Novel Name : Assistant Architect

Chapter 4

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Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 4: Hiring
This string of questions made Zhang Siyi even more on edge. Before seeingGu Yu, when he thought he would be hired, he was thinking about his salary butnow, he didn’t have any answers in mind for Gu Yu questions.
But since Gu Yu asked the question, Zhang Siyi also had to answer. Anyway,the situation has become so embarrassing that it can’t get any worse than italready is. He might as well just say his honest opinion and let the oppositeparty decide its worth. With a deep breath, he said: “Actually, it isinfluenced by one of my high school graduates.”
Gu Yu: “Oh?”
Zhang Siyi: “When I was in high school, there was an alumnus who hadstudied architecture at the University of T. He went back to my alma mater andgive us an inspirational speech. He was ranked number 1 in the class of ourlocal college entrance examination and was admitted to the Department ofArchitecture with the second highest score in the province. He said somethingat the time and left a deep impression on me.”
Zhang Siyi has always liked architecture. As a child he dreamed of havingthe title “Architect”. He once thought that it was his life’s goal. Thathis destiny was given to him by god to help build his motherland. Hearing thisalumnus speech greatly reinforced his feelings so naturally, he sought a courseof architectural study at a university.
Indeed, at home, construction is one of the most desired courses of studyat any university, especially a school as prestigious school as T University.This is inevitable. During that period, development of land and large-scaleconstruction projects were at its peak in the country. All localities areengaged in construction. Because of the media's exaggerated reports on theemployment prospects and salary of the construction industry, many studentsrushed to this field of study. The high demand for architecture in societyforced Colleges and Universities to open architecture departments. Even manyliterary and film works have shaped “architects” into life-winningheroes.
However, once he got involved in this field, Zhang Siyi discovered that thereality is one fucking huge pit!
Gu Yu was silent for a moment in thought then smiled suddenly: “Thisis the reason why you pursued a career in architecture?”
Zhang Siyi did not expect him smile. Twice now he thought Gu Yu had a cold attitudeand thought very little of him, however in this moment his faint smile letZhang Siyi feel warmth, like the warm spring breeze melting winter’s ice andsnow.
The other person’s expression is softer, and Zhang Siyi feels a littleeasier… Maybe this is a good start?
Gu Yu looked directly into Zhang Siyi eyes and asked: “Do you stillremember what he said?”
Zhang Siyi: “Ah, that… Idon’t remember…”
Because of all the many hours staying up late studying, drawing andbuilding architectural models endlessly in university, Zhang Siyi also feelsconfused about his original intention. Especially when the construction segmentof the economy has changed so drastically in a couple years. Looking for a jobhas become very difficult. He doubts whether his career choice is correct ornot. As for the words that the alumnus said a few years ago, they are but afloating feeling without any effect on Zhang Si Yi’s heart. While thinkingdeeply about his changing sentiments he said, “But I felt that the seniorwas very cool at that time, so I always used him as an example.”
Gu Xiao looked at the resume on hand and said: “But you did not enterT University.”
Zhang Siyi: “…”
T university is the highest institution in the country. It is not a placefor the casual person to apply. More than that, all the old eight schools thatare famous in the country, have impossibly high admission score standards. Evenif Zhang Siyi high school grades are acceptable, the score needed to apply isbeyond his ability. Zhang Siyi isn’t willing to go to an ordinary school, so heasked his family to study abroad.
Zhang Siyi inhales, exhales, inhales, exhales… ok, calm!
“Um, I thought I would go abroad to study architecture because it willmake my horizon broader and give me more opportunities for the future,”Zhang Siyi said cautiously. “I heard that China’s current architectureeducation system is completely borrowed from the West, so it is better to studyfrom the original source. “
Gu Yu seems to be endorsing this answer, nodding slightly.
This little action let Zhang Siyi’s confidence grow and continued to answerGu Yu’s questions and explained why he would choose to send his resume toBorderless. He used nothing more than the summaries written by netizens on theforums.
Finally, when it comes to career planning, for everyone who pursues thecareer of "architect", the primary goal is undoubtedly to obtain a personallicense. Only then can the "architect" be truly counted. The title "National LevelRegistered Architect” is almost the highest proof of identity for domesticarchitects.
But the title is not something that casual cats and dogs can earn, andstrictly speaking, any unlicensed building practitioner is called a designer.
Beginning graduates of architecture, such as Zhang Siyi, are only Junior“Assistant architects” who can apply for the job, by definition, canbecome apprentices. By diligent hard work alongside licensed architects canthey improve and become architects themselves.
Different countries also have different criteria for judging thequalifications of "architects". In China, obtaining an architect licenserequires a professional academic background, and a designated field of work.Once that is obtained then they are eligible to participate in the nationalunified qualification examination, but this test is divided into nine grades.It is not simple to pass. It is said that many practitioners spend years, evendecades working on the test. Therefore, seeing that Gu Yu with the title of architectcan only mean he is an especially gifted genius.
Zhang Siyi is an undergraduate of the accepted architectural educationstandard in the UK. His qualifications are recognized by the Royal Institute ofBritish Architects (RIBA). If you want to apply for a RIBA license in thefuture, you need to supplement your relevant design work with relatedexperience plus the completed architectural works. It is only the Britishprofessional judgment requirements that are more stringent than domestic ones.Some people get a license when they are in their 40s and 50s, and they can onlybe regarded as a “young” architect in the RIBA circle.
