Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 113 - TTFSO Chapter 113

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Chapter 113 - TTFSO Chapter 113

“The commander is really smart but unfortunately……” the Lieutenant General looked at Tang Wu Yuan and smiled grimly, “it’s too late.”
As soon as he spoke, countless pirates came running out of the bushes, guns in their hands, all aimed at Tang Wu Yuan and the soldiers behind him, surrounding them.
The soldiers turned their guns on the pirates and confronted each other, but they were outnumbered and each of them had guns in their hands, they would definitely not be a match for the pirates.
Tang Wu Yuan’s gun was still pointed at the Lieutenant General, he looked at him expressionlessly for a few seconds before moving to pull the trigger.
Even if he was going to die here today, he wants the Lieutenant General to be buried with him.
When the Lieutenant General saw Tang Wu Yuan’s action, he suddenly smiled and said: “Commander, are you sure you want to do this?”
Tang Wu Yuan’s gaze sank slightly and he looked at him coldly, “What do you mean?”
The Lieutenant General smiled, his voice not slow, “If the Commander cooperates, I may be able to let your men live.”
He looked at his colleagues who had talked and laughed and merrily in former days, without the slightest hint of emotion in his gaze, as if he were looking at a group of strangers.
When Tang Wu Yuan heard his words, he raised his eyebrows slightly and asked in a quiet voice: “What are the conditions?”
“You stay.” The Lieutenant General looked at him and said without hesitation.
Tang Wu Yuan pondered for a moment, gazed at the Lieutenant General and asked, “Will you keep your word?”
“Of course.” The Lieutenant curled his lips, and his smile was a triumphant one.
Tang Wu Yuan looked at him for a long time before speaking in a deep voice: “Ok, I’ll stay, you let them go first.”
The soldiers behind him immediately became anxious: “Commander, we are not leaving, we will live and die with you.”
These men were all close to Tang Wu Yuan, they were all loyal to him, the Golden Eagle Army would never leave their companions behind, it was their duty to protect their officer, they would not turn their backs on him.
The Lieutenant sneered, “It is not up to you to leave or not!”
Tang Wu Yuan did not turn around, but his voice was serious and could not be refuted: “This is a military order!”
The soldiers heard the insistence in his voice and finally quietened down, they were silent for a while and reluctantly gritted their teeth and said in unison: “Yes!”
They were all elites in the Golden Eagle Army, all of them understood the pros and cons and would not act impulsively, so they quickly calmed down and understood that instead of dying unnecessarily like this, it was better to get a chance to live and go back to inform the Major General to rescue the Commander, maybe then the Commander would still have a chance to live.
The Lieutenant General looked at the gun that had been pointed at him in Tang Wu Yuan’s hand and said to Tang Wu Yuan, “Put the gun down first, or I will kill one of them right now.”
Tang Wu Yuan thought for a moment and threw the gun at his feet. Even if the Lieutenant General suddenly reneged, he still had a short dagger hidden in his clothes, which was enough to kill the Lieutenant General.
The Lieutenant General waved his hand at the pirates who stepped back to make way.
The soldiers looked at Tang Wu Yuan, their eyes struggling, and their voices bitter as they said: “Commander, we will go first.”
Tang Wu Yuan nodded: “Tell the Major General that there is no need to save me.”
“Commander……” The soldiers still wanted to say something but the pirates didn’t give them a chance to say any more and had already shoved them away.
The Lieutenant General laughed and clapped his hands, “Commander, you really don’t fear life and death.”
Tang Wu Yuan looked at him without saying anything, since the Lieutenant General had had him stay and allowed the soldiers to retreat in one piece, it is precisely because he wanted the soldiers to go back and inform Song Xiao Bai that he has been taken as a hostage, so that meant the pirates must have set up a trap1天罗地网 (tiān luó dì wǎng): an idiom, originally means that there are nets everywhere in the sky and on the ground. Metaphorically, it means that defences are so tightly arranged that there is no escape., waiting for the Golden Eagle Army to come, and Song Xiao Bai to bring his men over to rescue him, which would only be nine deaths and one life2九死一生 (jiǔ sǐ yī shēng): an idiom, refers to the hardships and dangers, escaping from death; It also describes being at a critical juncture of life and death, and the situation is very critical., letting everyone die for nothing.
