Novel Name : Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 1209 I Just Need to Be a Good Husband

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"Is there a musician here?"

Nicole asked subconsciously.

That guy was quite good at music and it could be seen that he had been practicing for many years.

When Wendy heard Nicole's question, she hurriedly said, "Yes, there is a kid living here. He seems to
come from a musical family in the Dash County. It is said that he has been practicing here recently, and
that's why we can hear the beautiful playing of the violin and the piano every day."

"I see."

Nicole nodded and a smile spread across her mouth.

Zoe ate breakfast and quickly said, "Mommy, I think the violin sounds very good. I would like to learn
how to play the violin."

Nicole was slightly stunned. This was the first time her daughter asked to learn something. However,
Nicole did not say yes to her immediately. Instead, she whispered, "Darling, you have to get up early
every day to learn how to play the violin. You also have to spend at least half an hour a day to practice.
What's more, once you start to play the violin, the first few months can be the hardest. Are you sure
that you are ready for it?"

Zoe was slightly stunned and began to frown.

"I have to practice every day? Then what if I want to sleep late?"

"No, you can't sleep late once you start to learn to play the violin."

Zoe became unhappy instantly and said after a moment of hesitation, "Forget it, I can't do that. I can
find a husband who can play the violin for me every day."

Nicole didn't know what to say when she heard Zoe's words.

Nicole thought to herself, "What exactly is on her mind?"

However, girls who were born in the purple had to learn things like how to play the violin sooner or later.
Nicole just wanted Zoe to have more carefree days.

Nicole just looked at Zoe gently when she thought about this and didn't say anything else.

Nicole and Zoe had finished their breakfast When Samuel was back with their sons. Zoe lay on the
sofa lazily and felt a little sleepy, while Nicole packed everything children would need for their trip.

The music outside stopped at some point.

Samuel didn't pay attention to it. He noticed that Nicole got up. She looked charming when she

Nicole knew that Samuel was looking at her. Her face turned red immediately especially when she felt
the manhood of Samuel.

Lucas coughed and directly went back to his room with Joseph to take a shower.

He could not stop that couple from doing PDA, but he could choose to leave this place.

Zoe was taken away by Lucas before she could understand what was happening here.

Only Nicole and Samuel were left in the living room now. Nicole tried to escape, but she was held back
by Samuel.

"Where are you going? I haven't eaten my breakfast yet."

Samuel said those words in a normal voice, but Nicole became increasingly shy when he came near.

"I will bring your breakfast."

Nicole found out that she couldn't even break free from Samuel as he was holding her tightly.

"Let me go."

Nicole was a little shy.

Samuel really wanted to sleep with her when he saw Nicole's look, but he knew that Nicole couldn't
take it if he did that.

"Look at how nervous you are. I will do nothing!"

Samuel smiled slightly and then let go of Nicole.

Nicole quickly ran out.

Samuel felt kind of empty both physically and mentally.

Nicole ran all the way to the kitchen and her face was still red. She felt that she was still in passionate
love with Samuel even if they had been married for many years. She really didn't know why she could
still have such feelings.

Her heart was beating fast.

She calmed down and then brought breakfast to Samuel. She also asked the children to come out to
eat breakfast.

Lucas and Joseph took a shower and changed their clothes. Zoe also put on a beautiful skirt and
brought some food with her.

The entire family went on the car together when they got ready.

Zoe and Lucas were both very excited because it was the first time for them to go on a journey with
their family.

Nicole also smiled when she saw how delighted the children were.

Samuel took them to the foot of a mountain.

Zoe was depressed immediately.

"Daddy, are we going to climb the mountain?"

"Smart girl. You are so weak physically and need to take some exercise. Besides, air here is fresh. It's
good for your health. You can go climb the mountain with your brothers."

Zoe became unhappy immediately when she heard Samuel's words.

"Can I say no? I don't want to climb the mountain. I can sit in the car and wait for you."

Samuel hinted at Lucas and Joseph who then took Zoe out of the car.

"I don't want to climb the mountain. Mommy, help!"

Nicole pursed her lips and laughed when Zoe screamed loudly.

"You really know everything about your daughter."

Nicole gave Samuel an attractive look.

"Let's go for a walk together."

Samuel went out of the car with Nicole hand in hand.

As the two of them took a walk in the forest, Nicole couldn't help but recall the time when they fled to a
foreign country a long time ago.

"I could still remember that there was a time when Mike helped us evade capture. We had no choice
but to go up to the mountain. Now it feels like forever ago."

