull, after the news of Tang Wu Yuan being Omega spread, everyone didn’t have time to be surprised before the news of Tang Wu Yuan being marked by the pirates spread like wildfire. A few of Tang Wu Yuan’s cronies could not help but cry secretly, even Song Xiao Bai’s cronies could not stop being sad. The Commander had left the warship this time for the Major General and them only to be captured by the pirates, and now that this had happened, they all could not help but be sad and annoyed, hating that they could not kill all the pirates to avenge the Commander.
The crowd was silent, and even Zhu Qiang sighed repeatedly as he slapped his leg.
After the warship returned to the army, the Commander was carried off the warship by the Major General. The Commander’s eyes were closed and he seemed to have fallen asleep, his face looked a bit pale. Everyone got off the warship quietly, and no one made a noise to disturb the commander.
Song Xiao Bai was stunned by the dead atmosphere within the army, but he didn’t have time to think about it, after sending Tang Wu Yuan back to his room, he immediately had the doctor come over and check Tang Wu Yuan’s body. After confirming that the heat did not cause any harm to Tang Wu Yuan’s body, he put his heart down, taking advantage of the fact that Tang Wu Yuan hadn’t woken up yet and making use of the time to report to the Marshal.
Tang Wu Yuan was awoken by a loud knock on the door, the source of which sounded like the room next door. He rubbed his forehead and opened his eyes, noticing that the interior of the room was somewhat unfamiliar. In a trance, he did not know where he was until he saw a medal on the cabinet, then he realised that this should be Song Xiao Bai’s room.
The medal was the gold medal Song Xiao Bai had won when he graduated from the army. Every year, the army graduates would hold a wilderness survival competition, which was different from the ordinary wilderness survival game, it was a real gun and a real forest adventure, there were fierce animals and poisonous snakes in the forest. Participating in this competition was voluntary and one could give up at any time after entering the forest.
Therefore, every year, many people would give up on the first day of the competition, very few people would be able to last until the end, and often when the competition ended, there was not even a single person who could persevere until they left the forest.
In the year that Tang Wu Yuan and Song Xiao Bai graduated, a total of two people managed to get out of the forest, and one of them not only managed to leave the forest, but also caught the ‘enemy leader’, which was the first time in the history of the competition, and even the officers who designed the competition were surprised, because in this competition they did not expect anyone to reverse track and catch the ‘enemy leader’, so this segment was not even set up, it was only stipulated that if you got out of the forest, you have succeeded.
The one who caught the enemy leader was Song Xiao Bai, who became famous in one go, and Tang Wu Yuan was one step behind Song Xiao Bai and only managed to get out of the forest, so he lost out on the gold medal. Originally, Tang Wu Yuan’s result in previous years would have definitely got him the gold medal, but unfortunately he met Song Xiao Bai.
If Song Xiao Bai had just walked out of the forest like him, it would have been a tie between the two for the small gold medal, but unfortunately Song Xiao Bai did not play by the rules and caught an extra person, so Song Xiao Bai won without a doubt.
This is also one of the reasons why Tang Wu Yuan had hated Song Xiao Bai over the years. The gold medal was very important to him, but because of Song Xiao Bai, he only got a silver medal in the end. It’s said that the silver medal was made temporarily by the army because in the past, being able to walk out of the forest meant victory, so there was no first and second place. Because of Song Xiao Bai’s actions, the ranking had to be distinguished.
Tang Wu Yuan looked at the gold medal for a moment before withdrawing his gaze. The knock on the door outside was getting louder and louder, so he had to get out of bed, straighten his somewhat dishevelled clothes and then open the door to the room.
Jiang Sheng Liang was knocking on the door of the Commander’s room with an agitated expression when he heard the door of the room next to him creak open.
He turned his head and saw the Commander walking out of the Major General’s room. He was first stunned for a moment, a little surprised that the Commander had walked out of the Major General’s room, but he didn’t have time to think about it, and after reacting, he rushed over and looked at Tang Wu Yuan worriedly, his eyes red as he asked in a small voice, “Commander, are you alright?”
As he was a new recruit, he did not participated in the pirate siege, and only after everyone had returned did he learn from the others that the Commander had been captured. He was shocked and worried and was relieved to hear that the Commander had been successfully rescued, but then he heard that the commander was not only an Omega, but had also been marked by pirates! He couldn’t help but look pale and immediately ran over worriedly.
Tang Wu Yuan shook his head and leaned somewhat weakly against the door frame, his voice weak, “I’m fine……”
The eyes of Jiang Sheng Liang became even redder, Tang Wu Yuan is his idol, whether Tang Wu Yuan is Beta or Omega, this will not change. His idol now suffered this insult, his heart wanted to cry out, but he was afraid to make Tang Wu Yuan sad, so he had to try hard to hold back his tears.
He looked at Tang Wu Yuan’s somewhat pale face, gritted his teeth and said loudly: “Commander, I’ll marry you!”
He wanted to do something for his idol, now the Commander was marked by pirates although only people in the Golden Eagle Army knew about it, but if word got out later, the Commander would definitely be very sad, what he could do now was to make the Commander not so sad and not let people outside laugh at the Commander.
Tang Wu Yuan was stunned for a moment and looked at him in confusion, “En”
Jiang Sheng Liang’s cheeks were a little red and his voice stumbled a little, “Even if, even if you were……marked by a bastard, it doesn’t matter…… I’m willing……I’m willing to marry you! Please marry me!”
Jiang Sheng Liang didn’t say the word ‘pirate’ because mentioning it in front of the Commander now seemed like an insult to the Commander, so he carefully avoided the word, not wanting to remind the Commander of sad matters.
Tang Wu Yuan’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, then wrinkled his brows as he looked behind Jiang Sheng Liang, the ‘bastard’ who had just come up the stairs and marked him, “……”
Song Xiao Bai gave Jiang Sheng Liang a grim look, and after meeting the look Tang Wu Yuan gave him, his face became even more ugly, and the air pressure around him lowered within a moment.
melon: sorry late update again 😅 This is Sunday’s chapter, I will be posting another chapter shortly for Monday’s update.
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