Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 90 - TTFSO Chapter 90

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Chapter 90 - TTFSO Chapter 90

Having settled the matter with Wang Da, Tang Si Yuan didn’t stay in the nightclub much longer and left after giving his greetings to Li Fei.
Li Fei regretted that he didn’t stay for a drink to celebrate Li Dong Qiang’s arrest and imprisonment, but still personally sent him out.
The night breeze was cool, and the trip as Tang Si Yuan’s drove home was very refreshing and comfortable. Halfway through trip, he wanted to eat ice cream. Seeing that the night was still young, he turned a corner and drove to the ice cream shop he frequents, wanting to buy an ice cream before going home.
Parking space was scarce in front of the ice cream shop, he managed to find a parking space in the corner with difficulty and parked his car.
He sat in the car and took out his mobile phone, wanting to send a message to Yan Qin Ye, asking him if he would like for him to bring him a cup of coffee home from the cafe next door.
Before he could send the message, he looked up and saw a man and woman pair standing at the entrance of the ice cream shop. The man had a long body, handsome features and a straight casual suit, looking cool and handsome, while the girl standing next to him had white skin, a slender figure and long curly hair, looking petite and cute1小鸟依人 (xiǎo niǎo yī rén): an idiom, its originally describes a small bird clinging to a person; it is a metaphor for clinging to a powerful person, and also refers to clinging to a person in a difficult situation. Later, it is mostly used to describe a girl or a small child as petite and cute with a positive meaning..
Tang Si Yuan’s finger paused while sending the message and the screen of his mobile phone went dark. The interior of the car went dark, making it such that no one could see the expression on his face. He looked quietly in that direction, his gaze not moving for half a day.
Yan Qin Ye held an ice cream in his hand. The girl next to him said something and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, although he didn’t smile, his expression seemed to be a rare relaxed and happy one.
Tang Si Yuan’s eyes moved to the ice cream in Yan Qin Ye’s hand and looked at it for a long time, then turned his head and snorted. He didn’t know when Yan Qin Ye had become interested in ice cream. In the past, he used to ask Yan Qin Ye to accompany him to eat ice cream here, Yan Qin Ye always detested the ice cream as it was too sweet and didn’t like it at all. He would only go next door to buy a cup of bitter coffee and sit next to him to drink it.
He knew the girl next to Yan Qin Ye, she was a high school classmate of Yan Qin Ye’s, her name is Wei Xin Ran. Back then, Yan Qin Ye was the first in his year and Wei Xin Ran was in the second year. Yan Qin Ye’s father is a senior official, and Wei Xin Ran’s father is the head of the inspection hall. They are a perfect match2郎才女貌 (láng cái nǚ mào): an idiom, a talented young man and a beautiful young woman, refers to a perfect match or a well matched couple. for each other, everyone thought they would be a couple. If father Yan’s mishap didn’t happen, maybe they would really be a couple.
After graduating from high school, Wei Xin Ran went abroad to study and after graduating from university, she returned to China and became a lawyer like Yan Qin Ye. However, Tang Si Yuan always thought that the two of them had nothing to do with each other, but he never thought that the two of them would come to the cold drinks shop together.
Tang Si Yuan still remembered that before Yan Qin Ye left this morning, he said he had work today and would be busy until late, so he did not have to wait for him for dinner. Seems like the so-called work was to be busy accompanying Wei Xin Ran to eat ice cream.
Tang Si Yuan threw his mobile phone onto the seat next to him and when he looked down, he inadvertently saw the watch on his wrist that he had been showing off all day. He suddenly realised that Yan Qin Ye had long since stopped needing to be kept by him, and that this watch was enough to cover all the maintenance fees he had paid over the years.
When Yan Qin Ye gave him this watch, was Yan Qin Ye simply giving it to him as a gift, or did he want to pay him back for all these years?
As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, it wouldn’t easily disappear. The light outside the window shone on his face forming spots of bright and dark. He looked at his watch, his eyes flickering slightly, instantly losing his mood for ice cream, his heart inexplicably clogged with an empty emotion. He didn’t look up at Yan Qin Ye and Wei Xin Ran again, and drove off directly.
Yan Qin Ye was talking when he looked up and saw a familiar car driving past. He still wanted to take a closer look, but the car was already driving away quickly.
