Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 1159 I'm Not that In-demand

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"What's going on?"

Tim involuntarily put his arms around Evelyn so that she would not fall.

Evelyn looked distracted.

"Did something happen?"

She was a little uneasy. She worried about today's wedding as her father was taken to the wine cellar.

The driver said awkwardly, "Mr. Tim, someone is stopping our car."

"Who's that?"

Tim rolled down the window and saw Blair standing there with a smile. Blair said to Tim, "Mr. Tim, how
about changing the wedding car?"

Time looked to the side and saw that Blair drove the same car as the wedding car.

Tim pondered for a moment and whispered to Evelyn, "Let's change a car just in case."


Evelyn did not refuse.

When she was about to get out of the car, Tim carried her in his arms.

"Someone told me that the bride's feet can't touch the ground before marriage. I'll pick you up."

Evelyn was getting a warm feeling spreading through her heart.

"I'm not that particular."

"Come on. It's our custom."

With that, Tim carried Evelyn out of the car.

Blair opened the car door for them and smiled, "I'll drive for you."

"Mr. Blair, thanks so much!"

Tim smiled gratefully.

Blair said to Tim, "We will leave alone and then meet the motorcade at the Shaw's later."

Evelyn paused and she suddenly understood.


She answered for Tim.

It should be Nicole and Samuel that sent Blair to help.

And they guessed that someone would rob the wedding car halfway, so they prepared another identical
car in advance.

Evelyn was so tactful. Blair couldn't help but smile and say, "Mr. Tim, you are fortunate enough to have
such a good wife."

"Well, thank you."

Tim kept laughing today.

He was really happy.

Blair was married, so he could understand Tim. However, he kindly reminded Tim, "You'll experience
the horseplay at your wedding tonight. You'd better prepare for it."

"Are you serious?"

Tim thought that Samuel was joking.

"Of course. I'm not making fun of you. What can be worthy of a celebration than your marriage?"

After Blair finished speaking, he drove away.

Tim held Evelyn's hand along the way. He felt his heart full of happiness.

Just as they arrived at the Shaw's, Blair's phone rang.

As he was driving, he left the phone on speaker.

"I'm Blair."

"Mr. Blair, Mr. Tim's wedding car exploded."

Evelyn broke out in cold sweat and Tim's expression turned ugly.

"Major did it?"

"I guess so."

"I see. We'll be there in five minutes."


After hanging up the phone, Blair smiled and said, "It's fine. We are ready."

Tim's face didn't change.

He knew marriage was so important to women, so he planned to give Evelyn an unforgettable wedding,
but now, Major had messed it up. Tim wanted to kill him.

"What else has to happen when we arrive at the Shaw's?"

"I'm not sure."

Blair quickly drove away.

Evelyn knew that Tim was a little angry, so she hurriedly whispered, "Today is a big day for us. Let
Samuel and Nicole take the rest from here."


However, they were the persons Tim could trust.

Their car quickly converged with the motorcade.

The Shaw's was thronged with guests. Edwin was waiting outside with Steve. When Edwin saw the
wedding car appear, he felt relieved.

"Good. Very good."

A smile appeared on Edwin's face.

Steve whispers, "Mr. Shaw, let's get in. According to the customs, you can't wait outside."

"Let's go in."

Edwin happily walked in.

All the guests were watching the wedding.

At this moment, Major who was still in Country F received a phone call from his subordinates.

"Major, I'm sorry. The mission failed. Samuel is too cunning. They changed their cars halfway. Tim and
Evelyn arrived at the Shaw's safely."


Major's voice was as cold as ice. His subordinates heard and involuntarily trembled.

Major threw out his phone and his face was gloomy. The people around him took a step back. They
were afraid that they would get in any trouble.

Realizing that Major was angry, Trevin picked up the phone and tested it before he returned it to Major.

Trevin was getting pressed when Major looked at him.

"You don't seem to be afraid of me getting angry at all."

"Why would I be like that?"

Trevin indifferently asked without any expression, just like a robot.

Ever since Major rescued him from the hospital, Trevin had followed him and became like this.

"Do your hands still hurt?"

Major glanced at Trevin's hands.

Trevin's tendons were broken by Nicole. Although he was rescued in time and the tendons were
connected, there was a side effect. When it was rainy or cloudy, his hands would hurt badly.

Once, Major saw Trevin faint from the pain.

