Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 118 - TTFSO Chapter 118

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Chapter 118 - TTFSO Chapter 118

Tang Wu Yuan sat up from the bed, his face was no longer as lifeless as it was a moment ago, instead his pupils were glowing, and there was a lazy contentment in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.
He raised an eyebrow and looked at the Lieutenant General with a languid smile, “Lieutenant General, what about you? Are you happy being a pirate?”
The Lieutenant General was so frightened by the gun on his back that he didn’t dare to answer, not even daring to breathe.
His heart was filled with questions: had Tang Wu Yuan been marked or not? When did Song Xiao Bai come? The marks on Tang Wu Yuan’s neck could not have been made by himself ba? Could it have been Song Xiao Bai?
The Lieutenant General denied the idea almost immediately, how could it be? They were nemesis, but there was no one else in the room aside from Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan, so who else could it be? Looking at Tang Wu Yuan’s appearance, his heat must have been temporarily relieved, so who had marked him?
In an instant, countless ideas popped into his head but unfortunately, there were no answers to his questions.
Song Xiao Bai stared at the pirates who were trying to follow him in and said in a cold voice to the Lieutenant General: “Tell them to leave immediately and hand over the keys to this room.”
The Lieutenant General did not move and refused to speak, who knew if Song Xiao Bai would kill him immediately after the pirates left.
Song Xiao Bai sent his gun forward, the muzzle pressed tightly against the Lieutenant General’s body, and he continued in a cold voice: “Or……I can kill you right now.”
“……Get out! Everybody get out!” The muzzle of the gun was hard and cold, the Lieutenant General shivered involuntarily, his face changing dramatically immediately, shouting at the pirates outside.
When the pirates heard his words, they looked at each other, but after a moment’s hesitation, they put down their keys and all retreated. Song Xiao Bai closed the door with a kick and locked the door from the inside.
The Lieutenant General swallowed hard and tried to calm down, “Do you think you can escape just because you have captured me? You let me go now and I will immediately have someone send you out, this way you can still keep a life.”
Tang Wu Yuan sneered: “Lieutenant General, do you take us as three year old children?”
The Lieutenant General pursed his lips, also finding his proposal somewhat unconvincing, he thought about it and said reluctantly: “You can use me as a hostage to blackmail the pirates, then they will definitely let you go, but after you escape, you have to let me go quickly, you can’t break your promise.”
Song Xiao Bai raised an eyebrow, unsure of his words, and turned his head to ask Tang Wu Yuan, “Do you have strength now?”
The Lieutenant General thought he had persuaded them and was relieved. As long as they were willing to leave this room, when they got outside, the pirates would find the opportunity to kill them with two shots, not a single one of them would be able to escape at that time.
Tang Wu Yuan nodded to Song Xiao Bai and walked up to the Lieutenant General with a faint smile, “I don’t have the strength to do anything else, but I still have the strength to beat him.”
After he said that, he didn’t give the Lieutenant General time to react, and punched him in the stomach with full force. The Lieutenant General groaned and moaned in pain, covered his stomach, bent over in pain, his blood in his face faded in an instant.
Tang Wu Yuan lifted his knee fiercely, this time slamming into the Lieutenant General’s head, and the Lieutenant General was in so much pain that he saw stars, blood coming out of his nose. His vision turned black and his face was pale, unable to speak due to the pain. He could only cover his nose and stare at Tang Wu Yuan angrily.
When Tang Wu Yuan saw the blood on his face, he took a step back in disgust, but the Lieutenant General took the opportunity to try to counterattack, grabbing the dagger on the ground before Tang Wu Yuan was ready and rushed towards him recklessly.
Song Xiao Bai’s complexion changed suddenly, he lifted his leg and kicked towards the Lieutenant General, colliding with his body with a dull sound. His kick was ruthless and violent, the Lieutenant General stumbled, his knees fell to the ground and the dagger in his hand fell out. The Lieutenant General’s features crinkled together in pain and he no longer had the strength to struggle, he fell to the ground and begged for mercy, “I was wrong, don’t hit already, don’t hit already……”
Tang Wu Yuan sneered, walked over and kicked the dagger away, tugged him by the hair and pulled him up from the ground, “You just kneel here properly.”