Architecture is a long road. Therefore, many people have turned around inthe middle. Fu Xinhui and Jiang Hai are such examples who originally wentabroad to get a “foreign education” and now will pursue other careerpaths. Influenced by them, Zhang Siyi is now also confused and hesitant. I’mafraid the only one of them who is most likely to be an architect is Su Yuan.
“I don’t have any particularly long-term career plans,” ZhangSiyi said frankly, “and now, I’m just looking for a way to help mecontinue to grow and learn as well as to accumulate a bit of experience, andplan for the future.”
Just now, a “buzzing” sound can be heard. Startled by the phonevibration noise, Zhang Siyi, jerked his hand and touched his pocket thinking hehas a call; however, the call isn’t for himself. It is for Gu Yu.
Gu looked at the phone, frowned and said to Zhang Siyi, “Sorry, wait amoment,” and picked up the phone from the table to take the call outside.
Zhang Siyi breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed his tightly woundnerves. He also took out his mobilephone to look at his messages and saw dozens of unread notes in the WeChatdiscussion group of college friends:
Su Yuan: “Is little Yi going to the interview?”
Jiang Hai: “He left early in the morning. He was in the bathroom forso long, I didn’t get the chance to wash up. [Hides]"
Fu Xinhui: “Why not come to my room? I have a separate bathroom."
Jiang Hai: “Oh, I forget. Are you awake?”
Fu Xinhui: “I can’t sleep. Him going to the interview made menervous.”
Ren Mengyu: “Why do I feel that you are getting more and moregay.”
Fu Xinhui: “…”
Su Yuan: “When you are going to get a job? You are still unemployedeven though you have returned to Haicheng. Fu Xinhui”
Fu Xinhui: “Ah, I'm not in a rush. What’s the hurry?”
Su Yuan: “Don’t say that! I graduated with you. It'sdisgraceful.”
Fu Xinhui: “…”
Su Yuan: “I don’t know if Little Yi got the job.”
Zhang Siyi quickly scanned over the messages and he couldn’t help but typea brief word to the discussion group: “Nothing.”
The group soon exploded and asked him what happened. Zhang Siyi saw that GuYu was back, and he had no time to explain. He only sent two crying expressionsand quickly put the phone away.
After sitting down again, Zhang Siyi noticed Gu Xiao is still slightlyfrowning. He is a little unsure of himself and can’t tell what the other sideof this expression is thinking. Insecurity is starting to develop inside him.Is his interview going well thus far? Did he say something wrong? even thoughhis performance seems to be going well, he is starting to lose hope. Also…that cup of coffee.
Gu Yu opened the portfolio collection brought by Zhang Siyi with one handand squeezed the bridge of his nose with the other. After a long period of timewithout talking, he sat there and looked carefully. He did not ask Zhang Siyiany questions.
Keeping silent, Zhang Siyi dare not speak, but his eyes involuntarilyfollowed Gu Yu's movements, watching him very intently.
His hands are very beautiful, not too big or small. His wrist bones are distinct,and his fingers are slender. They look unyielding yet soft. His eyelashes arealso very long. When he looks at the book, they hover over his eyes like twosmall fans. And his skin…. so smooth…. Zhang Siyi is extremely puzzled. Howcan someone so young be a director.
While looking at him intently, Gu Yu suddenly looked up at Zhang Siyi.Zhang Siyi immediately sat up straighter. Feeling distraught he startedsweating. The anticipation building up inside his heart overwhelmed him. Hecouldn’t take it any longer. What is the verdict?
Gu Yu took a pen and gently pointed at the book and asked, “Can youwork overtime?”
“Ah?” Zhang Siyi said, stunned. His mind couldn’t help but replaythe words that Su Yuan said last night – even if the interviewer asks yousomething you rather not do, you have to say ‘yes’. The attitude: You arewilling to learn… Is this the turning point? There is a chance?
Zhang Siyi hurriedly said: “yes!"
Gu Yulooked at him and smiled: “There are still a few basic concerns. You can’tbe late…”
ZhangSiyi was happy in his heart and nodded again and again: “I will not belate!”
Gu Yu: “The things you agree to must be done without exception. If you don’t understand something, please ask. Don’t make your own assumptions.”
Zhang Si Yi’s head nodding vigorously: “yes, yes!"
Gu Yu said the last point: “You can’t chat with friends online whenyou are work.”
Zhang Siyi: “…” So he heard it yesterday!
Gu Yuraised his eyebrows: “Can you do that?”
Zhang Siyi: “yes, nota problem.” Although, there is the feeling of signing a treaty of shame.
Gu Yu closed his portfolioand said directly: “The wages of the new graduates are 8000, the probationperiod is one month. The salary is 5000, before the tax. The bonus is dependenton the project. A pay raise is possible after your six-month performanceevaluation….”
Ah ah, Zhang Si Yi’s hearthas been crackling fireworks, no matter how much money!
“Ifyou can accept it, start working today.” Gu Yu pushed the book back to himand stood up.
“Ah? “Zhang Siyi stayed,” today?"
Gu Yutook a moment: “Do you have something today?”
ZhangSiyi quickly shook his head: “No, nothing!”
He was thrilled. To think that Gu Yu didn’t discriminate against himfrom yesterday’s catastrophe is amazing. He doesn’t know how to thank him forbeing so kind and generous in his employment.
“That….”Zhang Siyi called Gu Yu, who was about to leave, blushing. “Yesterday, Iam really sorry.”
Gu Yu paused for two seconds and said, “If you care so much, you can get a deduction in wages.”
Zhang Siyi: “…”
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