Samuel was sad when he heard Nicole's words and he held Nicole's hand tightly.

"I'm sorry to put you through that. I promise that I will never put you at risk in the future."

"I'm just being emotional. You don't need to feel sorry for me."

Nicole didn't expect Samuel to feel guilty.

However, Samuel said very seriously, "I used to have reservations about some things before, but now I
don't care about them at all. If anyone dares to touch you and the children, I will do whatever I can to
destroy their family."

Samuel looked so fierce that even Nicole was shocked.

Samuel looked quite murderous.

"Samuel, we all need to be fine, okay?"

Her gentle voice calmed Samuel down.

Samuel smiled as he looked at the woman in front of him and said, "Alright."

The two of them walked slowly like an ordinary couple. They seemed to be roaming instead of climbing
the mountain.

"Look, there's a small pool over there."

Nicole suddenly cried out and ran over.

Samuel laughed at Nicole and said, "Look up, there's more on it."

Nicole looked up when she heard Samuel's words. There were several pools connected with each
other. The water ran from the pools from above. It looked quite beautiful even if it was not as
magnificent as a waterfall.

"Why are there so many pools?"

"This is the Nine Dragons Pool. It is said that the Dragon King had nine sons. They were punished to
stay here because of breaking the Law of the God. A drought took place here later, and the people led
a miserable life as a result. The Dragon King wanted to bring rain to this place, but there was not a
command from the Jade Emperor. He could do nothing as people suffered. Crops shriveled in the field,
and many children and women also died because of the drought. Many people had come to this place
in the hope that someone could protect them. Nine Dragons had been worshipped by the people for
decades when they stayed at this place. Therefore, the nine of them came up with an idea to directly fly
into the sky, bringing not only magnificent scenery but also rain. The people were so delighted and
decided to name this place Nine Dragons Pool in memory of the nine dragons when they saw nine
pools came into being at the place where the nine dragons were lying."

Samuel said calmly.

Samuel's voice was so pleasant and attractive that Nicole was somewhat fascinated by the story.

"What happened to the nine dragons? Did the Jade Emperor punish them?"

Nicole tightly grabbed Samuel's sleeve and asked nervously.

However, Samuel was slightly stunned. He was somewhat moved by Nicole's worried look.

It was a legend, and it was very likely that it was a story made up by someone in order to attract
tourists. However, he never thought that this silly woman would actually take it seriously.

"The nine dragons should be fine since the people would present incense and say good words for
them. It's just a legend. Nobody cares about the ending."

Nicole nodded at Samuel's words.

She looked at the nine pools and squatted down, putting her hands in the pool. The cold water made
her feel a little cold.

Samuel hurriedly pulled her hand out.

"It's winter now even if this place is not as cold as the Seapolis City. You should take care of yourself."

Nicole was somewhat moved by Samuel's scolding.

She hugged Samuel's waist and said, "Samuel, can you tell a sad but beautiful love story that took
place here?"

"Love story? What love story? Like Romeo and Juliet? I can't create a story out of nothing."

Nicole chuckled.

"We might as well go now, the children are all walking in front of us."

The two of them started walking again.

Zoe grumbled a bit and was unwilling to climb the mountain at first, but she became excited when she
saw the beautiful scenery with Lucas and Joseph.

She chirped and asked questions all along the way.

Lucas was quiet. He just watched Zoe to make sure that she did not fall down. As for Joseph, he turned
into a commentator, explaining some of the medical ingredients that appeared along the way.

"Joseph, you're really brilliant!"

Joseph felt somewhat shy when Zoe praised him generously.

"I am not brilliant. I just like reading books."

"That's incredible. I want to sleep whenever I read books."

Nicole heard Zoe's words. Nicole's mouth twitched, and she said depressingly, "Samuel, your little girl
can't take the bad. She is not a huge fan of books either. What can she do when she grows up? Eating
every day? I begin to suspect that this girl was a pig in her former life."

Samuel suddenly laughed.

His little princess chased after an insect happily. Samuel felt very proud and comfortable when he saw
her innocent look.

"My daughter will still be the prettiest and happiest little princess even if she is an idiot. She is still
young and she will find something she likes one day. When she does, she would probably be able to
stay focused on her own business. Besides, there's nothing wrong with eating food. She can be a
gourmet. Nobody would pick on her. Her brothers and I would always back her."

Nicole somewhat depressed when she heard these words.

"This is not the way to be a father."

"I just need to be a good husband."

As Samuel said this, he held Nicole's waist and kissed her passionately.

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