Trevin never ate any painkillers that Major had prepared for him, because he wanted to remember who
had made him suffer unimaginable pain.

At that time, Major felt that Trevin was the same person as him.

Hearing Major's question, Trevin shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"If you really can't hold on, take some painkillers. As long as you don't take a lot, you won't get

"I see."

Major stopped Trevin when he was about to retreat.

"You've been following Nicole for quite some time. Do you know what her weaknesses are?"

Trevin frowned slightly and said, "Her weakness is Samuel, isn't it?"

"Perhaps he's not the only one."

Major smiled evilly.

Trevin's frown deepened.

"Who do you mean?"

"Nobody. You can go to have a rest now."

Major waved his hand. It was obvious that he did not want to talk anymore.

Trevin was a little worried. Now he was with Santino, so he couldn't send messages to Zayn and
Nicole. What should he do?

He returned to his room with a lot on his mind.

Major was really nice to him, but unfortunately, he did not appreciate it.

While Trevin was thinking about how to inform Nicole, he suddenly heard the voice of Santino echoing
up from the corridor outside.

"Major, couldn't you do something? I'm so angry with Zayn! I want to kill him!"

Trevin frowned again.

The feud between Zayn and Santino became fiercer. However, Trevin didn't know how Zayn had made
Santino so furious.

Major smiled, "What did Zayn do? He can't get any benefits from you."

"Don't mention it. Do you know? Zayn told our father that he wanted to marry the daughter of Prime
Minister Izaiah. You know how influential he is in our country. If our father really agrees, Zayn will get
stronger. Then we'll be in trouble. I regret getting married so early."

The more Santino thought about it, the angrier he became.

Didn't Zayn like men?

Why would he ask to marry the daughter of Prime Minister Izaiah?

Thinking of this, Santino suddenly heard Major smiling and saying, "Zayn is a gay. It is still a secret. We
can let the public know Zayn and Pedro's scandal. At that time, let alone Prime Minister Izaiah, king

probably won't agree to this marriage."

"Great! Why didn't I think of it? You're smart."

Santino patted Major and then he left happily.

Major watched him leave before his face sank.


Major was happy to see the fights between Santino and Zayn.

He smiled cunningly.

After Trevin heard their conversation, he quickly left and delivered messages to Zayn.

When Zayn received the news, he was so angry.

These people aren't even letting go of the dead, are they?

Who killed Pedro?

Didn't they know?

Trevin also sent Zayn some other messages, which seemed to be related to Nicole.

Zayn frowned and called Nicole.

Nicole was still participating in Tim's wedding ceremony. However, Major could do nothing at the

Just as she was enjoying watching the host inquire about Tim and Evelyn's love story, her phone
suddenly rang.

She glanced at her phone. The call was from Zayn.

Nicole paused for a moment, then she walked out of the hall with the phone.

"Zayn, what's wrong?"

Nicole's voice was full of joy.

Zayn asked enviously, "Tim is getting married today?"

"Yes. It's a pity that you can't come."

Nicole's words pierced his heart.

"There will be a chance."

Zayn said with a smile.

Every time he talked to Nicole on the phone, he felt that it was the most relaxing moment. After all,
Nicole was his only relative in this world.

Even if Nicole told him that his mother was still alive, he didn't dare to look for her for fear of disturbing
his mother's plans.

So, Nicole was the only family he had got.

Nicole could tell the relaxation in Zayn's words. She asked with a smile, "Are you calling me just to say

"Not exactly. I just got messages that Major intends to attack the people around you. Be careful. Don't
let the children go out when they are free. I'm just warning you."

Zayn's words made Nicole's heart tighten.

"Major wants to attack my child?"

"He probably will. He is now a madman and he has been looking for you. I wonder why he hates you so
much. Even if it was because of Lillian, does he really want to give up becoming the king of Country F?
Being your enemy is the most unwise choice, but he insists on it. I don't think that these things are that
simple. Perhaps he wants to get something else from you and the Green family."

Zayn's words made Nicole want to laugh.

Zayn, I'm not that in-demand. Don't overthink everything, OK?"

"You'd better think more and pay more attention later. I'll hang up now."

After saying that, Zayn hung up the phone.

Nicole thought of Zayn's words and felt a little uneasy.


Lucas was in the military and Zoe was at Emory's house, only Joseph followed them.

Could it be that Major's next target was Joseph?

Nicole suddenly broke out in cold sweat. She suddenly realized that she hadn't seen Joseph for a long

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