Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 996 A Familiar Smell

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Nicole did not express her doubts. Zac hurriedly asked someone to bring Nicole some hot water.

"Petty, come here and have a seat. Your belly is swelling now. Are you alright these days?"

Nicole remembered that she and Petty learnt about their pregnancy at about the same time. Now,
Petty's child was still here while hers was not. Nicole couldn't help but feel a little sad. However, she
didn't show her sadness. She didn't want Petty to notice that she was in a bad mood.

Happiness was shown on Petty's face.

"I'm fine. Isn't it something that every woman has to experience at least once in their lives? I went to
see the doctor. The doctor said that there was only one baby. Somehow, I was disappointed."

Petty was Elvis' daughter. The Greens had the genes to be pregnant with twins. Petty wanted twins
too. She enjoyed watching Lucas and Zoe. If she could have two children at once, it would also save
her the trouble to get pregnant again.

Therefore, Petty didn't expect that she wasn't pregnant with twins, as other Greens were. She only had
one baby.

Nicole smiled and said, "As long as the baby is healthy."


Petty immediately smiled.

Zac pulled Petty and whispered to her, "Nicole has just returned. We should let her rest for a while. You
can chat with her later."

After all, this was not a normal time. Nicole came back to deal with Samuel's matter. Petty didn't notice
it, but Zac knew that Nicole had other important things to do.

Petty hurriedly said to Nicole, "Nicole, forgive me. I'm just happy to see you. You should go upstairs
and have some rest now. I don't know when the reporters outside will go away, and I don't know what's
going to happen. Without Samuel here, we are all counting on you."

"It's fine. Don't worry. I'll go upstairs and rest. Talk to you later."

The injuries on Nicole's back hurt so bad. Nicole really couldn't hold on any longer.


Petty hurriedly made way for Nicole.

Nicole smiled and went upstairs to the bedroom.

When she was about to take off her clothes, Petty's voice came from outside.

"Nicole, Olivia and a doctor are here."

"Let them in."

Just as Nicole was wondering how to take off her clothes, Ashley and Olivia were here. She
immediately felt relieved.

When Olivia brought Ashley in, Nicole was taking off her coat.

Nicole was wearing a black coat today, and she looked normal on the surface. However, her shirt inside
the coat was soaked in blood, and the blood was dried. It was very difficult to take it off.

"Heavens, Nicole, how did you manage to endure the pain? Can't you feel it? You went to the detention
center to see Samuel just like this?"

Olivia's face instantly became ugly.

Of course, Nicole felt painful, but she was still smiling at Olivia, "How did you know that I went to the
detention center?"

"Blair told us."

Hearing Ashley's words, Nicole was startled for a moment.

"Did you go to Blair's place?"

"No. We happened to meet him when we came back. He was boarding. We had a quick talk," Ashley
said indifferently.

Nicole's heart skipped a beat.

"Where was he going?"

"City B."

Ashley looked at Nicole with a faint smile.

Nicole suddenly felt her heart beating wildly.

"Did something happen to Samuel?"

This was the only thing she could think of.

With Gabrielle pregnant, Blair would not leave the Seapolis City easily. He had to take care of
Gabrielle. Now that he had left the Seapolis City for City B in a hurry... No matter how Nicole thought
about it, she felt that it must have something to do with Samuel.

Olivia glared at Ashley and hurriedly said to Nicole, "Don't worry. How can anything happen to Samuel?
Blair has a medical seminar to attend there. It's just a coincidence."


Nicole didn't look at Olivia.

Nicole knew too well about Olivia. Olivia would do anything if Nicole could stay ignorant and lie in bed
to rest. So, she was looking at Ashley.

Ashley shrugged her shoulders and did not answer.

Nicole immediately understood everything.

Something must have happened to Samuel.

He was fine when she left. What happened all of a sudden?

What was wrong?

Was he sick?

Or, did someone hurt him?

Nicole's mind was racing.

Ashley said calmly, "What? Do you want to go back?"

Nicole couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Go back?

That was not an option.

She complied with the conspirer's wishes and came back to the Seapolis City with great difficulty.
Moreover, Samuel was not by her side. How could she managed to leave here?

She was like a target now. Everyone was watching her. If she returned now, she might put Samuel into
a more dangerous situation.

After thinking it through, Nicole answered calmly, "There's no need. I believe he can survive this. Come
on, treat my wounds. I have to go out."

"What did you say? You are going out again? Nicole, do you know that you are a moving target now?
Are you wishing for those men to come here and attack you?"

Olivia felt that Nicole must be crazy.

Whenever Nicole was dealing with Samuel's matter, she would be so worried as to lose her sanity.