He had been prepared to sacrifice from the day he joined the army, he is just reluctant to part with his family, and even Song Xiao Bai this nemesis, it seems that he hadn’t had enough fights with him yet.
The Lieutenant General smiled grimly: “You have affection and loyalty3有情有义 (yǒu qíng yǒu yì): An idiom, having affection(情意) and loyalty(义气)refers to someone who has affection and the willingness to stand with/next to you, or be there for you, always. Could also be used to praise someone; this refers to a person who is very kind, attaches importance to emotions and is very loyal. towards Song Xiao Bai, now I would like to see if he has the same affection and loyalty for you.”
Tang Wu Yuan looked at him with a very unhappy expression, “It’s fine for you to say that I’m a person who is affectionate and loyal, but you can’t say that I’m affectionate and loyal towards him.”
That was the nemesis that he had been fighting with for years.
Lieutenant: “……” At this point in time, you actually remembered to whitewash the relationship.
He was silent for a moment before speaking again, “I watched you two fight for so many years in the army, I always thought you two wished each other dead.”
He laughed lightly, the curve of his mouth tinged with sarcasm, “Why do you think you bothered getting off the warship to save Song Xiao Bai? If you had stayed on the warship, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with you. I had set up an ambush today and only planned to kill Song Xiao Bai first, but unfortunately he is a very clever person, he actually found out in advance, letting him escape. Fortunately his tracker accidentally dropped and I picked it up. I just tried to see if I could lure you out with the tracker, but I didn’t expect you to really throw yourself into the net. I have to thank you for not letting me go home empty-handed.”
Tang Wu Yuan was relieved to hear that Song Xiao Bai was safe and sound, so at least with him out of the way, the Golden Eagle Army would not be left without a leader and should be able to retreat safely.
He looked up at the Lieutenant General and grunted: “I am fulfilling the responsibilities of my position, since I am the Commander, I am naturally responsible for the entire army, and that includes Song Xiao Bai. I am not like you Lieutenant General, you are devious, cunning and scheming, you are able to backstab and still laugh, I have heard that dogs know to hide their tails between their legs when they bite someone, the Lieutenant General really makes me admire you, your skin is thicker than a dog. ”
“You!” The Lieutenant General’s face turned red and then white as he glared at Tang Wu Yuan in annoyance and ordered in a cold voice, “Now, immediately throw away all the communicators and trackers on him and lock him up.”
He said almost bitterly, “I’d like to see if Song Xiao Bai will come to rescue you, if he doesn’t come to rescue you in a few days, I’ll just kill you. Don’t worry, as colleagues, I’ll personally send you on your way.”
The pirates obeyed the order and immediately went forward and removed the tracker and communication device from Tang Wu Yuan’s body, stomped on it, then tied him up and blindfolded him with a black cloth.
Tang Wu Yuan did not struggle and followed them honestly, one fist could not defeat four hands, it was just a waste of time for him to struggle. Besides, he still had a dagger hidden on his body and he could not let the Lieutenant General discover it. He just deliberately provoked the Lieutenant General, otherwise based on the Lieutenant General’s character, he would’ve personally searched him.
Tang Wu Yuan followed them for a long time and then was pushed into a room where his hands were untied and the black cloth over his eyes was removed. His eyes saw light again and he could not help but squint before opening them fully again.
The room is very simple, a bed, a table, next to the table there is a window, and the window is sealed with iron bars with no possibility of escape from the window. Painted white walls are covered with traces of dirt, there are a few bloodstains and cobwebs in the corner, it seems that no one has lived here for a long time. This pirate’s garrison seems to be near the sea, the wind blowing in carried the smell of seawater.
The pirate who sent Tang Wu Yuan inside could not help but reveal a lustful smile after taking a good look at him, his eyes were like glued to his body, “This little Commander is really pretty, I’ve never seen such a beautiful person before.”
The pirate next to him also showed a wanton smile and said recklessly, “When the chief lets us kill him in a few days, us brothers will have a good time then, let the little beauty have a quickie before he dies, we’ll also be considered to have done a good deed.”
“Hey hey hey good! It is only a few days, I thought you were loyal to your wife, when you saw the beauty, you couldn’t move away just like me.”
