Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 1041 I Will Enjoy Everything You Cook

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Fill left the hospital. So did Lucas. But when they separated at the entrance of the hospital, Fill glanced
at Lucas and whispered, "Are you working in the military now?"

"Yes, don't be caught by me."

Lucas said indifferently with a meaningful look.

"Damn you!"

Fill cursed.

"I'm your father's best friend."

"Don't talk nonsense. My daddy is an honest businessman. How can he make friends with you? Don't
show up in front of my daddy too often. Don't ruin my daddy's reputation."

Finishing his words, Lucas got into the car.

Fill was so angry that his breathing sped up.

Look at this child!

He was as heartless as Samuel.

He worked so hard for Samuel.

But now, he was despised by his son.

Fill made a gesture at the direction where Lucas left to show his disdain.

Lucas saw it from the rear-view mirror and whispered.


Then he put on a faint smile.

Nicole knew nothing about this. She just hoped that Trevin could bring back the ancient book.

Thirty minutes later, Blair pushed Samuel out.

"How is he?"

Nicole hurried to walk over.

Blair took off his mask and said indifferently, "He's fine. It's a sudden onset, but his illness can hardly be
cured and I don't find a good way yet. Now you need to calm him down. He can't be too tired and he
needs to be relaxed."


Nicole looked at Samuel worriedly.

Samuel's face was not pale anymore. He knew he had frightened Nicole, so he smiled and said, "I'm
fine. It hurt just for a while."

"Shut up."

Nicole glared at him, but then she stepped forward to support him.

"Does he need to go to the hospital?"

Blair waved his hand and said, "No. It won't be so helpful for him at hospital."


Just as Nicole was about to help Samuel, Blair suddenly said, "Samuel, is Eagle back?"

"Who is Eagle? I don't know."

Samuel seemed puzzled.

Blair looked at him carefully. Seeing the confusion in Samuel's eyes, he couldn't tell whether Samuel
was lying or not.

"Nothing. If you meet Eagle, you'd better tell Emory."

Hearing Blair's words, Samuel nodded lightly.

"You can go. I still have a headache."

Nicole hurried to help Samuel out of the Military Hospital.

"Who is Eagle?"


Nicole became alert hearing Samuel's words.

"Did Blair find anything?"

"My neuralgia attacked too suddenly. Fill probably had no time to evacuate. Send the location to Blair.
He will see it when he comes here. Blair was also a soldier before. He can find something."

Samuel frowned slightly.

"Then what should we do?"

Nicole was a little worried.

Although she did not know why Samuel was together with Fill, she did not want any differences
between Blair and Samuel since it had happened.

Samuel whispered, "We can only help him leave here first."

"He had left."

Nicole told Samuel that she asked Trevin to look for the ancient book.

Samuel was finally relieved.


They got into the car while talking.

Nicole asked in confusion, "What happened between you and Fill? I saw that Blair seemed very angry
when he mentioned the code name Eagle just now."

Samuel sighed and said, "Eagle was once the best pilot in the military. He won the second place in the
world military tournament. We were in the same special brigade."

"Fill was a special soldier?"

Nicole was a little surprised.

She felt Fill was too aggressive and frightening. She could not imagine that he was once a soldier.

Samuel put on a serious face, even with some regret.

"He is also pitiful. Without that accident, he might have become an outstanding soldier in the military.
Unfortunately, people have different ways of life."

"You know his story?"

Nicole suddenly got interested.

Samuel nodded.

"Fill has a fiancée. They grew up together. And she is also from the military. But she was discovered by
the enemy in an undercover operation and died miserably. At that time, the terrorists threw his
girlfriend's corpse back. It was already torn apart. They did that to enrage us. Then Fill lost his mind.
He requested to lead the troops to clean up those terrorists. However, we had to follow the military
discipline, and he was not in charge of that case. So he was not allowed to take part. "

"At that time, Fill was almost crazy. Later, he submitted an application for demobilization, but he was
refused. This matter lasted six months. Fill began to completely indulge himself in the military and did
not attend training. In the end, he was demobilized for violating the military discipline."

