Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 20 - TTFSO Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 - TTFSO Chapter 20

When it was time to go downstairs, Tang Yi Yuan had already regained some strength, but Lu Cheng had to carry him down, saying that he was worried about him stepping on air and falling down.
Tang Yi Yuan blushed and buried his head on Lu Cheng’s chest, pretending not to see the secretive smile on the housekeeper’s lips.
The faint smell of rice wafted out from the kitchen and Tang Yi Yuan couldn’t help but touch his stomach, hungry.
Lu Cheng saw it with his eyes1The full saying is 看在眼里,记在心里 (kàn zài yǎn lǐ, jì zài xīn lǐ) which means to see with the eyes and remember in the heart. It means to pay attention to your own words and deeds, because it will give an impression in the hearts of others., couldn’t help but smile. He hugged Tang Yi Yuan to the dining room and asked the housekeeper to deliver the food quickly. He sat down at the dining table, greeted Shen Qing across the table, and put Tang Yi Yuan on his lap.
Shen Qing sat across from them and saw the scene with an habitual grimace, lowering his head and taking a big bite of spicy seafood noodles.
Being shown affection every time he came, who can understand the grief of single dogs!
Tang Yi Yuan blushed and struggled slightly, but Lu Cheng held him still. The housekeeper brought up the meal and as Tang Yi Yuan was still sick, the cook boiled bland mushroom congee for him.
Tang Yi Yuan was just about to take the bowl of congee when Lu Cheng snatched it away. Lu Cheng took a spoon and stirred it gently in the bowl, scooped up a spoonful of mushroom congee and put it to his mouth, “Open your mouth.”
“I’ll do it myself.”
Tang Yi Yuan blushed slightly and tried to take the spoon, but Lu Cheng wouldn’t let go and looked at him stubbornly.
He pursed the corners of his lips and had to meekly open his mouth and eat the congee. The cook had made the congee soft and sticky, and he had long been hungry, so he couldn’t help but eat it lavishly, even stretching out his tongue to lick the corners of his lips. After taking one bite, he looked at Lu Cheng blearily, waiting to take a second.
Lu Cheng’s heart softened into a ball, the little baby was so beautiful when eating, he wanted to feed the little baby breakfast for the rest of his life!
Lu Cheng fed him a few more bites, Tang Yi Yuan was a little fuller and his eating speed gradually slowed down, he looked at the spicy seafood noodles in Shen Qing’s bowl opposite and swallowed his saliva.
Shen Qing liked spicy food, so every time he came, the housekeeper would prepare some spicy food for him. It was fresh and fragrant, which looked much tastier than his bland and tasteless mushroom congee.
Lu Cheng could see the craving in his eyes and couldn’t help but snicker, the little baby’s gluttonous look was still cute, but it was a pity that his fever had only just gone down and he couldn’t be given such greasy food, but tomorrow morning, it would be okay for him to have some light seafood noodles.
Lu Cheng fed another mouthful of congee to Tang Yi Yuan’s mouth and said in a bright voice, “I’ll cook noodles2This is a euphemism for a BJ 🙈 What he says is 我明早下面给你吃; 我明早 = tmr morning I’ll 下面 = cook noodles 给你吃 = for you to eat. 下面 (xià miàn) can also mean below/under hence this sentence can also be interpreted as ‘I’ll let you eat my below tomorrow morning for you to eat tomorrow morning.”
Tang Yi Yuan: “……”
Shen Qing: “……”
Shen Qing put down the chopsticks in his hand, he didn’t want to eat noodles for a month!
He and Tang Yi Yuan silently glanced at Lu Cheng, you are really not a proper Alpha.
Lu Cheng was stunned by their look, what kind of look was that from you guys? The amnesiac Cheng Cheng doesn’t know anything.
After an eerie silence at the table, the three of them finally finished eating. Shen Qing checked Tang Yi Yuan’s body temperature again and confirmed that there was no problem. Then, he made an appointment to come in the morning the next day to check on Tang Yi Yuan again and left as if fleeing.
As Tang Yi Yuan’s body had not yet fully recovered, Lu Cheng gave himself a peaceful break and sat in front of the TV with Tang Yi Yuan in his arms, with fruit and snacks on the table, ready to feed the little baby.
There was a variety show on the television, and the two of them watched it with great interest for a while.
Tang San Yuan was participating in a horror-themed variety show, the atmosphere of which was eerie and frightening, with scary white shadows appearing from time to time, accompanied by a scary BGM. The guest Omega who participated at the same time hid behind Tang San Yuan and screamed. Tang San Yuan was obviously scared pale, but he calmly walked in front of him and his mouth kept saying ‘don’t be afraid’, not knowing whether he was comforting the Omega or comforting himself.
Tang Yi Yuan was so distressed that he frowned, “San Yuan, he has been most afraid of ghosts since childhood.”
Lu Cheng picked up a strawberry and fed it to Tang Yi Yuan’s mouth, watching the TV with a sigh, “It’s not easy to pretend to be B.”
Not to mention pretending to be B but is still a good husband and husband.
Tang Yi Yuan took a strong bite of the strawberry and without hesitation picked up the remote control and changed the channel.