The Lieutenant General saw that the situation was not good and knew that he could hardly resist both Tang Wu Yuan and Song Xiao Bai alone, so he hastily wiped the blood from his nose and continued to beg for forgiveness, “Major general, Commander, I know I am wrong, you are the bigger person and I am the lesser man1大人不计小人过 (dà ren bú jì xiǎo rén guò): an idiom, respectfully calling the other person a ‘bigger person’ and humbly calling themselves a ‘lesser man’ in hopes that the other person will not count his faults against him, or to refer to a person of high status forgiving the faults of someone of low status. 大人 = adult or a title to refer to someone of higher status. 小人 = villain or lesser person., just let me off this once, I will let the men send you out now, I will make them respectful and will definitely not hurt a hair on your head, and in the future I will also definitely persuade the pirates to surrender, and definitely won’t dare to mess with you.”
Tang Wu Yuan crouched down slightly and patted his face, “If you want us to spare your life, it’s also possible, tell us who is behind the mastermind?”
The Lieutenant General froze and his expression changed. He looked at Song Xiao Bai and then at Tang Wu Yuan, his eyes dodging as he said: “What mastermind? Commander, you are overthinking, it was all my idea, there is no mastermind behind this, it was just me who betrayed the empire and defected to the pirates.”
“Oh?” Tang Wu Yuan smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile, and his voice was even colder, “Lieutenant, cut the crap, you just need to tell me who that ‘master’ is?”
The Lieutenant General’s eyes became even more flustered, but his mouth was still stiff and he refused to change his words, “There is no master……”
He looked at Tang Wu Yuan’s face and worried that Tang Wu Yuan would hit him again, he quickly covered his face and said, “Commander, you mean the person I called last time, right? That man is the pirate chief, if you want to see him, I can take you to meet him.” After meeting the chief, let the chief kill you all.
Tang Wu Yuan stood up, looked at him from above, and kicked him again, “Do you have to play tricks? You won’t tell the truth unless you are beaten?”
Even though he was in cold sweat, the Lieutenant said firmly, “Commander, I really don’t know what you want me to say, the ‘master’ I shouted that day is the pirate chief, I’m not lying, if you don’t believe me, go with me to see the chief.”
Tang Wu Yuan smiled coldly, if they went with the Lieutenant to see the pirate chief, then they would really be stupid. But looking at the Lieutenant’s appearance, it was unlikely that he would confess easily, it would only be a waste of time to talk more, so it seems like they would have to wait until they returned to the army to properly interrogate him.
He went back to the bed and sat down, his whole body was weak during his heat, the few blows he just gave the Lieutenant had already used up all his strength and his waist had been aching badly ever since he started. Taking the opportunity while the Lieutenant was too scared to lift his head, he sat on the bed and secretly rubbed his waist. The more he rubbed, the more angry he was. He couldn’t help but look up and stare at Song Xiao Bai.
“……” Song Xiao Bai pursed his lips, pointed the gun in his hand at the Lieutenant and said in an icy voice: “Kneel facing the door, do not turn around.”
“Yes, yes, yes……” the Lieutenant answered in a loud voice and immediately moved honestly to kneel facing the door. He was afraid of Song Xiao Bai when he was in the army before, and now that Song Xiao Bai had a gun in his hand, he dared not disobey him even more.
Song Xiao Bai walked up to Tang Wu Yuan’s side, sat down silently, and looked up at Tang Wu Yuan. Then, put his hand on the back of Tang Wu Yuan’s waist and rubbed it without saying a word.