"After that, Fill totally changed. He gathered a group of hooligans and revenged on those terrorists.
Almost all of them died. Although Fill killed their leader, he was dying too. At that time, I happened to be
on a mission over there, so I saved him. But he is no longer my comrade-in-arms, so I can only hide
him for his recovery."

"Fill's incident had a bad impact. The military held a major meeting and decided to expel him from the
military and blacklist him. Blair lived in the same dormitory with him at that time. So Blair has an
ambivalent attitude towards him."

Hearing what he said, Nicole whispered, "Then he founded the Sky Group?"

"We co-founded it. At that time, he had neither money nor strength, so I supported him. He stayed in
bed for six months before recovering. We used to take missions together, so I couldn't leave him so
dispirited. Moreover, even though the leader died, those subordinates were still there. They would

cause trouble for Fill to avenge for their boss. He couldn't go back to the military at that time, so I could
only help him found his own forces to combat violence."

"You've been hiding this from others?"

Nicole guessed.

"Not all. I just didn't tell Emory and Blair. Steven knew that. After all, he was the leader of the Dark
Empire. I told Steven from the very beginning for fear that we will hurt people of our own side. Steven
understood Fill in this matter and they also work together now. Fill looked cynical now, because his
heart was dead. After clearing up the terrorists, he didn't even know what he lived for. Without the Sky
Group and his people, perhaps he would died earlier."

Speaking of this, Samuel still felt very sad.

Nicole did not know Fill before, but after hearing his story, she thought that he was really a sentimental

"His eyes were terrifying. I was even afraid that he would murder you when you got sick."

"He won't. I know Fill well. Even if he has been in the grey area for so many years, he won't lose his
conscience. Don't worry, Fill is trustworthy."

"I hope so."

Nicole was not sure about that.

Returning home, Samuel remembered that he had booked a restaurant.

"Why are we back? I booked a restaurant, and we still have enough time."

Then Samuel was about to walk out, but Nicole grabbed him.

"Forget it. Just eat at home. I don't want western food now."

Samuel felt a little guilty.

"Sorry, I am to blame."

"You just need to keep healthy. That's the best thing. See. We went to the hospital in turn these days.
You can invest in a hospital later so that we can save much money."

Nicole said in a gloomy face.

Samuel smiled bitterly and said, "Do you mean I'm weak?"

"No, you are not bad. What do you want to eat? I'll cook for you."

Nicole took off his coat.

She couldn't ask Samuel to cook. Although there were Wendy and servants around, Nicole suddenly
wanted to cook by herself.

"I will enjoy everything you cook."

Samuel's words flattered Nicole.

Nicole immediately smiled.



Samuel leaned against the sofa and rested with his eyes closed. But then he received a message.

He glanced at the kitchen and clicked on it.

It was from Fill.

"I went to Bordeaux. Melissa suddenly got kidney failure and she was dying now. What should I do?
Save her or not?"

Samuel frowned.

Kidney failure?

How could that be possible?


"Yes, maybe her kidneys weren't very well before, but I don't know about medical studies. I'm not sure
about the situation. If you want to know the reason, you can ask the doctor to examine her. But if I send
her to the hospital now, I'm afraid she'll escape. Although Blair didn't see me when he came to the villa,
he should know that I'm in the Seapolis City. So if Melissa escaped, I can't do anything."

Fill explained clearly.

Samuel frowned again.

He didn't know whether her kidney failure is severe, so he really needed to think about it.

"It's right to leave the Seapolis City. If you need help, contact me at any time. I'll deal with this matter. I'll
ask someone to take care of Melissa. You'd better evacuate your people from here before Blair takes

"I see. Take care of yourself. Neuralgia isn't a big problem, but you cannot ignore it. Boss, don't worry, I
will definitely bring the ancient book back for you."

Fill's words moved Samuel.

"Take care of yourself."

Hanging up the phone, Samuel wanted to call to Ernesto, but he found Nicole standing behind him.
She looked at him with a meaningful expression.

Samuel suddenly paused.

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