“What’s wrong?” Wei Xin Ran followed his line of sight and glanced at the road, there was only the constant flow of traffic coming and going, nothing special in particular.
Yan Qin Ye narrowed his eyes for a moment, retracted his gaze and shook his head, “Nothing……”
When Yan Qin Ye returned home, the lights in his room were off and the house was dark, with no light in sight. He turned on the light in the living room and saw that the watch he had given to Tang Si Yuan was thrown on the low table in the living room.
He frowned imperceptibly and walked into the bedroom without turning on the light. By the light of the moon, he saw a small bulge in the soft quilt. Tang Si Yuan rarely slept so early, he was a little worried that Tang Si Yuan Yuan was not feeling well, so he walked over and touched Tang Si Yuan’s forehead, but Tang Si Yuan turned his head and shook his hand away.
Tang Si Yuan’s forehead temperature was normal, so he put his mind at ease and just assumed that Tang Si Yuan was having a tantrum because he came back late. He let out a low laugh and said: “So Xiao Tang Shao is still awake?”
Tang Si Yuan did not turn around, maintaining his posture with his back to him, and gave a faint ‘en’, his voice sounding a bit muffled.
Yan Qin Ye put the ice cream in his hand on the bed and said, “I bought you an ice cream, do you want to get up and eat some?”
Tang Si Yuan tugged at the corner of the blanket and gave a cold snort in his mind, it’s hard for you and Wei Xin Ran to finish the ice cream with affection3郎情妾意 (láng qíng qiè yì): an idiom, the full saying is 郎有情,妾有意, the man has love, the concubine has interest. It means that both of them are in love with each other, and that they share the same feelings, especially between lovers. In common parlance, it means you are in love and I am in love., and you can still think of bringing me one back. He frowned slightly in the darkness and coldly replied: “Not eating.”
“Then I’ll put the ice cream in the freezer.” Thinking he was sleepy and didn’t want to eat now, Yan Qin Ye got up and put the ice cream in the freezer, turned around and took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to wash up.
Tang Si Yuan sat up from the bed depressed, glancing reluctantly in the direction of the fridge and then glared at the bathroom, laying back down heavily and covered up with the blanket.
Yan Qin Ye finished his shower and didn’t turn on the light, feeling around in the dark and climbed into bed, took Tang Si Yuan into his arms, and asked against his ear: “Did you go to that ice cream shop at the junction tonight?”
Tang Si Yuan’s heart skipped a beat, opened his eyes in the darkness and after a moment of silence, said: “No.”
“Then maybe I saw wrongly.” Yan Qin Ye murmured in disbelief, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. He had been so busy lately that he slept quickly once he got home.
Tang Si Yuan opened his eyes in the darkness and stared blankly at a point in the void, not moving for a long time, his back pressed against Yan Qin Ye’s warm, broad chest, he could feel the vibrations between Yan Qin Ye’s breaths. It was only when the sound of Yan Qin Ye’s even breathing came to his ears that he moved, moved Yan Qin Ye’s arm that was resting on his waist, carefully moving it away, and then moved slowly to climb up.
He did not want to disturb Yan Qin Ye’s sleep as he had been working hard recently.
He stepped on his slippers and walked to the kitchen and opened the freezer, where a delicate and delicious looking ice cream was sitting in the freezer.
He took the ice cream out, turned on a small dim light in the kitchen, sat alone in front of the light, picked up a spoon and ate it slowly, one bite at a time. The ice cream was still sweet and cloying as usual, it tasted slightly cool in his mouth. It seemed that the taste of that ice cream shop had not changed at all, what had changed was just the person who went with Yan Qin Ye.
Tang Si Yuan ate for a long time before he finished the box of ice cream and by the time he went back to bed to lie down, it was already close to dawn.
Because he slept too late at night, Tang Si Yuan unsurprisingly got up late the next morning. When he opened his eyes, Yan Qin Ye had already left for work.
Tang Si Yuan was a little lost in thought as he looked at the empty spot next to him, until he heard a strange movement coming from the doorway and turned around. As soon as he turned around, he saw a huge dog’s face plastered on the glass door of the entrance, its nose and cheeks squashed by the glass, looking comically ridiculous.