The strength of Song Xiao Bai’s hand was moderate, his palm was broad and warm, making it very comfortable rubbing on his waist. Tang Wu Yuan was happy to relax, and when he saw that the Lieutenant General could not see him, he leaned on Song’s shoulder and enjoyed it with peace of mind. Anyway, it was Song Xiao Bai who caused his waist pain, so Song Xiao Bai should help to rub his waist for him.
The Lieutenant general knelt on the floor and looked at the door, not daring to move at all, but his ears were carefully listening for sounds behind him. He was worried that Song Xiao Bai might pull the trigger, so he kept his ears open for Song Xiao Bai’s movements. He didn’t know what Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan were doing, he was curious but dared not turn around.
The feeling of not knowing what is going on behind him sent chills down his spine, and cold sweat ran down the sides of his cheeks, mixing with the blood coming out of his nose and dripping onto the floor.
After a while, there were loud noises outside. Footsteps, gunshots and human voices, and Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that the army was attacking.
Song Xiao Bai retracted the hand on Tang Wu Yuan’s waist and stood up with the gun. Tang Wu Yuan sat up straight, the soreness in his waist had eased a little, but he was still weak and lethargic from the incident, so he sat still.
Song Xiao Bai took another gun out of his pocket and threw it to Tang Wu Yuan, who took it in his hand and nodded solemnly to him.
Song Xiao Bai withdrew his gaze, took the gun and aimed it at the Lieutenant General, narrowed his eyes and said: “Get up and follow me out.”
Tang Wu Yuan’s current situation is that he could go into heat again at any time, if he let Tang Wu Yuan stay here with the Lieutenant, even if Tang Wu Yuan had a gun in his hand, he would not be able to rest assured. Once Tang Wu Yuan went into heat, he would not necessarily be a match for the Lieutenant General, so he could only let the Lieutenant General go out with him and pass him to the soldiers under his command to guard.
The Lieutenant General did not dare to disobey and immediately stood up obediently. Every time the gun in Song Xiao Bai’s hand was aimed at him, he felt a chill run through his body, and really experienced what it meant to have one’s life on the line. His mind was now full of Song Xiao Bai’s indifference when dealing with the enemy, and he couldn’t help worrying that Song Xiao Bai would also treat him like that, so he was always frightened.
He couldn’t figure out why Song Xiao Bai had rushed over to rescue Tang Wu Yuan so quickly. He thought Song Xiao Bai would have gone back to the Interstellar to reorganise his army and would have come to Tang Wu Yuan’s rescue only when ordered to do so by his superiors. Aren’t nemesis supposed to be desperately hoping for each other to die? What does it mean for the two of them to rescue each other?
The Lieutenant General was so furious that he wanted to scold someone, but he didn’t dare to say a word, so he could only walk ahead of Song Xiao Bai with his head hanging down.
Song Xiao Bai walked to the door, turned back to Tang Wu Yuan and said: “Lock the door properly, be careful.”
Lieutenant General: “……” Can I now remind you two of your identities as nemesis? You two have been fighting for so many years, could it be for the sake of today, so you are acting for me?
He simply doubted life.
Tang Wu Yuan looked at Song Xiao Bai and nodded gently, put the gun in his hand and said in a deep voice: “Don’t worry.”
It was a pity that with his current physical condition, he couldn’t go out and take risks. Otherwise, he would have gone out and killed happily, especially those pirates who had looked at him with lecherous eyes, but it didn’t matter, he believed that Song Xiao Bai could give them a good beating.
The corners of Song Xiao Bai’s mouth were slightly hooked as he closed the door and strode out.
melon: posting this chapter slightly in advance since I have been late in updating recently. 😅
Also I’m celebrating my grandma’s bday on Sat so probably no updates then, see you on Sunday. 😬1大人不计小人过 (dà ren bú jì xiǎo rén guò): an idiom, respectfully calling the other person a ‘bigger person’ and humbly calling themselves a ‘lesser man’ in hopes that the other person will not count his faults against him, or to refer to a person of high status forgiving the faults of someone of low status. 大人 = adult or a title to refer to someone of higher status. 小人 = villain or lesser person.
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