Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 179: What's This?

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“What's this?”

Samuel looked at the appraisal report in front of him, with voice a little depressed.

The doctor whispered, “Mr. Green, we did do some investigation and match to the donated marrow at
first, but it was really inappropriate for Zoe’s need. We didn't intend to show you this report, but now
that you have contacted the donor, who may be your relative or friend, I will tell you about this
incidentally. There’s something wrong with this lady's body, because there are toxins in her marrow.
Even if the marrow match is successful, it's impossible to perform the transplant operation. Besides, as
for the toxins in her body, it seems to be accumulated over a long period, and it has been left in her
bones after so many years. It seems that she has discontinued to take toxins in these years, otherwise,
she would have passed away long time ago.”

Samuel's hands were trembling intensely.

He had never known someone would do harm to his mother.

In those years, mom worked hard every day for the group, so they seldom had opportunity to see each
other. During that period, Mrs. Green was really in a bad health. The doctor said it was because of
excessive fatigue, so no one took it seriously.

Actually it was because of poisoning.

After mom went abroad these years, he didn't hear anything wrong with mom's health. He always
thought it was because mom had let go of the group's affairs and didn't have anything to worry about.
But it was not so.

Samuel's heart was a little cold.

Who on earth wanted to do harm to his mother?

“Doctor, is there anything wrong with my body?”

Samuel looked at the doctor very seriously.

The doctor shook his head and said, “No, nothing wrong. You are very healthy, but recently your heart
and lungs have a little problem, so you had better pay attention to it”

Samuel began to mutter in his heart.

There was nothing wrong with his body, but something wrong with Mrs. Green's. Besides, Nicole had
an accident in the Green Family. Was the assailant very kind to him and couldn't bear to hurt him?

Who would do that?


Zama was the first that appeared in Samuel's mind.

Was it her?

Mrs. Green had been so kind to her during these years. How could she strike at Mrs. Green?

“Doctor, what's wrong with my mother?”

“Your mother? You just said this persona is your mother?”

The doctor was a little surprised.

Knowing he had already told the truth, Samuel nodded and said, “Yes, she is my mother and the
grandmother of my child. I wish you can tell me about it.”

“lam not sure about that until she comes for a general physical check-up. Well, if possible, please take
Mrs. Green to the hospital.”

The doctor's words made Samuel somewhat understand.

“I see, and I will notify her to come.”

Samuel said with a sinking heart.

Zoe's illness remained unsettled and such a thing happened to his mother. When he remembered
Joseph also had almost been murdered, thanks to Nicole's timely discovery, Samuel broke out in a cold

It had been a warm family. Why did such things happen?

Thinking of these, Samuel’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

Was it Zama?

Now he was very anxious to go home quickly and ask Zama in person what had happened.

But he couldn't.

When Samuel returned to the ward, Joseph and Zoe were sleeping. Looking at the signature on the
donation consent letter and appraisal report, his heart was sinking.

There were more and more things recently, which made people foggy and confused. But Samuel knew
that he had to find a

thing to do first after all.

At this moment the most important thing was about Nicole.

Samuel was a little shocked by the news from Jacob.

Although Allen had not been to the Fallen Paradise Club on the day of the auction, there was an
outflow of 100 million in his account. According to Jacob's investigation, a woman in the Fallen Angel
Club was sold by auction at a price of 100 million that day, who was said to be very beautiful.

Would she be Nicole?

He was a little excited and asked Jacob to continue to follow on it. He had decided to visit Allen’s
mansion at night.

Before long, the doctor gave him a specific appraisal report.

Samuel was shocked when he saw Mrs. Green's blood type on it.

“RH positive blood?”

He looked at the doctor with surprise.

The doctor was at a loss.

"What's wrong, Mr. Green?”

Samuel was shocked but he said calmly, “Doctor, can a person with RH positive blood and a person
with RH negative blood have a baby?”


The doctor suddenly remembered that the blood type of Samuel and Zoe was RH negative.

But if this report was Mrs. Green's, who had a RH positive blood type, it was impossible for her to have

How could this happen?

Or was there something wrong?

While Samuel was shocked, the doctor was also wondering.

“Is the IVF possible?”

Samuel asked again.

The doctor shook his head and said, “These two blood types are totally incompatible, and are scarce in
the world. Even if the

mother is barely pregnant, it is impossible to keep the baby. The abortion will happen in 30 to 40 days.
It’s impossible to give birth to a healthy baby, unless there is a miracle.”

Samuel was extremely shocked, but didn’t ask more.

Now he had no idea how this could happen.

When he returned to the ward again, he found there was someone else in the ward.

“Grandma, are you really my grandma?”