This time, a movie was playing on the TV, with several young and energetic beauties in bikinis playing volleyball on the beach.
Lu Cheng’s eyes fell straight on the TV and he didn’t move for a long time.
Tang Yi Yuan turned his head to look at him with a black face, does the beauties look good?
Lu Cheng: “Since you don’t like white bikinis, next time I’ll buy a pink one, perhaps you might want to wear it.”
Tang Yi Yuan immediately changed to another channel, stay away from bikinis, healthy you and me.
This channel was also showing a variety show and the host was dancing while leading the group in singing, “So high, feel like life has reached its climax, feel like life has reached its peak, so shocking, so eye-catching……”
Lu Cheng: “The climax is not that easy, the peak requires effort.”
Come come, I’ll give you the remote control, you watch it yourself.
Tang Yi Yuan threw the remote control to him in disgust, moved to the side himself and picked up his phone to play a game.
Just before the game started, Lu Cheng leaned over like a ghost, “What game?”
“Honour of Kings3If you’ve read/watched ‘You Are My Glory’, it is the same game they play, you shouldn’t have played it before in your memory.” Tang Yi Yuan said while completing a triple kill with King Lan Ling.
Lu Cheng’s eyes glowed with interest as he watched, his attention moved to the game, casually turning off the TV and putting his chin on Tang Yi Yuan’s shoulder to watch him play the game.
Tang Yi Yuan concentrated on killing people with King Lan Ling, and his cool movements made Lu Cheng exclaim in awe.
After Tang Yi Yuan won a game, Lu Cheng stupidly picked up his phone: “I want to play too.”
Tang Yi Yuan’s eyes instantly lit up. Before Lu Cheng lost his memory, every time Tang Yi Yuan asked him to play a game, he refused to play with Tang Yi Yuan, saying that his level was too high and he was afraid that Tang Yi Yuan would hold him back.
Now that he finally had the chance to play with the legendary Da Lao4大佬 (dà lǎo): generally refers to a big brother and also refers to a person who has the right to speak in a certain area to some extent, usually someone who is senior and has high seniority and speaks with authority. It is also often used in life to express admiration or reverence for some stronger person., Tang Yiyuan naturally couldn’t let go of this opportunity, and immediately excitedly explained the rules of the game to him, and then teamed up with him, waiting to be led by the Da Lao!
Lu Cheng had lost his memory after all, and Tang Yi Yuan was worried that he was not yet skilled in the rules of the game. Hence, he chose a support hero Cai Wen Ji for him in the first game, specifically responsible for adding blood to his teammates, and still chose the assassin King Lan Ling himself.
“I’ll protect you!” Lu Cheng was full of momentum, using Cai Wen Ji to follow directly behind Tang Yi Yuan to the wilderness, automatically and consciously helping Tang Yi Yuan to play, and then……grabbed the first Red Buff.
Tang Yi Yuan froze for a moment and continued to play in the wilderness while explaining the rules of the game to him once more.
Lu Cheng listened and nodded his head, then managed to take the Blue Buff again.
Lu Cheng: “……didn’t control it.”
You said you didn’t do it on purpose!
With both Buffs in his own wilderness gone, Tang Yi Yuan had to huff and puff and go to the enemy’s wilderness to steal it, with Lu Cheng continuing to follow.
Tang Yi Yuan had just stolen a Red Buff when he met up with the enemy’s assassin.
“Lao Gõng will protect you!” Lu Cheng shouted, using Cai Wen Ji to add blood while rushing towards the opposite assassin, heroic and fearless, with a dashing posture……After the glorious sacrifice, the opposite assassin didn’t even lose a drop of blood.
Really thank you!
Tang Yi Yuan took King Lan Ling and rushed over and a moment later, the opposite full-blooded assassin fell to the ground with a bang.
Lu Cheng: “……”
In this game, even though Tang Yi Yuan took the Peerless Five5五连绝世 (wǔ lián jué shì): Refers to 5 consecutive kills, he still couldn’t save Lu Cheng, the one who was holding him back.
After Cai Wen Ji once again rushed towards the enemy tower, crossed the tower to kill and then sacrificed gloriously, the shooter finally couldn’t help but open up his mouth, “Spicy chicken wet nurse6辣鸡 (là jī): spicy chicken, is a slang for rubbish/trash I guess because it is homonymous with 垃圾 (lā jī): rubbish, although the intonation is different. I’m not so sure about the wet nurse, my guess is because he’s supposed to be a healer type support, are you a fucking vegetable deliveryman? That’s why you’re such a rookie7菜 (cài): Lit. vegetable but it’s also a slang to call someone a rookie!”
Before Lu Cheng could react to being scolded, Tang Yi Yuan had already finished typing quickly, “Hot chicken shooter, rebound!”
No matter how rookie Lao Gong is, I won’t let you scold, hmph!
The game was unquestionably lost, and after playing two more games with Lu Cheng, Tang Yi Yuan finally put down his phone in death.
I never thought that Da Lao would turn out to be a pit8坑 (Kēng): Lit. pit, it is also an internet slang. Can be used as a verb or noun. As a verb, it refers to a teammate who does something that is detrimental to the team’s ability to achieve its goals. As a noun, it means that the teammate is too weak to help the team achieve its goals or complete its tasks.!