They still didn't know yet what would happen to Samuel after he was involved in the murder of Pedro. It
was already quite dangerous for Nicole to come back here alone. Even with the Dons and the Greens
protecting her, Olivia couldn't be sure that Nicole was completely safe.

Olivia was really worried.

Nicole smiled and said, "Since you're back now, why don't you go and pay Jacob a visit?"

Olivia rolled her eyes and said, "Can't you see? I'm worried about you! So, I came to see you first.
Since you're fine and are not worried about yourself in the slightest, I'm going to see my darling now. I

don't want to be here anymore. Otherwise, I might vent my anger on you."

After saying that, she gave Nicole a hard look.

"Dr. Ashley, keep an eye on her. Don't allow her to mess around."

Olivia instructed Ashley worriedly.


Ashley agreed, but she didn't know if she could really keep an eye on Nicole.

After Olivia left, there was finally silence for a while.

"Olivia cares too much about me."

"It's good to have such a bestie."

Ashley was rather cold, and she didn't have many friends around her, so she was a little envious.

"Help me with the wound."

"Stay down."

Ashley took out her medical kit.

Nicole lay on the bed. When she heard Ashley take out her scissor and cut open the shirt, she couldn't
help but clench her teeth.

It was very difficult to treat the scab. Ashley spent a lot of effort in it. When it was finally done, she was
nearly exhausted.

On the other hand, Nicole was paralyzed in bed.

Neither of them was talkative, and the room was instantly quiet.

Nicole was trying to recover from the pain. When she finally had the strength to speak, the first thing
she said was, "What happened to Samuel?"

"He fainted from neuralgia. There's no cure for this. It is a sequela from last time. Other than Blair, no
one else could treat him, so the police called Blair over."

Ashley knew that Nicole would ask about Samuel sooner or later, so she told Nicole everything.

Nicole was slightly startled.

"It's been a long time since his neuralgia broke out."

"You never know. Sometimes, his will is strong enough to suppress the illness. Other people won't even
notice it. Sometimes, his symptoms will be relieved after taking medicine, and he will be quiet for a
while. But, as you can see, this kind of sequela won't be treated easily. Blair said that the worst
scenario for Samuel was to suffer from it all his life. So, again, you never know."

Hearing what Ashley said, Nicole had a heavy heart.

"Is there a cure?"

"I'm afraid not, but I don't know whether Blair can think of a way to treat it. I can only advise Samuel to
rest more and think less. It's better for him to forget about scheming. Why don't you two live a simple
life? You have money anyway. If I were you, maybe I would go on a trip with him. With a better mood,
less pressure, and the help of medicine, Samuel's condition might be better."

Nicole learnt Ashley's suggestion by heart.

After all things were settled, she must travel with Samuel.

"Are you sure that you don't want to go back?"

Ashley couldn't help but ask. Obviously, Nicole wasn't upset, nor was she desperate to go back to City

Nicole slowly got up and got changed. Then, she whispered, "With Blair, there shouldn't be any big
problem. If I really care about Samuel, I should settle the matters here as soon as possible. Then, like
you said, I will take him on a trip to relax. I can't help him even if I go back, so it's better for me to stay

A trace of admiration flashed across Ashley's eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"My grandfather's place." Nicole said calmly.

When she saw that Ashley also got up, she asked, "Where are you going?"

"Home, of course. What? Do you want me to live here? I can't get used to it."

Hearing this, Nicole was slightly surprised.

"Do you have a house in the Seapolis City?"

"My husband is one of the four most powerful men in the Seapolis City. Although he isn't here now, he
should have a house at least, right? What are you thinking about?"

Ashley smiled faintly and then said goodbye to Nicole.

Nicole felt that she was really stupid. Why did she ask such a question?

After tidying herself up, Nicole found a few items from the basement and planned to send them to

Edwin didn't have many hobbies apart from tea-drinking and antique-collection.

Nicole also picked out a packet of tea. Suddenly, she narrowed her eyes.

The tea here was all sent over regularly by Samuel. There were only green tea and black tea. However,
Nicole found another kind of tea in the teahouse.

The roots of this kind of tea were very big and coarse. Samuel would never choose it.

But why was it here?

Nicole frowned slightly. She grabbed some of the tea and put it in a vacuum bag. After packing it up,
she took the tea out in a pocket.

Just as she came out of the teahouse, she met Lillian, who had returned not long ago.

Lillian was slightly astonished to see Nicole. Then, she hurriedly went forward and said to Nicole in a
sad tone, "Good girl, you must have suffered a lot. I heard that you lost the baby. Why were you so
careless? But you have two children already, so don't be too sad. Be open-minded."

"I see, Ms. Lillian."

Nicole nodded. Somehow, she sensed a familiar smell from Lillian.

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