Zoe tilted her head and looked at Mrs. Green in front of her, with curiosity on her face, and Joseph by
her side frowned slightly, looking at Mrs. Green with a vigilant look. Samuel was completely stunned.

“Mom? Why did you come?”

Not long ago, he was still talking on the phone with Mrs. Green, but she unexpectedly appeared in
Zoe's ward, which surprised Samuel.

“Daddy, this old lady said she is my grandmother, and she has brought a gift to me, a beautiful Barbie

Zoe said happily.

Samuel quickly adjusted his mood and said with a smile, “Yes, she is your grandmother. She has just
returned from abroad and came in person to accompany Zoe to have the operation.”

“Really? Thank you, grandma!”

Mrs. Green really liked Zoe's soft voice.

“My sweetheart, it will be OK. Grandma will always accompany you here.”

Mrs. Green really liked Zoe, and she totally forgot Samuel's existence. After knowing she was his
grandmother, Joseph also became intimate with her.

For a while, there was a warm and sweet atmosphere filled in the whole ward.

Samuel retreated quietly and went to the doctor again.

“Doctor, I want to ask if it is really impossible for people who have these two blood types to have a

“How shall I put it? There is nothing absolute in medicine. Maybe there is miracles, but very rare
generally. I have checked some previous cases, and there are people who have been successfully
pregnant and given birth to a baby, but none of the babies survived after birth. Even if the baby is born
after innumerable hardships, there will be hemolysis after one hour of the birth, which is incurable and
different from ordinary hemolysis, because these two blood types are mutually exclusive”

Hearing what the doctor had said, Samuel's heart sank completely.

If his parents couldn't have healthy children, what about Vincent and him?

Samuel was confused completely.

He couldn't help but light a cigarette in the corridor, because he strongly needed nicotine to suppress
the shock in his heart.

Wasn't he the child of the Green Family?

Or wasn't Mrs. Green his biological mother?

No matter which of the two speculations it was, Samuel couldn't accept.


It would not be so!

Although he had little impression of his father, in his memory, his parents were the most loving couple
in the world.

If it hadn't been because Vincent and he were still young, his mother would have died for love on the
night of his father's death.

How could one party betray the other in such a relationship?

Samuel smoked a cigarette fiercely, with inexplicable depression.

Mrs. Green came behind him sometime, snatched his cigarette away and then put it out completely.
“This is hospital, not to mention that Zoe can't bear it. Your physical health doesn't allow you to smoke

too much. You have grown up, but why are you still like a child who needs someone to take care of?”

There was inexplicable distress in Mrs. Green's blame tone.

If someone said she was not his mother, Samuel absolutely wouldn't believe.

“Mom, was it particularly hard when you were pregnant with Vincent and me?”

Samuel suddenly asked, but he regretted after that.

What was wrong with him?

Obviously, Mrs. Green was stunned, without thinking that Samuel would ask this question, but she said
with a smile, “Yes, when I was pregnant with both of you, I felt it was the end of the world. I had always
been in bad health and hadn't been pregnant for many years after the marriage with your father. We
had gone to see many doctors, but they told us there was nothing wrong with us and the fate had not
arrived yet. I was finally pregnant later, and your father was happy like a child, which I can still
remember now.”

When Mrs. Green said this, there was a hint of nostalgia and sadness in her face, which made Samuel
more distressed.

“Forget it, Mom, don't talk about it.”

“What are you afraid of? This is the first time you have talked with mom about this kind of thing during
these years. Mom is really happy. You don't know when I was pregnant, I always felt bad and my
stomach ached dully. At the beginning, in order to protect the fetus, I didn't dare to get out of the bed at
the first three months. Later, the fetal position was stable, but there were no signs of pregnancy in my
stomach. I even lost a few kilos, so I was always afraid that the baby I gave birth to would be

unhealthy. Unexpectedly, I gave birth to a pair of twins of you both thanks to God. At that time, I was
really afraid you wouldn't be able to live, because after all, it was so hard when I was pregnant and you
were so small. Besides, when I went for maternal ultrasonography, the doctor said it was only one
baby, but actually it was a pair of twins. The doctor said it might be that both of you were too close to
each other, and couldn't be seen clearly because you hugged each other. Anyway, Mom is really
content to be able to give birth to you.”

Mrs. Green talked about the past with a benevolent countenance, like a warm light shining into
Samuel's heart, which made him feel touched and warm.

“Mom, follow me in the future, and I will treat you well with filial respect.”


Mrs. Green smiled with comfort and said, “I'm going to buy something delicious for Zoe.”

She turned around and left the ward after speaking.

Looking at her back, Samuel was in deep thought for a long time.

Was it really true that the children of parents whose blood types were RH positive and RH negative
couldn't survive? If so, what on earth had happened to Vincent and him?

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