“Such a beauty is not often seen, at our place, we don’t know if there will be a single one coming in our lifetime, of course I can’t miss it.”
Tang Wu Yuan’s ears were filled with their dirty and obscene words, his expression couldn’t help but become cold, looking at them sombrely. If the dagger in his arms couldn’t kill the Lieutenant General, he would use it to off himself, and would never give these people the chance to defile him.
The two pirates’ voices lurched at his cold gaze and they only felt a chill down their backs, as if they were about to break out in a cold sweat, and could not help but glance at each other with some trepidation.
One of them reacted and gave Tang Wu Yuan a relaxed smile, “Little beauty, we won’t touch you now, you be arrogant4得瑟 (dè se): To show off, It is often used to refer to an achievement that is not worth mentioning or to get carried away with a small feat. It is usually used in a derogatory or flirtatious sense, and sometimes as a stern rebuke. Another definition is doing things that shouldn’t be done, showing off too much, being arrogant (mostly derogatory) for a few days first, in a few days, us brothers will make you cry and call Ge Ge5哥哥 (ɡē ɡe): Older brother, by then it’s useless for you to beg us.”
The two laughed and walked out, firmly closing the door of the room. Tang Wu Yuan paid attention and listened, the door was even put under three locks. No wonder they had untied his hands, for there was simply nothing fear, there was no way to escape from here, there were walls on all sides, the only window was surrounded by iron bars, even the iron door was put under three locks.
He was most worried about the barrier sticker on the back of his neck, which was only valid for three days. If the Lieutenant General found out that he was an Omega, there was no telling what he would do to humiliate him, and the consequences could be even worse, those two lustful pirates just now also made him feel sick.
He looked at the sunlight coming in from outside the house and his brows furrowed, having to change his previous thoughts, he had to run out, even if he died, he couldn’t die here.
But luckily, he was not at the end of his rope.
Tang Wu Yuan hooked his lips slightly as he pulled out the star shaped necklace he had grown up wearing from his bosom and gently turned it until the star was perfectly embedded into the circle on the outer ring.
This was a necklace that Tang Bo Te had specially made for their seven children since they were young. Because he was worried that a flashy necklace might be eyed on by bad people, the style was simple, without any inlay, just a normal silver necklace, but this necklace had a hidden mechanism that could track his exact location and send out a distress signal when he turned the star.
He turned the star a total of three times before stopping, and when he had done so, he put the necklace back into his clothes and hid it carefully, then hugged his knees and stared at a dandelion growing in the corner of the windowsill.
Hopefully Big Dad won’t be too worried when he finds out he’s been captured, Big Dad wouldn’t tell Daddy about this matter ba, Daddy would cry if he found out. Thinking about it, he’s not a very good boy, he’s always making his fathers worry about him. Hopefully Big Dad will also hide it from his older brothers and younger brothers, otherwise it would be bad if the family was in a mess. Ai, only at this moment did he realise that he still had so much to worry about.
He closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep when he thought in a daze, Song Xiao Bai……will he come to his rescue?
In the future, Song Xiao Bai should have a much easier time if he, this nemesis, wasn’t around to oppose him.
melon: 😢 seems like this is the first big cliffhanger in this novel? 🤔1天罗地网 (tiān luó dì wǎng): an idiom, originally means that there are nets everywhere in the sky and on the ground. Metaphorically, it means that defences are so tightly arranged that there is no escape.2九死一生 (jiǔ sǐ yī shēng): an idiom, refers to the hardships and dangers, escaping from death; It also describes being at a critical juncture of life and death, and the situation is very critical.3有情有义 (yǒu qíng yǒu yì): An idiom, having affection(情意) and loyalty(义气)refers to someone who has affection and the willingness to stand with/next to you, or be there for you, always. Could also be used to praise someone; this refers to a person who is very kind, attaches importance to emotions and is very loyal.4得瑟 (dè se): To show off, It is often used to refer to an achievement that is not worth mentioning or to get carried away with a small feat. It is usually used in a derogatory or flirtatious sense, and sometimes as a stern rebuke. Another definition is doing things that shouldn’t be done, showing off too much, being arrogant (mostly derogatory)5哥哥 (ɡē ɡe): Older brother
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