He was now sure that Lu Cheng had refused to play with him in the past, not because he was too good, but because he was too much of a pit!
Tang Yi Yuan looked at the little stars he had dropped one after another, his heart was dripping blood as he decisively gave up on continuing to play the game with Lu Cheng.
Lu Cheng was still staring at his phone with great interest, urging, “Hurry up and start, I will definitely carry the whole game this time!”
I don’t believe it!
Tang Yi Yuan leaned back on the sofa, rubbed his forehead and said breathlessly, “I……have a headache, I need to rest for a while ……”
He really had headache, from being angry!
Lu Cheng remembered that Tang Yi Yuan was still sick, he quickly picked up a small blanket to cover his legs, poured a cup of hot water into his hands, and finally pressed his head towards his shoulder, “You rest, I’ll upgrade first, when you’re better, I’ll take you to fly!”
……you get out of bronze first.
Tang Yi Yuan leaned on Lu Cheng’s shoulder, bored and swiped his phone, clicked into the official blog of Tang San Yuan’s fans and looked at Tang San Yuan’s recent schedule. While he was at it, he helped his star brother rank9打榜 (Dǎ bǎng): There’s no proper translation for this, it is a term used by fans and refers to raising the ranking and popularity of an idol through voting, blogging with topics etc to get them high on the list. Each platform has their own rankings., voted, anti black10反黑 (fǎn hēi): an internet buzzword, refers to fans’ behaviour of whitewashing idols under the negative news (comments) of their idols., and signed into the super talk.
He swiped and found that Tang San Yuan had an additional popular CP super talk. Clicking in, it was all about him and another popular star, the CP army was rising with a bang. Tang Yi Yuan reflected on himself, he really didn’t care enough about his brother lately, he didn’t even know that his brother had a scandal.
He casually followed the super talk, idly eating his brother’s dog food is also cool!
His hands were busy and his ears weren’t idle as Lu Cheng shouted in his ears here and there.
“This hero, I’m adding blood to him, what’s he running for! I’m exhausted from chasing.”
Tang Yi Yuan glanced at it, oh, the one running was Cheng Biao Jin who could resist and fight and could also replenish blood on his own.
“Don’t kill me! Ah! How come all my teammates are dead! Only I am alone and gloriously alive!”
Tang Yi Yuan glanced again, oh, his teammates were in the group, and Cai Wen Ji alone released her ultimate move and ran away staggering and listening to the music, her escaping posture was really cute.
After a while, the villa resounded with Lu Cheng’s loud and clear singing voice: “So high, I feel like life has reached its climax……”
Tang Yi Yuan gave him a silent look, So high~ you’ll be killed by your teammates if you go on like this!
Lu Cheng pitted his teammates all afternoon and ended up being banned from playing for eight hours because he was reported too much.
Ah! The world has finally gone quiet.
melon: Sorry I don’t really play games and am not familiar with gaming terms. I only know blood refers to HP and I’m too lazy to go find out what buff is 😅
Btw the song on the TV variety show is “So High” 好嗨哟 (Hǎo hāi yō) originally sang by Qin Bo included in his album 《好嗨哟》1The full saying is 看在眼里,记在心里 (kàn zài yǎn lǐ, jì zài xīn lǐ) which means to see with the eyes and remember in the heart. It means to pay attention to your own words and deeds, because it will give an impression in the hearts of others.2This is a euphemism for a BJ 🙈 What he says is 我明早下面给你吃; 我明早 = tmr morning I’ll 下面 = cook noodles 给你吃 = for you to eat. 下面 (xià miàn) can also mean below/under hence this sentence can also be interpreted as ‘I’ll let you eat my below tomorrow morning3If you’ve read/watched ‘You Are My Glory’, it is the same game they play4大佬 (dà lǎo): generally refers to a big brother and also refers to a person who has the right to speak in a certain area to some extent, usually someone who is senior and has high seniority and speaks with authority. It is also often used in life to express admiration or reverence for some stronger person.5五连绝世 (wǔ lián jué shì): Refers to 5 consecutive kills6辣鸡 (là jī): spicy chicken, is a slang for rubbish/trash I guess because it is homonymous with 垃圾 (lā jī): rubbish, although the intonation is different. I’m not so sure about the wet nurse, my guess is because he’s supposed to be a healer type support7菜 (cài): Lit. vegetable but it’s also a slang to call someone a rookie8坑 (Kēng): Lit. pit, it is also an internet slang. Can be used as a verb or noun. As a verb, it refers to a teammate who does something that is detrimental to the team’s ability to achieve its goals. As a noun, it means that the teammate is too weak to help the team achieve its goals or complete its tasks.9打榜 (Dǎ bǎng): There’s no proper translation for this, it is a term used by fans and refers to raising the ranking and popularity of an idol through voting, blogging with topics etc to get them high on the list. Each platform has their own rankings.10反黑 (fǎn hēi): an internet buzzword, refers to fans’ behaviour of whitewashing idols under the negative news (comments) of their idols.
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