The husky looked into the room with wide eyes, and when he saw that Tang Si Yuan was awake, he excitedly reached out his paw and scratched the door, whimpering anxiously at him twice.
Tang Si Yuan sat up with surprise and a headache. He looked at the husky’s flattened face pressed against the glass and couldn’t help but wonder at when he and Yan Qin Ye met this husky downstairs, why did they adopt it? What had given them the illusion that it was well behaved.
In order to prevent the door from being scratched by the husky, he quickly got out of bed and opened the door. As soon as the husky saw him, it wagged its tail and pounced up happily, spreading its glee as happily as if it had seen dog food.
Tang Si Yuan stroked his head and looked at his tail, which was wagging happily, and was very pleased that it looked like it had recovered well.
Some time ago, when the husky was alone at home, not sure what he did and broke his tail, so he has been pitifully staying in the pet hospital recently to recuperate.
Tang Si Yuan scratched the dog’s chin affectionately while taking out his mobile phone and calling Yan Qin Ye, “Why did you suddenly bring back Gang Beng4钢镚 (gāng bèng): steel coin
The husky’s name was Gang Beng’er5er is something added behind children’s (boys) names as an endearment. When Tang Si Yuan and Yan Qin Ye first adopted it, it was during the time when Tang Si Yuan was obsessed with making money every day in order to keep his little lover, so Tang Si Yuan gave it this name.
Yan Qin Ye’s side had the noise of a crowd and he seemed to walk to a corner before the sounds around him died down, and his clear, cold voice came through the microphone: “The pet hospital called me last night, saying that Gang Beng’er’s tail was all healed, and that he always liked to steal and bite the fake headgear the vet put on the cabinet. The vet just couldn’t take it anymore and asked me to pick him up quickly, so I went and picked him up early this morning.”
Tang Si Yuan answered, he knew his dog son very well, stealing and biting the fake headgear was something that Gang Beng’er would definitely do, so he couldn’t help but look down and give it a look of contempt.
Unfortunately, Gang Beng’er didn’t see the contempt in his Daddy’s eyes, instead he wagged his tail more happily and kept rubbing his head against his Daddy’s hand, desperately acting like a spoiled child.
When Tang Si Yuan looked at his desperately spoiled dog son, he had to sit down on the carpet, put his head sideways and put the phone between his ear and shoulder, reaching out and took Gang Beng’er’s dog head in his arms and rubbed it. Gang Beng’er immediately stretched his limbs happily and kept arching his head against him, his mouth whimpering, wishing the whole dog could jump on him.
When Yan Qin Ye heard the voice on the phone, he couldn’t help but smile, the eerie chill on his body brought out from the courtroom dissipating as he relaxed against the wall, his hands in his pockets, his voice teasing with a bit of laughter: “Xiao Tang Shao, do you think we have a cat growing in our house?”
“En?” Tang Si Yuan stroked the dog’s head while letting out a puzzled question in uncertainty.
Yan Qin Ye’s voice was serious, “I suspect that not only is there a cat growing in our house, it is even a little greedy cat growing. I got up this morning and found that the ice cream in the fridge was gone, I think it was stolen and eaten by the little greedy cat last night.”
Tang Si Yuan’s cheeks reddened slightly, and in hindsight, he reacted to the fact that Yan Qin Ye was talking about him, so he couldn’t help but give a light hmph and hung up the phone without hesitation.
The little lover was getting more and more arrogant and had actually started making fun of the golden master, the golden master is too sad.1小鸟依人 (xiǎo niǎo yī rén): an idiom, its originally describes a small bird clinging to a person; it is a metaphor for clinging to a powerful person, and also refers to clinging to a person in a difficult situation. Later, it is mostly used to describe a girl or a small child as petite and cute with a positive meaning.2郎才女貌 (láng cái nǚ mào): an idiom, a talented young man and a beautiful young woman, refers to a perfect match or a well matched couple.3郎情妾意 (láng qíng qiè yì): an idiom, the full saying is 郎有情,妾有意, the man has love, the concubine has interest. It means that both of them are in love with each other, and that they share the same feelings, especially between lovers. In common parlance, it means you are in love and I am in love.4钢镚 (gāng bèng): steel coin
5er is something added behind children’s (boys) names as an endearment
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